#ignore that i failed to draw these kits like actual kits lol
sapling-clangen · 3 months
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Moon 11!
Trembleseeker is finally a warrior! (like 4 moons late but whatever, her teacher was like an 11 year old)
Babies being cute!
Moon 0
Moon 10 - Moon 12
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ahiddenpath · 1 year
Hidden’s Life
It’s been a week at the shiny new job.
For some background info, I’ve always worked at relatively small biotech companies.  I’ve been to three before this new one; I researched biodiesel made from algae as an undergrad, then I made tools for researchers for about 5 years (mostly genes, CRISPR kits, and lentivirus), and then I started doing immunotherapy research for the last 6 years.  Unfortunately, that last company wasn’t doing well, and things got worse and more emotionally charged as time went on and money and staff dwindled.
So my latest job is...  Um, it’s the big leagues.  It’s a worldwide company, a household name.  I’m so blown away by the resources here- machines that do on their own what an entire department did at my old job, entry level baby scientists hired to make all of our plates/buffers, even night personnel to respond to night time equipment failure?!?!  I received an email one day explaining that a -80C freezer failed overnight, and the email’s sender moved everything from X freezer to backup freezer Y.  No one was called at 3 AM to come in and deal with this; someone is specifically hired to monitor the labs at night.
The building has a café and a health center and a zillion other services for employees.  For example, I was emailed to ask if I want a titer for hepatitis B.  Hepatitis B is one of the more contagious/easily spread human bloodborne diseases.  At my last job, I was suddenly told I would be working with human blood, and was asked to get vaccinated for hep B...  A process that took almost 8 months, as I had exactly zero antibodies for it in my blood (that’s what a titer is- they draw your blood and check for the presence of protective antibodies against hep B already in your body, then decide vaccine dosage from there).  Back then, it took 8 months, and my company made me work with blood the whole time, before I was protected.
My new company won’t give scientists access to the bio safety level (BSL) 2 lab until they either decline vaccination formally or finish their vaccination series.  Plus!  THERE IS A BSL2 SPECIFIC LAB!  You need to be trained to go there and given access!  It’s walled off from everyone else, limiting exposure and making sure no one cross contaminates equipment!  I cannot believe how out of compliance my last two companies were in comparison!  (Even better, there is currently no expectation of me going in there at all, I’m getting vaccinated because, like, why not?  EVEN BETTER, the facility lacks BSL3 and 4 labs entirely, so I will never be asked to go above 2!  They prefer to contract that work out to existing experts, rather than put us untrained folks in harm’s way).  
AND!  AND!  I can do all of my vaccine stuff in the building!  I just had to walk down the stairs and give some blood, it took five minutes!
So um...  Yeah, it’s a really nice and safe environment, is what I’m saying.  There are some downsides- it’s awful “sit anywhere you want, you don’t get a seat” open seating.  I am the type that likes to hunker down and nest, so this is so annoying, but each individual sitting area is really big, so oddly it’s more spread out than when I had assigned seating.  
Um, so far, it seems good?  I actually feel really set loose and ignored, lol, because there are so many computer training modules.  I was basically welcomed with a 30 min meeting with my new boss and left alone to do computer modules and attend meetings the rest of the time.  But no one is expecting independent work from me for at least a month, and I’m looking forward to when I get lab clearance and can follow people around more.  So far, the only downside has been... loneliness and a vague sense of, “Er, I GUESS I’m doing what I’m supposed to be doing...”
I’m hoping I can take advantage of the many, MANY end of year events (seriously there is a solid week of work hosted parties) to make friends while people don’t have as much work.  
Another odd thing, at least in my mind, is that people do not goof off in the office area.  This isn’t to say people don’t goof off- they just do so in designated goofing off areas.  If you wanna look at your phone or take a call, you go to a break room.  If you’re sitting in the office, the expectation is that you are working.  It’s a bit odd, as I’ve never worked anywhere with the funds to provide goof off areas???  
People seem busy, but not stressed/frustrated/bitter/resentful, which was a huuuuuge problem at my last place.  Being tired from working hard but not being upset vs being tired from working hard and feeling like everything is unfair and you’re being unfairly treated and everyone around you is miserable?  Those are two very different feelings.  And I am exhausted, my guys.  I keep passing out at 9 PM on the sofa.  I slept 12 hours last night, and I’m still so so so tired.   Learning so many new things and adjusting takes a huge toll on me.   
But...  IDK, I think things are going to be fine here.  I sure hope so!  They definitely are doing a ton of important work.  Among many other things, my new team makes covid medications- not vaccines, I mean meds you take if you get it- and it looks like the work I do is going to have actual impact on people who are sick.  I’ve already been in meetings where we discuss the next breakout variant, how many people will have it in how long, and what possible antibodies we have that could neutralize the new variant in patients.  Everyone is really passionate about it.  
At my last job, anything I worked on was like 10+ years and a shit ton of luck away from actually helping anyone (other than by discovering things that DON’T work, which, tbh, is a huge part of science).  It seems like the turnaround is just a few weeks at this new company.  Some of that is because covid stuff is so prioritized across the board, but a lot of that is sheer big company money and connections (ie, our collaborators in the NIH public disease know x, which allows us to focus on y as our best bet, etc).
Basically, this is huge for me.  I didn’t even understand how huge it was when I applied, or even when I got the role.  So... fingers crossed that I meet expectations and that training goes well.  
For now, I will be perpetually tired, and there will be times when I’m not online much, let alone creating much, but that will slowly get better.  And hopefully, I’ll feel both more fulfilled, more valued, and less stressed than before.  
Thank you so much for reading all of this, and for caring about me <3  I can’t believe all of the support and love you guys give me, thank you so very much!  I hope you’re all doing well, I love you!
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tetsvya · 3 years
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❛ happy birthday, tobio. ❜
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ˏˋ°•*⁀➷  kageyama has never been one to make a big deal out of his birthday, and why would we, when he’d rather much spend his time making gingerbread houses with you?
➼ pairing! kageyama tobio x reader
➼ word count! 1.5k
➼ warnings! none, like two curse words
➼ type! fluff
➼ author’s note! long time no see lol, but hopefully i’ll have more time to post now that the semester is over. anyways, here’s a little holiday/birthday inspired fic for kags! also, this might be a little ooc? idk, i just rlly wanted to write for lovesick kags <3 enjoy!
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"This makes no sense" Kageyama can't help but grumble to himself as he glares down at the paper he has clutched in between his hands. He's been hunched over the table for nearly two minutes now, trying to understand what he was being told to do. The premade gingerbread house kit sits on the table a few inches away from him, ready to be constructed.
"Maybe you should turn it the right way" A voice chirps from behind him, arms coming out from around him to turn the paper in his hands so it's no longer upside down. Kageyama's eyebrows shoot up momentarily, and his cheeks warm as your giggle fills his ears. Your lips brush softly against his cheek, placing a fleeting kiss to his reddening skin before you drop into the seat beside him. Kageyama, far too bridled with embarrassment now, doesn't even attempt to read the page anymore, choosing to actively ignore your stare. You can't help but laugh softly, resting your chin on your palm as you hold your other hand out.
"Let me see" You hum, fingers wiggling as to coax him to do so and Kageyama is more than happy to oblige. He hands you the paper, and you set it down on the table in front of you, soothing it down at you peer down at it. Kageyama rests his hand against the back of your chair, leaning into you as he glances at the paper from over your shoulder, using it as an excuse for him to be closer to you. You don't mind, however, your boyfriend's warmth always a welcoming feeling. Your eyes run over the words printed onto the paper for a minute or two, before you're nodding to yourself and pushing it aside.
"Alright," You start, straightening out as you turn in your chair so you're facing Kageyama, nose nearly bumping against his, "I say we just wing it."
Kageyama's lips quirk up at your words, "Are you sure that's a good idea?"
"It's just a gingerbread house" You shrug, turning away from him once more to reach out for the slabs of gingerbread sitting on the table, "How hard could it be?"
Very hard, actually.
"How much longer?" Kageyama asks, hands beginning to cramp from having to hold all the separate pieces of the gingerbread house together in order for the frosting to dry properly. The house is already covered in frosting from the many failed attempts of getting it to stand, and honestly, if it weren't for Kageyama's competitive spirit, you probably would have given up by now.
"I don't know" Kageyama shoots you a pointed look at your words, and now that you think about it, maybe the two of you should have used the instructions. Shrugging, you glance down at your phone, noting that about an hour or so has passed since the two of you had started. Reaching out, you pull the instructions closer to you and let your eyes run over the paper. Finally finding what you were looking for, your eyes shoot up in disbelief.
Three hours? You were supposed to let the frosting dry for three hours? Absolutely not, you thought. Who even has the time for that? Well, you and Kageyama certainly do but you'd much rather finish this godforsaken gingerbread house and migrate to the couch for a movie and some cuddles. Turning your attention back to Kageyama, you send him a nod. The boy is quick to let go of the house, flexing his fingers a little as he leans back in his chair, stretching. You scooch in closer to him, lowering your head so your face is level with the gingerbread house in order to get a closer look at it.  Kageyama watches with an amused smile as you closely inspect the gingerbread house, eyes narrowed in concentration. It seems to be holding, and with a timid finger, you give it a gentle nudge. The house remains firm, and when you turn to look at your boyfriend, the both of you share triumphant smiles.
"Okay, decorating time!"
Not even ten minutes later, there's sprinkles and an array of other candies scattered out across the table, and your and Kageyama's gingerbread house is finally finished. Truthfully, it's not the best. It's leaning to the side a little, and there's some sloppy icing job here and there (thanks to Kageyama). But still, it's your's and Kageyama's, and you love it, especially the little you and little Kageyama your boyfriend had crafted onto the side of the house with icing. They honestly look more like two glob monsters than you and Kageyama, but the sweetness of the idea had you pressing a kiss to Kageyama's cheek when he had shown you (he, of course, blushed when you had done so).
After snapping a few pictures of the gingerbread house, and sending some of them to Sugawara along with a cute selfie you had forced Kageyama to take with you, you set your phone aside, turning to Kageyama. Your eyes are quick to spot a little glob of icing smeared across his cheek, and you can't help but smile as you nudge your head at it, "You have some icing on your cheek."
Kageyama's eyebrows shoot up before he's reaching his hand up, somehow finding the exact spot and swiping his finger against it. He glances down at it before bringing his finger to his mouth, licking the frosting off. His reaction is immediate.
"This icing tastes like shit" Kageyama points out bluntly, nose scrunching up in distaste. Laughter spills past your lips as he does so, catching sight of the smudge of icing he has left on his lips.
"Let me have a taste."
"Okay" He drawls out critically, shaking his head as he swipes the bag from off the table. He's sporting a sour look as he turns to you, "I really don't know why you want to, it's gros—"
Kageyama doesn't have the chance to finish his sentence as your lips are quickly pressed against his in a soft kiss. His eyes widen as his cheeks warm once more, something he realizes happens far more than he liked to admit when he was around you, before he eventually melts into your embrace. His eyes flutter shut as he reaches out, cradling your face in his hands as your own hand cups his cheek, pressing your other palm against his chest. Kageyama's skin was warm to the touch, and you can't help but smile against his lips as he begins to gently rub his thumb back and forth against your cheek. Your skin was soft against his, and Kageyama finds himself leaning further into your touch, savoring every essence of your presence. You pull away a few moments later, rather reluctantly might I add, smiling to yourself as Kageyama subconsciously chases your lips, eyes fluttering open so you're met with a deep blue.
It's your turn to caress his cheek with your thumb as you reach out with your free hand, brushing your fingers through his soft hair before letting your hand rest atop his locks. Kageyama's eyes never waver from your own, an intense gaze in them as he stares at you. You smile softly, gently pressing your forehead against his as your eyes flutter close once more. Kageyama feels his heart flutter at the sight of you. You were so pretty. So, so pretty. He blinks at you when your eyes open once more, that feeling he only ever got with you festering in his stomach as you stare up at him with those pretty eyes of yours. You smile once more and the words you utter come out as a mere whisper, "Happy birthday, Tobio."
"Thank you" He manages to whisper back, entranced with your being as he lets his eyes wander over every inch of your face. Kageyama finds himself thinking to a time before, when the two of you had first begun to date. He always finds himself mentally cringing at the remembrance of how awkward he had been then: his fumbled words, deep blushes, 'accidental' brush of his fingers against yours. But, as you had once said, it really did make moments like this all the sweeter. To see how far the two of you have come, how comfortable you make Kageyama feel. And as he continues to stare down at you, holding you, he can't help but think he's the luckiest person in the world. Who would ever need an extravagant party if they had you? You were worth far more than anything in this world, he can't help but think.
You're drawing back suddenly, giggles slipping past your lips as you swipe your tongue against your lips. Your laughter doubles after doing so, and despite having no idea why you're laughing like a maniac, a smile graces Kageyama's lips at the sight. His eyes never waver as he watches you attempt to collect yourself, shaking your head as you manage to speak through your giggles, "You were right. The frosting did taste like shit."
Kageyama finds himself shaking his head as well, laughing himself as he reaches out for you. Yeah, you really were the best thing he could ever have, he thinks to himself as he pulls you against his chest, planting a kiss to the crown of your head, "Told you, idiot."
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tigerkirby215 · 4 years
5e Soraka the Starchild build (League of Legends)
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(Artwork by Riot Games)
That feel when I put off making this build for so long that I can now remove my warning for this build using Theros content.
Soraka is a very obvious choice for a Theros character. Along with being a Satyr (by the way Soraka’s a Satyr she has goat hooves so of course she’s going to be a Satyr) she has a clear divine connection with Mount Targon. So she’s a great pick if you want a healer in Theros, or a healer in general!
To heal and protect - Soraka is the first character people think of when they want a support in League. She heals so much it hurts her!
Violence cannot go unanswered - That doesn’t mean Soraka can’t do damage, calling down the wrath of the heavens to harm enemies and heal herself.
Have hope! - Soraka isn’t just a good healer because of big numbers. She’s also a good healer because she’ll rush to your aid if you’re in danger!
Along with being a Satyr (by the way Soraka’s a Satyr she has goat hooves so of course she’s going to be a Satyr)
Soraka’s a Satyr she has goat hooves she’s a Satyr. As a Satyr your Charisma increases by 2 and your Dexterity increases by 1. You count as a Fey rather than humanoid, and henceforth have Magic Resistance for Advantage against all magical effects.
You can Ram enemies to do 1d4 + your Strength modifier as an unarmed strike, and have Mirthful Leaps to add a d8 to any jump you make. You are a Reveler with proficiency in Persuasion and Performance, as well as a musical instrument of your choice. (Divine Soraka’s artwork shows her playing the Flute so choose that.) And finally you can speak Common and Sylvan, and have a walking speed of 35 feet, which I mention because it’s more than average!
15; WISDOM - All the compassion abilities are tied to Wisdom, and you have to be pretty damn compassionate to main Soraka.
14; CHARISMA - With a base model like that you’re still one of the most popular champs in the game. That takes some form of Charisma.
13; DEXTERITY - With the +1 from our race it gives us enough to dodge a few hits. And by “dodge a few hits” I mean wear Medium armor.
12; INTELLIGENCE - As a child of divine power and an enchanter you’re bound to know a thing or two about Religion or Arcana. (Feel free to swap this with Constitution if you want more health but worse skill checks)
10; CONSTITUTION - You’re an enchanter support. Squishy.
8; STRENGTH - You’re an AP support, not an ADC.
I actually had to read Soraka’s lore; end me. Do you know how many times this shit was revised? Didn’t Soraka have a rivalry with Warwick at one point? Regardless based on her lore Soraka was... literally formed from the stars? Fuck me... Well Hermit gives us Religion and Medicine proficiency so that’s good enough for me. Your background feature “Discovery” essentially says “the DM gives you plot spoilers.” Maybe you learnt that you were a child of the stars? Maybe you saw the coming of an army and a great war? Maybe you won’t be playing a campaign in Runeterra?
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(Artwork by Riot Games)
“Oh Soraka’s a healer so she must be a Cleric I bet she’s going to be a Life Cleric!” Nope! Wrong!
Soraka was born from a star which means her healing power is innate, henceforth meaning that she’s a Sorcerer! Her subclass is pretty obvious too but let’s get her proficencies sorted out first: choose Arcana for knowledge of magic that may cause harm, and Insight for knowledge of people who may cause harm.
For your subclass: want to heal as a Sorcerer? Divine Soul! Divine Soul Sorcerers have Divine Magic, giving them access to the entire Cleric spell list along with the Sorcerer spell list! Additionally they get another spell tied to their alignment and naturally Soraka is a holy good girl of goodness so you’ll learn the Cure Wounds spell to... cure wounds. Divine Soul Sorcerers are also Favored by the Gods, letting them add 2d4 to a failed saving throw or attack roll once per short rest.
But now for spells! Along with Cure Wounds you can learn 4 cantrips and 2 leveled spells from the Sorcerer list or the Cleric list. To guide your allies the Guidance cantrip is a good choice, letting them add a d4 to an ability check. And to guide them through the darkness Dancing Lights will let them see what’s ahead. For some generic magical effects Prestidigitation is good to help in small ways, and to sling a banana to inflict Grievous Wounds grab Chill Touch, because sometimes you need to harm to heal. For leveled spells Healing Word will let you heal at a distance and not get in harm’s way yourself, and Sleep will let you end a fight without bloodshed.
“Oh well Cleric at level 2 is clearly done so you can get Life Cleric for increased healing!” Nope wrong again! While Soraka heals a lot her heals aren’t really empowered; they’re just really big. But you know who Soraka does heal a lot? Those who are injured. Time for Grave Domain baby!
Grave Clerics are in the Circle of Mortality, letting them heal for the maximum amount on any target who is at 0 hitpoints. Additionally they get the Spare the Dying cantrip with a casting range of 30 feet, and can cast it as a bonus action! Grave Clerics can also detect those who insult life’s natural circle, and can use Eyes of the Grave to detect any undead within 60 feet that aren’t behind full cover or protected from divination magic. You can use Eyes of the Grave a number of times equal to your Wisdom modifier, and regain all expended uses on a Long Rest.
But let’s talk spells, because woo boy you’re going to get a lot of them with this build: as a Cleric you can learn three cantrips from the Cleric list. Sacred Flame is another way to deal damage which we didn’t take as a Sorcerer, and Word of Radiance is a way to keep yourself safe if surrounded. Finally Thaumaturgy will let you perform some divine acts that are a little more intimidating than Prestidigitation.
You can prepare a number of Cleric spells equal to your Wisdom modifier (2) plus your Cleric level (1 - so a maximum of 3.) As a Grave Cleric you always have Bane and False Life prepared, to keep your enemies at bay and keep yourself from being harmed. To further protect your allies grab both Shield of Faith and Protection from Evil and Good, and to illuminate your foes in an Equinox grab Guiding Bolt. It’s worth mentioning that Clerics are prepared spellcasters because Sorcerers are not, so any Cleric spells we grab as Sorcerer are “essential” while the ones we grab as Cleric are more “optional” and can be swapped out as you see fit.
Second level Clerics get access to Channel Divinity: all Clerics can Turn Undead, forcing all undead within 30 feet to make a Wisdom save or run away from you. Additionally Grave Clerics can further set up with Equinox thanks to Channel Divinity: Path to the Grave, allowing you to curse an enemy and make it vulnerable to the next attack that hits it. Root your foes to set up for some potent skill shots! Regardless of what Channel Divinity you use you gain the ability back on a short rest.
You can also prepare another spell like Bless, letting your allies add a d4 to attack rolls and saving throws.
Lol what’s second level spells? Second level Sorcerers get Font of Magic, giving them Sorcery Points equal to their level in Sorcerer. You can convert sorcery points into spell slots, and thanks to the Class Feature Variants UA you have a few other options: Empowering Reserves lets you spend 2 Sorcery points to gain advantage on a skill check, Imbuing Touch lets you spend 2 Sorcery points to make a weapon magical for the sake of overcoming magic resistance, and Sorcerous Fortitude lets you convert Sorcery points into d4s which you can roll to grant yourself temporary hitpoints. None of these are really in flavor for Soraka except maybe Empowering Reserves, but it’s still nice to have the option if your DM allows UA.
You can also learn another spell and to keep you safe from those who’d wish to abuse your power (and try on new skins) grab Disguise Self, letting you alter the appearance of yourself and your clothes! No what do you mean we have too many first level spells?
Third level Sorcerers get Metamagic to alter their spells with their Sorcery points. To keep enemies at bay grab Hightened Spell and spend 3 Sorcery points to give enemies disadvantage on their first saving throw against your spells. If you want to cast from bush and not draw attention to yourself then Subtle Spell will let you spend 1 Sorcery point to ignore any verbal or somatic components of a spell, so that you can cast without a sound and without drawing attention to yourself.
And hey look at that: actual second level spells! You know me: when given the chance Misty Step to Flash is always going to be my spell of choice.
At 4th level you get your first Ability Score Improvement, but we’re actually going to be a good support and ward with the Observant feat. Along with a plus 1 to your Wisdom you also get a +5 bonus to your passive Perception and Investigation by watching the minimap, and you can read people’s lips to make sure they aren’t complaining about how you’re a shit support. What no I’m not projecting.
Also yeah with an increase to your Wisdom modifier you can prepare another Cleric spell.
You can also learn another spell and another cantrip! Minor Illusion will let you make a small image you can use to deceive enemies; maybe it’s a scarecrow? For your leveled spell you have a silence in your kit so grab Silence to silence enemies. Silently.
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(Artwork by Riot Games)
5th level Sorcerers can grab third level spells: to protect yourself and your allies with a Banshee’s Veil grab Counterspell, blocking incoming magic and keeping yourself safe!
6th level Divine Soul Sorcerers get Empowered Healing, allowing them to empower... their healing. Whenever you or an ally within 5 feet of you rolls dice to heal you can spend 1 sorcery point to reroll any number of those dice once. Soraka’s healing isn’t strong because it’s high but because its consistently high.
Speaking of healing Life Transference will let you give your life to others. You hurt yourself for 4d8 necrotic and then heal that much to the target you choose. I should also mention that technically speaking you can cheese this spell with Empowered Healing: since only the healing is affected if you roll all 1s against yourself you can then Empower the heal and get more value out of your self harm! ...That sounds really weird when you say it out loud!
7th level Sorcerers can learn 4th level spells but I’m actually going to suggest quickly hopping back to third level for Fly. Why? Because it’s Fly, and because Star Guardian Soraka can fly. Also because it’s Fly why do I have to justify this?!
8th level Sorcerers get another Ability Score Improvement: seeing as most of investment so far has been in the Sorcerer class get more Charisma for better Sorcery.
You can also learn another spell but again we’ll be hopping down a few levels for Hold Person for a Root with Equinox.
9th level Sorcerers can learn 5th level spells which means it’s finally time for Starcall! Enervation is a ranged attack that heals you: the targeted creature must make a Dexterity saving throw or take 4d8 Necrotic damage. On each of your following turns you can continue doing 4d8 to that target without them being able to make a saving throw! If they succeed their save when you target them you only do 2d8 damage, but regardless of if they save or fail you will be healed for half the damage you deal to them!
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(Artwork by Riot Games)
Third level Clerics can prepare second level spells. Grave Clerics have Gentle Repose and Ray of Enfeeblement innately prepared, keeping foes from harming your allies and keeping your allies that were harmed... fresh for respawn. Lesser Restoration will let you remove some minor CCs with a crucible, and Zone of Truth will let you figure out who blinded, deafened, paralyzed, or poisoned your friends.
4th level Clerics get an Ability Score Improvement: now that we’re taking Cleric levels increase your Wisdom for better Cleric spells.
A Wisdom increase means two more prepared spells, along with the new Cleric cantrip you can learn! We may as well grab Mending because you hardly need more offensive cantrips. For prepared spells you can lend Aid to your allies to increase their max HP (and use some of those higher level slots you don’t have spells for.) We’ll hold off on preping anything else until...
5th level Clerics Destroy Undead of CR 1/2 or lower that fail their saving throw against Channel Divinity: Turn Undead. Of course it’s unlikely you’ll be fighting CR 1/2 enemies at level 14 but...
5th level Clerics can also prepare third level spells! As a Grave Cleric you will have both Revivify and Vampiric Touch innately prepared, for more healing from harm and a way to bring your allies back from literal death. To further keep your allies from dying Beacon of Hope will maximize incoming healing in the area while also giving allies advantage on Wisdom saves and Death saves. For a close-range Wish (the League of Legends ultimate, not the D&D spell) Mass Healing Word will let you heal 6 creatures within 60 feet as a bonus action.
6th level Clerics get a second use of Channel Divinity per short rest, but more importantly as a Grave Cleric you’re a Sentinel at Death’s Door, letting you negate critical hits on allies within 30 feet! You can use this reaction a number of times equal to your Wisdom modifier and regain all expended uses on a long rest.
You can also prepare another spell and to further aid against crowd control Remove Curse will let you... remove a curse affecting a target.
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(Artwork by Riot Games)
7th level Clerics can prepare 4th level spells. Grave Clerics will always have Blight and Death Ward prepared. How Blight falls into your mantra of not doing harm I don’t know, but keeping from falling off the brink of death is always useful! Speaking of useful: knocking an enemy out of the fight harmlessly with Banishment can allow your allies to focus on more dangerous threats.
8th level Grave Clerics get Potent Spellcasting, letting them add their Wisdom modifier to the damage of their Cleric cantrips. Naturally since your cantrips are going to be increased with Wisdom I’d suggest increasing your Wisdom with the Ability Score Improvement you just got!
With our final increase to Wisdom you can prepare two more spells and we’re actually going to be hopping back a few levels, first for Daylight from third level to banish the fog of war, and then all the way back to first level for Detect Evil and Good, so you will know who has evil in their hearts.
10th level Clerics get another Metamagic, but none of these are really that impressive so you may as well grab Empowered Spell to keep your enemies from ever damaging your allies in the first place.
You can also learn another spell and to root more powerful beasts grab Hold Monster, which is like Hold Person but it works on monsters! And you learn another cantrip like Resistance, letting your chosen ally add a d4 to a saving throw, so you can support them without using any resources.
11th level Sorcerers can learn 6th level spells and of course we’ll be going all out for the most reliable Heal in the game. A creature in 60 feet is instantly healed for 70 health and cured of any blindness or deafness.
12th level Sorcerers get our final Ability Score Improvement, so cap off your Charisma modifier to have the strongest spells from two spell schools.
What? Did you think that you’d get another spell to learn? Lol nope screw you Sorcerers only get a spell every other level past level 10 because I don’t know. Feel free to replace one of your older Sorcerer spells with a 6th level spell if you wish, because you’ve certainly got the slots to do it.
I lend my aid - You’d never guess that the character built specifically to heal would be good at healing, with tons of supportive spells to keep your allies alive and your foes at bay.
What must be done - You also do quite a lot of damage with powerful spells like Vampiric Touch, Blight, and Enervation, not to mention an insane array of cantrips and your Channel Divinity empowering the attacks from allies.
Where am I needed? - Even out of combat you are constantly helping the party with an ungodly amount of cantrips and insane utility with both Charisma and Wisdom skills.
Be at peace - Sorcerer levels plus no Constitution modifier equals less than 100 max health on average! Your foes don’t even need to hit you: just hit the Power Word Kill button and you’re down for the count! Not to mention that your AC and saving throws are incredibly subpar, even if being a Satyr helps against magic.
Never waste a breath - The vast majority of your damaging spells are Necrotic, so while you may be intended to be the healer of the group you might struggle to do much else against foes that resist necrotic damage.
This is my path - There’s such a thing as too much Cleric. Doing a near-perfect 50/50 split between two spellcasters means that while your slots go up to 9th level the actual spells you know only go up to 6th. And you don’t even get Wish; that’s literally the name of your ultimate! What’s more is that Divine Soul Sorcerer really doesn’t help us much with the only use you get out of the class being Empowered Healing. Sure 2 more levels in Sorcerer would give you wings but then you lose out on Potent Spellcasting and an ASI.
But your job was to heal and protect which is a job you do well. Any brute can save the day by crushing the head of the bad guy, but saving the world through compassion is a tough task. But keep a level head, support your team, and be ready to mute everyone if it becomes too much to handle. You’re just a Deathcap away from becoming the very thing you swore to destroy.
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(Artwork by Riot Games)
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theskygivesmelife · 3 years
"I am the master of my fate,"
How ironic that a poem about self control uses this very phrase, whilst ignoring the fact that fate, or destiny actually imply that there can never truly be any control, for all is predetermined from the beginning of time.
I'd say we don't. Nonexistence is a superior state of existence in my opinion.
First things first: you don't love me, so stop saying you do. Even if you genuinely believe you do, you'll understand what I mean.
With that said, for the love of God can you stop messaging me? Not on WhatsApp because I will have *deleted* it, and not on Android messages because I can't respond as I don't have any balance. I use my phone only for music or gaming mainly anyway. Speaking of which, I thought I did make it clear that I don't want to talk to you. When was the last time we did talk? Right, your birthday. I don't remember ever being that drained after talking to you. Honestly, it was a pain—was it for you too? I guess that's what happens as one becomes truly apathetic. Seriously, I don't know who you're still trying to contact, but that person's dead. Well, not literally unfortunately, but if you do want to talk to some tired, disillusioned soul I'm still here I guess. As I mentioned, your little I love yous at the end don't really hold, because, you know, you're really just refering to the wrong person. For the record, I've started to think that not only am I incapable of loving, but am also incapable of being loved.
Anyhow, lets just say that if I were Jekyll then I'm Hyde now. To be honest, I don't even know why I'm responding to you. The "fuck her, why give a damn?" voices have been quite loud for some time. Well, I don't think of you all the time, so "fuck the world" might seem more apt as a generalisation. Back to the point: some time ago I'd have actually cared, but I don't give a shit now about anything.
I'll say it now: I don't think it'll ever be a good enough reason for you. I don't think any reason ever will. You'll probably still try to convince me to maintain contact, even though it's so horribly one sided. Well, I just couldn't care less for the most part. It'd probably be good if you wouldn't waste your time on me though. I mean, let's be real. You're not going to get my number once out if this country. Even if you miraculously did, you'd certainly make some replacement friends in college without the downsides that I have, so it'd be pointless. I know you won't listen anyway, and I said that I don't care either. So why am I even trying? I don't know.
If you'll remember I've tried to shut you out multiple times. It's funny now, ~because I feel absolutely nothing now.~ Quite often in the past I'd feel quite regretful or guilty, but now? Heh, just an emotionless robot just moving along now. Going through the motions you know. Still, if there's one thing I should mention, it's that I never lied to you when I said some sentimental crap like caring about you and such. Whoever I was back then, he genuinely ment it. And now, it seems like my wick is shorter than I imagined. It's going to burn up quick. You know what that means? Garima, it means peace at last. So, let me have my time now. I still dream of that little cottage far away, secluded from society. No-one for company. Okay, a cat and a dog. They'll be nice. A drum kit. Video games maybe? What'll I do? Electrician perhaps? Mechanic? Just so long as it isn't a crappy 9-5 job, and actually pays my bills. No people. No friends—do I really have any? No girlfriend—I don't want one (not asexual, but I'm not as horny as you I guess), and I doubt I'm capable of forming a proper relationship anyway. No family—I never had one to begin with. Can you imagine it? All alone and blissful. Just let me be. Please. One way or another, I'm gone. I'm actually feeling sad now typing this, tears in my eyes and all (I haven't cried in forever) but you shouldn't be. You've got a long, long way to go; you'll do well anyway. I don't know what I really was to you, or what I've done to you. I know that I was a hard person to deal with. I can't really list out all the times I've failed you; I hope you will forgive me for them. Believe me when I say that if there was ever I person I really tried to keep happy as often as I could, it was you.
" *Bye, stay healthy and happy* "
I won't—I can't.
PS. Nice songs. I still appreciate music I guess, unless it's a really bad day.
[8/18/2018, 12:03 AM] Prathik: It seems not. Oh well, I was hoping I could talk one last time. Silly of me; you're probably either sleeping or studying for tomorrow's — should I say today's? — test.
[8/18/2018, 12:57 AM] Prathik: You know, I've been thinking: what if I wanted to talk to you one day? Would you then be ready to hold conversation? I think you would, but that doesn't strike me as fair. I mean you say that you'll miss me, but that's something you'll just have to take in your stride. On the contrary, if I miss you, then I try contacting you, and in all likelihood you'll just respond. What do you think?
[8/18/2018, 1:44 AM] Prathik: Maybe you're free tonight? I just want to talk; I don't know what I'm even doing now. Ugh I can't even explain it without sounding like some self pitying shithead. Forget it. I'm sorry
[8/18/2018, 12:42 PM] Prathik: Seriously, the very dynamics of our interactions are messed up. Everything is based on my mood and how I'm feeling. Don't want to talk? No problem! I'll go silent. Depressive episode? No problem! I'll go silent. It's like I can literally choose what and when we get to converse. Tired of our conversations? No problem! I'll just stop talking to you. And all you say is that you'll miss me. Sure, it makes me feel all warm and fuzzy, but bloody hell — why didn't you ever call me out for my behaviour? Gee, we screwed up...so many flaws and nothing was even done about them.
Yes, I'm ranting. I'll say stupid things, and maybe hurtful things too. If I were completely aware of what it is that sounded like that, then I wouldn't be saying them. Not that it's an excuse for saying anything I shouldn't. You probably shouldn't take anything personally, because in all likelihood, I'll probably just be projecting.
[8/18/2018, 12:52 PM] Prathik: Oh shit, I really need psychological help don't I? Do you think that if I got better, I'd finally stop sabotaging all the relationships I have?
[8/19/2018, 12:19 AM] Prathik: Goodbye
[8/19/2018, 2:25 PM] Prathik: Okay, I'll just leave this here. Just one last thing. I honestly am doubting my mental stability: I'd wager that I'm fairly unstable in general and more so at this point. My mood seems to swing like a fucking pendulum, and for whatever reason, I have and possibly might keep spouting unnecessary shit. So please, just *IGNORE EVERYTHING* I say. *EVERYTHING.* Except this one last message. Please. It's all I ask.
[8/19/2018, 2:54 PM] Prathik: I'm also not going to be using WhatsApp anymore — no point now right? — so I guess you'll be spared if having to reply to anything.
[8/8/2018, 10:24 PM] Prathik: Bloody hell, always nice to me even though I don't deserve it. Can't just go study like you ought to or talk to anyone else? You've got tons of friends after all. Perhaps one day they'll give you a consolation prize saying "good effort; hard luck" and maybe then you'll see how you're just wasting your time. Whatever. It's not like I can control you or force you to behave in a certain manner. Stupid world. Just leave me be
[8/8/2018, 10:52 PM] Prathik: I don't even know why you don't give in. I mean, what am I to you? Some depressed idiot that makes you feel better about yourself? I don't think that's the narrative you've sold to me, so that's probably not the reason.
It's kinda like you're an ant running against the wind. Not any wind, though, just that which is being blown by some sadistic little kid. It keeps running into it. Over and over it tries and fails. The wind keeps pushing it back, but the ant doesn't see how futile it's attempts are. It doesn't see that despite the fact that it keeps trying, nothing's going to change. It has so many other avenues of exploration, ones that would certainly lead to a great reception from the colony, but oh no. The ant keeps running, hoping that the resistance will decrease. Eventually the boy just blows harder, and the ant flies away and lands on its back. (Good thing it has an exoskeleton.) Only then does it see how pointless its efforts were, and that they were better off invested somewhere else.
You know how people throw that fucking annoying platitude around? That things will get better? Doesn't happen. It's no different in its progression from a physical illness, and once you go beyond a certain stage you're only living on fumes at that point. Limited time. But it'll get better they say. Fucking hell, it can also get worse, but who's willing to actually concede that bleak truth?
Yeah, maybe. I don't know. I'm just getting worse mentally. I mean, I set the suicide date for when I'm 25. It's only kept dropping. I started considering pushing it to college years, and now I'm genuinely pondering whether I should just drop out of college like when I'm 19 or so and be done with it — at least I won't have to wonder about how you'll come meet me in USA lol. I'm also drawing more blanks in tests. It's not like I don't know, it's just making me more and more anxious. Like the psychology UT we had just some time ago. I left 12 marks because it seemed to easy to be true and I thought I was wrong. I got 17.5 . And meeting people, ugh. Worse than ever. Sure I'm introverted, but at this rate I'm practically going to become a hermit. My ability to function like a sane person is waning, and it's actually quite clear. It's makes me awe struck and horrified at the same time seeing how someone is so capable of self sabotage. Yeah, I don't think I was made for this world. Just one big mistake that hasn't been taken care of yet.
Oh, if you haven't listened to it already, you really should listen to Heroes by David Bowie. Please do, if you haven't yet. Just this one song.
[6/28/2018, 12:13 AM] Prathik: I love you.
[6/28/2018, 12:14 AM] Prathik: ^ I just felt like saying that.
You don't get it. I don't know for sure that you like talking to me. Yes, you've said so so many times that I've lost track. I'd be lying if I said that it were enough to convince me. It isn't; you can't do anything to change my perception of myself, and sometimes I'll project, being the idiot I am after all. There's never going to be a time when I can the voice that says you're you're just using me for some kicks or something to shut up. That doubt will never go, and every time you say something like that, I'll make sure to interpret it as evidence that even you don't care, that you just let your guard down. You can't ever really make me satisfied or happy, so don't throw away any more of your time actually trying to justify anything. If you know that what you've done is fine, then it's fine.
[6/12/2018, 8:51 PM] Prathik: Speaking of which, it's interesting that you brought up the fact that our relationship is dysfunctional. Not that I really addressed it well when you originally meantioned it. It does make me wonder, are the dynamics of the way we interact with each other actually healthy? Perhaps we're just fucking each other in the ass and not even realising it? While it's a possibility that I consider, you should know that I don't think the second one is too probable. All the same, it's bothersome enough to actually consider pondering over. Funny, though, how I've just turned a blind eye to it; best relationship you've had you say. Pretty much the same for me, I suppose that's why I've not considered anything that suggests contrary to that opinion.
You know, we never did our cliched apologies. I'm not sure what exactly to apologise for; however, I don't have any qualms admitting that I did fuck up. I'm not sure it makes any sense to apologise for going silent for a month. Honestly, while I did miss you, I'm not sure of how much I actually regret it. Heck, if I hadn't misunderstood your message and not responded... Moreover, what's the point of saying sorry for something I've done multiple times and might do again anyway? It probably does defeat the purpose of it. I do regret making you angry though. I'm not too proud of getting you pissed off, I honestly am sorry about that. That conversation just didn't go the way I'd have liked it to I guess...
[6/12/2018, 8:53 PM] Prathik: Also, is it just me or have things between us changed? I mean, the one month silence probably did more harm than good. It'd have probably been better had I never done anything, or had not stupidly misinterpreted what you said and stayed silent after all. I don't know, I'm not saying it has anything to do with you anyway. I know who's responsible if something is wrong after all.
[6/12/2018, 10:04 PM] Prathik: Oh, today I mixed NaOH with NH4Br, boiled it and inhaled it. I also had to do some speaking for a group activity in English, and I didn't really fuck it up at all or get shaky knees
Just saying. Anyway, which Tapasya acquaintances are you still in touch with?
[6/12/2018, 10:42 PM] Prathik: Oh look, they just killed off net neutrality in USA. Fucking Ajit Pai. As if he didn't have an incredibly punchable face to begin with.
[6/10/2018, 10:05 AM] Prathik: If you say so. Read at your own inconvenience.
Since I'm idiotic enough, I decided to read more of the dude's articles. Lost a ton of brain cells. Also, don't read the comments. Nutty, the lot of them.
[6/10/2018, 11:00 AM] Prathik: "The power of propaganda always surprises me. Only 30 years ago, homosexuality was almost universally condemned, and now it’s accepted in half the world and half the States. Clearly, the natural position worldwide is that homosexuality is a disorder, and should be condemned. The problem is, we lost the youth. Somehow, homosexual advocates were able to brainwash and indoctrinate them into accepting it. If you talk to anyone my age, they believe that homosexuality poses no health risks (homosexuals have a 5 times higher chance of getting HIV) and that they are born as homosexuals (despite no scientific evidence.) IMO this is a result of two things: homosexual propaganda (esp. through the internet) and the collapse of the traditional marriage model. The parents simply haven’t taught their children about Christianity and thus they are easy prey for the homosexual movement.
Honestly, I am very pessimistic and I feel that it’s only going to get worse as time goes on. More and more ‘Christians’ are accepting this behavior day by day and it’s heartbreaking."
Has to be the most ironic things I've ever read. Talks about propaganda and indoctrination, but completely turns a blind eye to how he's become what he is.
[6/10/2018, 6:29 PM] Prathik: And now, I've realised that I could have actually spent my time better by talking to you on the phone as you suggested. Not that I studied one bit as I planned to do.
[6/9/2018, 1:56 AM] Garima Joshi: Bye now, love you.
[6/9/2018, 1:57 AM] Prathik: Bye. Love you.
if I could really recover from the depressed, socially anxious, and suicidal person I am today, believe me I'd let you know immediately. I promise.
[3/20/2018, 3:01 AM] Garima Joshi: I know you said you were tired. Thanks for sticking around. Always great talking to you.
[3/20/2018, 3:02 AM] Prathik: It's always fun talking to you. So.. yeah. Do we say goodnight or goodmorning at this point?
[3/20/2018, 3:03 AM] Prathik: Yeah. Stay safe in Delhi will you? Bye.
[3/20/2018, 3:04 AM] Garima Joshi: I'll try, I'll try.
Have a good day (today)
Bye, love you.
[3/20/2018, 3:06 AM] Prathik: I thought you said cheesy stuff were grossing you out...
I'm sorry, did I sound a little overprotective?
[3/20/2018, 3:13 AM] Garima Joshi: Okay Patrick I love you v much but I'll find you a wife tomorrow, for now you need those 2 hours 58 minutes of beauty sleep to rope in all those women
[3/20/2018, 3:13 AM] Prathik: Lulz. Fine. Love you too.
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