#im debating doing either scar or phil next
skelletors · 8 months
MCYT as D&D Characters 4 - Grian
Hello! In case you don’t know what this is, this is me making various MCYTs into playable D&D characters. Today's lucky person will be Grian! The grain man. Bread boy. Before we begin, here are the ground rules:
This will not be balanced and the builds may not be very good. This isn’t for the minmaxers (not that there's anything wrong with that), this is purely based on either stories these people have participated in or their overall persona on the internet
These characters will go up to level 20, but in no way do you have to play them to the max level to get all the mechanics that make up the character
There will be no homebrew in this build.
I will be using standard array for all of these characters (15, 14, 13, 12, 10, 8) when determining the stats for these characters for my own ease of use.
Character Traits to Emulate:
Ultimate prankster
Pesky bird man
Resistance leader/freedom fighter
Race, Class, Background and Stats
Race: Owlin ( I debated a lot, but ended up deciding this was the best fit. These bird-like beings have some pretty useful abilities, and being from the Feywild tend to have that trickster, chaotic personality we all know and love from Grian).
Ability Score Increase: +2 to one stat, +1 to another. Let’s go for +2 to Dexterity, +1 to Charisma.
Darkvision: You can see in the dark! Nifty.
Flight: You have a fly speed equal to your walking speed. Perfect for some Pesky Bird activities.
Silent Feathers: You have proficiency in the Stealth skill.
Background: Charlatan (There isn’t a perfect background, but I just think the skills provided by Charlatan plus the tools work best for Grian)
Proficiencies: Deception, Sleight of Hand, Disguise Kit, Forgery Kit
Class: Rogue 17 Warlock 3  (I think this one is pretty obvious, especially when it comes to subclass. I mean, rogues are just primed for complete chaos! Plus, warlocks and their patrons can have a similar vibe to the watchers and the players they watch.)
Strength - 12
Dexterity - 15 +2 = 17
Constitution - 10
Intelligence - 13
Wisdom - 8
Charisma - 14 +1 = 15
Now for once, I feel like I might actually have to explain the stat distribution, particularly with Strength, Wisdom and Intelligence. Intelligence is important for his subclass, so it was important that I keep it above average (even if Grian can be a silly little guy at times). Now the real thing is why I made Wisdom an 8 instead of Strength, and hear me out. Grian is the definition of high intelligence, low wisdom. What do I mean by that?
Well, high intelligence, low wisdom characters would see a swarm of rats and cast fireball on them, not taking into account that they are in a very flammable forest. They seek direct, smart ways of solving problems but aren’t always aware of their surroundings or all the consequences. Sound familiar?
Level 1: Rogue
Expertise - Rogues get a metric ton of proficiencies if you start with them (four out of a list of 11 very useful skills), so being able to double your proficiency bonus for TWO of them is incredible.
Sneak Attack - If you have advantage on an attack (usually from being hidden) or if you have an ally within 5ft of an enemy, you can add extra damage. This can get downright nasty at higher levels, especially if you factor in crits. This can only be done once per turn, but still. It can get insane.
Thieves Cant - This is just a coded way of speaking, and while I’m sure there’s some points where Grian speaks in code, it’s just funny for people to think that Grian’s speaking in thieves cant because they just don’t understand what he’s going on about.
Level 2: Rogue
Cunning Action - You can Dash, Disengage or Hide as a bonus action. It just makes it easier to get sneak attack damage.
Level 3: Rogue
Subclass time! Subclass time! Say it with me now, we all know it, we all love it, of course Grian’s subclass is going to be….
Arcane Trickster! It’s all in the name, I don’t even need to explain why he is that, but to summarize, you can use magic to cast illusions and be sneaky little guys. Just like a certain bird lad. You get access to a couple of nifty things right away as well, like…
Spellcasting! You can cast spells. You choose from the Wizard spell list and use Intelligence as your spellcasting modifier.
Mage Hand - You get an improved version of the mage hand cantrip. It’s invisible and you can use a cunning action to control it.
Level 4: Rogue
Ability Score Improvement. You get these every few levels and can either choose to improve your stats (either +1 to two or +2 to one) or take a feat. We’ll be taking the Mobile feat this time. You get a +10ft to movement, can move through difficult terrain easily and don’t provoke opportunity attacks. Grian’s a mobile little lad and also, frees up your bonus action so you don’t have to disengage ever again.
Level 5: Rogue
Uncanny Dodge - If you see an attack, you can half the attack’s damage. There are several points where Grian absolutely should’ve died, especially within the life series, this just feels fitting.
Level 6: Warlock
Now we’re jumping over to Warlock! And you get to choose your subclass immediately. 
We’re going with Great Old One, it’s the most Watcher-y, although none of the patron options are very good for the Watchers
Awakened Mind - You can speak telepathically to creatures within 30ft of you. This isn’t the most relevant, but it is kinda fun to think about with the whisper feature on the life series server.
Spellcasting! Your spellcasting ability for warlocks is Charisma, not Intelligence, and you have far fewer spell slots but the fun bit about warlocks is that they get their spell slots after a short rest and you always cast at the highest level you can. Plus, many, many cantrips
Level 7: Warlock
Eldritch Invocations - You can get some cool magic abilities, like being able to see perfectly in the dark, extend the reach of your eldritch blasts and many other fun things.
Level 8: Warlock
Pact Boon - You get something from your patron! I’d go for Pact of the Chain, since you can get a familiar. Along with being extremely useful (being able to see through their eyes, casting spells through them, etc), especially for rogues and acting as scouts, you can get a pesky bird for this pesky bird.
ASI time! We’re going to be adding a +2 to Dexterity, bringing it up to 19
Level 9: Rogue
Expertise - You get to choose two more proficiencies to have expertise in!
Level 10: Rogue
Evasion - You can half damage on area of effect spells or basically any effect that makes you roll a Dexterity saving throw
Level 11: Rogue
Nothing really here, just more spells known
Level 12: Rogue
Magical Ambush - If you’re hidden when you cast a spell and it has a saving throw, the creature has disadvantage on it.
It’s that time again, it’s ASI time! We’re going to be adding +1 to our Dex and +1 to our Intelligence.
Level 13: Rogue
More spell slots! Nothing else, though
Level 14: Rogue
Reliable Talent - Whenever you roll a skill check that you’re proficiency, anything under a 9, you treat as a 10, even natural 1s.
Level 15: Rogue
More cantrips!
Level 16: Rogue
Versatile Trickster - You can distract a creature with a mage hand and give yourself advantage.
ASI! We’re going to be improving our stats again, giving a +1 to Dex and a +1 to Intelligence
Level 17: Rogue
Blindsense - If you can hear, you can sense any invisible or hidden creatures within 10ft of you. Grian tends to be a bit more perceptive than people give him credit for, he susses out when people are hiding and stuff.
Level 18: Rogue
Slippery Mind - You have proficiency in Wisdom saving throws. These are usually against charm effects or spells trying to take control over creatures, so it seems fitting for Grian, despite his low Wisdom. He’s not one to listen to other people’s orders
Level 19: Rogue
ASI! We’re going for another feat, this time, Shadow Touched. We’re going to take the +1 to Charisma and you get some a spell from the illusion school of magic as well as invisibility. These don’t count against your spells known, too!
Level 20: Rogue
Spell Thief - Whenever a spell is cast that either targets you or hits you with an area of effect, you can reverse the spell and force the caster to make a spell saving throw with its spellcasting modifier. If it fails, you can cast the spell for eight hours using your spell slots. The creature also can’t use that spell for eight hours. You can use this once per long rest and really, what is a more chaotic ability for Grian? It may not be a capstone, but it might as well be.
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lenzami · 7 years
Summary: DandP are at a party and Dan is kind of, sort of stuck. Would You Rather + Truth or Dare is not working out in his favor, but it also kind of is.
Word Count: 1,306 (wow this is short)
a/n: btw this is actually based on real life as i went to a party and my friend marissa was asked the would you rather question and she ended up humping my other friend elliana and it was great
also you wanted me to tag you in this and im like scared and agh okay hi @snowbunnylester
Why Dan decided to come to a party when he could’ve had a lazy day in doing nothing, he didn’t know. He regretted coming to the party even more as soon as the words “Would You Rather” and “Truth or Dare” came out of the host’s mouth.
So now here he was, sat on the floor, waiting for his first question as Joey pondered what to ask him.
“What the actual fuck is this,” a voice suddenly spoke. Everyone turned to look.
A moth.
A dead one at that.
“Ooh. This’ll be interesting,” Joey thought aloud and Dan was regretting ever existing. He grimaced and cowered down while he turned to look back at Joey
“Dan. Would you rather eat that dead moth or hump Phillip over there for 15 seconds?” Everyone either started laughing or struggled to contain laughter.
“What.” He deadpanned, to which Joey just shrugged and smiled innocently. That little fucker.
The thought of eating the moth was a completely scarring idea, what with the dustiness of moths and the fact that it’s a fucking bug, like, what the fuck, Joey.
However, the option to hump Phil is absolutely mortifying because of the subtle crush that is actually very quite obvious to everyone besides Phil. What if he got a fucking hard-on?
He was not ready to explain why he got a boner while humping his best friend due to a dare.
While Dan debates internally, questioning his morals and sanity, Phil is nearly dying of laughter at the hilarity of the entire situation. They were at a party of all places and there just so happened to be a dead moth in a lamp and now his best friend is being asked to either eat the damn thing or hump him.
With expectant looks from everyone in the room, Dan quickly sputtered out a, ‘what the fuck?’ and turned to look at Phil, whose laughter had finally resorted to occasional giggles, “Okay, look, I’m not eating that damned moth under any circumstance, but I’m not humping Phil.”
“Choose, Howell. It’s pretty obvious what you want.” Joey spoke, smirking to himself as he leaned back onto his own arms.
Dan’s face turned completely red and his mouth was left agape and he hunched in on himself even more.
He hears some shuffling beside him and before he turns his head, he hears Phil’s voice, “Dan, honestly, I’d let you. I wouldn’t ever be able to eat a moth. We could just get it over with and out of the way?” Dan nodded and sighed, exasperated.
“Fine, I’ll hump Phil,” he murmured and stood up.
The blush in his face became even darker as the physical feeling of cringe flowed through him. He knew it would be awkward, especially since he wasn’t dating phil and, oh, majorly crushing on him.
Genuinely terrified of ruining his and Phil’s friendship, he shook his head, trying to get rid of all of his thoughts, and got behind Phil, anxiety and slight arousal pooling in his stomach. Joey was laughing to himself, most likely from Dan’s tomato red face, and started up a timer, “Alright, ready? Got my finger on the stopwatch”
Phil nodded and Dan followed suit reluctantly, setting his hands awkwardly onto the other’s hips.
“Okay, start whenever.”
Dan took in a deep breath and let the awkwardness, anxiety, and uncomfortableness settle in before he started moving. He was especially uncomfortable since he normally fantasized about Phil humping him, not vice versa. He scolded himself regardless because he should not be thinking about his fantasies while he was doing what he was doing as he was pretty sure he was already a lot harder than necessary.
He could feel time slow down as dread tickled the back of his mind because oh my god I’m actually getting hard and this is the exact opposite of what I wanted to happen.
He didn’t know what else to do with his hands so he kept a vice grip on Phil’s hips. His heart was beating so fast but at the same time so slow, with the sound of his pounding heart nearly palpable in the air around him. He felt stuffy; he couldn’t breathe. He needed to get out.
So as soon as Joey said the 15 seconds were up, he quickly mumbled an “I forfeit” and left the room, quickly padding down the hallways and closing the door to a guest room behind him.
He’s thankful that he doesn’t hear Phil follow suit and he slides down the wall, half-hard and thoughts of everything swirling everywhere in his mind without end.
What if he just ruined his entire friendship with Phil? The one thing he valued most of everything? The only person who saved him from his insecurities?
He was pretty positive he felt like he was going die as the voices in his head got louder and louder and the empty thoughts started crowding his mind more and more.
He was almost so into his thoughts, he barely missed the soft knock on the door.
How long had he been in there?
His hands quickly came up to wipe his eyes and he sat up straight as the door creaked open. He knew it was obvious he was crying, what with his tear-tracked cheeks and red eyes giving off the telltale signs for it.
Phil’s voice rang through the otherwise empty room, “Dan? Are y- oh. Dan?” He pushed the open door all the way and sighed as he saw his best-friend, eyes red, flushed cheeks, and heavy breathing. He slowly walked up to him and sat down next to him before pulling him into a side hug, “It’s alright, Dan, you’re okay, I’m here.”
“I’m sorry” he hiccuped and let another tear fall.
After a couple minutes, Dan had calmed down with Phil’s fingers threading in his hair and slowly rubbing his head.
“Are you okay? Do you want to talk about it?” He whispered.
“Yea… yea. It’s- It’s about time I do…” He smiled pathetically and let out a small sniffle
He ducks out of Phil’s arm and rubs his eyes a little, giving a small smile as he sat up. Dan tried to contain his blush as best as he could and nearly succeeded as his cheeks were tinted a soft pink.
Before saying anything, he took in a deep breath and spoke all at once, “IkindofsortoflikeyoulikealotandI’msorry.” He held his breath as he waited for Phil’s reply but all he was met was with a confused look.
“Sorry, what?” He asked, “I didn’t catch any of that.”
“I.. kind of, sort of… like…?you…?” He said, speaking slower and more hesitantly, “Sorry…” He turned away in fear, but didn’t miss the way Phil’s mouth turned downwards. Dan awaited a backlash, but got nothing.
“Was… was that all? You like me?” He asked, reaching out towards Dan who flinched away from the movement.
“Uh- Y-yeah, that- that was it.” He stuttered out.
“Dan… why didn’t you tell me?” He asked again, sympathy lacing his tone.
“I- I didn’t want to ruin our friendship. Sorry, uh, I- I can, y’know, leave… if you want… Sorry if I made things awkward… I’ll just go now. Yeah- yeah I’ll do that, heh.” He laughed awkwardly as he scrambled up to his feet, backing up a bit before turning around and making his way across the room.
Phil stopped him by grabbing onto his wrist and he quickly stood up behind him. Dan turned around quickly to question him, but before he could do anything, Phil quickly pressed his lips onto Dan’s and smiled.
“I like you, too, Dan.” He said when he pulled away, brushing a bit of hair out of Dan’s eyes before taking his hand and walking with him out of the room.
Maybe that dare wasn’t such a bad thing after all.
a/n so this was meant to be a quick and funny drabble but it turned into whatever this is
(also, as this is my first fic, criticism would be v v appreciated thank)
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