#if anyone wants to playtest it in like a month lmk
junipvelt · 3 months
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I'm uh working on a visual novel btw
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thehardkandy · 6 years
Meant to do normal novel writing today but ended up just trying to clean this twine game. Good news is I got through my list of things I wanted to fix up and make better, so it's pretty far along. Especially after I abused my friendships and got some people to play through and find all the dumb mistakes the remained (which was a wild amount, considering I did multiple playthroughs before sending it to anyone with like no errors). If anyone here is interested in playtesting it, just lmk.
Did make some small progress in the novel too, though, and before the end of the night I just have the goal of finish the current scene. Getting toward the 20k mark so things are starting to coalesce, I just need to realllly push to hit the vibes I wanted. Things are still being a bit too mundane so I gotta get past that.
Now this work week is gonna be wild cause holiday weekends just mean five days of production in four, but I got a week off right after. So! A very nice light at the end of the tunnel. Got some pretty loose plans, including visiting the Big City for two or three days before I gotta look after the doge. Wild that it's now under 2 months until sept. Time frickin flies.
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