bas0rexias · 27 days
@inmiasma asked (From zoro for nami, usopp or luffy?) [ rescue ] sender carries receiver to safety
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Frankly, it was nothing short of a miracle that Zoro had managed to keep Luffy together enough to be able to run off with him. But the Captain had been injured, and even with his amazingly thick skull, he wasn’t quite keeping up with what was happening around them. “Hey! I’m fine, I can fight!” Luffy tried, but he was doing a terrible job at wriggling his way out of Zoro’s grasp. Something that he was usually quite good at.
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warriorslantern · 24 days
@inmiasma || from { x }
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"It's true, look at you."
The shadow waved a claw at the celestial, gesturing at all of him. Still, he kept some distance from Nezha. It was not out of niceness. Nor a respect for personal space. Not the other's anyway. It was so his own, the nasty little thing inside his chest did not like the god.
This was something he would have to look into later.
Lugu could feel it tightening around his core as if trying to remain as small as possible. It had never done this before. Still, while he was here—
"Can't you assign this to another? At least some of it? It doesn't make sense to keep the load purely on yourself." He hummed, leaning against the wall while keeping an ear out. "Well, I suppose that's your choice though."
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"I have a request for you. There's some knowledge I am trying to acquire, and I need to check Heaven's library for it."
"Name your price, and I'll consider it."
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seashanties · 1 day
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" bushido - san. " came the voice of the princess, hands resting upon her hips casually.
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It wasn't often she approached the swordsman herself, in fact, though they only ever spared eachother a few words here and there. She was curious, however - vivi knew really nothing of the man, and though she was to leave the mugiwara pirates soon enough to return to her country, she wanted to learn about this interesting set of pirates. " are you busy? "
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@inmiasma / liked for a starter.
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6em4k · 2 days
💌 - How would they confess to their love interest? Would they wait on a confession?
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[He's not shy, he's just a dumb coward! He's been burned very badly before in a platonic relationship, and has nuked every romantic relationship he's pursued since, consciously and not. And instead of doing the thing where you reflect on what the common denominator is, recognizing it's your trauma, and realizing you need to work on being healthy in order to make yourself and loved ones happy, he doubles down and goes "guess I'll die alone".]
[He waits to be confessed to, absolutely. He wants to be wanted more than he wants to admit he wants others around. He doesn't want to get disappointed or shown that he's not wanted. He's so in his own head, accepting other people want him around has become tantalizing and foreign at the same time. There's a reason his primary method of socialization is Starting Shit or Other People Should Talk To Me First.]
[If he WERE to confess to someone - it would be so roundabout and indirect and so bare minimum, it would either take several tries OR this motherfucker would go 'welp, I tried, they're clearly not interested, time to move on' AND THEN HE WOULDN'T.]
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shadowyspectre · 1 year
closed starter for @inmiasma
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"Wowie, come to check out little ole me?" The golden simian propped his hands behind his head. His tail flicked sharply, revealing the agitation that lurked just under the surface. Already, his foul mood was just going down the drain. All thanks to the lovely appearance of his visitor. Still, the king did his best to keep it locked away. He could totally be calm. He wouldn't fly off the handle. Wukong could be the true form of tranquility. As long as the other left.
"Honestly, I'm truly grateful but do you mind just...going away?" he made a shooing motion with his hand. "Like, ya know, go back to...whatever it is you do. That would make me so happy."
"You see, it could be a real blessing. Just the absolute best."
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iimexpensiive · 11 months
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✧ @inmiasma ✧ — (reborn!zha) Little Zha won't say he's envious of the delights of the flesh such as food (or in this caseー alcohol), but surely he's given enough hints right? Like showing up with a fiery open palm and slamming fists rhythmically into your your bar counter? Mercy please? Charity? Would you pour a glass for an old spirit?
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"Can't even spare a please there? Where have your manners gone, young man?"
Teasing tone leaving the Great Sage, easily guessing what the other wished for without having to speak. Soft laughter leaving him at the demand from the Lotus Prince. It was quite a display for sure and one that would draw anyone's ire if they didn't know him like Wukong did. Oh no, he always enjoyed the visits from one of his dearest friends — even if he had a habit of teasing and taunting him whenever he spared him these moments of his presence. He couldn't help himself. Nezha had some of the best reactions to his shenanigans, second only to his dear brother Bajie of course.
Turning his attention from the pounding against the counter of his bar — no fear that it would be damaged in the process. He wouldn't do that to him after all, not after the monkey had put such painstaking hours into his custom set-up. Making sure to snatch the best bottle he had for his companion to serve. He only stocked the finest of alcohol in his bar — none of that cheap and tasteless crap would dare be stored here. Deciding to mix him something special for his visit, one that he knew Nezha would enjoy. Plus, nothing like a little entertainment to go along with your drinking experience.
No sooner had the demand for earthly delights been made by the firey prince was there a glass slide into his hand from the king. A little flourish of a umbrella and flowers added by two of his little monkey clones in process. Both bowing afterwards before darting off.
"How's that? Hopefully it's worthy of the Lotus Prince."
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fatedefyd · 1 year
   @inmiasma​​  /  cont. !
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   ❝ looks like my sarcasm is a little rusty, ❞  She jests as she sets down a watering can before descending from her porch to properly greet the man and his companion. 
         It’s a rare occurrence for her to have any sort of company on the moon, save for a particularly charming Monkey King  --  not that there were many ways to reach the goddess, even by unconventional means.  The celestial chef was exiled from heaven, after all, and she did not have many of the old shrines to depend on to allow her safe travel.  Yes, she’s found a recent workaround, but she preferred not to burn herself while blasting down from orbit.
   Still, for ErLang Shen to make a surprise visit... it makes Chang’e nervous, for obvious reasons ; though, he isn’t wearing his suit of armor at the moment, so she foolishly hopes that this is a friendly visit.  Pushing back a thick strand of thick hair behind an ear, Chang’e gathers her nerves and her warmth before addressing him with a proper smile.
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   ❝ It’s been too long, General. how have you been ? ❞
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lunarlxdy · 1 year
📜 for nzha please!
Chang'e: I slept for almost 12 hours but I might still be tired so lets go for 12 more just incase.
Nezha: Chang'e, that's a coma.
Chang'e: Sounds festive.
*Chang'e and Nezha skipping stones on lake*
Chang'e: It’s such a beautiful evening.
Nezha, whispering: Take that you fucking lake
Nezha: Ok, maybe playing ‘whose family is most dysfunctional’ wasn’t the best idea we’ve had. Chang'e's been crying in the bathroom for an hour. We can’t get them out...
Nezha: I prevented a murder today.
Chang'e: Really? How’d you do that?
Nezha: self control.
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void-multimuse · 11 months
Plotted Starter for @inmiasma
Training on Flower Fruit Mountain (or at least what's left of it after the whole Azure thing, does it even count as a mountain anymore??) was just wrapping up.
Well, training was putting it lightly. It was more "help Monkey King rebuild his house because you wrecked up my stuff in the first place MK" than anything, and MK was feeling pretty sore after chopping trees and hammering nails into plywood for the whole day.
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"Man, I am ready to sleep for the next week after all that construction work," MK bemoans, taking a moment to sit on the beach. After all was said and done, it was nice to just watch the waves ebb and flow against the shore.
He'd have to fly across the ocean to get home soon, but for now he just kind of needed a moment. Put aside the fact that he broke Monkey King's house, there's no Jade Emperor, all of it just so he can enjoy a bit of peace and quiet.
Though he's interrupted by the sound of... sniffing?
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MK looks up from where he was watching the ocean, only to see some kind of dog further along the shore, sniffing at the sand and sea shells.
Now, he's not as much of a dog person as Mei is, but he's not one to just ignore a cute doggo out in the distance. Did Flower Fruit even have dogs on it?
He's had a rough week and puppy pets seems like the perfect cure, so he gets up from the sand to go see what kind of temperament the dog on the beach had, and if it liked pets.
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hismentor · 1 year
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siixkiing · 1 year
@inmiasma​ { ☯ }
zha: try crisping your rice and adding chili trust me
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“Well, I was making a different rice dish here but that sounds real good, might have to make that too now. Or is this your subtle way to ask me to cook something for you?”
Guess Nezha had enjoyed the Fa Gao he had made before, a small smirk forming across his lips in the moment. 
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bas0rexias · 6 days
✧ sure let's goー! for luffy about zoro
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I would kill you. ✧ I would physically hurt you. ✧ I would attack you unprovoked. ✧ I would manipulate you. ✧ I dislike you. ✧ You annoy me. ✧ You scare me. ✧ You intimidate me. ✧ I hope I intimidate you. ✧ I pity you. ✧ You disgust me. ✧ I hate you. ✧ I’m indifferent toward you. ✧ I’d like to get to know you better. ✧   I’d like to spend more time with you. ✧ I’d like to be friends with you. ✧  I’m unsure what to think of you. ✧ I’m unsure how I feel about you. ✧ You are my friend. ✧ You are my best friend. ✧ You are my mentor. ✧ I look up to you. ✧ I respect you. ✧ You are my hero. ✧ You inspire me. ✧ You are my enemy. ✧ You make me happy. ✧ I want to protect you. ✧ I would fight by your side. ✧ I consider you an equal. ✧ I think you are beneath me. ✧ I think you are above me. ✧ I would lie for you. ✧ I would lie to you. ✧ I would sleep with you. ✧ I would sleep by your side. ✧ I would hug you. ✧ I would kiss you. ✧ You are family to me. ✧ I would die for you. ✧ I would kill for you. ✧ I would trust you with my life. ✧ I would trust you with my most precious belonging. ✧ I would trust you with a secret. ✧ I would trust you with my biggest / darkest secret. ✧ I love you (platonically). ✧ I love you (romantically).
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sunsage · 1 year
(for lmk nezha if you wanna) ✏️ like what if????
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Send in ✏️ and I’ll use incorrect quote generator featuring both our muses! | accepting
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devoted-souls-gone · 1 year
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"Have we met before? forgive me..i've been resting for so long that..i can't seem to recall. Actually...now that i think about it, you're that one close to Black Mist? Am i wrong.."
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6em4k · 6 days
from Erlang/Yang Jian “ who do you fight for? ”
As though there was any other answer.
As though when he fought for Wukong, he hadn't ended up a shadow. As though for the Brotherhood, he hadn't been an afterthought. As though fighting Wukong for Wukong hadn't put him in a grave.
And even after crawling out, he had another five hundred years of fighting - fighting off being a target, a toy, insanity. Hunted Sun Wukong down time and time again and bit and scratched and lunged and fought and fought and fought to be remembered. To be his professional polgergeist, a curse at the corners of his eyes.
He'd fought to let it all go. He fought for every step away from that cycle and towards something new and better and richer. He fought and he lost, crawling back to Megapolis to take another swing at the Monkey King. Fought to escape cold-iron chains and failed that too, released on the whim of a child.
But now? After everything, after MK, after Azure? What he fought for now?
Was he honestly going to give any other answer to Erlang of all people? Even if one existed?
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"Myself." Macque said, arms folded. "The only thing worth fighting for."
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"Unless you have a better answer?"
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ultimateutopia · 1 year
for garnet and kuja? ∗ 15﹕ sender  and  receiver  make  eye  contact  across  a  busy  room .
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The room is too loud. Too full. Princess Garnet, barely fifteen, keeps a soft smile, some gentle words to any noble who approach her, nodding and accepting compliments, words of encouragement, birthday wishes, but behind her kind tone she feels like she's suffocating. She could barely share a few words with Cid before he was dragged away to join in an important conversation regarding his airships, and while she was glad her mother's mood seemed to be improving in the past few days, to the point she could swear she heard her laugh in more than one occasion in that day, an occurrance so rare Garnet didn't dare to interrupt, she truly hoped she would've been on her side.
You're not a child anymore, Brahne told her when she dare to comment about how many people she didn't know, and Steiner and Beatrix will keep an eye on you. Isn't that enough?
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Keeping her head down, the princess didn't dare to speak up. But, inside, as the umpteenth stranger gave her their pleasantries, she couldn't help but feel... wrong. Alone, despite being surrounded by so many. Silenced, even as she kept running her mouth. A bird in a cage, taught to sing for the audience's joy, uncaring of how her wings were tattered.
And yet, despite the general sense of unease, even if she was both the center of attention and the last person anyone seemed to care for in the room... suddenly she felt a shiver go up her spine. As if, even between thousands glances, she could feel a very specific pair of eyes digging into her, as if they were staring directly into her soul. An odd sensation, that's for sure - one that made her blink and finally turn around. Her mother gave her her back, chatting lively with the owner of said eyes. A man she never met before, who now stared right back at her.
For a moment, yet for an eternity, the room went quiet. The stranger wasn't like anyone she ever met before - beautiful, no doubt, the kind of beauty that seems so... alien, so distant to the typical standars she was used to. He dressed in typical Treno attire, colorful and daring, but even those clothes felt wrong on him. She didn't even notice he was smiling at her. A sincere smile, maybe, but one that didn't mirror in his eyes, his look cold, collected.
Like a predator happy to find his next meal.
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It took Garnet much longer than she wanted to realize she ended up staring. With a nod, she was quick to lower her gaze.
And yet, that weird sensation of drowning didn't show any sign of leaving anytime soon.
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