#incorrect cr trio
Jiang Cheng: I thought you'd be all over pranking your husband on April fool's day?
Wei Wuxian: I am! But I agreed to not prank Lan Zhan for a while after what happened last year.
Nie Huaisang: Why? What happened?
Wei Wuxian: I got a bunch of baby bunnies and pretended our bunnies gave birth to them overnight. They filled almost the whole living room!
Nie Huaisang: Both of your rabbits are male.
Wei Wuxian: Exactly!
Jiang Cheng: I'd be pissed too, where'd you even get that many?
Wei Wuxian: Oh, he wasn't angry. I actually borrowed them from Wen Ning's uncle's friend's farm, so I had to bring them back. Lan Zhan pouted for weeks after he realized we couldn't keep them. Which is why I can't prank him, I'd feel guilty.
Nie Huaisang: He uses that to get you to go to bed early or something, doesn't he?
Wei Wuxian: Yes! He looks so sad when he brings it up. How could I possibly deny him?
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demiesworld · 2 years
Shoko: Gojo, what's for dinner?
Gojo: Tonight, I'm serving looks!
Geto: We haven't eaten in three days!
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brett-is-afraid · 5 months
((before I put this m sry if im sending in too many asks i've seen like, a lot lately come thru that are mine ;-; explodes))
today's brain leak has rnb00 as special guest an S3án calls tmy the youngest dumbest and cummiest of the bench trio. full of cum everybody. tmmy is now the cum man. young dumb and full of cum?? cum moment??
also tub0 thought he was 25 when the happy wheels collab happened and then after a comment that he'd been on yt for 10 years he was like "?? how old are you" "33" "WHAT" and that's so fucking funny to me. ur bestie does a collab w his new boytoy and you guess his age wildly wrong to his face. Whoopsies <3
also apparenly "so much" got cut our of the lie detector vid....oh my god....what secrets lie in the footage? what drama what intrigue???!!!! WHAT COULD BE HIDING????!!!!!! S E CR E TS?????? SECRETS REAL??????!!!!! on main,,,,,,
anyway all of this in the same ask so that I don't clutter ur askbox with my autisms and poggers swag ^^;
First of all, don't ever worry about how many asks you're sending. Throughout the history of this blog, I've had a few people who send tons of asks and I never, ever mind it. I appreciate every ask I get and I have no concept of "too many asks." Send one more or send one thousand more, it's all the same to me. <3 /gen
That was so out of pocket??? Why would he say that??? (A real, "it's true but he shouldn't say it" thing.)
It's been so interesting to see how sexual the ccs have gotten and how sexual others have gotten around/about them ever since they turned 18. Seemingly the very day they turned 18 too.
Him not knowing how old he is is also hilarious. I swear, there was something else he thought about another creator that turned out to be so vastly incorrect too, but I can't remember what it was. Little bimbo <3
The secrets were hot gay sex between everyone involved. And they need to release the bonus footage. ASAP.
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charissekenion · 2 years
Newsletter #55: The importance of James Kaliardos - more than a makeup artist
This week’s podcast was all about beauty news, and included a special section on the brilliance of makeup artist James Kaliardos. It all started with Lori Harvey getting ready for Vogue World on YouTube…
When IT Girl Lori looks over at her makeup artist, James Kaliardos, she simply introduces him as ‘James, my makeup artist.’ Which makes sense; Lori can afford the absolute best when it comes to her glam squad, and she does not owe anyone any credit, but I decided to use my podcast to create an extra episode, just so I could share a little information on James’ career, which began back in the 1990s.
I also created a TikTok on James and it’s received such good feedback from people who had either never heard of him before, or were glad to be reminded of his influence. Of course, there were a couple of comments saying that I’m unfairly ‘coming for Lori’ or ‘feigning annoyance’ and it’s not true at all. I was kind of annoyed, not at Lori - just at the missed opportunity.
It feels like, in 2022, information (often incorrect information at that) is shared without even a second being spent on adding a little context. When you’re in a position of influence, you have the ability to really celebrate someone’s work. In this instance, a high profile client is paying someone for a service and they don’t owe any public reviews or endorsements, but for me, James Kaliardos is highly influential, and not just in beauty. Here are just some of the reasons why…
New York-based James studied at the prestigious Parsons School of Design, where he focused on art history, photography, theatre and film, a decision which absolutely would have inspired him to go on to be one of the founders of the legendary Visionaire, a fashion-forward so-called experiential agency that produces films, events and publications. Launched in 1991 alongside Cecelia Dean and Stephen Gan, Visionaire has earned itself a reputation for highlighting the most interesting moments and people in fashion, art and film. They’ll often create these stunning themed issues with some costing as much as $1,000 and there was one special Louis Vuitton issue that went for $5,000.
Visionaire also launched one of my favourites, the highly influential V magazine in 1999, VMan in 2003 and former editor in chief of Vogue Paris, Carine Roitfeld’s CR Fashion Book in 2012. In 2014 the initial trio split, so today Cecelia and James run the company and the title Visionaire, while Stephen retained V and VMan.
James is also highly respected in the beauty world, and is often the artist that brands either want to collaborate with on a new range, or have backstage creating catwalk looks. We’re talking MAC, Nars, Tom Ford, Fenty Beauty, Makeup Forever – the list goes on it comes to makeup launches that have changed the face of beauty.
He’s worked on movies, music videos and his work has been seen in publications from Vogue to Allure and his celebrity clientele has taken him from working with Madonna in the ‘90s to Miley Cyrus, and of course, Lori Harvey. I think it’s all down to James’ highly attuned editorial eye; he simply knows what works and he creates looks that are super impactful but never fussy or overly-done.
One thing I personally love about James’ style, is that he’s never been a fan of a prescribed idea of prettiness; as he said in a 2016 interview for thekit.ca, he’s always been more into the girls who look even better than pretty – it’s about looking interesting and that looks different on everyone. So that’s that on James; I just wanted to share a little bit about who he is, just in case you happened to see his work with Lori Harvey. Lori might be an It girl but James is IT when it comes to beauty and innovation.
If you’d like to receive this newsletter each week, direct to your inbox, please subscribe at https://beautymenotes.substack.com/
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xochi-cadomi · 5 years
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I want to see AWAE Season 3 BUT GODDAMIT IM NOT ON CANADA. Anyways, here is some incorrect quotes with one of my fav trios. Cr at this post of @awaeincorrectquotes
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Wei Wuxian: Hey, does anyone know where I can get nine pounds of dead bees?
Jiang Cheng: Why dead?
Nie Huaisang: Why nine pounds specifically?
Wei Wuxian: Shijie said I couldn't dump ten pounds of live bees on the Peacock, so I have to get creative.
Jiang Cheng: You should go with eleven instead.
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Wei Wuxian: Just look at Lan Zhan! Strong arms, big hands, big feet! *dreamy sigh*
Jiang Cheng: What does the size of his hands and feet matter?
Nie Huaisang, patting Jiang Cheng's shoulder: Don't worry about it, Jiang-xiong. I'll tell you when you're older.
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