#im gonna go draw some more stuff for oc-tober now
tendebill · 9 months
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ok so, he's finished, im sick. im not gonna post him yet tho, i'll save him for when oc-tober starts so i can use him for one of the prompts.
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shoutmonishere · 3 years
Ah look it's the first day of Spooky Month/October (in my timezone—) and i've signed myself up for a challenge... And hopefully i can keep up with it for the whole month
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Lets start things off shall we?
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More info and stuff under the cut
Name: Agatha
Type: fire
Gender: non-binary
Pronouns: he/him or they/them
Height: 2'2" (or 66.0 cm)
Weight: 9.5 lbs ( or 4.3 kg)
Nature: quite
Evolves into: N/A..... Yet
Meet Agatha! Some of you have probably seen me roleplay as them under the "🔥[Flames of Honour]🔥" tag
And under the cut of every post of OC-tober i make, i might spew some lore for this fella...
So for the first one, im gonna talk about how Agatha came to be and some scrapped backstory for him
So... It all started when i joined @/lilfunkers-fnf 's discord...
It so happened to have a poketwo bot in it... And then i jumped right into the ~✨World of Pokemon✨~ /pos
I picked out a litten (the sun and moon animated series made me appreciate the fire kitty- though im definitely not drawing a buff wrestler cat. Oh nonononono, definitely not, because i can't even draw muscles; and i dont wanna draw Incineroar as a beanpole either. So alt evo for all of you... Which i have yet to design— okay im getting off track-)
And after trials and tribulations on figuring how to rename the litten using the bot
Agatha eventually came into existence by July 30...
Now after all that, they're kind of my OC now. And every OC needs a
Backstory and Lore~
Though the one im gonna tell you are the scrapped ones, not the official one (even now, i am still figuring things out... So nothing's set in stone right now!)
So originally, Agatha was gonna be a emo cat who's all
"grumble grumble, all humans are bad because ONE human (my trainer) hurted and abused me, grumble grumble. But kids are okay i guess"
And.... Ya see, that was all thrown out of the window... Mostly the "all humans are evil" demeanor, the only thing from the original concept that really stayed was that he had a soft spot for kids-
Getting off topic- again-
So at first, i wanted to be edgy and all that shit with Agatha's trainer being a fucking jerk to them because y e s (and like previously mentioned, i threw it out of a window). They then ran away from the trainer, and is assumed dead by them.
And because all of the abuse, he's being all hissy-fitty at people and wont hesitate to bite the shit out of them...
And thats as far as the scrapped backstory and lore goes...
You know, im happy i didn't go with that route.
Because im perfectly content with the litten i have now
In which is a total sweetheart (once they get comfortable), who's kind of a parent...? I think- canonically they've adopted 2 poke-kids (they're both are pretty much muse's available on my blog, though i haven't used them much...) so- oh, and they would definitely wreck some terrible parents within his presence—
Okay thats all i have for today-
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