#im obsessed with Steve Harrington ty
nymime · 11 months
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oh shut, okay, mmm…
Im a Cosplayer.
I hate math, it give me really painful migraines. (more than the actuals i have.)
I have two tattoos. :)
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harringtown · 4 years
for island fires & family
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lol promise im not ignoring my requests I either do them day of or weeks later and theres no in between!! in the meantime have some fluff cuz steve as a dad wrecks me!!!
Summary: Steve has a little girl (aka dad steve!!!!!)
Word Count: 1.5k
Warnings: none
There is nothing in this world that Steve Harrington cares about more than the little girl with his curls and your eyes. From the moment he saw her, stretching her tiny fingers out and yawning with her tiny, pink mouth, he’s been whipped, completely wrapped around her finger.
Daisy Harrington, now three years old, still has her father whipped.
“Daddy! Daddy, I’m ready for my hair!” Daisy toddles out of the bathroom and into the bedroom, carrying a small pink brush and two purple ponytail holders. Steve smiles, sitting down on the edge of the bed, holding out his hands and wiggling his fingers. Daisy giggles, running to him, stopping in front of him and turning. She hands the brush over her shoulder, and Steve takes it and the ponytail holders, setting them on his knee.
“What are we thinking today?” Steve asks, carefully brushing through her wild waves, gathering her long hair in his hands. He leans over, craning his head to meet Daisy’s eyes. “French? Dutch?”
“Do the pretty one, daddy,” Daisy says, her tiny brows furrowing, lips pursing. She looks so much like you when she scrunches her face like that, Steve can’t help but laugh, his chest swelling with affection for the little creature in front of him and the woman who helped bring said creature into the world.
“You talking crap about my braids?” Steve asks, and Daisy giggles. “They’re all pretty, Daze.”
“The prettiest one!”
Steve rolls his eyes, setting the brush down. He separates Daisy’s hair into two, braiding it back and tying it off, tucking in all the stray hairs just as Daisy likes. When he’s finished, he taps her on the shoulders, and Daisy spins, a goofy smile on her lips.
“Pretty?” She asks, arching her dark brows. Steve reaches out, tapping her on the nose.
“Prettiest girl I’ve ever seen,” he says. He stands, picking Daisy up and swinging her around, her screeched laughter echoing loud, and tucks her against his side. She winds her little arms around his neck, and moves her sticky fingers into his hair, twirling the strands around her fingers.
“Daddy, can we braid your hair?” She asks. “Your’e not pretty, like me, without them.”
Steve snorts a laugh, carrying Daisy out of the bedroom and down the hall.
“I’m not pretty?” He asks. Daisy purses her lips, considering.
“You are pretty,” she says. “Not as pretty as me. Or momma.”
Steve shifts her in his arms, and lifts her up, tossing lightly, earning a crazed giggle from the irl in his arms.
“No one is as pretty as you! Or your momma!” He says, tossing Daisy up and catching her, her laughter filling the living room. “The prettiest, smartest, coolest girls I’ve ever met.”
“Cooler than you?” Daisy asks. Steve snorts, rolling his eyes.
“You’ve been listening to Aunt Robin, yeah?”
“Aunt Robin is the smartest lady in the world,” Daisy says, nodding. As if on cue, the front door opens, and Robin steps in. She hasn’t knocked in at least four years, and neither you nor Steve has rung her doorbell in the same amount of time.
“Auntie Robin!” Daisy squeals, squirming in Steve’s arms. He lets her down, and she bolts into Robin’s waiting hug. Robin hoists her up, spinning her around.
“Ahhh, there she is! My favorite niece!”
Daisy giggles, tapping Robin’s cheeks, and says, “Did you bring pistachios?”
Robin meets Steve’s gaze, and the two burst into laughter, Robin rolling her eyes and letting Daisy down. She digs into her purse, pulling out a ziplock baggie of pistachios, handing it to Daisy who takes it and saunters over to the couch, pulling herself up onto it and digging into her snack.
“I don’t think I’ll ever understand the pistachio obsession,” Steve says. “Which, you created. Thanks for that.”
Robin grins. “Add that to the list of things you’ll never understand. Just wait until she starts dating.”
Steve narrows his eyes, and says, “Don’t even talk about that.”
Robin heads over to the couch, dropping down beside Daisy.
“It’s true,” she says. “Our little genius is gonna be unstoppable out there.”
Daisy, sensing the conversation is about her, moves and settles in Steve’s laps, her pistachios in her lap. She reaches into the bag and stretches a hand up, a grubby handful of pistachios in her fingers. She cranes her head, smiling at Steve.
“Open up, daddy,” she says. Steve meets Robin’s gaze, shooting her a glare, to which Robin waggles her brows. Steve sighs, opening his mouth and letting Daisy dump the pistachios into his mouth, chewing.
“Mhhhmm,” he says, and Daisy laughs.
“Mommy is a better liar,” she says. Robin snorts a laugh, and tries to suppress it. “Is mommy coming home soon?”
The door opens again, and you step in, setting your bag on the table near the door and scanning the living room, lips curling up in a wide grin.
“Buckley, I swear to god, if you brought my kid more pistachios…” You say, heading to the couch. Robin’s smile turns smug, and she jerks a chin at Daisy, who sets her pistachios on Steve’s lap and climbs off him, bolting across the carpet and throwing herself into your arms.
“My little Daisy Mae!” You exclaim, picking her up and peppering kisses across her face. She laughs happily, and squirms, running back to Steve and her pistachios once you’ve kissed her properly. You drop down next to Steve on the couch, and he wraps an arm around you. Daisy, ever the cock-block of the last three years, settles in the middle of you, half spread across both your laps.
Steve meets your gaze over her head, a tiny smile tugging on his lips.
“Is Auntie Jackie coming, too?” Daisy asks. Robin smiles.
“Auntie Jackie has to work,” she says, “but she’s coming for dinner on Saturday.”
Daisy frowns, but perks up after a moment, and asks, “Is she bringing pistachios?”
Robin hides a laugh, and nods.
“Don’t you worry, Daze, we wouldn’t forget.”
“You created a monster,” You tell her. Robin shrugs, smirking.
‘Technically, you and dingus here created-“
Steve claps his hands over Daisy’s ears, which makes you and Robin laugh.
“If she’s serving pistachios at her wedding, you’re paying that bill,” you say. Robin grins.
“Pis’dachios!” Daisy exclaims. She pops another handful into her mouth, smiling wide. Her expression is all Steve, then, that wide smile and cocked brows. When her bag is empty, she frowns, crinkling it up into a ball.
Robin pushes off the couch, rolling her eyes.
“Come on, Daisy. Lets wash those slobbery hands, yeah?” She holds out a hand, and Daisy takes it, climbing off the couch and following Robin into the kitchen. Robin hoists her up over the sink, flipping the water on.
You lean further into Steve’s side, and he drops a kiss to your temple.
“I think our kid is pretty cool,” he says. “Maybe cooler than us.”
“Cooler than you,” you say, and Steve snorts. You smile, craning your neck to meet his gaze. “We did good.”
“That was pretty much all you.”
“Eh, you had a tiny part.”
He laughs, pressing another kiss to your head, moving lower to catch your mouth in his. You lean into him, lips parting.
“Ew!” The chorus sounds from the kitchen, and you pull away to find Robin and Daisy oohing and aahing at you, their expressions twisted.
“Gross, mom and dad,” Robin says, making a tsk tsk noise with her tongue. Steve holds up three fingers, and says, “Read through the lines, Buckley!”
“One, two, three!” Daisy announces, counting his fingers. Robin snorts, taking Daisy’s hand and leading her back into the living room.
“Ew! Kisses are gross,” Daisy says. Steve cocks a brow, standing up.
“Oh? Kisses are gross?” He asks. Daisy’s eyes go wide, and she screams, bolting down the hall, and Steve chases after her, their laughter carrying down the hall.
Robin drops back onto the couch, and the two of you watch with smiles as Steve chases Daisy around, her giggles and happy screams the most beautiful sound in the world.
Steve catches her, flipping her upside down and blowing raspberry kisses onto her belly, her laughter contagious. He rights her, and she wraps her arms around his neck, getting him back with her own sloppy kiss on his cheek, sticky and wet.
Daisy wriggles out of his arms, climbing into your lap, half hiding, and when he sits down beside you, Daisy sprawls across you both.
Steve’s life is not perfect. There are early mornings and late nights, and there are still nightmares and ghosts. But there’s more, too. There is a little house and a little girl with his hair and your eyes. There’s a lot more happiness than Steve ever expected to find, and he vows to never let it go.
Steve Taglist: @allfandomxreader​​ @kalie-bee​​ @sourapplebaby​​ @iiqtpiee @queenofthehairharrington​​ @drcwse​​ @whitecard62​​ @captainelsaeverdeen​​ @hairrington​​ @lemonypink​​ @ludicstilinski @harrington-ofhawkins​​ @dezzylou24​​ @mightstudysoon​​ @ultrunning​ @xthe-dreamerx​​ @Bralessandflawless @pvnsie​​ @anerroroccurrrrred​​ @bookfrog242​​ @yayrainyday @snarky–starky​ @with-a-little-bit-of-light​ @mochminnie​ @redbullchick​ @izzylizzybizzy @sassisaluxuy @80strashbag​ @m-blasterrr​ @estrela-rogers​ @comedy-witch​ @sammyyyygp​ @alwaysthefangirl​ @jxnehxpper​ @perksofbeingawf @anxiouskore
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