#if la would have gotten that aotv premiere people would have said Americans get everything but news flash
halosluvchild · 1 year
#tired of the leave america shit#hate my country and hate defending it but it feels like i have to with Harry and Louis#what started as a joke has spiraled out of control like being happy when Americans don't get something#some of you that aren't from here i honestly don't think you understand how large our country actually is#and im tired of having the conversation of how its normal for NA to have more dates on a tour then the uk and Europe or LATAM#because of how spread out our country is and the time it takes to get to one state to the next#unless you have the money or get very lucky and your vacation you always take (like me ) lines up with tour dates you're shit out of luck#of going to one ahow let alone multiple#like with the residency it was why are the same people there every night because they probably live in NY or NJ or LA or Chicago or Austin#and its just the ticket prices for them but for everyone else in the country we had to think about airfare hotels gas (if we drove)#i ended up spending well over 5000 to see Harry in NY but there were people there all fifteen nights#because they could go home and eat the food in their fridge and maybe go to their job the next day#if la would have gotten that aotv premiere people would have said Americans get everything but news flash#i will probably never see LA and i live in the same god damn country as it but a plane is three hours and a car ride is three days#are we more privileged than most countries hell yeah but just because an artist does something in our country doesn't mean its easy access#god after that maybe i need to leave fandom for awhile#rant
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