ahoneesan · 2 days
do u think discourse will ever advance to a point where i could say "yes actually being trans is a choice and yes that choice is inherently complicated by the way my body/social life/career/self/etc are all caught up in the mechanisms of heteropatriarchical capitalism AND STILL its the best choice i ever made and knowing that its impossible for anyone to be a fully rational liberal individual actor i do still think that offering the choice to trans your gender to every single person alove should be one of the top priorities for any society that actually gives a damn"
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cryptofeedzposts · 4 years
Lightning Works: Bitcoin Podcaster Finds Restaurant Shunning Banks for BTC
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Since Bitcoin was launched in early 2009, it has been the subject of backlash from many critics. Common criticism includes the age-old argument that “Bitcoin is backed by nothing,” the assertion that the cryptocurrency is “only used by criminals, gamblers, and adult entertainment addicts,” and the belief that the use of the Bitcoin network is slowly killing the Earth we love (this was found not to be true).Related Reading: Bloomberg Analyst: Bitcoin More Likely to Hit $10,000 Than Fall 30%The most common point Bitcoin’s cynics have, though, is that the cryptocurrency has no use case. What good does Internet money do when there are services like PayPal?Well, here’s an answer, as illustrated by Peter McCormack, a prominent Bitcoin-centric content creator.Banking the UnbankedThis week, Peter McCormack, an advertising guru turned host of the “What Bitcoin Did” and “Defiance” podcasts, posted the tweet that can be seen below. In it, McCormack is depicted paying for dinner using BTC over the Lightning Network in seconds, using his phone to issue the transaction. The establishment, he claims, did not accept bank or card payments.Banking the unbanked is thrown around quite a bit.Whatever your opinion, last night in El Salvador I bought dinner with Bitcoin over lightning from a roadside restaurant.I had no cash dollars and they have no bank or card payment option. pic.twitter.com/JtX3VvLasb— Peter McCormack (@PeterMcCormack) December 19, 2019While some have questioned the legitimacy of this video — after all, it is quite serendipitous that a roadside restaurant accepts Bitcoin, with Lightning Network enabled no less — he later asserted that it is all legit.The restaurant is in El Zonte, and is part of a community project that is working to spread BTC to all facets of this one community, for it gives local businesses the opportunity not to rely on banks and cash, along with an opportunity to avoid gang violence.Although it seems as though this project is still in its early stages, it goes to show that the Lightning Network is working, despite what critics may say.Related Reading: Halving Priced In or Not, Bitcoin’s Trajectory Bullish for 2020: ExecNot Bitcoin’s Only Use CaseThis is far from Bitcoin’s only use case.According to a report from the Hong Kong-centric news outlet the South China Morning Post, local authorities have frozen around HK$70 million (around $9 million U.S.) raised by democracy activists to support “anti-government protesters and arrested four people for money laundering.”Activists have since accused police of stretching the law, using this potentially money laundering case to paint the democracy movement that has been raging for months in a bad light.In this case, Bitcoin offers itself as an unseizable and alternative form of money. As long as users have sole control of the keys that own certain coins, no third-party should be able to take control.Related Reading: Analyst That Called Bitcoin’s Crash to $6,000s Expects Price to ReboundFeatured Image from Shutterstock
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ahoneesan · 4 months
love when sex workers have to put questions with their nudes to drive engagement. "would you let a goth girl send you cock pics?" would you let the morning sun greet you on a verdant mountaintop?
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ahoneesan · 4 days
watching an nl stream and he said like "why does my voice change every three years? because no man ever sets foot in the same river. its not the same river and its not the same man" and chat was filled with contemplative pepes looking at the sun setting over the ocean and it fucking killed me. plato streaming his dialogues in ancient greece and chat is filled with pepe watching his kids from the porch pepe watching the sand run through his fingers pepe standing at the base of the statue of ozymandius
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ahoneesan · 9 months
if you are a trans person you will never not be The Freak that cis society is worried about! embrace it! you think i wear this dog collar every day of my life because im normal? love yourself love your desires and find people who love you and them too! lifes too short to make a new closet to hide yourself in!
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ahoneesan · 2 months
the worst thing about this piece of shit city isnt the spotty transit, or the lack of decent food, its the dozens upon dozens of armed fucking security guards i need to wade through to get a fuckin loaf of bread at the walgreens downtown. its every single time i need to go get some fuckin toiletry i have to waltz by some fucker wearing a tactical vest with a gun at his side, wondering if this is the time i get clipped because officer andy didnt like the look of someone trying to shoplift a 6 pack of hanes, which are also under lock and fucking key. abysmal fucking situation.
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ahoneesan · 7 months
dont you know that saying "you can transition", a statement of neutral fact, is in fact an evil tranny pressuring tactic. dont you know that saying "i encourage you to think about why you think you cant be a girl" is basically the same as strapping someone down and making them take estrogen right there. dont you know that saying "hey girl" to a not-explicitly-woman is the same as taking her in front of a mirror to show her how pretty she looks in the bra you forced her to put o- sorry what are we talking about
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ahoneesan · 4 months
DISCOURSE IN 2038: its bad to sexualize any adult transwoman whos less than 7 years into transition bc shes still going through puberty
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ahoneesan · 3 months
yeah i like fitness. fitness girl in your repacks
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ahoneesan · 6 months
it really does seem like there are some ppl out there who genuinely cannot just accept a trans woman saying something about trans women at face value. there always has to be a caveat about some other group, some other gender, some other experience that naturally is used to soft disprove the trans womans point. imagine saying hey one time i was cut by a knife so please be careful with them and having an unending cacophony sound back you "actually i needed to slice an onion once so knives are good actually" or "why are you trying to ban knives?" or "yes youre so right and this is why i think we should be running with knives outstretched in front of us all the time!!!!" its fucking endless
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ahoneesan · 10 months
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ahoneesan · 1 year
hey yall, just got let go from my job. im a poor trans girl whos workin real hard with her gfs to get by, if you have some extra scratch for a meal or two (and maybe rent in a couple weeks) you can pass our way thatd be real swell.
venmo: @kebbbs
paypal: @jenngbooher
cash: $kebskash
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ahoneesan · 3 months
its kinda funny that seeing yuri that can graciously read as involving someone who could possibly be trans woman-adjacent maybe still gets me as much as it does. imagine if they made yuri between two explicit trans women!
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ahoneesan · 11 months
personally, i love being a woman. i love looking like a woman, and dressing like a woman, and being socially perceived as a woman! it makes me feel good when these things happen! you know that scary tranny in the dsm who gets hot looking at herself in the mirror wearing a bra? thats me bitch! i love this shit! and keep lovin it as long as i can! self professed autogynephile tumblr user kebs! lets go!
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ahoneesan · 6 months
look i gotta be straight with yall: i like the big demon baldy gate lady. i know this makes me a normie passoid fake fag cissie dyke but its just true. shes big and strong and niceys, i think, i havent and probably wont play that game but i think shes cool as hell. im sorry. im sorry.
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ahoneesan · 3 months
not to be a little well actually bitch but. the yuzu/citra thing happened bc they were actually not being very buttoned up about piracy. as i understand it they literally had builds of their emulator behind their patreon paywall that could play totk before its release date. that aint being "buttoned up" abt piracy. much less whatever the hell went on in their discord server. yuzu with their little patreon painted a target on their back. nintendo is not your friend at all but lets not kid ourselves here.
this also does NOT set a precedent! not a legal one, at least, which would have been set if they had gone to court with this. emulators exist in a legal gray area right now and neither nintendo nor YOU want this shit to go to court bc theres no telling which way it would land. so shut the fuck up and play your video games. dont go charging people for better piracy.
furthermore i think its likely this Actually happened at least in part due to switch 2 gettin pushed from this holiday into march of next year. thats the real greed on nintendos part. anyways read some reporting on this shit and dont whip yourself up into a frenzy bc of some piracy moral fiber in yr bones. the world has rules and these things can be understood if you calm down and take a second to learn about em.
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