#im really really grateful mav was my first dog
abirddogmoment · 1 year
what favorite experiences or places or toy's of mav's do you most look forward to introducing to your puppy? what advice or lessons from mav will most benefit your beautiful budding relationships with future dogs?
I have so many fun hiking and walking trails I'm excited to introduce to the puppy, it'll be really cool to see what she likes best (Marlo's favourite being big lakes, Mav's favourite being grasslands, and Pike's favourite being dry sand or dirt).
I'm really interested to see how I balance "letting the puppy be a puppy" and "training foundations while the puppy is still a sponge". With Mav I had no clue what I was doing and no clue what I wanted anything to look like, so I was mostly noodling around doing the bare minimum and fixing problems as they came up. I have a much better idea of what I want for finished behaviours and a much better idea on how to get there, but I'm also a big fan of letting puppies be puppies with low expectations and pressure. It'll be cool to see how that plays out in the new puppy.
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