#im restraining myself from dropping anymore lore bc i am too embarrassed sorry <333
volfoss · 3 years
the actual lore drop i promised last night <3
so i kinda wanted to establish agliata's relationship w bucciarati's group in a cohesive little post so uh here (under the cut bc ik its longish)
Bruno Bucciarati:
They don't work together a lot one on one but it goes okish when they do (in terms of teamwork/stand stuff)
Agliata very much respects him and has a lot of trust in him but worries about all the relatively dangerous people (including themselves)
He thinks they're a good addition to the group despite being a bit dumb with decision making.
When they were first recruited, I think they were closest with Bruno because they just didn't necessarily open up to everyone else, but as time went on, they became closer with some of the other members more than Bruno
They're friendly enough but don't necessarily hang out one on one
It's very much like a "we work together but wouldn't hang out outside of work" sort of thing
Leone Abbacchio:
#1 man Agliata does not respect
He hazed them a little bit when they first joined and they've never ever dropped that grudge
They would stab him a little bit and have contemplated doing so (would probably not do it but its also a toss up)
Generally, Agliata is relatively polite to him but is the most snappy with him at the same time (they use politeness very much as a shield between strangers and them, so use it to keep team meetings not awkward)
He thinks they're a bit too reckless and doesn't really respect them but will work with them
Agliata will wear flats around him solely to make him crane his neck when they talk to him (1 ft height difference is an epic loss)
Guido Mista:
Definitely the person that they're the closest to
They're very affectionate with each other constantly
Agliata has stabbed him a couple times but in a nice way <3 (he did not respect boundaries a couple times and they had their sword on hand)
When they first joined, they honestly didn't really care for him that much but as time went on they became a lot closer
Agliata doesn't really confide in anyone but him
They started dating around 4-5 months after they met
As for teamwork wise, with his stand being more long range and theirs not being, they work together a lot
Very much the type of people to have VERY stupid conversations late at night
Narancia Ghirga:
They're besties, no doubt!
When Agliata first joined, they pretty much became friends super early on because they're pretty similar with personalities!
Agliata is good at both calming Narancia down and causing an obscene amount of trouble if they're left unsupervised
They're really patient with him and care about him a lot!
The two of them are really really close friends and just have a lot of fun when they hang out
ADHD buddies <3
Pannacotta Fugo:
Agliata respects him but has no desire to really be friends with him outside of the gang/what's obligatory
There wasn't ever really a time where they got along super well, since him getting angry semi often was not something they really wanted to be around (due to some things that happened when they were in the gang prior to joining Passione)
Fugo just thinks they're ok but doesn't really have a ton of thoughts about them.
They're polite to him but not super close, although will work with him without complaint
Giorno Giovanna:
They're not super close but they spend time together occasionally
Despite Agliata being a generally louder person when they open up to people, they're very much an introvert, so enjoy spending time with Giorno sometimes when they just need someone that they can be in the same room with and not necessarily have to talk and can just do their own separate things.
Agliata joined the gang about 7 months before Giorno did, but when he did join, they didn't really get along super well (not to the level of how Giorno and Abbacchio got along, but just didn't necessarily mesh well) but have slowly realized that they're able to get along relatively well. It's mainly a lot of just hanging out silently if both of them are reading for example.
He normally finds them a bit too loud to be close to but when they're quiet, they're a bit more manageable to be around than the other two louder group members
Trish Una:
They feel a lot of sympathy for her, since their integration into Passione wasn't the most smooth and they can really understand how uncomfortable Trish is in this situation
Most of the time, Trish is confused as to why Agliata tries to be so accommodating to her
Quite honestly, Agliata normally isn't super big on putting out a ton of effort to befriend someone, but feels bad that Trish just doesn't have anyone that she can really talk to comfortably, so puts forth a lot of effort to try and make her feel at home (as much as Trish can in this situation)
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