engagemachine · 1 year
Happy Thanksgiving 🦃
HAPPY THANKSGIVING, baby. I hope you're having a wonderful day, hopefully eating lots of yummy food!
I tried to find something TDK related to celebrate Thanksgiving, but apart from going into MS Paint and trying to photoshop Mr. J holding some turkey legs, this is the best I could find:
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Hopefully your family gathering was a little less chaotic. 😜
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engagemachine · 2 years
Your blog is absolutely gorgeous 😍
Thank you bb!! You're so sweet. 🥰
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engagemachine · 2 years
tagged by @rosydruidess
thank u bb, i love your blog so much!!
indoor plants or gardens // cloud-watching or star-gazing // water or fire // paperback or hardcover // running or hiking // sleeping with socks or without socks // fruits or vegetables // hanging plants or succulents // dark wood or light wood // handwritten or typed // instagram or pinterest // braids or pigtails // dc or marvel // books or movies // oceans or meadows // forests or fields // sweet or salty  // ice cream or chocolate // hoodies or sweaters // piercings or tattoos // summer or winter // boots or sneakers // house or apartment // cars or motorcycles // curls or straight hair // castles or cottages // sunny days or storms // reptiles or birds // disney or nickelodeon // strawberries or watermelon // essays or posters // phones or laptops or desktop // glass or stone // dark or light // photos or paintings // circuses or theaters // reading or writing // dogs or cats // poetry or novels // monsters or ghosts // thrift shops or libraries // fiction or non-fiction
Tagging @tangentasilem, @ineedanicedcoffee, @wastedwander, @nuclear-chemistry, @sjgadd, @januaryicemoon
if you want to :)
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engagemachine · 3 years
4, 7 and 8 pretty please??
4. What would they do if they needed to make dinner but the kitchen was busy?
Okay, so this totally made me imagine a scenario where perhaps Ressling is over discussing something with the Joker. Of course this is a rare occurrence, Ressling never comes over, but maybe it's an urgent situation requiring immediate attention. He and the Joker are both in the kitchen, talking in hushed voices. Taylor doesn't have to be shooed out of the room to understand -- she knows she needs to make herself scarce, even though Mr. J shoots a glance in her direction anyway that she interprets as scram.
So she goes to her room. Paces and back forth, bored, wearing tracks into the carpet. After a while, she flops down onto her bed, on her back, and stares at the tangle of cracks in the ceiling that spiderweb like veins, like an intersection of rivers.
She keeps waiting for the familiar creak of the front door to open, the way the panes in the window rattle when the door is pulled shut. But it never comes. It's been over an hour, Taylor thinks, which is like, practically a million years when you're hungry.
She climbs off the bed and pads across the room, peels open her door slowly, poking her head out into the darkened hall and perks her ears. She can still hear Ressling's hushed voice; it's less quiet than before, but it's as if they're still talking like they're conscious of the fact that she's present. Like they don't want her to be privy to the conversation at hand.
She frowns at this realization, and then her tummy growls as if in response to this injustice.
Okay, now she's really hungry.
With that decided, she sets her shoulders back, straightens out her shirt, and then marches straight into the kitchen.
She avoids Mr. J's eyes--and Ressling's--as she goes to the fridge, starts pulling out bacon, tomatoes, cheese, and lettuce. She had planned on making BLTs for dinner. No reason why she should have to wait just because Ressling couldn't be bothered to make a phone call, had to come in person instead and ruin her evening.
The conversation peters out when she pulls out a pan from underneath the stove. She ignores the icy bite of silence that follows. Her back is to them when she reaches into the cabinet to retrieve a cutting board, and then slides open the silverware drawer to get a knife for the lettuce. She goes back to the stove and sets the frying pan down, turns the heat to medium.
"What--" she hears the sudden snap of Mr. J's voice, and it makes goose bumps ripple over her arms, "--do you think you're doing?"
She spares him a glance only briefly, tossing it over her shoulder when she says, "Making dinner. Someone has to."
Ressling shifts from where he's been standing by the door. Nobody says anything for a long, stretched-out moment. Taylor lays a strip of bacon down in the frying pan and listens to its satisfying, greasy sizzle.
Finally, Ressling says, "I'll come back," and the window rattles in the pane when the door closes. Taylor thinks: finally.
However, when Mr. J comes to stand behind her, trapping her against the stove, Taylor's verve dies just as quickly as it had come. He reaches around her to turn off the stove, the bacon only half-cooked, and she's frozen in place. Can't move.
He's just standing there behind her. Unmoving. The heat from the frying pan wafts over her face, making her flinch, and she turns her head to the side, her ponytail brushing up against Mr. J's jacket.
"You," he says, that weird lilt to his voice, the high-pitched manic one that always makes her a little nervous, "need a lesson in manners."
[aaaaand END SCENE... something very bad happens with the hot stovestop and Taylor's arm probably :(( ]
7. Favorite way to waste time and feelings surrounding wasting time?
Taylor's favorite way to waste time is probably watching movies/TV -- especially if it means curling up with Mr. J, and it's something she really looks forward to. Maybe she doesn't have time to do it every day (her being the little housewife that she is, always cooking and cleaning and taking care of things) but she loves getting to relax and unwind, especially when Mr. J is there with her. It's something easy that they can do together.
I don't know what the Joker's favorite way to waste time would be... because anything involving Taylor -- even if it's cuddling on the couch -- he wouldn't consider a waste of time. I don't mean to make that sound romantic or sweet, but that's just how it is. Every morsel of affection he gives her ultimately benefits him, draws her deeper into his web.
8. Favorite indulgence and feelings surrounding indulging
Spending waaay too much money on candy and sweets, probably. Taylor tries to go to the grocery store with a little list of stuff they need, but inevitably, she ends up buying some sweets and treats for the two of them. Maybe she feels a little guilty when she's handing her money to the girl at the register -- Mr. J still gives her a weekly allowance, so she can't overspend everything on just candy -- but it's also so good to have sweet things in the house to snack on.
As for the Joker... indulging Taylor is probably his favorite indulgence, the way she practically swoons under his touch, gets little hearts in her eyes any time he calls her some pet name. Being affectionate with her sates some intrinsic part of him, the animal nature inside of him that wants to pet her, stroke her, and make her purr.
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engagemachine · 2 years
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Gorgeous art of Taylor and J gifted to me by the lovely @ineedanicedcoffee
Thank you so, so much for this. This was such an amazing surprise to wake up to this morning. I'm completely obsessed with the detail you put into Taylor's eyes, and I love the frilled edges of her shirt -- and that "J" necklace, my gosh.
The Joker looks incredible. The webbed quality of his eyes, his scar, the darkness in his eyes. Bone-chilling. I love the little dots on his tie.
And I love how the text looks like it could have been scrawled by the Joker himself. AMAZING work. I am so humbled and so incredibly grateful to receive this. Thank you for being so kind to me and for loving my work!
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engagemachine · 2 years
@ineedanicedcoffee submitted:
Thank you for creating what you have, your talent will never cease to amaze me!
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Oh wow. 🥺 Thank you so much! I'm so glad you found my stories and I cannot thank you enough for both of the beautiful fics you wrote and for the artwork. So blessed to have you as a reader! Thank you for loving my work the way you do! It means the world to me.
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engagemachine · 3 years
😇 - You are a great person!
👀 -I check out your blog way more than is probably healthy
☔️ - Your blog/You’re one of the things that keeps me going
🐼 - You’re one of my favourite blogs
Omgggg, thank you so much. You're so sweet! I'm so happy you found my writing -- and my blog!
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engagemachine · 3 years
Hey!! I'm curious, would Taylor ever get her ears pierced? I can just imagine her all excited with little studs and I think it would be so cute, especially since she's such a girly girl when it comes to fashion! Would the Joker allow that?
Hey girl!
Omg yes, I'm totally going to include this in chapter twelve!! I love the idea. She would want pierced ears so bad, and want to get little silver heart studs in her ears.
And I think the Joker would allow it... as long as she were to ask first--but God forbid she does it without telling him. YIKES.
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