#im prob just gonna reopen them real soon
ashercries23 · 1 month
omg ty for the tag @valoale !!! i love a good tag game
favorite color: green!
last song: West End Girls by Pet Shop Boys
last film: i think it was dune 2??? im not totally sure actually
currently reading: still reading heaven officials blessing but also Ascendant by @magswrite
currently watching: just finished rewatching Banana Fish with @killerqueen-ofwillowgreen lol. yes we were sobbing on call and it was wonderful
currently craving: steak tacos and a smash burger from my fav place :( they’ve been closed since christmas cuz of a fire and they haven’t reopened yet :(( crossing my fingers they reopen soon 💔
coffee or tea: tea i guess?? i really hate coffee and don’t really like tea but it’s not as gross as coffee to me
three ships: jegulus!! oh my sweet boys and how much i love them. ash/eiji :(( oh they make me so sad and good lord rewatching banana fish really reminded me of that. dorlene <3 the new art trend of the be real has me rolling. i’m so obsessed with the dorlene ones it’s crazy!
first ship: drarry my og <3 i’m about 99% sure they were my first ship as of reading them, but i think i shipped people in my aphmau days. i don’t remember their names tho lol
currently working on: my “regulus cuts his arm off after he is forced to get the mark and runs away to the potters” fic!! i’ve got chapter 1 done and there’s prob gonna be 3 so it’s going well :))
tagging @killerqueen-ofwillowgreen and @honeybcj !! and ofc anyone who wants to join :)
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bubaluv · 4 years
Y'all I was playing around and got some canon urls lmao, So far I have gabbythegriffin, gildathegriffin, gallbar, and silvershill. If you want them DM me!
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