#in a kinder timeline- michael’s bartending skills would be a hit- much like dj music man’s bops
ghostchills · 2 years
Does the Aftons drink tea? 🤔 what type
fairy themed tea parties are mandatory (lizzie’s not responsible for accidental glitter ingestion)
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i’d say neither of the kids would be that much into tea xD, maybe a strawberry/raspberry blend for lizzie, and some honey/lime for c.c? it would definitely be a sugary mess either way
michael though, he’d “besmirch the sacred beverage” by mixing in whatever horrible faz-drink he had available (he has a penchant for sodaroni). he doesn’t even like tea that much, but he does enjoy seeing his father’s face pale with each ingredient he adds in his ‘tea’. spinach water was a banger, the hospital trip not so much
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