#if i had to write an actual essay about danganronpa i’d probably talk about how the themes of hope and despair are helpful and encouraging
sepulchritude · 2 years
Please drop the danganronpa thesis I am begging you
I don’t actually have a thesis stored up so instead, allow me to tell you about Transfem Cowgirl Komaeda
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She’s a boy but he’s a girl, mostly when she’s digging her key into the side of his pretty little souped up four wheel drive, carving her name into his leather seats, taking a Louisville slugger to both headlights, slashing holes in all four tires—
Basically my point is that every song about a country woman losing her mind and/or killing her husband is about her (Komaeda). As evidence I would like to submit my Country Komaeda playlist. According to peer review it has the exact right number of Carrie Underwood songs and is also a decent country playlist in general.
I just think she’d love some good ol country music. Be a real freeaboo about it. If she saw Hajime in a cowboy hat I think she’d faint. Also, she canonically drives a pickup truck in dr2, which was all the encouragement I needed.
Anyway Komaeda is a country girl. Give her some turquoise jewelry and cowboy boots, she deserves them
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hamphobicbasil · 6 years
Thoughts on Byakuya!
me, in tears: finally,
i am so sorry this took like, 3 days to write. i wanted to get my point across on how i exactly feel about this character in general
TD;LR: byakuya togami isnt a perfect saint, and probably will never be, but i find him to be an interesting character to analyze, and his character development should be appreciated a bit more than it seems to be.
and uh, its not like, perfect in captialization and stuff but look its late and i dont really mind rn
i remember my first thoughts on him when i played the first game were really negative. admittedly, i hated him when i played the game two years ago, hell my friend told me that apparently i even said something along the lines of “ew rich boy” 
but after kinda dropping danganronpa then coming back around and re-analyzing it all? i find byakuya to be one of my favorite characters. and it’s mostly because of his logical, analytical, and generally intelligent personality. that and the development he went through, but that’s for later.
personally, i can’t stand characters who are constantly letting their emotion’s guide their actions. i understand that character’s at time are going to have a weak moment that allows their emotions to judge the situation, that’s understandable and a good way to develop a character! but for all the time? i find it kinda annoying. not to say i hate those type of characters, i just dont really care for them i guess. whereas, obviously, byakuya is the opposite. he’s very logical during trials and investigations and mostly a big help to naegi along the way, whether or not he would allow himself to be considered a “helping person” in any sense but thats not the point right now. hell, during the 5th trial when hagakure had his “KYOKO’S A FUCKING G H O S T” moment i was practically banging my head into the table as byakuya was just “????? how are you this stupid?? how did you pass grade preschool??” (i know those arent the exact words or anything but i exaggerate for humor. even tho that probably didnt come off as humorous but anyways) and during other trials as well, he’s very blunt when it comes to conclusions and honestly? that’s needed in the situation they were all in. 
now yeah, that blunt sense of logic does backfire, main example being the 4th trial. but its the fact that every other situation that needed it, he provided it. and dont worry, im not forgetting kyoko’s logic in those situations, i appreciate her as well but it’s byakuya time. this goes the same for makoto, although he can have his moments of allowing his emotions to take his judgement’s control, it works for him in the end as development and that’s just who he is. 
the fact that he is logical and can keep his composure in most stressful situations is a big factor on what i appreciate about his character. although you could argue that this can make a character “weak” in the way it makes them seem less human, but for byakuya i think it works, especially keeping in mind his history and how that’s affected him. 
now i also wanna talk abt his history real quick: because i’ll be honest i enjoy diving into his situation and trying to figure out how exactly that affected him in the long run. 
so there’s the obvious factors: he was (probably forced) into a competition against his 14 other siblings, (whether or not he actually had an attachment to them before hand is up to you, but i personally like to think that he may have not exactly liked the idea of fighting his siblings to keep his title, but hey, thats just me, and i really read too much into things that dont need it) and he came out on top, which resulted in him gaining his superiority complex. but i like considering the tolls that took on him as an emotional result. because come on, byakuya hasn’t always been the emotionally withdrawn person we see him to be, i dont think that would be, in a realistic sense, humanly possible. 
i like really considering his background and how it all shaped him. i commonly wonder a lot of things regarding his family, seeing as its a major part of him. did he have to leave his mother to participate in the fight for his family name? did he even know his mother at all, or because of the way the togami family works, has he never known the concept of having a motherly figure in his life? did he know his siblings well before having to fight them in the competition, if so, how do you think he would have felt on initially exiling them from the family because he won? sure, its possible that he never knew his other siblings, which just made his success easier, but i have no clue on such things so, ya know. 
but that’s enough on his history and background. i could go on for hours about all the ways it could have affected him and his current mindset, but thats for another day. >:3c maybe idk tho
then there’s all the growth he’s gone through. tbh if he would have stayed the same as he was back in the first game i would probably hate him, but its also because of all the character development he’s went through that really makes me appreciate him. sure, in comparison to other characters its not a lot, but its the fact that he has changed from that snarky, lying, bastard from the first game into a less snarky, lying, bastard that he is now that really makes me like his character. 
i love the fact that by the end of the first game, he’s learn to appreciate the people around him and the relationships he has with them, i love how he grows and allows himself to care for these people by ultra despair girls and such. 
the fact that he was developed and grew up is what really makes me like him, that he’s grown to have what could be considered a protective sense over these people he went through something hellish with. 
and sure, he’s not a saint, i’m aware of that. i know that he could be a lot nicer than he is now, but in the long run and comparison to how he started, i’d say its a considerable leap. and dont worry, im not going to excuse his actions in the first game, or just his mistakes in general. ignoring all of that and even going as far to try and excuse it kinda just?? doesnt feel right if that makes sense. 
he’s a cruel dark hero, and that should be acknowledged when it comes to his character, but that isnt to say to ignore the growth he’s gone through.
anyways, im gonna end it here because this took me several days to put together and 2 rewrites to finish. i am so sorry anon, you probably wanted a super short answer with something like “yeah he’s cool i guess” and you got an essay. i am so sorry. 
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