#if you saw me post this like 5 mins ago no you didnt.. definitely didnt do the thing where i notice a mistake the second i post something...
spiderziege · 1 month
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Hermit a Day May 5: Tinfoilchef
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poepill · 4 years
@cybzilla hello n thnk u for the ask cyb !!💕💕💕
also idk what i did but tumblr ate up half of my responses so i had to retype and make it in a separate post bc it wouldn’t let me edit the first oops, but !! here it is !! srry it took a while, putting it in a readmore since it got a bit long
Be- Have you changed much as a person in the last year?
mm i like to think so. in the small ways, there are little habits i hav now that i didnt then. like drinking peach tea every morning and waking up at 6 am every day. just the idea of peach tea gets me out of bed in the morning, which i gotta do if i want to get my bby bro to school so they count to me!! and then there’s bigger ways, like how a year ago i was living on my own & moving back home has been a shift to my priorities and hav taken on more responsibilities. hopefully the changes to come will be for the better too
In the Woods Somewhere- Have you ever had a supernatural experience?
ohhhhh i gotta think. it'sbeen a while, and most stories i know happened to other ppl….mm ok this got a bit long and not as spooky, but the first supernatural thing i can rlly remember happened at my cousins house when we were like 10? 11?? we would do our own ghost investigations (thank u zak bagans ghost adventure) which their mom HATED, but the five of us would sit in their bedroom in Complete darkness in different corners of the room, digital cameras rolling, asking questions & just waiting, Hoping for a voice, a touch, Something to happen…i mean we watched ghost adventures we were practically EXPERTS (buzzfeed unsolved who ?????) also this always done at their house bc that place was Haunted haunted. it was mostly my grandparents who experienced it, from seeing figures and touching and hearing voices, but theyre mexican Mexican™️ so they were p chill w it all lmao especially after the ghosts helped my grandpa from falling off the bed (another story).
anyway we wouldnt get much in our investigations tbh, plus 5-10 yr old kids sitting in a totally dark room in tense silence??? oh we were TERRIFIED, but we had to find proof no matter the cost!! (aka until their mom found out & made us stop). we would get small things like balls of light something that sounded like voices, mayyybe some shadows, yet the most memorable time of the whole thing was once when we left the camera on while we went to eat, and when came back to check the camera was dead. after it charged it we watched it, and within the first 10 min we saw a ball of light (thank u again mr bagans) leave the baseball we’ve been tryin to convince the ghost to move, zoom right towards the closet, and then a few seconds later there was a creaking sound, and we realized that the closet doors were sliding themselves shut…and those things were HEAVY, u needed two hands to do close them, and hav definitely never moved by themselves before. then a few minutes later we noticed a pencil on the desk slowlyyy, slowly roll right off (which was not as big but still exciting esp when we tried to recreate it and it wouldnt roll no matter where we put it). we watched it over and over, and while not too intense as other supernatural things that hav happened to us we were ECSTATIC (& scared as hell esp my cousin who didnt want to sleep in their house anymore after that oopslkfkfjdjd). we had proof!! gosh i wish i could find the video,,but it had mysteriously disappeared a week later....altho that might hav just been one of our parents lol.
our “ghost investigations” were TERRIFYING ngl but genuinely fun and, in hindsight, Maybe we Hadnt caught a ghost or supernatural presence, mayb it had been a few kids w a camera scaring themselves in a dark room, but,,,mayb,,just maybe,,,,*clenches fist* there Had been Something in that room,,,  
either way there have definitely been more credible occurrences since then but that’s for another time @ryan bergara hmu for ur next bfu my dms r Open  
Nobody- Who in your life is important to you?
list of ppl important to me aka “ppl I’d die for”: my friends, who promised to watch sonic w me so u KNO this is for life 😔💕; my bby bro, who kindly peerpressured me into buying the quark shirt im wearing rn
and.a lil cheesy but. myself too ✌💕
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honney-bby · 7 years
So I was tagged by my lovely pal @notalk-justthought for this tag thingy so here it be
1. Nickname(s): I dont really have one but in middle school I had a friend that called me “Poopy” and that was dope 2. Bias: the only bias i am familiar with is 1) an unfair prejudice or 2) a kpop bias sooooo imma go with kpop and it’s Jeon Jungkook or like Min Yoongi but thats just from bts. I cant choose from all of kpop okay thats too hard… its hard enough to choose from one group 3. Blood type: idk man 4. Relationship status: singlé 5. Birthday: March 6th  6. Zodiac sign: Pisces  7. Pronouns: She/Her 8. Hair length: shawtttt 9. Height: 5′6 10. A crush: a boy at my university i talked to once :-) (its a very smol crush tho, i just think hes cute) 11. What do you like about yourself: I feel like i can kinda just have fun and be a goof and make a fool out of myself to make my friends and myself laugh without caring much what other people think. I definitely wasnt always that way though lol
12. Right or left handed: Right
13. List of three favourite colours: blues, oranges, and that warm golden yellow you get from sunlight illuminating your surroundings as the sun sets 14. Right now eating: uuhh i just ate sum apple sauce 15. Right now drinking: water 16. I’m about to: finish a dino documentary i started yesterday or mess around on this trash site for a few hours as per usual 17. Listening to: one of my spotify playlists, current song is Florence by Loyle Carner 18. Kids: hell nah 19. Get married: ¿¿¿ maybe ??? It depends on a lot of shit. Long story short I just really value my indepence and freedom. 20. Recent phone call: my grandpa 21. Have you ever dated someone twice: nope, ive never dated someone once :-) 22. Been cheated on: my cousin cheated when we were playing uno once :-) lmao  23. Kissed someone and regretted it: ive never kissed anybody so no 24. Lost someone special: so many people 25. Been depressed: yes my dude  26. Been drunk and thrown up: ive never gotten drunk before so no 27. Had glasses or contacts: Both! I cant see shit!! 28. Had sex on a first date: nope 29. Broken someone’s heart: i would hope not 30. Turned someone down: yes 31. Cried when someone died: yes 32. Fallen for a friend: mmm not really ive had short lasting crushes on a few but nah
In the last year have you…
33. …made a new friend: ive made a few and i love them all to pieces :’-) 34. …fallen out of love: i dont think ive ever even been in love 35. …laughed until you cry: yes my friends are funny as hell    36. …met someone who changed you: any person ive been good friends with has influenced me in some way and i have made a few good friends in the past year 37. …found out who your true friends were: some but its kind of a constant cycle as you meet new people and make more friends 38. …found out someone was talking about you: yes 39. Lips or eyes: both 40. Hugs or kisses: hugs are solid and easily enjoyed by many 41. Shorter or taller: i guess in a boyfriend i would prefer taller (i love me a tall boy) but ultimately it doesnt matter  42. Romantic or spontaneous: get you a man who can do both 43. Sensitive or loud: … sensitive i guess?? i feel like a person could be both of these things but…  44. Hookup or relationship: I dont think i could do a hookup. Knowing myself a lot could go wrong for me in that scenario. But im in love with the idea of love so a relationship sounds.. wow… amazing… so good 45. First best friend: A girl named Allie. we met in preschool and we were best friends (like sisters) until sophomore year of highschool. She changed a lot freshman year and started pushing me away. It hurt but it was okay because i had other really good friends by the time the friendship broke off and we like eachother’s selfies on instagram now and i wish the best for her. 46. Surgery: i had my wisdom teeth removed like four years ago (i had 7 of them! Ew ik) 47. Sports I joined: i didnt do team sports. I danced ballet and jazz for like nine years and i made it to pointe (my dream at the time) and took a year of pointe alongside my other dance classes and then my pointe teacher quit so i quit dance all together :-) I also did cheerleading when i was really young and i hated it lol. 48. Do you believe in yourself: in some ways yes and in others not really tbh lol 49. Miracles: i guess 50. Love at first sight: the hopeless romantic in me wants to say yes but no, i dont think its possible to love someone without knowing them 51. Heaven: idk idk idk. As of now not really but i was raised christian so idk idk idk. 52. Do you have any pets: no, unfortunately my bird died recently :( 53. Do you want to change your name: nah i like my name 54. What did you do for your last birthday: my family visited me at school and we spent the day in the city 55. What time did you wake up today: 9 am 56. What were you doing last night at midnight: reading fanfic, probably lmao 57. Something you can’t wait for: the next time i travel outside of the states, whenever that happens 58. Last time you saw your mom: like 3 hours ago 59. What is one thing you wish you could change about your life: i wish i had more intrinsic motivation to achieve my goals and do the things i love (callout post @ Depression) 60. What’s getting on your nerves: the current political climate
I tag: @thefakebriansella @very-good-nice-day @andreivgadia and any other mutual who want to do this. Also no pressure to do this if you dont want to.
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