#if someone told me this shit was from some from 200 years ago i wouldnt google it i would just take it as the truth
arthur-lesters-balls · 7 months
but in all seriousness, i really like this podcast i thought i wouldnt be able to appreciate it since im not a big fan of lovecraft horror but im actually enjoying it. yes, mainly the characters and their dynamics, but the universe itself is a pleasant surprise.
im particularly obsessed with john's arc, not so much the wish of redemption and the yearn for trust etc etc but what is at the root of it: his messy and recent contact with humans and humanness. im very fond of how this taste of humanity is only achievable through the exposure arthur — painfully human arthur — is giving to him, but how the cost of this is arthur not being able to live a normal human life, almost like john is some kind of parasite.
(this is actually what i liked the most about s2, seeing john trying to put the idea of progress in arthur's head, because he was the one winning with that situation, then seeing him admit he was hoping to get the body in the end just for then he choose to go back to the king to save arthur's life is just chef kiss. loved it.)
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brelione · 4 years
Request:Okay, I’m back again with a JJ x Reader x Rafe hc idea! It’s inspired by a scene from the movie, Best Man Holiday. Let’s say Rafe and JJ witness Reader get into an argument with one of her best friends. How would they react since she’s the peacemaker of her relationship with both boys and how would they comfort her afterwards?Glad to see you’re back with a wonderful request bb
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You had been in the living room with your boys, sitting with Rafe and JJ on the couch.You didnt really know what was going on in the movie, too busy on your phone.They were enjoying the movie though so it didnt really matter.
Then Addy called you
She had been your best friend for the past two years and pretty much your only friend outside of the pogues
“Hello?”You answered, having JJ turn down the volume on the tv.You heart dropped into your stomach. “Who the fuck told you that?What the hell are you talking about?”You stood up, pacing back and forth. “Yeah, okay?And?I dont see the fucking problem!”You shouted in the phone, walking into your kitchen. “The problem is youre a fucking whore!If I wouldve known that you had two boyfriends I wouldve dropped you months ago!How much of a fucking slut do you have to be to fuck two guys?Honestly, (Y/N), if you think any guy is interested in you beyond fucking you than youre a whole lot stupider than I thought.”She hung up.Your eyes were watery, tossing your phone onto the table before sitting down, head in your hands.What the hell just happened?
Rafe and JJ had heard the whole thing, pausing the tv and looking at eachother as you yelled.Uh oh.
Once they heard you sigh and the sound of your phone case hitting the table they got up, cautiously making their way into the kitchen.They shared another confused glance, trying to figure out what to do.
“What happened?”Was all JJ could manage to say, only hearing one end of the conversation.You gulped, a few tears escaping your eyes. “She’s an asshole- and someone told her about us.”You squeaked out, voice cracking.Rafe pulled you into a hug, kneeling on the ground so he could hug you properly.They understood how weird your relationship with them could seem to other people, knowing that you werent comfortable with anyone outside of the pogues knowing about it. “She called me a whore.”You were crying, holding onto JJ’s shirt.This alone couldnt get you crying this bad, it was the fact that she had told you that nobody was interested beyond a fuck.That’s exactly what your ex boyfriend had said to you before she started dating him.
“She was a toxic bitch anyways, babe.Shes not worth it.”JJ told you, holding you close to him while Rafe rubbed your sides.
They were trying really hard to help you, thinking about how you’d comfort them if one of their friends had said that to them.You’d probably stroke their hair and rub their backs or kiss them all over.
JJ kissed your neck gently, happy when you started to calm down, sniffling a little still. “Thats not even the worst part!She told me that guys dont actually like me….that they just want to fuck me.I hate her so much.”You sighed, feeling Rafe kiss your forehead. “You know thats not true, love.JJ and I love you so much, fucking doesnt matter.Its fun but thats not why we’re with you.”He kissed you gently.JJ nodded, agreeing before kissing you gently. “We can go on a date tomorrow, how would you feel about that?”He asked, kissing your forehead.
So thats exactly what happened
You were pretty upset the whole day, the boys taking your phone and blocking Addy’s number, snapchat, instagram, tumblr, pinterest, her brother, her second cousin and her mom so there was absolutely no way for her to talk to you.
JJ and Rafe had gone to the store to get some ‘suprises’
They ended up buying $200 worth of shit because you werent there to help with money management and priorities
Hot cheetos, meat, cheese, salads, juice boxes, a bottle of wine, cheeries and sprite,  a new shirt for you to wear
They walked right into hot topic with grocery bags still in their arms, Rafe dressed like a middle aged dad about to go golfing while JJ was dressed like a dolphin that just got back from a fishing trip
“Oh shit-look!Its the Harry Potter house thing!Shes the yellow one, right?”JJ asked, looking at the shirts on the hangers.Rafe bit his lip, thinking about it.  “Yeah, the yellow badger one like Cedric.”They had barely paid attention for the entirety of the Harry Potter movies, only paying attention when you started screaming about Cedric’s face.
They had tiptoed around your house, telling you to go upstairs so you wouldnt see anything.
They made sandwhiches, wrapping them up and playing basket ball with them as they threw them into the basket along with mini bags of hot cheetos, carefully placing the jar of cherries in when they remembered the jar was made of glass.They were all excited, folding the napkins into hearts after watching a youtube tutorial three times.
Rafe had thrown the shirt at you and told you to put it on and not ask questions
Rafe had decided not to drink any wine that night because he would be the one driving and wanted you to feel 100% safe
Kisses, giggles and skinny dipping was pretty much the whole date.
Stabbing the cherries and putting them in your wine glass, topping it off with sprite and a splash of wine
They were proud that they had successfully planned a date without your help
They had gotten your hogwarts house wrong but they remembered the house of the guy that you were in love with and thats what mattered most to them
Making love at the beach at three in the morning, the sounds of crashing waves and soft moans filling your ears
It was safe to say that you pretty much completely forgot about Addy.
I know this was like a whole ass cliche but it was fine to write 
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shes-my-colllar · 7 years
the whole byf masterpost
sorry this isnt on my main blog, i wanted to keep this separate from the posts on my main blog lmao
hello. i’m Kodi. you can also call me Minty. either one works, but i prefer Kodi.
here’s what i look like. in case that was a concern you had.
i’m 14, nonbinary (they/them or he/him preferred, but anything works tbh), a freshman in high school, and live in Colorado. no, I won’t sell you pot. thanks for asking.
im asexual and panromantic. if you look like lars im probably already attracted to you.
i’m incredibly vulgar, in case you already couldn’t tell. c:
also in case you couldn’t tell, i mostly reblog mcr and frank iero n stuff. i’ll also reblog memes and shitposts and whatever. but it is mostly mcr and fiatp and stuff like that. anything that’s not mcr is most likely tagged.
speaking of stuff i usually post, things will get bloody on here. i will fairly often reblog pictures of blood. 99% of the time i tag it, tho. if you want to follow me but have a blood trigger, blacklist the ‘blood tw /’ tag.
i have depression, ADHD (professionally diagnosed), anxiety disorder, and DPDR (self-diagnosed)
i do art things sometimes. and music things, but theyre not public. maybe when i work up enough courage i’ll post something related to my music stuff.
i’m a Satanist, a member of the Satanic Temple. (i have a membership card man dont fuck with me)
i’m an anarchist, too.
i’m fluent in sarcasm and talking shit. partially fluent in spanish.
i play bass, ukulele, melodica, and violin (and a little piano too but i’m not good at it)
if you see me reblog something that contains a trigger of yours, please do not hesitate to send me an ask and tell me!! you can send it on anon and tell me to tag it. (tho i prefer off anon, so i can answer you privately [and take you seriously. remember that one anon that asked me to tag bob? i thought it was just someone who actually liked bob asking me to start a tag for him, so i responded really sarcastically and told them i wouldnt. it turned out to be someone who was genuinely triggered by bob, and i felt like shit for responding the way i did lmao]) 
this is completely unimportant, but i want to share it anyway. my main drink order at Starbucks is a mocha. iced, hot, frappuccino, white chocolate, peppermint, dont care, as long as its a mocha. unless the psl is in season. then i get a psl.
thanks for paying a visit to my blog. stay fresh, stay classy, and stay alive.
i support - LGBTQ+ rights (this blog is a safe space, and will not tolerate any form of aphobia) - women’s rights/gender equality (this blog will not tolerate any sexism, towards men OR women, or any other gender identity) - racial equality (this blog will not tolerate any racism) - anarchism (fuck the government! its built on old white men with standards that were good for a country 200+ years ago! they’re racist! they’re homophobic! they’re sexist! get them the fuck out of there! replace the government! respect existence or expect resistance!)
i do not support - conservative republicans - Donald Trump specifically - feminazis/radical feminists - pedophilia/ddlg and any ships involving it - incest and any ships involving it - pro-ana/thinspo - exclusionists (those who think asexuals aren’t LGBTQ+ and don’t belong in LGBTQ+ spaces) - TERFs/SWERFs - forcing sexualities onto people (we all think Dan and Phil look cute together, ok? i like the idea of them being together too. just stop going out of your way to find every little detail that may suggest they’re together, and just,,, saying they’re boyfriends, leave them alone lmao)
bonus unlocked: music I listen to, shows/youtubers i watch, things you’ll see me reblog at times, etc - Twenty One Pilots - Panic! At The Disco - Gorillaz - Leathermouth - Pencey Prep - Death Spells - My Chemical Romance - Frank Iero andthe Patience - Fall Out Boy - I Don’t Know How But They Found Me - Falling In Reverse - Misfits - Nirvana - Vinyl Theatre - the Cancer Crew (Filthy Frank, iDubbbz, Maxmoefoe) - Pyrocynical - Dan and Phil - Splatoon - Night in the Woods - Overwatch - Bojack Horseman - Rick and Morty - Stranger Things - Steven Universe - The End Of The F***ing World
just warning you now; every time something new comes out for something im into (new episode of a TV show, new music video for a band, new video from a youtuber, etc), i’ll be reblogging things related to that thing for awhile. so, you may come across spoilers for some things. apologies. i’ll try to remember to tag it if it has major spoilers.
band member tags (they all should be mobile friendly now!! fixed them all)
gerard - x ( tagged #!!.gee ) frank - x ( tagged #!!.frank ) ray - x ( tagged #!!.ray ) mikey - x ( tagged #!!.mikey ) (eat shit bob) bonus: frerard - x bonus: rikey - x
era tags (i did my best to make sure these are all mobile friendly)
bullets - x ( tagged #bullets ) revenge - x ( tagged #tcfsr ) black parade - x ( tagged #bp ) danger days - x ( tagged #dd ) hesitant alien - x ( tagged #aliens ) andthe patience - x ( tagged #patience )
lyrics tag
social media (this list is frequently updated, but if any of the links don’t work please let me know)
deviantart - KoditheInkling instagram - xokodi_ snapchat - koditheinkling (most active) youtube - MintyBlueNobody ifunny - JoeKeery (inactive) wattpad - fantastlc-bastards twitter - xokodi_  spotify - koditheinkling
gaming shit (no actual links here, just where you can find me)
switch FC -  SW-5080-0652-7342 switch IGN - SR • xokodi_ pocket camp ID - 0578 1253 280 pocket camp IGN - my dude discord - emo in 2018#1677
support me!!
buy me a coffee shop my redbubble
not an mcr fan? its chill, i got tags for other stuff too c:
gorillaz twenty one pilots i dont know how but they found me panic! at the disco black panther  love, simon rick and morty dan and phil
(more coming soon!!)
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