#im so fucking terrified to post my art oh my god
swordslibrary · 2 months
as an apology for forgetting to switch accounts have some recent gartic phone doodles im proud of
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fyncherly · 2 months
just impulsively cut my own hair it's time to go godmode on my jrwi: suckening animation i've been too scared to touch for weeks now LET'S GOOOOOO
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gabessquishytum · 11 months
Been binge reading all the warprize AU posts rotating slut Hob in my head before I got giggly thinking about them meeting Shaxbeard in this universe.
The king tolerates few and favours fewer, topmost of them all being Hob ofc, and while Dream is a powerful and stern King who rules with an iron fist, his kingdom is prosperous. Schools and a certain level of education is mandatory for all children, and both art and artists thrive within the capitol.
Im thinking about a twist 1589 scene where Dream takes them to watch some kinda play, maybe one of Marlowe's and Hob enjoys himself, sure. The flamboyance and the drama are immensely entertaining and he loves a good story. But what sours the experience was when Dream insists on meeting the screenwriters and actors afterwords (Jessamy explains that Dream has a soft spot for screenwriters and new, passionate actors) and was just. COMPLETELY enamoured by Shakespeare. (Not really, but Dream paid one WHOLE MINUTE of his attention on someone else besides Hob. Even when Hob was trying to call him!) At one point Hob was even SHUSHED. AND NOT EVEN FOR FUN. HE TURNED BACK TO FACE SHAKESPEARE. After a moment of stunned silence Hob's expression grew so angry and thunderous at the new fucking twink upstart the table's cupbearer-who was approaching the table to top up the wine-froze and shuffled hurriedly backwards. He looked so PISSED that for a moment you couldn't tell WHO possessed WHOM.
Hob can't just kill him. The King likes him too much. He never liked all the people Hob's killed before as much as he seemed to like Shakespeare, but that won't stop him from making Shakespeare's life living HELL
I feel like we totally have the same brain!!!! I've been slowly working on the new chapter for my feral!Hob au fic and Shakespeare may or may not be making an appearance...
I'm obsessed with how you've put this tho... Hob getting hushed by Dream one (1) time and being so incredibly upset and offended?? This is amazing. I can see it SO clearly. He's so used to being Dream’s darling little pet and he just can't cope with the idea of sharing the king’s attention with anyone.
Shakespeare is just trying to live his life and write some good plays, and he's not even aware that he's caused trouble in paradise until he catches Hob’s eye and oh my god, if looks could kill Shakespeare would be dead on the floor. He doesn't know what he did to upset the King's favourite pet but he's kind of terrified now. Hob is still the big muscular soldier he once was, and under his silky skimpy clothes there's a VERY large knife strapped to his thigh. Shakespeare felt it when Hob deliberately pushed past him to get away.
Later on Hob is in such a mood, Dream has never seen him be such a brat before. He's utterly clueless as to what's caused his pet's bad behaviour, but he finds himself quite enjoying Hob’s pouts and rude little quips. If nothing else it's a good excuse to take the brat over his knee and spank the truth out of him.
When Hob admits to being jealous, you can bet that Dream has a hearty laugh about it. He can't help finding it hilarious that his beloved little "prisoner" is so possessive over him. Hob gets a direct order not to hurt Shakespeare, but he also gets the assurance that he is Dream’s favourite and nothing is going to change that.
(That doesn't mean he stops glaring at the twinky playwright and leaving him in fear for his life. Hob’s gotta have some fun.)
Also thank you so much for your birthday message! It was so sweet of you <3
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ruthytwoshakes · 1 year
Howdy everybody!
it’s June! What! It was March yesterday I think,,,, urgurgh
But actually wait this is super exciting!! I’m out of my depressive slump which means I get to use the rest of June to prepare for artfight!
I’ll still be posting here, but it’ll be just my preparations + artfight attacks until August. I’ll be tagging everything with ��Daffys Artfight 2023” so if you don’t want to see soooooo many skeletons and my cool swag characters than block that tag babey B)) and I’ll see you in August with more tf2!
And since I am very much developing a special interest with tf2, I’ll be doing attacks on tf2 ocs! If you want to attack me and draw my little meow meow Glider, than I’ll love you forever and ever and draw your little guy too teehee
Alrighty! Here’s the breakdown for this years artfight:
Until July 1st, I’ll be redesigning, updating, and writing my characters + (hopefully) posting about them on here! Also I’ll be bookmarking characters during this time, so send me your little guys during this time >B)
When the teams are decided I’ll make sure to use the templates that go along with it and finally edit my profile lol.
Every year for artfight, I do a mass attack with a bunch of skeleton characters! Last year was about 70, this year I’m planning to do 100 and actually finish it this time! As soon as artfight starts I’ll begin planning out my sketch and working on editing a nice little speedpaint for you all.
If I’m able too, I’d love to start a chain with someone and give my characters some friends! Last year I did one with Sam, my most littlest guy, and it was super fun!! (I’ve also got a lot more characters this year that I’ve been wanting to flesh out hehehe)
And that’s about it! I’ll add on some art I’ve been working on below
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Here’s the personification of my process of creating characters! That’s a mouthful though, so he’s just called the Creator. Silly guy. As old and as young as time itself. Fuzzy.
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Here’s some WIP character designs! I’m struggling a bit for inspiration on the top two, but fuck it we ball.
Thank you for reading! And I hope to see ya there! (My user is DaffoDuck) or https://artfight.net/~DaffoDuck
Well howdy again,, did you think there was secrets down here?? Because there is MUHAHAHA
here’s some tf2 plans and progress for my ongoing projects
The tf2 horror thing I’ve been working on! Sure have been working on it! Most definitely my most bodacious dude. H. I’m just mainly struggling with the bigger meaning of it,, got the plot all done,,,, now gotta somehow make it anti-capitalist. I gotta go analyze some more horror stories,, gotta go back to the scp phase.
I absolutely adore the child mercs that people have come up with, so I wanted to try my hand at it! I’ve got a real fun story going on, and I’m involving the classic mercs! I’ve changed them up quite a bit though because they’re much younger in this, and teachers,, hehheheh. Basically I stuck them all in a summer camp,, imagine LumberJanes and Gravity Falls with tf2 humor. Kinda terrifying when I write it out
OOOOO IM ALMOST DONE WITH A REALLY COOL THING!!!! I just need to finishing a little bit of writing but I’m almost done with my take on a class swap! As far as I can remember it goes like this: Heavy is Medic, Medic is Heavy, Sniper is Scout, Scout is Sniper, Pyro is Demoman, Demoman is Pyro, Spy is Soldier, Soldier is Engineer, Engineer is Spy. GHHRGRRRRR IM SO FUCKING EXCITED
I have a lot more but I forgor because it’s 5am in the fucking evening what oh my god goodnight!!!!!!! SHIT,!!!!!
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writer-in-theory · 2 years
payback is a bitch. im payback - all of them.
you know...i should've seen this coming.
who is/are your comfort character(s)? well fuck. um, luna lovegood, alec lightwood, spencer reid, billy hargrove to name just a few
lighter or matches? LIGHTER. oh my god i hate matches. i use them for labs all the time and for some reason everyone around me is terrified of them so i end up lighting about 12 bunsen burners on the fucking daily.
do you leave the window open at night? FUCK NO. but i also live on the ground floor in the middle of the city, so you know.
which cryptyd being do you believe in? MOTHMAN MOTHMAN MOTHMAN. also there's a cryptid like 5 minutes from my hometown that i'll message you about on discord so i dont literally dox myself.
what color are your eyes? green !! i also have central heterochromia so there's some gold around the center in a ring.
why did you do that? i mean the usual answer is bc im a chaotic bitch lmao.
hair-ties or scrunchies? scrunchies !! i have thick curly hair and elastics leave bad indents in it
how many water bottles are in your room right now? none. coke bottles? twelve.
which do you prefer, hot coffee or cold coffee? cold what the fuck is there another answer?? although when i'm walking to class and its cold as shit outside, hot ig but only for survival purposes.
would you slaughter the rich? eat the rich fuck yeah buddy.
favorite extracurricular activity? laying on the floor blasting music in my ears at maximum volume to stop thinky. but also writing, ig.
what kind of day is it? well i depression napped for 7 hours today then woke up only to actually freak the fuck out about a fic i posted earlier in the day sooo
when was the last time you ate? around 7 sooo five hours ago ish??
do you love the smell of earth after it rains? thats one of my favorite smells of all time. i also love the smell in the air right before it rains
are you a parent? (all answers qualify) fuck no im not qualified enough for that
can you drive? noooope. im trying but its very hard :c
are you farsighted or nearsighted? nearsighted and i have astigmatisms
what hair products do you use? god so many. leave-in, mousse, curl cream, oil, and on some days a bit of gel
imagine we’re at a sleepover, would you paint my nails? hell yeah i love painting nails. i used to do nail art !!
do you say soda or pop? soda soda soda soda-
something you’ve kept since childhood? i have a penguin stuffie my grandparents got for me as a kid. it's gone everywhere, to all vacations and everything. i also have a little note from my first boyfriend from when i was like 8 or 9. he told me i was pretty and that everything would be okay and its just so innocent and sweet i had to keep it.
what type of person are you? an angry one who has no idea what they're doing 97% of the time
how do you feel about chilly weather? i hate it. i hate it so much. i love fall clothes but i hate being cold and i hate ice and i hate snow.
if we were together on a rooftop, what would we be doing? drinking and sharing stories probably. i used to love climbing out onto my rooftop and drinking cheap whiskey with people.
perfume/body spray or lotion? i can't say both?? but fine, i can't live without my cerave so lotion.
a scenario that you’ve replayed multiple times? whenever i get upset i imagine what a first book signing would look like if i can publish a popular book. it replays a lot lmao
about how many hours of sleep did you get? last night? none.
do you wear a mask? YES YES YES. i'm immunocompromised like fuck so always.
how do you like your shower water? hot as fuck. i better be burning and i better look like a lobster when im done.
is there dishes in your room? nope. i leave bottles but my line is dishes that had food on them.
what type of music keeps you grounded? sad music or anything with sounds that scratches the brain nice
do you have a favorite towel? nah not really i have cheap ass towels so idc
the last adventure you’ve been on? i went to ikea?
is there a song you know every word to by heart? oh so many. there's this irish folk song that has an important meaning to me that ive known the words to since forever.
what’s your timezone? eastern !!
how many times have you changed your url? none, surprisingly. i just really love the one i came up with first i feel like it perfectly captures me
someone in your life, other than a relative, you’ve known for 10+ years? yep!! i have an internet friend that i've known for exactly 10 years now.
a soap bar that smells good? i have one that's sandalwood and vanilla that im in love with
do you use lip balm? yes constantly. burt's bees!!
did you have any snacks today? yeee i had gushers and cheetos.
how do you take your coffee? if i'm making it at home i put a bit of creamer in it then hazelnut syrup, usually.
an app you frequently use besides this godforsaken site? i feel like im on discord constantly anymore
what’s your take on spicy foods? i'm...so bad. i cant handle spicy at all which is so tragic. like it's embarrassing and laughable lmao.
you get a free pass to kill anyone, who is it? he knows who he is.
can you remember what happened yesterday? uhh i worked, went to ikea, then talked Tea with cj and serenity lmao
favorite holiday film? okay im a bitch for cheesy romcoms. i love the holidate, holidays in handcuffs, and if we're going not romcom then the nightmare before christmas.
what was the last message you sent?
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when did you first try an alcohol beverage? i was very young when i had my first sip. but my first whole drink on my own? i was sixteen.
can you skip rocks? yesss that was like a must growing up where i was. easy way to pass the time, you know?
can i tag you in random stuff? always.
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swordalt · 3 months
Anyways unrelated to my last post on main
I fucking hate when artists use the "I'm scared to get it wrong agurment" to not draw diversity.
Especially cause those mother fuckers will say "people are bullying me into drawing diversity wahh" and then the "bullying" is some asking nicely why they don't draw black people and how it can be important to poc communities.
I live around people of my own skin and still get bullied for something I can't fucking control, I'm terrified of police I want to move to another country yet I'm incredibly terrified of normalized racism.
Oh you're a little scare of being bullied online, are You worried about a few trolls who have nothing better to do with their life calling you racist REALLY?
I MEAN GOD FORBID you make a statement explains you made a genuine mistake and will keep working towards getting it right.
GOD FORBID YOU USE ALL THE RESOURCES THAT EXITS not just for poc people but plus size people and disable people.
That shit gets me so pissed of, so you won't get it right the first time, no reasonable human being expect you too.
Anytime I see someone use that excuse it makes me so anger oh my god. We have had years of cis straight slim white man being the only thing represented in art!
it won't fucking kill you to draw a black person you won't explode if you draw a fat person, the world won't fucking end if you draw someone without a leg.
"I'm afaird of getting it wrong" SHUT THE FUCK UP, LIKE ACTUALLY
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i dont know man, im just.
99 percent of the shit i write and the art i make and the things i do in general never see the light of day. i dont post them and i dont share them and someday when i die someone might go through my shit and theyre going to find just. so much. so much that i have poured my heart and soul and love into and i will be the only one who ever saw it.
and a lot of that is because of fear. fear that its not good enough. that im not good enough to be worth sharing.
but its also fear that these things that i fill with myself will be taken and twisted and turned into something terrible. that the pieces of my identity that are woven into everything i do will be noticed, ripped out and pointed and laughed at. or worse, i think, that theyll get glossed over. that theyll fly so far under the radar that theyll get flipped.
i write queer stories and i put my queer self into them and i am afraid to be told that im hurting with them. with me. doing more harm than good. im afraid they would be right.
but i also like to believe that somewhere out there is at least one person who would feel seen in what i do. that they would see the pieces of me and feel like theyre looking in a mirror.
i like to think that of all the heartbreaking things ive read, and feet-kicking-y moments and the scenes you have to step back from and take a breath, and the books ive apparently read but have no memory of- i could be that for other people.
i mean maybe it sounds ridiculous or sad but i would love to be oh yeah i forgot about that one and i wish i hadnt wasted my time and oh my god i will never stop thinking about this and it is a thing i read. sure.
but im also terrified of what it would do to me to have any of those things on a large scale. i wrote fanfiction for several years and all i ever received was praise but that was terrifying too. i was so worried about letting people down. and that paralyzed me in a way, and i think i ended up letting people down anyway by quitting.
i went back to hiding my everything because the second i let any of it go there was an expectation. maybe not from everyone else but from me. i expected myself to continue to please people. i expected myself to keep up with it. keep producing and keep making people happy and when i would literally pass out while writing i would just be angry at myself for missing a self imposed deadline.
and maybe im better off this way. maybe im better off writing the stories i want to read and making the art i want to see and doing it all just for me only. because i still get the stories and i still get the art and i still get to cut myself open and pour myself into them. but they stay mine, and they stay whole and i stay afraid.
fuck man, maybe all this is proof that it doesn't even matter if i put shit out there, im going to twist it all around into something its not. i wanted to jot down some thoughts about queer media and also the imposter syndrome of writing, which i guess i did but i didnt mean for it to go like this. ive hurt myself in my own confusion.
i dont know. life is hard. everything is hard. but i think i make it worse for myself.
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swordslibrary · 1 year
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i think the shirt suits him
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swordslibrary · 8 months
also while im here, have a lil black butler doodle
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i love snake so much so i had to draw him and emily (and of course a little donne)
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swordslibrary · 11 months
Come on Smile, smile!
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Finished re-watching Book or Circus which is hands down my favorite season of Black Butler so of course I had to draw some circus shenanigans! I love Ceil being a little fail guy and not even being able to do a back bend
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swordslibrary · 11 months
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also here before i lose my courage have this lizzie i doodled at 2am after watching book of the atlantic
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swordslibrary · 3 months
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i havent made anything of substance recently have yugi muto eating a burger
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swordslibrary · 8 months
uhhh...hi there
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Listen man, I started this and my brain immediately forgot who I was
if you see a spelling mistake, no you dont
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swordslibrary · 11 months
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The Stagmark family!! The most normal family of normal people you will ever meet!!
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swordslibrary · 8 months
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hes too tall for these damn doorways
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