#im reusing my promos. im lazy
duelheld · 1 year
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        welcome all my honored guests, to the ultimate duel with the best of the best         at my invitation you've come to compete, for the honor of suffering the final defeat 
indie ygo multi-muse. ft. pegasus created by rose
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newsworth · 1 year
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if you want a thing—truly want it,  want it so badly that you need it as you need air to breathe, then unless you die,   you will have it.  why not?  it has you.  there is no escape. what a cruel and terrible thing escape would be,   𝐢𝐟 𝐞𝐬𝐜𝐚𝐩𝐞 𝐰𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐛𝐥𝐞.
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storiesofsvu · 2 years
l&o thursdays
your regular ramblings and thoughts.
....and now i want pizza...
Happy Thursday fuckers, here we go
SHE STAYED THE NIGHT??? FUCK THIS SHIT (and im no even a bensler shipper. And yes I realize there’s other rooms she could have stayed in but still fuck this)
(sidebar, my OWN MOTHER just goddamn texted me “ack rollins in a wedding dress” m’am…that a SPOILER)
“no reason for me to stay” good, get out of here, I never trusted you.
 Ive had enough of this man child casino boy… are we done with this arc yet?
I stopped paying attention thanks to dealing with this stolen fic shit, sorry besties.
This family is more fucked up than the Wheatley’s, and at least the Wheatley’s had appeal to them, like I was constantly rooting for them, these guys are k-mart brand Wheatley’s
If they write Ayanna off the show I will LOSE MY SHIT. But then again she’s a queer, and she’s a poc, so it was only a matter of fucking time….
She IS the boss Elliot, get the stick out of your fucking ass. I swear if he ends up getting promoted and becoming the *actual* boss of OC I will hate it here….
Okay. I did not pay ANY attention to mothership, but I will say this: that blue dress Sam was in is *chefs kiss*
OKAY, time to pay attention!!
If it’s HIS birthday, why is he paying for drinks??
CONGRATS to carisi for being the ONLY person ive seen in media to pop a bottle of champagne without making it overflow. Thank fuck.
Also… are we really gonna get Professor Rollins!?? Even if it *is* offscreen???
Every week I watch the opening credits and pray for the miracle of “Elizabeth Marvel” popping up on the screen and every week I am met with no luck. Maybe one day the day will come? I can only hope.
 Where TF is Velasco….i’d get rotating the cast like this IF IT WASN’T SO FUCKING TINY
Ah, “the Donnelly family is a bunch of criminals” so this Donnelly is related to the one from OC?? Or just lazy writing??
Olivia’s Big dick energy is really showing through this season and im here for it.
You know, considering DW wanted to kill amanda in the premier, we’re BLESSED to be getting so much of her, she could be the one missing/benched/only in one scene but she’s getting a lot of screen time…
Muncy “don’t look at me I didn’t do it!” lolololololol
The dad is super fucking annoying, like obvi these guys know what theyre doing
Okay but WHY isn’t he being charged with a hate crime??
The dad’s gonna shoot the perp/someone isn’t it? Like he’s a cop, he’d be able to take his gun into the court room….
Okay maybe he’s not, maybe he’s going to end up accepting his child’s identity
Jfc the stream keeps freezing every 10 seconds this commercial break has taken three times as long as normal, pls…there’s only 8 mins of my show left…
Yessss muncy’s on team pineapple on pizza!!! Fuck YES. Also she cannot sit like a straight… its confirmed, she’s queer.
LOLOLOLOL. THE OFFENDED LOOK ON HER FACE AT THE “in harlem, we don’t put fruit on our pizza”
For the record I’m with muncy on this one.
Okay… so…no proposal tonight and thanks to the promo for next  week we know the weddings a legit thing, not just a fake out that they “filmed” to not use… see y’all in two weeks!!
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killingblade · 4 years
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                    ‘   Everything is coming back to me,                                                   the true..   ’                 .Marluxia .Lauriam .Indie RP Blog
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ikisats · 6 years
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     eating fire is your ambition.     to be lit up vein by vein. to be the sun. 
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kuroganai · 7 years
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                                     YOU MAY BE A SINNER   but your innocence is mine.
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ingenuitys · 7 years
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 in the end, she became more than what she expected.     she became the JOURNEY,  & like all journeys, she did not end, she simply changed directions and KEPT GOING.
                        an independent & selective multi-muse roleplay blog // penned by liz !!
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renmaru · 5 years
you know. sometimes i love something a lot so i need to scream about the things that piss me off about it. i don’t think this is a particularly negative post but it’s just like sheer frustration and if you dont get some satisfaction from articulating your frustration into tumbler dot coms longposts and destroying the capital of this website because you are not a gemini sun then like fair i guess feel free to disregard this. tonbokiris kiwame is cool go look at that.
now to the lukewarm tea ive been simmering for five years. the one thing i always think about all the time is that tkrb is a popular game despite itself. the piss poor gameplay with only the barest of bare QoL in the five years its been up, the seeming complete lack of direction and the frankly nonexistent worldbuilding is held up purely because of its attention to detail and reverence to the original culture and history of the swords combined with some very good character design and subtle but nuanced character writing that can be openly interpreted. just enough flavour to imply something larger but chickening out on actually making anything y’know. concrete. basically allowing the fans to draw their own conclusions. but even then a game like that would not survive cause there have been countless, hundreds of games with high quality and fervent attention to detail and respect for the source material that just died completely because they have such little to actually offer in terms of engagement. i think the main thing that bugs me about tkrb is that it has one of THE most creative, dedicated and strong fanbases of this genre of game who go out of their way to engage with any and all of the content and the devs seem kind of oblivious to this.
in comparison to modern gacha style games, touken ranbu releases barely any new content and frequently recycles content but somehow it’s still relatively popular with approx. 1mil active players daily but the maddening thing is that tkrb can reach much MUCH further. the fans are there, the curiosity is there, it’s just the game content is not fucking there. it does not put the effort into commissioning seasonal art, pushing new events with actual plotline/story content, creating promotional materials, tie-ins etc. but somehow its still in the top 5 comiket circles for nearly five fuckin years straight. here are your badley compiled receipts: c89(w2015), c90(s2016), c91(w2016), c92(s2017), c93(w2017), c94(s2018), c95(w2018), c96(s2019)
 it can launch itself from laughably low in the appstore ratings, hovering in the middle of the 200′s to TOP 30s in the appstore at the flick of a switch. what is this magic button that fucking quadruples revenue and skyrockets your app into the top 50 grossing apps? 3/4 of your characters getting static CGs that you cannot use at all anywhere in the game but will do a powerpoint transition and appear for 5 seconds at login. oh and like a few free mats i guess. and i kid you not it fuckin worked.
wanna know why that worked? it’s cause otherwise characters, especially fan favourites just don’t get anything at all. it’s like most characters outside of the very popular ones rarely get new art, new recollections, new anything outside of their kiwame upgrade which is more often than not years down the line and only recently, four years in, they decided to add alternate costumes but even then there’s a catch which has me feeling some kind of way.
and yes, i fully understand that tkrb is a multi-media franchise, i get that it’s got its fingers in so many pies like the stageplay, musicals, various manga anthologies, the animes, hell its even got live action but man, would it hurt to give some love in game? i’m not asking them to go full fgo route and commission the industry creme de la creme to make 6 full CE illustrations, lots of promo art and tonnes of new merch every single month. but the fact is for such a big franchise, reusing the same sprite art on nearly every piece of official merch, going so far as to add NEW costume art which is just the heads of the old default sprites edited onto new bodies? it screams cost cutting, it screams lazy, the path of minimum effort. it’s almost like the game itself and the original materials are an absolute afterthought at this point with only the most dedicated hanging on to it. i guarantee that the majority of people still playing tkrb are the committed day1 players and the actual rekijou cause it’s just painfully offputting to new fans, with other fans even going out of their way to specify the game is not integral to enjoying the series which sucks, but it’s true.
its a real damn shame to think that something you are so invested in is not particularly invested in itself. sometimes, just sometimes i wish they dev team for tkrb was more hands-on, more adventurous, more willing to listen to players, invest in the game and genuinely try and make the game the best it can be. i’m not asking for balls to the wall summer events, beautiful animated CMs from the likes of the industries best animators, i’m not asking for pages of supplemental lore compiled into books, character backstory novels or whatever i’m just asking for the lore and the characters that we love to sometimes occasionally be remembered in the actual game outside of like ... the two years between their kiwame and the vague possibility of a recollection. i want to feel like this game puts as much effort into itself as the fans do towards it.
it’s a painful truth but there’s one shining light which is that the fandom for tkrb is genuinely one of the most committed and transformative ones ive ever seen. i have never been involved with a fandom that varies so widely and puts in so much effort for these characters and this world. tkrb exists solely as a popular franchise due to the sheer legwork of the fans carrying it on their backs collaboratively. ultimately, tkrb is very very lore-light, there’s so much thats missing and the characters in-game rarely rarely interact with each other. the characters are contained solely in however many voice lines they get at implementation, their kiwame letters, and their updates kiwame lines and the only interaction they get with other swords is recollections or depending on the sword, the odd custom sparring lines.
but despite that there has been so much fan effort to explore everything in so many different varied ways, and amazingly there are certain tropes, relationships, lore etc. that have started off fanon and become canon. the fan community, especially the fanartists, doujins, writers, animators etc. being given a small indulgence by the anime is one of my favourite things about tkrbs relationship with its fanbase. that’s not to say that the fans dont give back in kind a hundred fold.
there’s so much i love about tkrb fans going out of their way to go SEE historical swords in japan, single-handedly reforging swords using crowdfunding and revitalising lots of small-town tourism having real world impact. shit makes me unbelievably happy. the stage plays and musicals are always met with warm reception and are always well attended and even though its hard to access, there are lots of western fans who have dived into a whole new MEDIUM that most of us arent really familiar with but out of their love for tkrb theyve done that. they have hosted the musical as far out as india and france, making tkrb a truly worldwide franchise and there theyve met full seats! as far out as india! then theres the fantranslators, who always have the drive the commitment and energy for the thankless work, the wiki always always is well maintained and they have new content up so fast, and there are so many people willing to help you out. even when crunchyr*ll got hanamaru s2 (i think) a week late and we were left without subs for the premier episode for a whole ass week, fantranslators who had never subbed before stepped up to translate a whole episode for FREE, encoding, subbing and timing it all despite never having done so just so others could understand the episode faster than cr*nchy themselves could. even, as well, it’s made so many history nerds out of a whole bunch of people, it’s created an appreciation for nihontou and japanese history that would otherwise probably never be in their orbit because of how inaccessible it is, especially in english. even on a personal note, i started learning japanese primarily so i could understand tkrb and the history behind it better and to read jp fanart/interact with fanartists.
 no matter what, i am forever warmed by how much i love tkrb and its fanbase and im glad that tkrb is still going strong, even despite itself sometimes and i hope that moving on tkrb tries new things, and becomes better for everyone.
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