#illmoraine sews
illmoraineakoi · 6 months
The All Vessels Sewing Challenge
A while ago, I got the intrusive idea that it'd be fun to make plushes for all of the Unique Vessels in HK. Ever since, I've been dabbling at it, not really expecting to be able to actually DO it. The full-sized Hollow I wanted to do turned out to be too expensive to do currently, and I expected this would be the same.
What started as babbling turned into a full-fledged urge. A need. An obsession. It's be a very long time since I worked on a large sewing project, and this idea filled that empty void in my soul. I'd forgotten how fun it was to have something big and challenging to work on.
So, you know what? Fuck it. Let's do this shit!
The Goal
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The objective of this project is to make plushes for every single Vessel on the above list.
37 Vessels.
37 Plushes.
Each Vessel Plush consists of at least 24 pieces of fabric, without horns. That's 888 pieces for all 37.
Horns add +4 pieces, depending on the horn design, per Vessel.
This project will easily require over a thousand fabric pieces. It will be the largest project I've ever worked on.
And I can't be more excited about it.
If you want to follow my progress on this project, all future posts about it will be under the tag #IllmoraineVesselPlushesChallenge
The above image will be updated whenever a Vessel is completed, marking it off as finished.
I can't wait to do this. It's going to be so fun.
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illmoraineakoi · 6 months
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Feelin like the Pale King rn
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illmoraineakoi · 1 year
I am--
Heavily Resisting the urge to try to make a life-sized Hollow Knight plush.
I do not need a 7 foot tall lankyass stuffed bug.
It'd be so easy to make. Their body shape is so simple. They're thin, it wouldn't even take that much fabric.
They'd be hug-sized.
I probably already have the fabric...
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illmoraineakoi · 1 month
Finally got my eyeglasses situation sorted out, but good fucking god this double vision
I can't remember if it's ever been so bad after a new pair of lenses, but it's also been over six years since I replaced the lenses I was wearing. It's very concerning, and I'm certainly not going to be getting anymore sewing done until I'm adjusted, which fucking sucks.
Still not 100% certain my prescrip is even right, exam just abruptly ended before I even realized she was done, and I'm not confident about how I did. But evidently double vision can take a few weeks to go away, so I have to wait it out for now.
It's just pretty weird bc my old precrip was still crisp and clear both near and far, but she said my prescrip changed a lot...Something in me is doubting that. Why would the old prescrip still work so well if my eyes have changed that drastically?
It's just so hard to tell bc new prescrip does still let me see clearly - some things. Like, middle-distance and some far things. but others feel just off enough for me to think 'not right' but not be able to describe HOW it's off or wrong.
I dunno, I just don't feel like dealing with it. Tempted to just epoxy putty my old glasses to fix them or just point-blank ask them to make me lenses with that old prescrip. Like I just put them on before starting to type this and my eyes are straining so bad it's starting to hurt.
I might go somewhere else and ask them to double check the prescription is right. Do an exam that I'm confident in this time.
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