#im mainly worried that. theyll have my real name on there somewhere bc.
tianhai03 · 1 year
I hope you have a peaceful, good rest of your day! I wanted to ask if there is anything that you’re working on that you’d like to gush about? Mahalo!
thank you! if youre talking abt the drawing side of things, i havent been doing anything at all bc ive been focusing on my job </3 ive just been doing small doodles and sketches here and there
i guess i'll talk abt stuff im doing for my job then! im currently interning at a 3d animation company focused on making 2 original animated series, theyre like. funny shows with slapstick comedy aimed at kids and teens? i started working there with just making some props, but ive been learning how to animate and do actual scenes on my own. my boss has been considering getting me to help with the voice acting too and thats also smth ive wanted to try for years so thats exciting!!!
i'll think about posting the links to the episodes ive worked on once they get uploaded if you guys are interested to see what ive been doing :)
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