#if you think i’m letting this go anytime soon yorue wrong
p0ssywhippedcream · 1 year
Rando anon: *goes through blog that literally has NSFW in bio and has a pinned post mentioning all the fandoms you write smut for*
Rando anon: Why is there SEX ? Why are these characters being HORNY ???
Totally not like the main point of fanfic is to write your favs in whatever situation you want whether that be smut or not. Sorry you gotta deal with that Ophe. Your writing is good and I love the way you write L <3
LMFAO FR THO! How you gonna see me clearly stating nsfw everywhere on my blog and in every post that contains nsfw content and still be shocked there’s that kinda shit on my blog 😭
thank you for the love, sweetheart! i appreciate it :) honestly i’m just baffled that i’m at the stage in fame ppl send me hate often, usually i just delete it lmfao.
plus i know im still young and there’s always room for improvement and i will get better in time, i trust myself to still be proud of my development no matter where i am.
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may i get a one-shot with yoru accidentally slipping up and complimenting the reader, but the others hear and start teasing, in a good manner, and they force him to confess!
also, i just wanted to say that your writing is absolutely amazing, every word is a work of art!
Ahaha tysm!
I’m totally living for this scenario, thanks for the brain food nonny LMFAO, hope you enjoy~!
~Admin Hurricane
A/N: So uh future Hurricane here, holy fuck my motivation skyrocketed while writing this tf.
Warnings: none
Word Count: 1.4k
Genre: fluff, a bit of angst
Pairing(s): Yoru x GN!Reader
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Running around the corner, the adrenaline pounding in your ears, you take aim and fire successfully managing to take out the last bot in the training hall, the sound of screeching metal clanking against the ground lifelessly. Letting out a breath, you lean back against the wall, your chest heaving up and down. “Heh, not bad,” said Yoru, stepping out of the rift, pulling his mask down. “Well done.” “Oh!” you exclaimed, slightly startled by his sudden appearance, “Thanks, but since when have you been here?! Have you been watching me this whole time?” you exclaimed, feeling warmth spread across your face as you looked away, flustered. “So what if I was?” he scoffed, looking away, “You’re a good fighter so I wanted to see if I could pick up a thing or two by watching you.” “Oh so you couldn’t just ask me to show you? Instead you’re lurking about?” you replied dryly, dropping your phantom to your side. “Well I wanted to see you performing naturally and not just because someone asked you to,” he huffed, his face tinted lightly. “Yeah yeah, I’ll see you later,” you waved to him turning away, “Hope you learned something from me~” you teased, walking off. Yoru sighed softly, unable to disguise the soft smile on his face as he watched you disappear around the corner. “Oho? Is that what I think it is?” a cheery voice piped up, as Phoenix slammed an arm around Yoru’s shoulders, his brow furrowed mischieviously. “Didja see what I saw Jett?” he laughed, calling out to her. “Saw the whole thing,” she grinned cheekily, floating over, “Looks like our dear riftwalker is kinda lovesick.” “Oh screw off,” he scowled, pushing Phoenix’s arm off, “Is it so wrong to compliment someone every once in a while?” The two radiants paused for a moment, “Well…coming from you, yeah kinda. No offense,” Phoenix shrugged, “You’re not exactly rainbows and sunshine mate.” Yoru scoffed, turning away, “Whatever, if you two are done, I’m leaving,” he said running his comb through his hair, smoothing it out. Phoenix and Jett however had different plans, holding a hand out Jett stopped Yoru in his tracks, blocking the only exit from the training room, “What?” he grumbled, “I have things to do.” “Well you had plenty of time to watch Y/N train,” she mumbled, “But that’s besides the point! What Phoenix and I were thinking was that you should totally tell them how you feel! I mean it’s kind of obvious. I think the only one that still has no idea is Y/N cause they’re kind of dense and you’re over here denying your feelings.” “Me? Denying my feelings? How absurd,” he glared at her. “C’mon, it’s kinda obvious how bad you have it for them,” Phoenix teased lightly, poking Yoru, “Unless you want me or Jett to tell them for you instead.” Yoru took a step back, “What? No! Don’t you dare,” he growled, his hands balling into fists. One look at Phoenix’s smug expression, Yoru knew that he had basically played into his hands, letting his emotions get the better of him. “See what I mean? And that’s checkmate for me!” he whooped, pumping a hand into the air. Yoru let out an irritated sigh, rubbing his temples, “You two are the worst,” he grumbled, “Fine yes, I do like them, so what.” “So what? So you tell them!” Jett grinned, “I mean they’re not going anywhere anytime soon, at least, I don’t think so. But you might as well tell them cause you wouldn’t want them running off to someone else. Like wouldn’t it be a shame if someone else snatched them up before you?” Yoru slammed his hands down against the table, glowering at both Phoenix and Jett, “I’m not going to let that happen, like hell I’ll let them go!” Leaning back against the wall, Phoenix laughed softly, “Well then go get them! Last I saw they were in their room. Good luck!” he cheered after Yoru as he brushed past the duo, completely forgetting what he was going to do earlier, the only thing on his mind being well, you.
more utc!
“Phew, there we go,” you brushed a strand of your hair out of your face as you reassembled you phantom after taking it apart. “Stupid trigger kept getting jammed but I’m glad it’s fixed now,” you said to no one in particular. Your mind kept playing back what had happened earlier, the quick quips, the witty banter, his charming smile, all you could think about was Yoru and how you had managed to impress him earlier. You shook your head, mentally scolding yourself, “Snap out of it, it was just a passing compliment…yeah! That’s totally what it was,” you groaned, burying your face into your hands, “What the hell am I even doing…” “That’s right, what are you doing?” questioned Yoru, leaning against the wall. You jumped dropping the magazine, turning around to face him. “You really need to stop doing that,” you sighed, leaning over the pick it up. Yoru bent down, grabbing it before you could, handing it over to you. “Well, what did you need?” you ask, fitting the piece into place, crossing your arms over your chest, “Because I’m sure that you didn’t just come here for no reason. Yoru paused, a faint blush on his face as he tried to formulate words but lost himself as he stared at you. “Dammit,” he grumbled, “Look, I’m going to be honest. I like you alright?” Taken aback by his bluntness you frowned, “Uh…I like you too?” Yoru grimaced slightly, taking a step closer to you his expression surprisingly serious. Alarmed, you tried backing up but instead you felt your back hitting the desk, random pieces of paperwork scattering about. “Yoru…?” your voice was quiet as you shrunk under his imposing figure, his arms caging you in, hands pressed against the desk for support. “Yes?” he asked, his face rather close to yours. “You’re uh, a little close…” you squeaked out, refusing to look at him. “Sorry,” he reluctantly let you go, backing up after noting your reactions. “Letting out a breath of relief, you stood up brushing your shirt, smoothing it out. “Ahem…what you said just now, what do you mean by it?” you questioned your eyes narrowed slightly, an eyebrow quirked up. Yoru rubbed the back of his neck, his expression unreadable, “You heard me, I like you. And not just as one colleague to another, like…well like that, you know what I mean!” he huffed, looking away with a scowl. “Likeeee?” you pressed the back of your hand to your face, trying to hide your smile. It was only natural that you’d want to tease Yoru, especially with the way that he was acting. Impatient and annoyed by your teasing, Yoru cupped your face his eyebrows creased. “Idiot, I love you,” he murmured, his voice surprisingly gentle, “You’re so….” Yoru sighed, dropping his hands. You blinked, your words caught up in your throat as you reached out for him, your hands hovering hesitantly in the air. “Yoru wait—” you grabbed his hand, pulling his close to you, desperately searching his face for any hint of emotions, “Is what you said…is what you just told me all true? You’re not messing with me?” “Why would I mess with you,” he scoffed, looking away but not letting go of your hand. “Why would I lie about something like this?” You shrugged, “Well a lot of people have made the habit of lying to me, so it’s not a new feeling.” Yoru went silent, a hand guiding your face to look up at his. “You’re crying…” his eyes widened slightly. “I am?” you sniffed, rubbing your eyes, “Hah, I guess I look pretty pathetic right now. Sorry…my emotions got out of hand for a moment but I’m okay.” Yoru’s thumb ran itself across your face, wiping any tears that leaked out. “I should be apologizing to you, I never intended to cause you any sadness.” “It’s okay, but thank you. You’re surprisingly sweet for constantly claiming to be a lone wolf,” you hiccuped, giggling softly, “Seeing you act like this is so uncharacteristic of you and it’s honestly kind of freaking me out.” He smiled softly at you, pulling you in close, wrapping his arms around you. “So is this your way of telling me you’re not rejecting me?” he questioned, looking down at you. “Yes it is,” you sighed, “I like you too.”  Hesitantly, Yoru pressed a kiss to your forehead, his lips lingering there for a moment before he pulled away, “Thank you,” he whispered softly, continuing to hold you there longer.
Reminder that my requests are open! Be sure to send something my way if you’re interested! Requesting Rules are here!
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Thanks for reading and have a lovely day!
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queen--kenobi · 3 years
Skimming the smut prompts at work was a VERY bad idea. Got to 26 and 96 and my brain went full "error 404". Then the little smut goblin in my subconscious said 96 and 26 but make it Din, and now I just need to take a walk and cool tf down. 😰☠
Smut Prompts
96. “If you interrupt me one more time, so help me god.” and  26. “Just for that, I’m gonna suck your clit ‘til you go blind.”
This seemed to fit best with my Honor Among Criminals Din sghfdj I hope you don’t mind! There’s no direct tie-ins, so it can be read as a stand alone piece.
Dark!Din x AFAB!reader, modern AU
Warnings: talks about/allusions to violence and murder, some sexism, set up for smut but no actual smut ghfdjd
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The meeting is, in a word, boring.
You shift in your seat. You know that the man in front of the two of you isn’t going to budge. He’s being adamantly stubborn. You understand why Din put up the façade of nice guy, but the man clearly thought that Din’s faked friendliness meant he was a pushover. 
It doesn’t help that this man loves to talk over you anytime your try to add something to the conversation. It’s almost as if he thinks you’re nothing more than a pretty little ornament, that nothing you say is of any value. Which is stupid on his part because you’re the one who knows this most about this particular job.
The man says something, you don’t remember what. All you remember is that it’s blatantly wrong.
“That’s not ho-” You begin.
“Hush, darling. The men are speaking.” The man doesn’t even look at you. Din’s helmet turns slightly, as if he’s regarding you out of the corner of his eyes.
You nearly growl.
“If you interrupt me one more time, so help me God.” You spit from between gritted teeth. “I know more about this fucking deal than you do. I literally sat and wrote the original fucking contract. So shut the fuck up and listen to me.”
The man looks at Din. “Are you going to let he speak to me like that?” He splutters. Din merely leans back in the office chair. His arm comes up over the back, hand close to yoru shoulder.
“She already did.” Din says it in the most matter-of-fact voice. The tone he uses makes it clear that he almost wishes you would put the man in his place again. The man makes a noise of outrage. 
“I can deal with someone else, you know. I’m sure that Boba Fett would be willing to work with me.” You try to keep a neutral face. This guy clearly hadn’t been in the city long if he thought that was a threat.
“Go ahead.” You fish your phone out of your pocket and fire off a text. “No skin off of my nose.”
The man begins making a fuss about the situation, but you don’t care. Din tilts his helmet to the side. He’s looking at you, you realize. More accurately, he’s looking over your shoulder. He makes a noise when he sees the text. The man falls silent at the sound of heavy footsteps. You grin at him and set your phone down.
“Our men will escort you out of the building.” You politely inform him. Your tone drips with insincerity. A look of something flashes in his eyes, but you don’t think he truly realizes what was about to happen. Two of the guards step inside. Neither of them make an effort to conceal the guns on their waist. 
“Shooting customers is bad for business.” Din murmurs in your ear as the man gets up. He gives you the dirtiest look imaginable. You think the only reason he hasn’t started spewing filth and slurs at you is Din’s posture. Din’s placed his hand on the gun he keeps on his person, a quiet reminder of what the two of you are capable of, have done.
“I know. But I couldn’t stand it anymore.” Din makes a small noise. He seems to be almost amused.
“I didn’t say you shouldn’t have.” He rumbles. He watches the guards take the man out towards the back. As soon as the door is closed, Din stands up. You follow suit. You move to stretch, but Din crowds you towards the table before you can. You grin. You hit the edge and hop up on it quickly.
“You’re cute when you’re angry.” He murmurs. It’s not derogatory or a put-down. It’s clear that he genuinely means it as a compliment. You hook one of your legs around his waist and pull him closer.
“Yeah? You like it when I get all murder-y?” You tease. You loop your hands over Din’s shoulders. “He needs to be shot. Take him out back and deal with him like a dog.”
Din huffs a laugh.  “Just for that, I’m gonna suck your clit ‘til you go blind.”
“Promise?” You tease. You can practically hear him roll his eyes.
“Text Omera. Have her hold the rest of our dealings for the day.” As he speaks, Din reaches into one of the pockets in his jacket. He produces a silver tie. You can feel him hesitate, waiting for your permission. You nod and grab your phone.
Din was a man of his word when it came to you.
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