#in short: boring/uncomfortable/aggravating/sickening respectively
I'm tired and it's late at night so I'm gonna ramble about each of the host's respective worst floors. who know. maybe I'll write up a top 3 best floors for each of them as well another time. I'm not negative, they just suck, the rest are ok to amazing
Cookie: ATF, Floor 245
oh my god. this floor is literally. so boring. I'm 22, so I'm old enough to do all three things (alcohol, tobacco, firearms) but the questions are BORING. the DisOrDat is annoying. the best part of the floor is the Gibberish Question and I didn't even understand the answer until the second time I played it. there's no real memorable quotes, no real memorable lore, and you know the worst part? the level is cluttered. alcohol, tobacco, and firearms EASILY could have had their own individual floors but they were crammed together so it's just flipping between the three. it's not a fun floor
Guy: Deprivation, Floor 280
initially, I didn't hate this floor. I thought it was... fine. weak but not inherently bad. but oh god playing it for the sake of line digging... UGH. besides the... very not-funny black comedy 'joke' about Guy's bad experience in jail, the rest of the floor is more gross than Plagues, somehow. the Bingo level VOMIT being more than enough ew, with all the retching sounds, even Guy sounds sick by the level start. not to mention the "I'd drink either" comment he has to the prompt "piss and [vinegar]" ew Guy. the rest of the level is gross or boring. to top it off, it has the Deprivation Song after you're done. that song makes me feel legit numb. and not a good way. Guy has a lot of good floors so initially I didn't think he had a 'bad' floor, but yeah this is. bad.
Schmitty: Great Hoaxes, Floor 360
yeah of course this one was coming. Schmitty has some really weak floors, but this one takes the cake. at least HALF of the hoaxes are so desperately outdated that I have no idea what they're asking and that makes it frustrating. also the Shakespeare question is a shot in the dark question and those are obnoxious. most importantly, fuck that DisOrDat. seriously. learn some tact Schmitty. probably the worst level in the game as well.
Nate: Meat, Floor 945
my opinion easily could change when I actually get to the Nate floors again but I HATE this level. when I say it's gross, I mean it. legit my first playing of it I had to pause the game because it made me vomit. I don't like meat but I HATE meat production it's so... gritty. plus Nate comments on the concept of eating fingernail clippings with cerumen and- ugh. oh god I feel sick again. bad floor.
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