#in a way that invokes a certain essence of Flash that im such a fan of
kiwibirdlafayette · 8 months
There’s this song called Rakata by Arca and I think the instrumental fits Flash really well, the lyrics…not so much but the instrumental is so good
ITS SUCH A GOOD SONG!!! I totes get whatcha mean by the instrumental, the timbre of the synth has this like certain shine to it that like it has like a shimmering technological sound, which is so Flash’s vibe 👀‼️ Someone bright and flashy like the sun, but his design is very much meant to feel more futuristic in nature v. like spark or jordan (specifically the boots n the patterns on his jacket) Im such a fan of the repeating lines at the heartbeat of the instrumental it gives such an imposing energy, the voice (lyrics aside, i did end up lookin up the translation n im like ayo?? /pos I was chucklin at the idea of those with Flash; man doesnt not have rizz like that xD) being someone with a lot of power and knowing it ✨ The key of the song and the repeating lines as well add to it too
Also im realizing it could so tie into the Flash’s enviormental sound too 👀 if like s1 was very natural/fantasy esque; S2 had that advanced industrial feel (in mianite's areas and dagrun was sorta renaissance flavored medievalism (in an king arthur sense except the king sucks), Aitheaca is both like liminal and cyberfantasy-apocalyptic with ianite's areas of control having a very grecian-cyber/steampunkish feel whereas mianite and dianite to represent their obscurity have a more liminal wasteland feel about them And!! this fits so well (instrumental wise) into that concept I love it so much
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