justanoutlawfic · 5 years
Saturdays at Granny’s: An Outlaw Queen Ficlet
Summary: Robin cherishes the time he has with his son on the weekends. One particular one, they meet another single parent and her own child.
For Day 1 (Monday) of Inspired by OQ, an edit by @stargazingM31!
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Robin never thought he’d have to look forward to spending time with his son. Just two years prior, he took for granted getting to see Roland every single day. Then, Marian had come out of the closet and their marriage had ended. It wasn’t as if Robin had been very surprised, they had been struggling for awhile and he knew something was wrong, just not what it was. They had split up amicably and were still friends. However, it didn’t change that they weren’t living under one roof anymore.
 He got Roland every Friday afternoon to Sunday evening, and those times were precious. Robin picked his son up from school and brought him back to his place (“The Divorced Guy Apartments” as Will so charmingly called them). They’d play and watch movies together, go to the park if the weather was nice enough.
 Saturday mornings was their very special tradition: breakfast at Granny’s. Roland typically woke him up by jumping on his bed and they’d walk the block to the diner. They’d always get the same thing: Roland, chocolate chip pancakes, bacon and orange juice Robin, waffles, sausage and coffee. They huddled in their usual booth, Granny (she refused to be called Eugena) and Ruby fussing over them, the latter always adding a bit too much chocolate to Roland’s pancakes. It was a time-honored tradition that neither Locksley man would trade for the world. Rarely, anything ever changed during.
 That was until that late-August morning.
 Robin and Roland entered the diner at 8:30 AM like clockwork. Granny greeted them both with a big hug, before leading them over to their usual booth.
 “Let me guess…chocolate chip pancakes with bacon, along with a big glass of OJ for Mr. Roland?”
Roland grinned from ear to ear. “Yes!”
“And waffles with sausage and coffee-a bit of cream and sugar, for Robin.”
Robin shook his head with a smile of his own. “I don’t get how you do it, Granny. You remember everyone’s orders.”
“I have to take care of my favorites.” She ruffled Roland’s hair. “I’ll be back with your drinks in a minute.”
 Granny walked off and Roland started on the maze that was on the children’s menu. Things were never quiet in the diner; they were used to the hustle and bustle. However, a few minutes after they arrived, there was a bit of fussing coming from the next booth over. Roland got up on his knees and turned around.
 “Ooo, a baby!” He exclaimed in awe.
“Roland,” Robin gently chastised. “Sit on your bottom.”
“But Daddy, look, there is a baby.”
 Before Robin could be a bit firmer with him, he heard a sweet giggle. That got his attention more than the baby’s cry had. He craned his neck to find a woman sitting there, with chin length raven black hair. She had wide brown eyes and a face that he had only seen on new parents, that mix of tiredness with a glow. Next to her was an infant car seat with onesie covered feet sticking out. The woman had one hand on the baby’s foot, another on her coffee cup. Surrounding her breakfast was a baby bottle and stuffed puppy.
 “He’s fine,” the woman said, to Robin, before turning to Roland. “You’re right. There is a baby. This is my son, Henry.”
“I’m Roland,” Robin’s son introduced himself. At five-years-old, he was anything but shy. “That’s my daddy.”
“Well, it’s very nice to meet you Roland and Roland’s daddy,” she replied with a sly smile. “I’m Regina.”
Robin blinked a couple of times, doing his best not to stare at this beautiful woman. “Robin,” he elaborated. “Robin Locksley.”
“Ah, very nice.”
“I don’t think I’ve seen you around here before. We come in here every week.”
“I’ve been a bit busy with Henry here,” Regina explained. “Getting ready for him and all.”
“My mommy and her Mulan are having a baby too,” Roland piped up. “It’s made Mommy bigger.”
Regina let out another giggle. “Well, I didn’t carry Henry in my tummy. I adopted him; do you know what that means?”
Roland tilted his head. “My friend August was adopted. He said his parents got to bring him home from somewhere else.”
“That’s right. Someone else gave birth to Henry, but she let me be his mommy. So, I had to do a lot of things to show that I could do that.”
 Roland and Regina continued to chat about Henry, with Robin watching the pair in awe. She was quite the natural with him, listening intently when he talked and answering any questions that he might have. Robin knew he should probably pull his son down and tell him to stop bothering the nice woman, but Regina didn’t seem to mind at all. In fact, when Granny finally brought by their food, she looked a little disappointed, so Robin invited her to come sit with them. He moved to sit next to his son so Regina could sit across with Henry. She removed the squishy baby from the car seat, cuddling him close.
 “I give you credit for bringing him out so young, especially on your own,” Robin said. “I remember being terrified to bring this one out when he was a baby.”
Regina smiled. “I just couldn’t stand being cooped up in the house anymore. It can get pretty lonely.”
“Is it just the two of you?”
She nodded. “Yup, doing it on my own.”
“Please don’t tell me that’s impressive. It’s really not.”
“I mean, I’m just thankful I have Marian to co-parent with.”
Regina shrugged. “I had a few close calls with love, but they never panned out. I didn’t want to wait longer for motherhood.” She looked down at Henry. “Then this little guy’s birth mom came to me and it seemed like fate.”
Robin’s lips tugged up in a smile. “Well, you seem like a natural.”
 Blush spread across Regina’s cheeks, causing her to duck her head. She quickly changed the subject, asking Roland what he learned about in school. Robin chimed in on the conversation every so often, his eyes drifting down to Henry the other bits. They stayed long after their food was done and Granny didn’t harass them about their checks. It wasn’t until Henry started getting fussy again, that Regina started to attempt gathering all her stuff.
 “I think it’s this little prince’s naptime,” she said.
“He takes naps this early?” Roland asked.
“Babies take lots of naps.”
 Roland looked as if that bit of news shocked him tremendously. Robin helped Regina gather everything up into the diaper bag and get Henry settled into his car seat. They paid their bills and then headed out to her car, a black 1980s Mercedes. Once Henry was strapped in and Roland was distracted with a call from his mom on his dad’s phone, Regina turned to Robin, sticking her hands into her jacket pockets.
 “So, Granny um convinced me I need to get out of the house more,” she said.
Robin chuckled. “She can be a bit pushy.”
“I don’t know your schedule with Roland and your ex but…”
It dawned on him what she was attempting to do. “My weekdays are free,” he said. “Weekends are for Roland.”
“I can make that work.”
He smiled. “Great.”
 She fumbled to take her cellphone out, allowing him to put his number inside of it. With a wave and a quick hug to Roland, Regina was off. Robin stood on the sidewalk, the stupid grin not leaving his face.
 Maybe Saturday mornings weren’t so typical after all.
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evilqueens · 6 years
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Fanfic Appreciation (9/?) ♡ You’ve Got Mail (by @gray-autumn-sky)
Modern AU. // Robin Locksley is a small business owner, and Regina Mills is a corporate raider who has set her sights on his store – and both are completely unaware that they’re falling in love. – Complete.
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leatvshows · 6 years
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fanfic moodboard   | #inspiredbyoq day 7 | breaking in by @somewhereapart
Robin Locksley has hit rock bottom. A rash decision to help his family has lead to him nearly losing them instead, and now he's woken up to discover he accidentally broke into in the home of a stranger - single mom and ad executive Regina Mills - while stumbling home drunk last night. Can these neighbors overcome their rocky start to find something they need in each other?
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brookeap3 · 6 years
Two is Better Than One (Whiskey Neat Verse)
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A/N: For Thursday of #InspiredByOQ. Roni’s having a rough morning and the last person she wants to see walk into her bar is Grant Hawthorne... or so she thought. Based on this gorgeous manip by li_mozaizai.
She’s in a mood today.
It’s been one god damn catastrophe after another since she woke at ten this morning to open up for her delivery guy. Who had so graciously informed her that there’d been a mix up with her order that week and the twelve cases of beer she’d been expecting in preparation for their weekend rush were out of stock and it would be another week before they could get them to her. Then she’d shattered two perfectly good bottles of rum as she’d been restocking behind the bar, leaving behind a sticky puddle for her to clean up. Jacinda had called off, something about Lucy that Roni had only half paid attention to before angrily telling her it was fine, that they’d manage and then hanging up.
So being behind in her routine and irritated to boot, the very last person she wants to see stroll into her bar no later than five minutes after she’s unlocked the door is Grant Fucking Hawthorne. Great. Grand. That’s just what she needs on top of this already shitty day, Belfrey’s lacky breathing down her neck.
“Get out, Hawthorne, I’m in no mood for your games today. You and your boss can shove whatever offer or threat or whatever else you’ve come here to deliver right back up your ass because I’m not interested.”
The harshly bitten words give him pause, his steps slowing as he tilts his head to the side, a lock of hair falling down over his forehead in a way that she should not find so damn attractive and it only spurs her anger on more. Roni can feel it bubbling up inside her like a volcano waiting to explode, the pressure building until he’s ready to burst.
Apparently, the acid spewing from her in waves isn’t enough to deter him, however, as he continues to make his way to the bar, settling down in his usual seat as he studies her. “Lovely to see you too, Roni. It’s always so pleasant to come in here.” There’s a hint of teasing in his tone, she can hear it, and while it might amuse her some other time, it just further irritates her.
“What. Do. You. Want?” She grinds out through her teeth, seething. “I’ve had a shit day so far and I don’t have time for your fucking games. Say what you need to and get out of my bar.”
A frown mars Grant’s face at her words, concern etching onto his features as he ignores her request and asks instead, “What’s happened?”
Roni scofs, “As if you care.”
That wrinkle between his brows deepens and despite herself, she has to admit he sounds sincere when he counters, “Roni, despite everything, I do care. If something’s upset you I’d like to see if I can help in some way. You might hate me, but I’ve become quite fond of you these past few weeks, and I’ve never meant to cause you more stress.”
She damn near laughs out right at that statement. Grant Hawthorne has been nothing but a thorn in her side since the moment he stepped foot in her bar to try and talk her into selling her business to that bitch Belfrey. A fucking dog with a bone. Relentless and determined. Sexy as hell. And sweet. Despite it all, he’s been sweet to her more often than not and it makes something sour twist in her stomach as she looks at the concerned expression on his face.
It’s not supposed to be like this, she’s not supposed to feel like this. She doesn’t need some fancy suit mucking up her life, making her want things she’s not meant to have. She doesn’t need anyone to lean on, is perfectly capable of handling everything on her own, has been doing so for longer than she can remember and she hates him for making her want to open up, to take the help he’s offering, even if it’s just an ear to listen to her bitching when she’s having a shitty day. But he’s sitting there, looking at her in that completely patient and tenacious way of his and she just doesn’t have it in her anymore to pretend. Not this morning.
With a sigh, she turns on her heel, ignoring him for a minute as she reaches for a familiar bottle of amber liquid and two low ball glasses from beneath the bar. Setting each in front of him, Roni pours them each a finger of whiskey before setting the bottle aside and lifting one of the glasses in salut.
Grant studies her silently, patient as ever, like he’s looking into her soul and as uncomfortable as it makes her, Roni holds her ground, never letting her gaze waiver until he lifts his own glass and clinks it with hers. Tossing the spirit back in one gulp she lets the whiskey burn down her throat and then meets him halfway. “Can you get me a dozen cases of lager delivered by tonight and an extra set of hands for the afternoon rush, as my bartender called off and I’m on my own for the night?”
She’s not expecting a real answer, really just needed to get a bit of the frustration weighing her down off her chest. So when Grant answers easily with, “There’s not much I can do about the beer, but I can certainly offer up a hand. Point me where to go,” Roni stares at him stupidly for the span of several heartbeats.
“You want to help me cart my supply order to the back?” she asks incredulously.
Lifting a shoulder casually, Grant stands from his stool, sliding the glass back toward her and offering up that smirk that both grates on her nerves and flusters her hormones. “If that’s what you need, sure. I am at your service, milady.” He punctuates the statement with a little flourish of his hand and a small bow and the move causes a laugh to bubble up out of her.
Despite herself, some of the tension she’s been carrying around since she woke this morning dispels and Roni shakes her head at him. “Well, I’m not one to turn away slave labor when it’s offered so willingly, particularly when I’m in a bind.” Grant’s grin deepens, his dimples prominent and that fluttering in her stomach increases. Alright, enough of that, she decides. Pointing to the stack of boxes at the opposite end of the bar she comments, “Those need taken down to the cooler. I haven’t had a chance yet.”
As he strides over to where she’s directed him, it occurs to her that he must have had some purpose for this impromptu visit and she calls out curiously, “What did you come in for anyway?”
Grant shakes his head dismissively, “Doesn’t matter.”
Roni narrows her eyes at him as she watches him roll up his shirt sleeves, revealing his forearms and she catches a glimpse of something inked into his skin, a crest of some sort, before he’s turning to heft boxes down to the storeroom. The sight gives her pause, her heart picking up speed for absolutely no reason. Something tickles at the back of her mind. Firelight and a lion tattoo. Soft kisses and gentle caresses. It’s like a dream she can’t quite recall, wisps of it fluttering around the edges of her mind as it fades from memory.
Shaking off the odd moment, Roni moves to pick up the books she’d tossed down on the bar earlier, the lovely paperwork side of owning a business. If she’s got Grant here to do the heavy lifting, she might as well take advantage of it.
And she won’t dwell on what it means. Not today at least.
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Inspired by OQ Day 1: “Under the Sea”
My entry for Monday is inspired by @queenieappleby‘s comic “Greenie’s Greatest Prank,” where Greenie (Zelena) turns Robbie into a merman. You can find it here. 
           Regina turned off her car. She climbed out of it, slamming the door before marching up to the farmhouse door. Fueled by anger and concern, she banged on it until it opened to reveal her sister. “Where are they?” she asked.
           “Hello, Regina, I’m well, thanks for asking,” Zelena said snidely, crossing her arms. “What are you doing here?”
           “You know damn well why I’m here,” Regina snarled. “Robin and Margot were due back home an hour ago.”
           “And how the hell should I know where they are?” her sister asked, glaring at her.
           Regina clenched her fists to keep from ripping out her sister’s red hair lock by lock. She gritted her teeth as she answered: “They came here for your visit with Margot. Did they show up?”
           “Yes,” Zelena replied. “And they left. Maybe Forest Hobo decided to go to the forest, though I wish he wouldn’t take Margot there. I don’t need her smelling like pine and dead leaves.”
           Something seemed off with her sister. Though she was sneering and trying to look like she didn’t care, she seemed more nervous than angry. Regina narrowed her eyes, noticing that Zelena kept glancing behind her and had angled her body so Regina couldn’t look into the house. She was hiding something.
           “Robin wouldn’t just go off without telling me where he was going, especially with any of our children,” she said, trying to keep her voice calm.
           “Have you tried calling him on the phone thingy?” her sister asked.
           Regina breathed in through her nose and out her mouth to calm down. “Yes, of course. It rang a few times and then went straight to voicemail.”
           “Well, I don’t know how that man thinks,” Zelena said, shrugging. “He’s your soulmate. You track him.”
           That statement made Regina smirk as she held up her phone. “I have. There’s an app for that. Robin, Henry and I all have the app so we can keep tabs on each other.”
           Her eyes widened and though her stance didn’t change, Regina could tell her sister was getting even more nervous and defensive. “Oh?”
           “The app is tell me Robin’s phone is still here,” Regina said, pushing a button. Horns sounding for a fox hunt echoed from inside the house—Robin’s ringtone, chosen just because it was called “Sherwood.”
           Glaring at her sister, Regina pushed past her into the house. She continued into the kitchen as Zelena tried to stop her. Regina spotted Robin’s phone vibrating on the table as it rang, a picture of her filling the screen as her name ran across it.
           “Oh,” Zelena replied, trying to sound surprised. “Robin must’ve left that behind.”
           A soft coo drew Regina to the wooden crib always set up in the kitchen. She looked down to find Margot lying there with her favorite ducky blanket covering her. Her blue eyes were open and she smiled, kicking and reaching for Regina when she saw her. A cold sensation swept through Regina as she gaped at her sister. “And he forgot Margot too?”
           “He said I could keep her for a bit longer,” Zelena lied, looking ready to do something even stupider than what she no doubt had already done.
           Regina picked up Margot, holding her close. “Where is he?”
           Zelena shrugged. “He just left. Maybe he got tired of holding your purse.”
           “I don’t have time for your games. You couldn’t have sent him far, not without your magic. I’m going to call Emma, Hook and David and we are going to scour every inch of this farmhouse,” Regina hissed, more scared than angry. She wasn’t going to give Zelena the satisfaction of knowing that, though.
           “You’re not going to find him here,” Zelena replied, smirking as she held up her left wrist.
           Her empty wrist.
           Regina’s stomach twisted into knots. “What happened to your cuff? How did you get it off?”
           “Believe it or not, I do have a few friends in this town,” Zelena replied, smirking as she crossed her arms. “Some of them even have magic.”
           “What did you do with Robin?” Regina conjured up a fireball, careful not to burn Margot but ready to hurl it at her sister.
           Zelena squared her shoulders as a defiant look filled her eyes. “It’s not fair, you know. I carried Margot—maybe not for nine months but she still grew inside me—and I gave birth to her. You and Robin can’t just keep deciding when I can spend time with my daughter. I’m her mother. I’m entitled to all the time I want with her! You and Robin should be asking me to see her.”
           Regina glared at her sister, tempted to throw the fireball at her. “Do you hear yourself? Robin is her father and deserves a say in how she is raised as well as spend time with her. And we don’t keep Margot to spite you. You keep proving time and time again that you are not ready to be a mother to her. She is better off with us until you get your act together!”
           “You are spiting me!” Zelena protested, stomping her foot. “You and him are deciding that I’m not a fit mother. And you two certainly aren’t biased.”
           “If you want an objective third party to come in, fine! We’ll deal with that later,” Regina snapped, desperate. “Just tell me what you did with Robin so I can get him.”
           Zelena’s smirk returned. “If you want to find your Forest Hobo so bad, do it yourself. I’m not going to give you any clues.”
           Regina extinguished her fireball as she stormed past her sister, pausing to snarl: “I am going to find Robin and then I’m going to come back for a very long talk with you.”
           “Good luck,” Zelena snapped, waving as Regina left the house.
Continue reading on FFnet, AO3 or Wattpad
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thisisamadhouse · 6 years
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Posting all my Inspired by OQ moodboards here:
Morning Waves & Metaphorical Spoons by @lillie-grey
From End to Beginning by @lala-kate
Hope of Morning by @fiadorable
Unwritten (Cat!Regina verse) by @ninzied
Storm Surge by @tripp3235
Oil reflection by ginaandrobbie
Fire and Ice series by ReginaPendragon
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ariestess · 5 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Once Upon a Time (TV) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Evil Queen | Regina Mills/Robin Hood Characters: Evil Queen | Regina Mills, Robin Hood (Once Upon a Time) Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Alternate Universe - Non-Magical, Developing Relationship, Established Relationship, Witness Protection, Pregnancy, Twins, Miscarriage, Scars, Angst and Feels, Comfort/Angst, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Past Character Death, Minor Character Death, Inspired by Outlaw Queen Week 2019 (Once Upon a Time) Series: Part 7 of InspiredByOQ 2019, Part 5 of The Last Temptation of OQ Summary:
It's been two days since Regina's sixteen week checkup and the amniocentesis that Dr. Farazell requested in light of the revelation of Regina's previous miscarriage. Regina's been quiet since the procedure, emotionally and physically exhausted as her morning sickness ramps up a notch. Robin is grateful to have been able to take off the day of the procedure and the day after, plus having the weekend with his fiancée to attend to her every need.
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outlawqueenmanips · 5 years
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Inspired by the story "The Bigger Monster" by @orchidfeathers
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Wishes in the Dark: A Flicker Beat fanmix
by A Magiluna Stormwriter (ariestess)
A fanmix based on gotatheory's fic, "Wishes in the Dark", which has the following summary: Snow White throws a key party, and lots of well-kept secrets about David are finally unlocked.
Words: 333, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 1 of InspiredByOQ 2018
Fandoms: Once Upon a Time (TV)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: Multi
Characters: Evil Queen | Regina Mills, Robin Hood (Once Upon a Time), Maleficent (Once Upon a Time), Prince Charming | David Nolan, Snow White | Mary Margaret Blanchard
Relationships: Evil Queen | Regina Mills/Maleficent/Robin Hood, Evil Queen | Regina Mills/Prince Charming | David Nolan, Evil Queen | Regina Mills/Maleficent/Prince Charming | David Nolan/Robin Hood, Prince Charming | David Nolan/Snow White | Mary Margaret Blanchard, Evil Queen | Regina Mills/Robin Hood, Evil Queen | Regina Mills/Maleficent, Maleficent/Prince Charming | David Nolan, Prince Charming | David Nolan/Robin Hood, Maleficent/Robin Hood (Once Upon a Time)
Additional Tags: Inspired by OQ week, Fanmix, Foursome - F/F/M/M
source http://archiveofourown.org/works/16021940
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justanoutlawfic · 5 years
The Bet: An Outlaw Queen Ficlet
Summary: A Queen does not go back on a bet. At least not when she has her husband to force her not to.
For day 2 of Inspired by OQ, based on a picture by @EvillyQueenie.
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“You have to come out, Regina!”
There was a huff. “You can’t make me.”
“Well, no. But if we don’t show up, then you’ll be known as a woman who goes against her word. Is that what you want?”
“I cursed an entire kingdom. My reputation’s already scratchy at best.”
 Another loud huff, followed by ruffling. The door to the bathroom opened and his wife emerged, causing Robin to have to stifle a laugh. She would always be beautiful to him, from her raven hair, to the brown eyes that were glaring at him, there was no doubt that Regina Mills was a thing of beauty. Normally, her pantsuits and dresses only accented that.
 On that particular evening however, Regina looked a bit funnier than beautiful and that was the point. It was Halloween and rather than the she had planned on; she donned a Snow White costume. It wasn’t like her former step-daughter, but rather the cartoon version. The skirt was full and yellow, with a blue peasant top that didn’t show off her curves at all. The cap sleeves were perhaps the most ridiculous addition.
 “Not. One. Word.” Regina grunted.
“Oh, come on,” Robin said, pulling her a bit closer to him, though she refused to completely go into his embrace. “You’re not the only one looking ridiculous.”
 While Regina would be the first Disney Princess in history, Robin was dressed as perhaps the most useless prince in the lineup. The blue tunic and pants had been a pain to scrounge up since he wasn’t exactly a fan favorite, though Granny had made the red cape and fluffy hat.
 “Where’s your bow?” Robin questioned, looking at her down curls.
“I am not wearing the bow. I put the dress on, that’s enough.”
“If I’m wearing the damn hat, you have to wear the bow. Wear is it?”
 Regina scoffed, but pointed to the dresser. Robin crossed over and grabbed it, along with her brush. He ran it through her thick hair, grinning as he did. It had been awhile since he had to do a ribbon, having learned it for Marian’s sake.
 “I don’t know why you’re pouting, it’s your fault we have to do this.”
“I thought it was a sure bet!”
 It had all started that fateful night at Aesop’s Tables. Regina and Snow had gone to try to cheer up Emma after Hook left Storybrooke for good, but wound up getting a bit more drunk than expected. It turned into Emma having to babysit the both of them, making sure they didn’t get up to too much trouble. Halfway through the night, Snow got the idea that they would have a darts competition, but Regina would only do it if there was a wager. They landed on whoever lost would have to dress up as their least favorite Disney movie characters for Halloween alongside their spouse.
 Drunk Regina had really underestimated how great Snow was with a bow. All of the Jose Cuervo impaired her from realizing that would mean she’d be just as good with an arrow. Sure enough, Snow ended up winning and even sober, she insisted that a bet was a bet. Regina Mills and Robin Hood would come to Ruby and Dorothy’s Halloween party as the former had drunkenly promised.
 Regina groaned, nearly tilting her head back before Robin redirected her. “I could always kill Snow. Then she wouldn’t know what I was wearing.”
“Please, you’d miss her,” Robin pointed out, as he adjusted it.
“Maybe a little.”
“Maybe a lot.” He finished up the bow. “There you go, the fairest of them all.”
Regina rolled her eyes. “You’re hilarious, Florian.”
Robin wrinkled his nose. “Is that seriously his name?”
“According to Henry it is.” She got up, checking herself out in the mirror. “Ew.”
“It’s one night.” He wrapped his arms around her waist, and this time, she didn’t pull away. “Then later, we can come home and you can take this off….all of it.” He winked.
Regina smiled for the first time all night. “Well, I do like the sound of that.”
He kissed her cheek. “Come on, your majesty. I know it’s sort of your thing to be late, but the sooner we get there, the sooner we can leave.”
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leatvshows · 6 years
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fanfic moodboard   | #inspiredbyoq day 7 (bonus) | l’ébauche by @somewhereapart
Regina Mills is an overworked, single woman in her mid-thirties who decides to spend Christmas on vacation in Paris. There, she meets a charming artist with blue eyes and deep dimples. They talk about art. A lot. Romance ensues.
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evilqueens · 6 years
OQ; starry eyes (sparking up my darkest night)
inspired by OQ - day five. based on my favorite little doodle by @outlawqueenbey
To Robin’s surprise, Regina’s a cuddly sleeper.
He doesn’t mind it — quite the opposite most of the time — but it’s new to him. Marian was a restless sleeper, and though she certainly didn’t mind spending some time in his embrace before bed, she much preferred her own space once it came time to go to sleep.
Robin never spared it much thought; and as it is, it took him a while to really notice the difference with Regina. During those first few weeks since he’d permanently moved in, she’d cling to him in their bed, and he’d hold her just as fiercely. It was a much-needed comfort for them both, after long months of separations and going home to empty beds.
The need for that physical reassurance was persistent, and he’d find himself reaching for her at many different points of the day, even just to hold her hand. Regina welcomed his touch easily, and Robin had no doubt that it comforted her just as much as it did him.
But things have settled in the best way since then, and so have his nerves. And if the change in Regina’s demeanor is any indication, Robin would wager she’s far more at ease as well. Not as paranoid that fate’s waiting in the shadows, ready to throw them yet another curveball.
But though they’re no longer as clingy with each other, when it’s time to turn in for the night Regina still wastes little time settling in against his chest — and she doesn’t tend to stray throughout the night. It’s a change he’s already grown used to the last few months, regularly going to sleep in someone’s embrace. But it’s still an unexpected discovery once he realizes the habit is the intended norm for Regina.
Unexpected, but not unwelcome.
Tonight Robin’s late getting home. A night out with his men and a few rounds of drinks disrupt their nightly ritual of falling asleep wrapped around each other, and when he finally finds his way to their bedroom he finds her fast asleep.
He’s a little buzzed, but he tries his best to be silent as he changes out of his clothes and settles in under the covers. Regina doesn’t stir, and he doesn’t reach for her, not wanting to risk disrupting her sleep. Lying flat on his back, it takes a moment for sleep to claim him as his body settles down.
He’s finally starting to doze, his thoughts growing fuzzy with the haze of sleepiness when he feels the silky fabric of Regina’s pajamas brush up against his forearm. He cracks an eye open to see her back settling against his arm, her movements heavy with sleep. Warmth fills him at the action, and he smiles as he turns onto his side to spoon her properly. He catches a small smile of her own as he drops a kiss onto her cheek, and then he rests his head on his pillow, letting sleep finally claim him in full.
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brookeap3 · 6 years
Love Above All Things
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A/N: Second gift for Friday of #InspiredByOQ is for @starscythe and this stunning Moulin Rouge poster.
The greatest thing you'll ever learn is just to love, and be loved in return.
She’s not meant to love. It’s not something she’s destined for. Regina had resigned herself to that fact long ago. People like her can’t afford that kind of weakness, that kind of distraction, when it’s all they can do just to survive, to make it through the day.
But he’d changed that.
From the very moment they’d met, she’d been mesmerized by him, captivated in a way she’s never experienced before. It had only grown stronger, harder to resist the more that they’d gotten to know each other, the more of himself he’d shown her. With his endless hope and optimism, the belief in love above all other things.
It had been seductive.
More so than anything Regina has ever felt in all her years at the Moulin Rouge, with all the men (and women) she’s been with.
Robin had stolen her heart right out from under her like a thief and then there’d been no getting it back. It’s reckless, their relationship far too dangerous when she’s meant to be charming the duke for all their sakes, but she can’t seem to help herself. While Leopold showers her with extravagant gifts and outings, it is Robin’s arms she longs for, his kisses that keep her warm at night and Regina has become addicted to them.
Their relationship, this game they are playing, can only end in disaster, of that she is certain, even in the moments Robin manages to convince her otherwise, the thought lingers, like a looming cloud of doom over them, coloring the time they have together. When they’re tangled together in bed, limbs intertwined and gasping for air, or kissing each other breathless. Or in their stolen moments in darkened corridors of the Moulin Rouge or when he’s presenting her the latest revision to his play.  
Their own personal love story.
It will all come crashing down. One way or another.
Be it the duke, or Cora, or her own secret illness... because she is dying, and Regina can not bring herself to tell him. It will break his heart and she will not do that to him. Not to Robin, the man who taught her how to love. How to hope life could be more.
However foolish the notion may be.
For she and Robin are destined to be a love story that is lost to the whims of the universe.
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evilqueens · 6 years
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Fanfic Appreciation (10/?) ♡ Eye of the Beholder (by @mysterious-song)
Modern AU. // Life is hard when the most beautiful thing in the world is out of one's purview. But as a blind musician and a flower-shop owner discover second chances at love are within their realm of possibility, it becomes clear that beauty is simply in the Eye of the Beholder. – Work in Progress.
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brookeap3 · 6 years
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For Saturday of #InspiredByOQ based on @the-alpha-incipiens Flicker Beat verse here.
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Inspired by OQ Day 3: “A Special Connection”
This is set in my "Reunited at Last" verse, taking place later in the Enchanted Forest timeline where Robin and Regina are together and Diana is only a few months old. It'll give some more clues as to what happened between Snow and Regina in this verse and one of the reasons why Snow is so against Regina. However, you don't have to read "Reunited at Last" to understand this.
My third entry for Inspired by OQ Week, inspired by a manip by darthraydor that can be found on my Twitter.
           Regina paced her spacious bedroom, humming softly as she rocked her daughter. Diana was wrapped in a beautiful pink blanket made from the softest material Regina had ever felt. She cradled the girl, watching as the sun began to set over the horizon. Her nerves grew frazzled as a knot formed in her stomach.
           Her husband should’ve been home already.
           She looked down at Diana, who stared up at her with bright blue eyes. Regina tried to smile for the little girl, even if she was too young to know anything was wrong. “I’m sure your papa will be here soon.”
           Diana just yawned, continuing to worm her little hand free from the confines of her pink swaddling. Regina chuckled, though it did little to alleviate her worry. She knew Robin was a hands-on leader and had made her one. It came as no surprise that when a village called on the royals for aid, he had jumped to go help them himself. She would’ve gone with him had she not given birth only a few months earlier and was only just returning to her regular duties. Between them and Diana’s nursing schedule, she couldn’t leave the palace and it made more sense to send her just as capable husband.
           Regina glanced at the door, expecting him to open it. She took a deep breath, reminding herself that Robin knew the woods like the back of his hand. It was nearly impossible for him to get lost. The village he had gone to wasn’t that far from the palace anyway, but there had been a lot of debris from the last storm so it may have taken longer than expected to clear. If that was the case, she knew he would easily find a place to stay the night or be able to make camp. After all, a year of life in the palace wasn’t going to undo all the years he spent living in the woods.
           Part of her still worried. If she were honest, she had expected for them to find Snow and Charming by now. This time, the people were working with her rather than against her—though now they wanted revenge against Snow while all she wanted was reconciliation. She wanted to sit down with Snow and have a good conversation with her, a difficult one she knew they needed to have. The rumors about Rumpelstiltskin possibly courting Snow as a student concerned her. Her fear was that she had sent her stepdaughter down the same path she had walked so she wanted to stop Snow before she went too far, like Regina had.
           However, if Snow was walking that path, would she still do something to hurt Robin? Would she try to take another love from Regina? Or would she just capture him and hold him for ransom?
           No, Regina decided. Snow was still a good person at heart, just someone who had been poorly prepared for the overwhelming responsibility. She had been failed first by Leopold, who taught her to fixate on the superficial aspects of ruling and didn’t show her much else as he believed her husband would handle that, not her. Then Regina had failed her, determined that the princess would never sit on the throne and so didn’t see the need to teach her how to govern well. While Snow had then failed her people, she was not an evil person. She would not harm Robin just to get back at Regina.
           She then worried that Rumpelstiltskin wasn’t recruiting Snow at all but biding his time, waiting for the perfect opportunity to try to get Regina back as a student. Manipulating a situation to cause the death of the man she loved was definitely something he would do. He knew it was a surefire way to get her back—she had gone dark after the death of her first love, how much darker would she go if her soulmate was taken from her tragically as well?
           Rumpelstiltskin wouldn’t be the only one who would not hesitate to hurt Robin to hurt Regina. After the deposition of Snow and Charming, there had been a small faction who wanted the revolution to continue and to see Mist Haven adopt a different type of government rather than continue with the monarchy. While everyone else called for Regina to assume the throne again, they had loudly protested the decision and promised to continue to work against her. If they had encountered her husband, the prince consort, she knew they would harm him to send a message to her.
           She also knew that people still roamed Mist Haven’s woods despite both the economy improving and the country’s role in the ogre war ending. Most people returned to rebuild their villages but some felt they had nothing to return to, so they forged their way on the fringes of society. They became bandits and highwaymen, thieves who acted only for themselves—not like the Merry Men at all. She knew Robin had left that morning in his old clothes, the ones he wore as Robin Hood, with no valuables for them to steal—except for him. They would expect Queen Regina to pay a royal ransom for the return of her husband.
           Robin has never been caught, she reminded herself. He still had all the skills that had helped him become one of the best thieves in the land, skills that had kept him alive and one step ahead of those who sought to arrest him—both the Sheriff of Nottingham and her own guards. Anyone foolish enough to cross his path would walk away with some new holes in their body courtesy of his arrows.  No one should underestimate him—especially not her, not after all the years she spent by his side on missions.
           Yet he had only gone out with Little John and Alan for this mission as it had been a simple one. Though all three were formidable warriors, talented thieves and knew the forest well, they could easily have been overpowered by a small group. With Robin being their target, it was likely Little John and Alan would be killed—a thought that sent a chill down her spine. They were like brothers to her and she didn’t want to lose them anymore than she wanted to lose Robin.
           She glanced down at her daughter, Diana staring up at her with wide blue eyes that reminded Regina of Robin as she rested her now free hand on her little cheek. A pang went through her heart as her thoughts turned as dark as the night sky, wondering if she would have to raise her daughter without him. She knew she had plenty of support, surrounded by people who would happily help care for Diana. Yet it wouldn’t be the same—there would be a terrible hole in her heart and soul as well as in Diana’s life. Regina would love her for both of them but if anyone deserved to live and to raise his child, it was Robin.  Diana would also be the reason Regina wouldn’t turn dark as her love for her daughter, plus the love Robin had given her, would keep her magic light, so Rumple wouldn’t win. She’d go on, living and loving for the both of them.  
           However, she would rather have her husband with her. A plan formed in Regina’s head and she turned to head toward the door to call for the rest of the Merry Men. She was going to have them put together a search party to go find Robin. She was going to get her husband back and knew they were the best people to get that done.
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