#if the episodes i downloaded are still taking space on my phone i'm going to blow up a netflix building
netflix has finally come for password sharing in the UK so I can't use it to watch drive to survive
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lordromulus90 · 3 years
2020 has been a rough time but I have some pretty interesting and awesome Stuff over the years that I want to cherish as the time ticks away and 2021 comes around. Lets begin
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1st off is my Sun Explorers new Gunpla made in GBGW. I am really proud for these Gunpla even if they are not real as they were the inspiration for my Gunpla stories going forward. The Fuse Burning, Strike Rider Zero, Astray N Frame, Guan Ryu, Barbatos Jaeger and Pyro Sinanju have come a long way to become the super strong Gunpla team they are today and I can't wait to see what opponents they will face next (In GBGW or in my future stories)
My Stories are what kept me inspired during the whole pandemic thing. I mean, What can I do when I can't go to the mall and do my usual Mall blogs like I always do? Anyways while I have made a ton of stories this year I have never been prouder than Makong Gundam Battlers Beyond Re rise season 2 which is based on Gundam Build Divers Re rise. I watched the actual episode for research and then inplement the events happening in said episode for my characters to react. Its an awesome story and I think you should check it out
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The 3rd thing I am grateful of in 2020 was the new Windows 10 update I did for my Laptop (Which formely belonged to my mom). Now, I can do so much more in this than the old software and after discovering how I can download old games into the laptop I had so much fun I could not stop. One of the said games is Need for Speed Underground 2 which is like my favorite racing game after Gran Tueismo, Wangan Midnight and many other racing games I have tried
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I also have a brand new phone this 2020. Sure its an old model but it has its charm. And unfortunately it has some typical problems like the Screen would freeze a lot and it keeps opening apps and typing by itself. Still it had so much space for games to be played in and I jam packed it with games to see how it would hold up. Hopefully I could get it fixed this 2021 my way first before I need to take it to the repair shop
And finally I am grateful for all of you. Thank you so much for the support and love you have given me in this troubling time. Lets continue onwards to 2021
FUSE: Happy new year everyone!!
PYRUS: To my pals and you, Happy New year
ZERO: Lets make 2021 a great year
NILA: I can't wait to see what happens this year. Hopefully more adventures for us soon. Nya!!
CASEY: Yo guys. Have a great year okay? I'm sure we are as well
VOLT: Happy new year folks. Hope you have a good one
NEO: I may be new but I am excited to be a member of Sun Explorers. Thanks for the Support Romulus and Happy new year
Share tag: @murumokirby360, @bryan360, @carmenramcat, @sammirthebear444
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whimsicaldaydreamss · 7 years
Since school's started I've gotten into a pattern of staying up in bed working or doing nothing until I basically pass out from exhaustion then waking up and doing the same thing again. I'm thinking that's not a great pattern, do you have any suggestions?
Well, for the work portion I would make sure that the place you are doing your work in is an environment that you won’t get easily distracted in. For example, I need to work in quiet settings where there aren’t a lot of people because then there won’t be a lot of distractions. If like listening to music while you work, listen to something that won’t distract you. A good example is, classical music. It’s calming, soothing, and it doesn’t have lyrics so you won’t stop to sing with the song. You should also focus on your time management, because if that is something you’re not good at, you could be doing work for  hours on end without actually getting anything done. So pace yourself. For example: 1 hour for math homework, 10 minute break, 20 minutes for Spanish, 10 minutes for English, 5 minute break, etc… There are many good apps out there that you can download or if you have a timer on your phone you can also use that, but you have to stick with it otherwise there is no point to it. If you’re able to manage your time well, you should be able to have an approximate bed time as well. There will be days when there is no choice but to sleep late because of all the work you have to do, but if you manage it, you should be able to go to bed earlier than you normally would.
(If you reeeeeally don’t want to read the paragraphs, I made a lil’ bullet point list alllllll the way at the bottom!! Just keep scrolling!!)! :)
Another big thing that may be Tempting is if your friends say “hey let’s hang out,” or “Hey, there’s a party tonight, we have to go!” Sure, that will probably be fun and you might really want to do it, but you really have to check how much work you have and ask yourself if you’re willing to go to bed/finish homework much later than you normally would. There will always be times when you can hangout with friends or go to party’s for fun, but the work won’t be pushed back just because you went to a party. So try to remember that.
I should add this in somewhere so I’ll do it here. Reward yourself if you’re able to complete your goal, that way it gives you an incentive to do it again and again!. For example, I looove chocolate and I also like watching anime. If I am able to complete a certain amount of tasks (more that 2!) then I’ll eat some chocolate. If I am able to finish all of my tasks for the day and still have some time left then i will reward myself with the next episode of the anime of my choice! :)
When it comes time for bed, don’t go to bed and then go on your phone. Looking at your screen before you go to bed actually makes you stay up even longer. If you really have to use it, put on the night setting if your phone has that and make sure your phone light is dimmed all the way. Other things that a few people I know do are, drinking tea (specifically chamomile) before bed because that helps calm the body. Also, warm showers are relaxing. One of my friends even has a diffuser which they say helps to calm them down because the fragrances are all natural. Lastly, make sure that your room temperature is comfortable enough for you to actually sleep. You don’t want to be too hot or too cold. Also, here’s a biggie, have a set bedtime…at least try during the work week. Try to go to bed early, that way you have some energy when you wake up and you’ll be able to focus more AND you’ll be a more positive person! :))))
Here’s a shorter version of everything I just said above:
Work Portion:
Be in an environment where you wont get easily distracted
Ex. A library or quite study space
Listen to something that won’t draw your attention away (Make sure you’re not playing DJ with your music- as in don’t go and pick a different song every two minutes!!!)!
Ex. Classical Music, Piano Covers
Time Management/ Set Goals/ Pace Yourself = Early Bed Time
Ex. Have a timer for yourself on when you should do/finish assignments and when to take breaks. If you do this you can go to bed early! *Yay!*
Check how much work you have… Work WILL NOT be pushed back fro you.
High School, College, Work, Life in general- things will not stop for you. No matter what, you will have to do it or face the consequences.
Reward yourself!
You don’t have to be a bully to yourself and not have any fun! Give yourself incentives and rewards.
Ex. Love chocolate and want to watch some Netflix tonight? Well, if you finish two or more tasks then you can go ahead and eat a piece or two of chocolate. If you finish everything and still have time before bed, go ahead and watch that Netflix episode.
Bed Time:
Don’t go to bed and then go on your phone–> Makes you stay up longer!!
If you need to:
Use your phones night setting
Dim the light all the way to loooowwwww
Other Suggestions:
Drink Tea
Warm Showers
Diffuser with natural fragrances (tea tree/essential oils)
Comfortable Room Temperature
Set Bedtime
Try to go to bed early!! = More sleep = more energy = better/positive attitude.
I hope either some or all of this will help you out!!! If you have anymore questions let me know and I will do my very best to answer them!!
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mymagnificentself · 5 years
Good show.
I'm only a feeeewwww episodes in thus far but i am Loving it, i am Living for supernatural stuff and this definitrly has the creepy gory factor while still keeping a sort of goth aesthetic and... like it still has an original twist to it (thus far), despite it being a fairly common trope; or, well its at least its not as cringy as *some* other things, and has more... like diplomatic solving of things, and is refreshingly not just black and white all monsters are evil thinking which i quite enjoy.
and there seems to be a really wholesome interspecies bromance in the making. ^^
also of course all the grimm fairy tales have a very special place in my heart since i grew up with them;
and, being german, all the names for things are Absolutely hilarious bc like
Blutbad= (literally) bloodbath (idk if thats really obvious or not but i guess if you dont speak german you wouldnt know)
Jägerbär (im assuming they meant it with Umlauts)= hunter bear
and what was that other one... Ziege something something, Ziege= Goat
Reiniger= cleaner
and so on and so forth, i already forgot a few and im sure there are more to come, but i am reeeaaally enjoying this thus far😍
also i am quite liking being able to watcj stuff on my phone and taking it with me wherever i go😊😊
also amazon prime lets you download stuff for on the way (which i didnt know bc ive never used it before) which is looking pretttyy good for tomorrow, and the BESt thing is i can save them to my sd card bc ive got sooooo much space still on there that i didnt know what to do with until now😍😍😍😍😇
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