#in my heart and soul i believe in a happy life and healing for betzalel shlissel but with a whimsy ass name like that you dont get one
froshele ยท 10 months
i love ocs that are so fucked up that if you removed one thing that fucks them up they would just become even more of a danger to themself and society. my beloved wife has one (inspired by her cultist sim playstyle) that lives in one of our little shared settings now and not a day goes by where i dont cherish him
yas queen get it! the world needs more existentially fucked up people who would 100% relapse into cannibalism (had previously been a cannibal) and dress like count chocula if you let them out of the labyrinthine cognitive framework keeping them attached to their found family for one second!
i play the found family member holding the leash on this freak and you know what if he broke containment and ate his guru (who, relevantly to the image I'm painting, is about five years younger and was spared the horrors for now by a dysfunctionally whimsical worldview of his own) i would only ask for the poetics of the thing that he should then eat himself. together forever no notes perfect resolution of unresolvable situation. good job betzalke your father would be so proud of you
what about you tumblr. what deranged species of irredeemable lowlife lives in your hearts
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