#if you have any suggestions lmk i went to a smaller aquarium so idk all the possibilities
centipedelightning · 1 year
went to the aquarium soooo: the boys’ favorite aquarium areas
minor cw for two sentence long mentions of drugs (weed)
Sans: shark touch pool with the little guys. also the schooling fish tanks where it’s just fish and corals.
Papyrus: reef touch tanks And the big ocean tank with all the different fish
Red: jellyfish tanks (just like me fr). he likes the low light and quiet. finds the lack of brains amusing.
Edge: any large sea mammal (whales walruses etc.) or the lion fish tank
Blue: sting ray touch tank and penguins. he likes anything interactive so things like a shark bridge walk is also on the list.
Stretch: little reptiles like the small frog exhibits or the port holes you can sit in.
Indigo: the areas with extreme weather demonstrations like the piranha tanks (which happens to be edge’s least favorite area)
Cash: quiet corner of The Big Tank. he like to get blasted and just watch the sharks and rays and fish do their things
Black: orcas dolphins. likes how smart they are
Mutt: shark tunnel. shark tunnel. shark tunnel.
Gold: those smaller tanks with just the tropical schooling fish and like one lobster or something.
Pawn: eels. if there’s an eel in it it’s his favorite.
Mars: deep sea. any part of it as long as it’s quiet and dark. he also appreciates the “ugly” fish. (there’s no ugly fish they’re all lovely babies that deserve kisses)
Jupiter: sea turtles. not really an area or exhibit but it’s his favorite to see. also the little tanks with just sea horses or whatever.
Tommy: stingrays. not in the touch tank though, too many kids. he’ll sit by a larger tank and watch them for a while.
Python: octopi and crustaceans. he likes how smart they are.
For the record: anyone that does smoke has gotten high at least once and gone to vibe, Cash just does it more consistently. They all like the sharks it’s just not their favorites. Loving sharks comes free with the autism.
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