#ik i added way more stage direction then necessary so it doesn’t actually resemble a script
rewritingcanon · 11 months
quoting the entire revised act four scene fourteen from the cursed child because it needs to be tattooed onto my brain:
SCORPIUS and ALBUS run into a room, and up a staircase where they are loitering and talking to one another. ALBUS is a few stairs above SCORPIUS, and is looking down on him. Enter ROSE who hides at the bottom of the staircase and listens to them.
Scorpius (excited): I can’t quite believe I did that.
Albus: I can’t quite believe you did that either.
Scorpius: Rose Granger-Weasley. I asked Rose-Granger Weasley…. to be my friend!
ROSE frowns in confusion and at the bottom of the stairs.
Albus (also excited): And she said no!
Scorpius: But I asked her. I planted the acorn. The acorn that will grow into our eventual… allegiance.
Albus: But you do know that Rose hates you?
Scorpius: Correction, she used to hate me, but did you see the look in her eyes when I asked? That wasn’t hate… that was pity!
SCORPIUS is smiling with glee, whilst ROSE cringes.
Albus: And pity’s good?
Scorpius: Pity is the start of a foundation on which to build a palace — a palace of harmony.
They laugh briefly, even ROSE has to stifle herself from her own amusement. Then ALBUS becomes serious and goes quiet. He steps down towards SCORPIUS until they are close together, and then puts a tender hand on his shoulder, almost intimate in the moment of it all.
Albus (quietly and very softly): And that’s who you want? In your palace?
Another silence. SCORPIUS looks confused, ROSE looks sad. She realises his longing.
Scorpius (floored by the sudden sentimentality of the moment): Yes… I— I think. Right?
ROSE steels herself, and emerges from her spot under the stairs to meet them from the bottom.
Rose: Hi.
SCORPIUS and ALBUS turn to her immediately. ALBUS’ hand is still on SCORPIUS’ shoulder. ROSE looks at the both of them intently, and neither boy knows quite how to reply.
Rose: This is only going to be weird if you two let it be weird.
ROSE looks between both of them very purposefully. ALBUS grows self conscious at this and quickly removes his hand from SCORPIUS’ shoulder.
Scorpius: Received and entirely understood.
ROSE looks at ALBUS.
Rose (very gently): Are you okay?
Albus (smiling at her but a little weak): Yeah.
ROSE smiles back, and exits. Another momentary silence.
Albus: Maybe pity is a start.
Scorpius: Are you heading to Quidditch? Slytherin are playing Hufflepuff — it’s a big one —
Albus: I thought we hated Quidditch?
Scorpius: People can change.
They both start walking down the stairs in the direction of where ROSE left.
Scorpius: Besides, I’ve been practising. I think I might make the team! …Eventually. Come on.
SCORPIUS starts walking off but ALBUS stops on the bottom stair. SCORPIUS looks back at him.
Albus: I can’t. My dad’s arranged to come up—
Scorpius: He’s taking time away from the Ministry?
Albus: He wants to go on a walk— something to show me— share with me— something.
Scorpius: A walk?
Albus: I know, I think it’s a bonding thing.
Both SCORPIUS and ALBUS pause before simultaneously and very dramatically pretending to vomit. They laugh.
Albus: Still, you know, I think I’ll go.
SCORPIUS reaches in and hugs ALBUS, who is a head taller than him due to the height of the stair he’s still standing on. ALBUS is frozen for a moment before he reciprocates and they are still. When ALBUS breaks the silence, his face is pressed so very close to SCORPIUS’.
Albus: What’s this? I thought we decided we don’t hug.
SCORPIUS dislocates from ALBUS.
Scorpius: I wasn’t sure. Whether we should. In this new version of us.
ALBUS smiles at him as SCORPIUS walks off without him. SCORPIUS smiles at him when he looks back.
ALBUS (still smiling, full): I’ll see you at dinner.
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