#im a lil sorry to hijack yr ask but i needed to dump this somewhere
ahoneesan · 5 months
Gas Geferens
my main issue with all the gock girlcock stuff is like, i think trying to make this ontological difference between Male Cock and Female Cock is at best cringey internalized homophobia and at worst like buying into the underpinnings of this farce we call gender too much. why is some girl so afraid of calling her penis a penis? is "penis" "cock" "dick" and all that, in fact, actually inherently masculine? so in order for there to be such a thing as a feminine penis, we have to break it out into its own category capital s Separate from Man Dick?youre conceding that that non-girl-dick is in fact a thing that Men have! i refuse to give them that! and of course once you start tying the word to peoples bodies you open up too many conversations about who Has a girlcock vs a "regular" cock. does a trans woman who hasnt started e yet have a girlcock? what about someone who doesnt transition? if some chicks dick doesnt atrophy enough does it ever transition with her? etc etc. why open up all these questions and pitfalls when you could just not, by continuing to call your dick what it is: a dick.
theres also the angle of the like, Set Apart-ness of transwomanhood. i think historically of the dykes who began to believe that lesbianism made them purer, nobler, better than their straight counterparts. that being a queer girl just made you more innocent and above reproach, that lesbianism exists in world of sexuality thats just capital d Different from the gay boys or whatever. dykes have just as many problems, maybe not all the same problems, but plenty of em nonetheless. maybe its all hand wringing on my part but theres an echo of that in girldick for me. i dunno. were all made of the same meat.
so those are my angles. i dunno that anyone actually cares about this outside of The Joke but i did want to write something slightly longer about it so here it is. clearly the answer to all this is that dick refers to trannies and everyone else has boydick. thanks for listening.
(AUTHORS NOTE: obviously im not talking about girls with genital trauma. im also not talking about calling your dick a clit. thats awesome. theres something very specific im getting at here. read with care!)
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