#if y’all are interested 👉🏼👈
smilesrobotlover · 1 year
It’s time to have fun and gush over your works! Post up to three scenes from your comics/stories that you love and talk about them! :D
Oh gosh I can’t share it all due to spoilers but I will share as much as I can 😭 I’m very critical but I really love my stuff
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There are so many scenes that I could scream about and that I’m so excited for but so far this was the best to work on. I adore these two so much guys 😭 there’s gonna be amazing stuff with them in the future get ready :)
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I’m very hard on myself with lbl but the entire beginning was such a joy to work on. I also powered through 7 pages in one day (don’t ever do that unless you wish to perish) but my fav trope is someone being very serious about something and giving a speech and then they turn around and they’re talking to a bunch of children. 10/10 trope yes this was inspired by avatar fbdkdbdj
Ok ok, the last one… this may come off as a shock to y’all but the Skumpkin fic is my fav fic that I’ve ever written, and the part that kills me the most is where everyone discovers that Sky is a pumpkin, cuz of the convo they’re having, the jokes, the awkwardness, guys this is my magnum opus it’s the best thing I’ve ever made (please give it a read 👉🏼👈)tilk is great but Skumpkin is better. That’s all I must say
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