#incoming post series
ali-dot-txt · 9 months
yo i played persona 5 for the first time (I)
(This post is going to be long, and the ones that follow are liable to be even longer)
I started playing Persona 5 Royal on July 4th of this year.
But I did not want to play as this boy.
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Why not? I dunno. I didn't want to. I spent far too much time pretending to be a teenage boy in real life, and I felt no particular desire to do it again.
So, what am I to do? Well, seek out a way to play as a girl instead, obviously.
Which is where this comes in:
An in-development mod to let Joker be a girl instead! Exactly the push I needed to convince me to buy Persona 5 Royal.
So, meet Hina Satou, amateur girl and professional assault-charge-haver.
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Hina is significantly shorter than regular Joker. Cutscenes are not adjusted to account for this.
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Many animations look really messed up. This is just the price of entry to Hina's beautiful story.
It's at this point, just after the beginning of the game, that we notice...
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Much of the script is yet to be changed. So Hina is referred to in masculine terms by a lot of the cast for a lot of the game.
You could take this as just a facet of the incomplete mod and pretend that it isn't happening, or you could do what I did:
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Hina Satou is trans! And it's 2016.
So if she's trans, then the lines that change are reflective of how the characters see her.
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Everyone just thinks she's a guy who cross-dresses, I guess? Look, the headcanon takes some work.
Given how she looks, people probably wouldn't have even known she's trans if her record hadn't been released by Mishima on Kamoshida's orders.
Some script changes are implemented, however.
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In contrast to regular Joker, it seems pretty obvious that Hina's hair is not like that out of a deliberate stylistic choice, but because it just literally will not behave.
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Another instance of Hina being short in a cutscene
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A change to the entire context of a conversation to take into account Joker being a girl. These are, as of now, few and far between.
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This scene is unchanged, despite Hina normally using the womens' side in the bathhouse, so it looks like Hina was peer pressured into joining the Bros Bathing Time
She has to be, like, neck deep in the water to pull off this ruse.
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You see how this as-yet-incomplete mod changes the context of so many of the game's lines and events.
It's a well-made mod. The new VA work from Alexa Farron is really good, the models and new outfits look great, and the writing changes, where they exist, are excellent. But its currently in-development state means that my trans headcanon works surprisingly well, and that I got more than a few glimpses through the curtain to the original, unmodded script.
So, now you understand the context. Next time: impressions of the game overall, and my slow descent into madness over this headcanon.
(Next post here, and final post here!)
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linusbenjamin · 2 years
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Wanda Maximoff + “that’s when they knew they fucked up” moments
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patrocles · 2 years
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The matter of what exactly happened when Prince Jacaerys Velaryon came to Winterfell is a matter only truly known to those who were there. Regardless, after the Prince’s death in 130 AC, Lord Cregan Stark raised a host of nearly twenty-thousand men to ride south to honor the pact he made with his dear friend.
He trusted no one to rule Winterfell in his absence than his elder sister, a bastard named Sara Snow. She acted as a regent for his young son and heir, Rickon, as Cregan had planned for a lengthy campaign. Despite being the formidable Wolf of the North, Sara had always been protective of her younger brother. Cregan suffered loss early in his life with the deaths of father, his lady-mother, their younger brother, and most recently his beloved wife Arra Norrey.
Like Cregan, Sara was politically apt, had a strong heart for justice, and commanded respect from all. Since wresting power from his corrupt uncle at only six-and-ten, Sara acted as an advisor for Cregan. For many years, the Wolves of the North were a small pack, but Cregan was just as dedicated to his sister as Sara was to him. After the war, when Cregan remarried to Alysanne Blackwood, they had a daughter named Sarra, likely named after his dear sister.
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liyazaki · 2 years
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i won't leave you.
the eclipse | episode 8
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thefiresofpompeii · 5 months
the tenmartha/s3 song of all time
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the beating of hearts like two drums...
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we don't wanna be seen. this is suicide but you can't see the ropes. tour guide driving the bus off a cliff moment
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^self explanatory. sometimes a verse in a song is so character-specific you actually get taken aback a little bit
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keep each other as safe as we can... put his life in her hands and never took it back. he's her doctor she's his doctor
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point made. the problem with spotify playlists is that you can't attach liner notes explaining in detail why you put each particular song on the playlist so i have to resort to making extremely 2013-core posts about it instead. who else would i share this with
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blossomhcir · 2 months
// violently shaking g.rrm while demanding to know more about how dowries and widow’s income works
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whumpypepsigal · 1 year
i haven’t read the books but a show about a trio who have great natural chemistry, found family vibes, great dialogue, amazing plot, fighting ghosts/supernatural elements, each of them have special powers and skills, each character have a proper development and story, awesome dynamic… is so so so good. their dynamic reminds me of the one between the beloved trio - harry, ron and hermione. i love lockwood, lucy and george. also the whump is great (lockwood is angsty, reserved emotionally detached individual who has a traumatic past and THAT cliffhanger was brutal). the way lucy protects lockwood and george and vice versa is EVERYTHING! THEY ARE MY FAMILY. here i am, yet again, deeply invested and in love with a new netflix show that might or might not get renewed asdfghjkll WHY DO I TORTURE MYSELF LIKE THIS? KNOWING FULL WELL THAT NETFLIX GIVETH AND NETFLIX TAKETH AWAY FML
look at them! the boys comforting lucy. lockwood holding lucy’s hand ahhhh… every time lockwood and lucy hold hands… i melt THE CHEMISTRY IS CHEMISTRYING
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Did You Know Jonathan Crane || Fact #1
Jonathan Crane suffers from two phobias depending on the canon, corvidophobia (fear of crows) and chiropteraphobia (fear of bats) with the latter being more prominent and in most stories, including some children’s books. The former only seems to be referenced in Scarecrow: Year One
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summerslushies · 7 months
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hypnospace outlaw wallpapers part 7
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mariocki · 1 year
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Another guest spot for Jacqueline Pearce (and in very fashionable form), as British agent Ruth Klinger - or is that double agent? - in Man in a Suitcase: Somebody Loses, Somebody... Wins? (1.19, ITC, 1968)
#fave spotting#jacqueline pearce#man in a suitcase#supreme commander servalan#servalan#somebody loses‚ somebody... wins?#classic tv#itc#1968#I'll be wailing about this episode more in the tags on its own post (and really‚ forever more)#but for me this is the absolute pinnacle of the series‚ an incomparable highpoint#and Jac is a big big part of that#her character is in every way McGill's equal‚ including crucially in a professional sense#they have history‚ they have lore! we find out that after McGill was framed as a traitor‚ she was the only person who continued to send him#christmas cards!!! McGill literally says that saved his life!!!!!! this episode makes me insane‚ THEY make me insane and Of Course it can't#end happily with them running away together (something McGill actually suggests at one point‚ a highly atypical moment and the mirror of#his scenes with his other old flame‚ Taiko in Variation on a Million Bucks; when she suggests they go away together it's McGill who resists#and says he has to do the job first.. here it's Ruth telling him the Exact Same Thing and agghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh)#also SPOILERS for the episode incoming#but that offer of McGill's comes AFTER he finds out she's setting him up and has apparently betrayed him#i mean there's other stuff going on but Aghrhhrhjj. ehhhbdndn. sigh. so yeah.#also I'm just gonna say it: Jac looks incredible in this episode. i mean the pixie cut?? the dresses??? she has at least 6 costumes which#is kind of insane for a MiaS episode‚ and they're all fantastic. and she's so so beautiful#McGill is so angry in the second half of this episode‚ angry at the intelligence services involved‚ angry at the cold war#angry at being set up again‚ angry at the way human lives are being used and traded and moved like pawns across a chess board#but he is never angry at Ruth; he even tells her she doesn't need to apologise. he understands because she's a professional and he was a#professional once‚ in the same job‚ doing the same dirty work. and in the end he risks everything for her. sigh. this episode guys.
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shirogane-oushirou · 4 months
hahaha has anyone else gotten in the WACKY situation where someone sends an ask game q like "what's your character's aesthetic? maybe make a moodboard if you like" and you make five (5) moodboards, so now you don't know how to post them without being obnoxious??? just me??? 🤪🤪🤪
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sarioh · 2 years
the amount of times i want 2 make a life series analysis post but i dont have the words to articulate why it's so important to me without sounding utterly fucking delusional and like i'm just grasping at straws.... one day i will become a master of the english language and none of my followers will ever know peace again
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herri-writes · 11 months
How long does it take for you to finish one chap of izumi's fic? I really do love it so much
here's your answer: two weeks to two months in general. wait if it goes up to two years/j
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askelectrochromic · 1 year
what is the Krikani language like? i like the description of Cheloan glyphs as analogous to Hanzi or Kanji (being able to identify the ``spicy'' character) but id love to know about the Krikani writing system
(im not expecting you to write a whole conlang of course but was curious if you had a general shape or feeling to it in mind) ^^;
SableGear0: You know, I haven't actually given it much thought yet. I probably should, though. My first impulse was to say "they don't have a written language" (for reasons I will discuss in a moment) but that seems impossible; they're a sapient species capable of space-travel and manage huge military systems, they probably have writing since not all communication can be person-to-person. So, organic rambling solution-finding and some links and images under the cut.
Generally I conceptualize Kriken as a (semi-)eusocial hive organism that are passively psionic, to keep in touch with the greater hive. How much direct communication happens psionically I'm still not sure; whether it can be used "conversationally," or if it's merely a "vibe" they share with local Kriken that's strong enough to pick up on the "vibe" from the core colony sometimes. The fact that they have a spoken language probably means its closer to the latter.
If the psionic communication is powerful enough, then maybe they wouldn't need to write? But then how would you do something like label the controls on a starship or make maps? You might have to devote someone to memorizing what all the labels would be and then telepathically ask them what you're looking at. Which isn't totally unreasonable, if we consider them highly specialized hive organisms. Maybe they do have "librarians" that keep this stuff in their minds and can be asked/accessed on a whim. This would be an extremely alien way of keeping track of information. While I kind of like it, it seems maybe a bit too weird for the Metroid series as we know it. Arguably, Metroid has kept its aliens fairly (socially) tame, giving us a lot of written logs throughout the Prime series. Though the ones we've gotten the most lore on are Pirates and Chozo, which aren't great benchmarks since they were respectively "the bad guys" and "the good guys (mostly)."
Being insectoid, Kriken might also communicate via pheromones? But pheromones and what/how Kriken eat have been stumping me because... well, their heads aren't really attached.
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Trace has no neck. And while in some renders it looks like that tiny teardrop of a head is resting on the body, the in-game model and wireframe show pretty clearly they do not touch. Hence why I go with psionic; their heads float for spooky psionic reasons. This also means that while their heads may be a sensory center (headshots still work in Hunters), I doubt it's where they stick food when (if?) they eat, so it being a chemosensor feels a little unlikely, but I digress.
Anyway back to written language. I suppose I have to ask myself, what would a written language look like if it was invented by ants? Or bees? Ants is a tough one mainly because I don't actually know much about ant organization. My impression is that they build and tunnel fairly organically, just wherever is easiest to go and/or smells like it has the most food. When I think about bees, though, I think about bee dances, and how that might be adapted into a written language; a system abstracting the orientation and movement of the body into markings that can be re-read at any time so that worker doesn't have to bust down and dance it out every time she wants to relay some information to someone new.
And thinking about that, I think about Phyrexian. This conlang shows up in the Magic the Gathering universe, and knowing what I know about Phyrexians (an all-consuming hivemind-like culture that take creatures and turn them into half-mechanical abominations to serve their own purposes), it seems like a decent fit.
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The shape of these is really what I was going for but the cultural implications match up too. I was thinking of the cross-strokes being similar to the directional facing if you were to write down a bee dance, the extra marks indicating other movements like stops or the frequency of a waggle.
It also looks like something a bug might make if you dipped it in ink and let it walk around on a paper, so that's neat. Scratching marks like these out would be fairly quick and easy for a Kriken, since they only appear to have a crab-like manipulator and a single combat claw, and I've stuck with that design choice in describing them because it's more interesting than "oh and they have normal hands too".
So there's your answer, I guess. Written Krikani probably looks kind of like Phyrexian; branching strokes off a central line that stem from an ancestral system of gestural communication (and I like the verticality so I'll probably keep that too). Simple, efficient, and easy to replicate.
Thanks for the ask! This was a bit of a brain-teaser.
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krysmcscience · 1 year
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Even more mongus, because @crinklytinfoil​‘s fics live in my brain rent-free :)  Everyone else, if you’re into super dark space trauma times, head on over and read their fics, but take care to mind the tags. Like...for real. Mind. The TAGS.
In case tumblr forks up the quality, here’s the full-res comic.
Anyway, this happened because Black got mentioned in the latest chapter, and I’m sure he would LOVE to know what Brown’s been up to in just the last few days.  And by ‘love’ I mean lose his marbles completely. All while Pink tries to mitigate the situation with diplomacy and an abundance of cautious support, because, hey, Blue used to be a space pirate, too, and they turned out just fine, right???  Obviously Brown knows what he’s doing.  ...Obviously.  (Oh, those two new impostors he’s with?  ...I’m sure they’re fine.  He’d kill them if they weren’t, right?  Right.)
I have no idea why or even if Brown would contact Black again, but the concept wouldn’t leave me alone, soooo yeah, here it is.  In all its goofy glory.  Conveniently ignoring the fact that Black’s testimony on the Skeld disaster might have had some bearing on MIRA’s horrendous decisions after the fact, thus leading Brown to a life of crime and impostor threesomes.
Don’t mind me, I’m just internally crying at how unfairly that whole mess shook out.  <:)
Black: I broke protocol and took an escape pod because no one believed me when I outed the two impostors, but I later helped kill one of them and now I have this awesome supportive boyfriend who totally isn’t an alien or anything, no way, no how, that’d be crazy.
MIRA: We’re promoting you, cuz you did a Good Job :)  Enjoy your cushy new job and wonderful Human Boyfriend :)
Brown: I’m severely traumatized and physically disabled because the impostor that Black helped to kill put me through like five months of literal hell.
MIRA:  We’re charging you for it, hell isn’t cheap :)  Enjoy your mountain of debt and lifelong Indentured Servitude :)
Just.  WOOF.  I didn’t need my heart or anything, lmao
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ramblingandpie · 1 year
The most specific rant that a small handful of people will appreciate:
In the live-action Alita movie, if Dr Chiren is from Zalem, whyyyy does she have a brain? Like. We saw it! We saw the brain!
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