#im literally posting from mobile cuz i have back to back 8.5 hour close to open shifts
lokiina · 4 months
Making something clear here:
Imagine if you will, going to try to offer help with something only to find out that;
what they're doing involves your work they never asked to use and
you can't ask them nicely about it and what they're doing cuz they've blocked you.
Now people are shitting on ME?
What the actual fuck? I have literally done nothing but try to figure out what's going on. No ones giving shit, we're trying to figure out what's going on, stop jumping to conclusions without context.
Look, I don't give a shit if someone wants to block me cuz they don't like my content. You do you. That's your right to curate your space.
What I have a problem with is the fact that you've dug into my shit to "remake" something that isn't broken, using my hard work without my permission. And now people are mad at ME for it?
Make it make sense. Cuz I don't understand.
I dunno how many people have for some reason painted me as some sort of scary default bad guy when I'm just vibing in my own corner, but I literally would have helped or at least tried to if someone had simply asked. Hell I would have probably shared the raw art file if you asked me. But you didn't. You chose this route instead for some reason.
I know Im not the best at explaining things, and sometimes I'm hard to contact cuz I do have a full time job with fucked up hours, I can't be here 24/7. But my God.
For the record, the mod is probably conflicting with the AMM file that's called a Dino tattoo fix that I have no idea what it even does. I've tried to figure it out but I genuinely don't know.
Literally a rework of that fix is somewhere on my long ass to do list anyway cuz I know theres issues working around the way the UVs stretch.
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