#imagine you hyped up your bestie to shoot his shot with your other bestie every day and you didnt even make fun of him
thesolemnhour · 7 months
"Layla!" Agria exclaims. "How fortunate I am to be crusading alongside a fellow Brevic! Between the two of us, I suppose it's true what they say about Brevic families sending their least loved relations to wander the Worldwound in perpetuity. I jest, of course, but... Layla understands it. The endless scheming and jockeying and angling for advancement. Most of the Mendevians don't. Daeran thinks he does, but if this were Brevoy, I believe someone would have poisoned him by now." She pauses for a moment. "It's... nice, having someone to talk to. I never thought I'd meet someone who hates it even more than I do.
"What's better, though," Agria begins, countenance brightening considerably, "is that she's a born Desnan! It seems like the most natural thing in the world to her." Agria shifts on her feet, chewing her lip. "Sometimes, I feel like I'm at a costume party, just going through the motions of our faith, but Layla! She can see the Dream. She embraces the world so fully. She reminds me very much of my aunt sometimes."
At that very second, however, a new thought must cross her mind for her dreamy smile slides off of her face to be replaced with an exaggerated haughty frown. "That said, I am quite cross with her right now! She and her husband. False friends, the both of them. 'Oh, no, Agria, how could we have possibly imagined that you might want to come to our wedding! You only needed to give Lann a pep talk--hmm--twice a week!' The indignity! I shan't forgive either of them until they do it properly. But I suppose that I am happy for them," she says, a smile beginning to pull at the corners of her mouth. "They are a beautiful couple."
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jonnnysuh · 1 year
(probably) rejected going seventeen ideas
On the off chance someone from the seventeen team is reading this (((like you probably did with the hide and seek post AHEM COUGH COUGH jk unless)))) I present to you my GOSE ideas:
They are in a courtroom and have to defend each other. The case should be something that actually happened (i.e one of their petty fights) They can present their arguments with irrelevant proof (for example, Mingyu is a lawyer, and the other party’s lawyer Seungkwan presents a picture of Mingyu flexing his muscles and says he’s a show off or some shit bc he wants to EMBARRASS HIM) Since there’s 523 members of svt some could be lawyers, defendants, judge, key witnesses and jury… hell, someone could be a security guard. Also I am merely a fan of seventeen in suits (update: they actually did this one omg)
BET ON MY BESTIE. They are all given a prompt and they have to bet on which member they think would do it best. The betted on members have to prove whether or not they can do it. For example, “Which member can do 30 pushups in 15 seconds?” You have everyone SCREAMINGG hyping up Woozi Mingyu and Joshua. You’d have Hoshi making crazy promises like “JOSHUA IF YOU WIN THIS I’LL BUY YOU ANYTHING YOU WANT” and then when Joshua wins Hoshi’s like “🤭 just kidding”
SVT building ikea furniture in two teams. One member is blindfolded, another member is wearing noise cancelling headphones and another is not allowed to talk -> these three have to some how relay the instructions to the rest of the team
This is definitely a long shot but seventeen WIPE OUT edition. I wanna see Dino bounce off a huge red ball
An actual serious game of dodgeball pleaseeeeeeeeee. I know y’all did it for the Jun appreciation day video but they were purposely trying to let Jun win. I wanna see S coups whip a ball
They each design an article of merch (hoodies, shirt, sweatpants, hat, etc). The twist is they have to keep passing on the merch to the next member and add on to the design every 15 minutes until it’s gone thru all 13 members. It’d be cool to see the behind the scenes of something they made collectively and it would be CHAOS. Imagine The8 being really proud of his drawing and then Hoshi gets it next and draws a big ass evil banana or something idk. The merch gets sold on their website for a limited amount of time.
Seventeen in a BIG ASS MAZE and each person has to find a specific member among it in order to exit. Imagine DK runs into Jun but needs to find Vernon so DK starts yelling “GET OUT OF THE WAYYY” Minghao would do some shit like wait by the exit until his partner found him pls
They get to style a member and make them pose however and wherever they want for a picture. At the end, the pictures are presented and the members have to guess who styled them and who got the best makeover ((winners get a wish ticket))
All 13 of them (or two teams) have to shoot a low-budget music video for one of their b-side songs
They wear prosthetics and go undercover in public and have to fulfil 5 tasks
MAFIA (DONT LIE) BUT pairs are handcuffed together (one team of three people). Ideally, the pairs are of the most unlikely duo/the ones who bicker a lot. If you want it to be simpler, ask every member many days prior to compile a list of who they would most to least like to be handcuffed to. Only on the day of do they find out they are handcuffed to the person they listed last. They play Don’t Lie Mafia as they usually would. Throughout the set are a limited amount of handcuff keys (so not every duo can separate) This would be A MESS. If your partner is eliminated, they become separated and the remaining member goes on solo. My goal here is to have a lot of fighting i.e Wonwoo wants to go left but Woozi wants to go right but they BOTH can’t have what they want. Josh is mafia and Mingyu is getting close to finding the prize money so Josh leads the poor man astray bc Mingyu trusts him. Okay, honestly I can’t think of a full concept but I would still love to see them handcuffed to each other. In my head it’s Hoshi-Seungkwan, Jeonghan-Dino, Mingyu-Josh, DK-Jun-Scoups, Vernon-The8, Wonwoo-Woozi
Shark Tank Parody. The8, Joshua and Woozi are sharks. Each member has to present a product… the catch is they have no idea what their product is until it’s their turn. Really reliant on improv (similar to their seventeen got talent GOSE)
Idk what the actual scenario is but one member is wearing a secret headset and is being told what to do by the staff. Either no other members are aware and think that one member is being a weirdo OR all members are wearing headsets and they have to figure out who is being controlled (Similar to Mystery Mystery GOSE and Secret Santa GOSE)
They recreate their PLEDIS auditions. They are styled with similar hair, outfits and introductions. They sing and dance to their audition songs. The members are not allowed to laugh or they get shocked.
A chill GOSE where they sit around a campfire roasting marshmallows and tell each other their real life ghost stories. Potentially a prank on DK where they disappear into the darkness one by one
Likely would be an end of year video but a trivia game where they are shown moments of their year (or even their overall lives together) and it’s in a game show format where the goal is to select the right answer. (For example, they are shown a picture and asked where it was taken with A,B,C,D options) It’s a recap of their year and they can explain the moment in more depth
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amazinglyegg · 3 years
Fallout 4 Companions (+ the dlc ones pls) react to finding out the sole survivor is actually a God? (Like Loki or smth) Maybe ss shows off their God powers and keeps making jokes about how being decapitated for witchcraft is not fun at all, and such the like?
Oh man this one’s fun! I’m sorry if the DLC characters (especially Ada and Gage) are OOC because I don’t have Nukaworld or Automatron yet :’)
Fallout 4 Companions React: Sole is a God
Cait: “Yeah, okay, and I’m fucking Santa Clause - hoLY SHITE”. Wouldn’t believe you until you really show her your abilities, still finds it hard to believe because what the fuck. Probably a bit intimidated by your strength but will never show it. She doesn’t appreciate being out-shined in battle, and responds to most of your jokes like “Yeah, yeah, stop rubbing it in.”
Codsworth: I’d like to think he’d just acts as if it’s normal. Like, whatever in his training/program teaches him not to treat people differently for how they look or act, so he just kinda roles with it. When Sole shoots lightning down from the sky or whatever he’ll cheer them on like they just made a good sniper shot. Sole: Yeah being tied up and thrown in a lake in 1856 wasn’t very fun :( Codsworth: Aha, I can only imagine! Such a life you have... Everyone else: w-what
Curie: Very torn. On one hand, she’s an atheist, and would doubt you’re really a God at first (”My scientific notes say nothing about the existence of higher beings!”) but also... the proof is right in front of her. At first she may try summing it up to radiation or something similar, but after a while of studies and tests she’ll come to realize that the only logical conclusion is... well, you’re truly a God. Easy to change her mind once she has enough time to study you, she won’t try to deny facts, and trusts you easily.
Danse: He knows what to do when it comes to ghouls and synths, but Elder Maxson has never said anything about GODS. He’ll talk to Maxson before giving you the rank of initiate, maybe just a bit scared of your power. Once he gets to know you I feel like he may be a bit... jealous? Like, you don’t need to train or work out at all, just a snap of your fingers and your enemies are dead. He may try to persuade you to kill people “the Brotherhood way” when you’re out doing a mission together, especially if you usually use your powers on weaker enemies.
Deacon: Holy shit!! That’s cool, man. He may not believe your a God, per say, but whatever those powers are, they’re cool, so he’ll roll with it. Maybe not the best for blending in, but you’re a literal God, so who cares. He’ll take it in stride, probably shoves it in other peoples faces like “Yeah, my besties a God, so what?” He’ll probably pretend he’s a God as well, and go along with all the jokes and stories you tell. No wonder he wanted you to join the Railroad.
Hancock: You’ll shapeshift or something and he’ll be like “haha holy shit were my drugs laced with something?” and then you’ll snap your fingers and Finn will just, explode, and he’ll be like “oh fuCK”. He thinks you are So. Cool, cheers you on during battle, always wants to see your powers (as long as you’re using them for good.) Probably makes comments about you being his new bodyguard while travelling together, or you being Goodneighbors guardian angel. Likes it when the two of you get into a bit of mischief.
MacCready: Probably terrified, lets be honest. He wouldn’t believe you as you tell jokes and may even get annoyed at your persistence to this dumb God story, but once you show him your power he’ll be a bit scared for his life. I mean, why would you hire a mercenary when you’re a literal GOD!? Once you two become friends he’ll find it amazing, “like a real life Grognak!” A little annoyed if you keep stealing his kills, though
Nick: “Welp, I may need to re-evaluate my religion.” He’ll believe you once you show an example of your power, but he’s shocked and honestly finds it all pretty ridiculous, shrugs it off as impressed. He likes it when you talk about your past (mis)adventures, and likes watching you use your powers. Like Hancock, may make guardian angel jokes, and he takes the jokes you make in good faith once he gets used to them.
Piper: “Haha, okay, nice magic trick, blue. I can’t even see the strings holding you up or something. There’s no way you can really fly... right?” It would take a long time of questioning and having to show proof before she believes you, she keeps trying to find the “secret” behind all your “magic tricks”. Once you’ve successfully proved it to her, though, she is so amazed. Asking for details on all your powers, how you’ve used them, watch out what you say because she will put anything in the papers if you’re not careful.
Preston: I feel like there’d be a bit of child-like amazement; Think of Prestons' quotes while flying a vertibird for example. He may be a bit nervous at first but once he knows you use your powers for good he just asks you don’t abuse them too much. Probably a bit jealous. Asks so many questions about your past and your immortality, any joke you tell will result in you giving him a history lesson.
Strong: Could you turn a supermutant religious? Probably not. But he’s never seen anyone stronger than a supermutant before, so he’s pretty damn amazed. Makes you leader, but doesn’t really like it if you use your powers to, lets say snap someone out of existence. He prefers you using super strength or something similar to make a bloody mess, anything else makes his head hurt. Tells his brothers about you, but chances are they wouldn’t believe him.
X6-88: “This... shouldn’t be scientifically possible.” If Shaun doesn’t have any of these powers X6 would be very... perturbed. He may talk you into getting medical evaluations at the Institute, anything to try to explain your powers. If Shaun does have some form of these powers he will be so hyped to travel with you. “Nice one, sir / ma’am / Mx” “You’re more terrifying than a courser”. I don’t think he responds to jokes normally, so chances are he’d just be awkwardly quiet if you tell them.
Ada: “That is quite the feat, sir / ma’am / mx”. She would try to act formal and brush it off, but she would be so bewildered at every new power. Probably ends up being like “So how do you do it? I mean, there has to be some sort of logical explanation...” It will take a while for her to believe you’re a God.
Gage: “Shit, boss. That’s... holy shit.” Probably the “mark me down as scared AND horny” meme, he’s impressed and excited that the overboss has this much power, but also at the same time the overboss has THIS much power. Maybe too much power? He’ll try not to get on your bad side - if any old raider will kill you for looking at them the wrong way, what will YOU do?
Old Longfellow: Refuses to believe any jokes/stories you tell, at best just laughs them off and at worst starts to think you’ve gone a bit mad due to the fog. He’s been alive for too long to be tricked by anything like tha- did you just pick up a car!? He’s skeptical at first like “Are you sure you’re not fucking with me?” but he really can’t deny what’s right in front of him. Doesn’t really know how or if to compliment you other than a “holy shit”
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