blindedbyduty · 4 years
The sound of a soft, familiar voice had Y’shtola turn quickly in a single, sweeping movement that had the Miqo’te gasping softly. She’d been worried for the girl since her arrival. Even after casting aside her name and title as Minfilia, Ryne was an invaluable member of the scions and Y’shtola had felt worry for the prodigy. She wouldn’t forgive herself if anything happened to the girl while she was gone (or her studies fell by the wayside). Not that she did not trust Thancred to look over the girl himself as he had in the past but with so many of the scions once again scattered to the winds...
Y’shtola shook her head, a smile gracing her surprised features as she knelt before the girl, placing her hands on her shoulders. Fingers brushed against Ryne’s cheek, then through her bright orange locks, as if to be sure she were truly there before Y’shtola spoke, “Ryne, I am glad to see you are unharmed. Though I cannot express the same joy that you have been whisked away from the First as well. But I am quite happy to see you.” She pressed a palm to the young girls cheek, taking one of her hands in her fingers.
“I think we can find a more sutible place to speak further rather than in the middle of the street though, wouldn’t you agree my dear? How about I treat you to some tea and cakes, hm? I know of a lovely place that I think you’ll love. Consider it a secret from our dear Thancred, shall we?”
✧ “Y’shtola? Could that really be you?” Eyes were wide with excitement as Ryne spoke to a familiar back. The shape of the woman’s tail, the fur upon her ears, much like the rest of her companions she had come to memorize every feature about the Mystel. Oh, but she had been told they went by a different name on the Source, right? Miqo’te…
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Not that either realm could best some up what she thought about the architecture of this place. In many ways this place reminded her of Amaurot on a smaller scale. “To think I’m not alone… I was terribly worried.” For the first time since arriving, the girl allowed a sigh of relief to escape.
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blindedbyduty · 4 years
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okay so i had a really long bough of things happen aka: i got a new job and i was out of town for 11 days and we lost a couple people at said job, but i have a 2 week vacation coming up and would like to start up some new interactions so like this post for a small-medium starter! CAPPING AT 5 FOR ALL, INCLUDING CAST MASTES! i don’t wanna overwhelm myself too much for the moment!
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blindedbyduty · 4 years
A tap to her shoulder had Y’shtola turning slowly, eyes awash with silver blinking as she stared into the face of the white haired man before her. Nearly identical, she would have commented to herself, had she seen more than his glimmering outline against the aethetic landscape of her vision. However, as she blinked at the miqo’te before her, a vague sense of familiarity washed over her. It filled her with a warmth that only a Warrior of Light could give her causing her lips to upturn in the slightest of smiles. Not hers, but someones...Another worlds. How many worlds Warrior’s would she meet in this mysterious city? Perhaps nigh infinite was the answer. But that question would be posed for another day. 
The sheer joy that twisted around his words was enough for the Seekers lips to upturn further, shifting her body out of the curious half-turn so she could face the male with a soft jingle of her many baubles. Tucking her hair and hanging feathers over her shoulder, Y’shtola chuckled at his words. ‘Nerves of steel’ she had always heard spoken about the Warrior of Light and yet this one before her was colored with anxiety and joy. Some things were a constant between souls, she imagined. An interesting hypothesis to test later when introductions were not the priority.
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“While I am glad my presence here has brought you some ease, Warrior of Light, I wish not to give you the wrong impression. While I am Y’shtola, I do not believe that I am your Y’shtola. T’would seem this world has the same bad habits as the Exarch and has brought together multiple shards. Still though,” Y’shtola mused, tilting her head to the side with a quiet hum, “It is a pleasure to meet another Warrior and yet I feel I must apologize for forcing you to reintroduce yourself to me....”  Her brow furrowed for a moment at her words; considering. 
A small pit of guilt did weigh within her. How many times had she done this now? Twice? Thrice? Each time it seemed to become harder... How many Warrior’s now had she disappointed that she was not the one of their own world? How far she had walked with them only to find each other as strangers? If they had suffered as her own hero had -- with a barely perceptible shake of her head, she chased the thoughts away before directing her attention to the man before her. She needed to focus on the here; the now. No sense dwelling on what she couldn’t change.
 For now.
♔ —• It had not occurred to Morgan that there might’ve been the chance that familiar faces would show up in this city. He was so enamored by the sights and unfamiliar faces that the idea of others from his home would come over here. It simply seemed to be too strange of a coincidence for it to happen and so it only lingered in the back of his mind for a brief moment, until he was given a very loud and sudden wake up call that that kind of coincidence could in fact happen. At first he was certain that his shoddy vision was playing games with him. After all, it wouldn’t have been the first time having half the normal eyesight of, well, anyone, would play games with him. 
♔ —• He had to rub his good eye for a brief moment looking onto the back of a familiar looking black dress and even more familiar head of white hair before realizing that the image before him, whether real or fake, was in fact who he thought it was. He felt his heart rate increase exponentially and found himself swallowing some fear back at addressing the individual. If they were fake, then he would definitely chastise himself for having these thoughts all of a sudden without anything provoking such ideas. But.. but on the off chance the individual was real, he wasn’t sure how he would adequately react. 
♔ —• Taking a half hearted step forward before he found his body moving on its own, a hand trembled before him. He thought about pulling it back and not wanting to bother her, but there was this innate, burning desire just to see if it was who he thought it was. Taking and holding a deep breath, he was quick to give the individual a brief tap of their shoulder.. and seeing that familiar face turn to his attention in confusion was more than enough for him to confirm who it was. It almost felt like his chest was prepared to burst open to give his heart adequate room to beat without interference, as he found his words lost on him. 
♔ —• For an unprecedented amount of time, Morgan had always seen this woman as something of a force to be reckoned with. A tongue sharper than any blade but an earnest kindness and hope to help others, the selflessness she showed time and time again for the people around her.. it was difficult for him not to respect and even fawn over what she had done. Perhaps it was a childish thought to think anything of his feelings for her but.. deep down, he had always thought and hoped that she’d see him in a light that he saw her in. A vortex of emotions he would keep to himself at all times, but his face couldn’t help but brighten, the corners of his lips turning upwards out of instinct. He.. might’ve looked like a considerable fool, and the way his voice came out in a held back excitement might’ve given away more of it, but for him to see such a familiar face as her’s, it was impossible to hold back that excitement and partial nervousness. 
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“ Y.. Y’shtola! So.. so it was you, then.. I’m glad that my eye wasn’t painting me a false image. Err, not that it would in any right just.. the surprise of seeing you here it’s.. it took me a bit off guard! “ 
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blindedbyduty · 4 years
WHEN WAS THE LAST TIME he encountered any of the Scions of the Seventh Dawn prior to Alphinaud’s arrival in the Burn that wasn’t some form of conflict or another? Upon seeing the platinum-haired lass, he tensed. She had changed much in the years following his fall at the Praetorium, and there was something different about her beyond her change of outfit. He had a difficult time putting a finger on it–she spoke as if she knew who he was despite having never seen him without his helmet.
It was grave cause for concern, but he saw her eyes, lacking a once lovely bright turquoise and replaced instead with a white, silvery color. No pupils. She was blind. Perhaps, given her enhanced abilities as a Miqo’te, she could recognize him by scent. He hadn’t expected that his smell would permeate under the armor, however, and suddenly felt slightly self-conscious.
“Believe me when I say I was not following you on purpose,” he started, “I cannot say I expected to see you here as well. I’ve heard from young Alphinaud that your order had fallen to a mysterious ailment. ‘Twasn’t long before it claimed him as well.” His voice softened. Once it became clear to him and his people that the boy hadn’t simply died whilst traveling with them, he felt he had little cause to worry.
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“But it appears you are animated and well,” for the most part, anyway, “However, I cannot imagine you’ve been here for very long. Which prompts the question, what exactly befell you and your comrades? If you’re willing to share, that is.”
Twas not just his aether that had changed but it seemed his former aggression had waned into sharper determination. He even sounded different without his helmet muting his words, distorting them with some sort of magitek filter. Y’shtola almost smiled as she gazed at the disgraced legatus. The feeling was short-lived though as he began to speak, not bothering for further introductions. Not that she quite minded though. In fact, his clipped and curt segue to the matter at hand was perhaps welcome.
“I was not aware news of our condition had reached as far as your ears; but yes, something did befell us. Not a sickness or ailment though -- “ The tenderness in his tone at mention of Alphniaud had Y’shtola pause, glancing up at the Garlean before crossing her arms in thought, “ -- something quite more dangerous actually. I am not certain how grave the situation has become since my arrival here but ‘tis not something to dwell too long on. I have utmost confidence that my allies in the Source are working toward a solution.” 
A click of her tongue had Y’shtola looking anywhere but his face. While Giaus was not necessarily a threat (for the moment), she was not sure how much to reveal of her time on the First. Would he believe her? Or did he know of the connection between his rulers and the Ascian’s he had worked with so closely? Y’shtola’s lips pressed into a thin line before she finally released the breath she locked in her chest (a bad habit she’d developed from her years of research) and gazed up at him, blind eyes blinking slowly, “I am most willing to share, although how much I care to tell will be determined on how much of an open mind you are willing to have, Gaius.”
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“So tell me, how much do you wish to learn of our world -- or perhaps I should say ‘worlds’?” 
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blindedbyduty · 4 years
Midna, too, was a curious person from time to time. Questions left unanswered for too long could create problems later, she thought, and making a habit of letting those problems collect was never going to be her idea of a good plan. Even if her personal research amounted to nothing in the present, one could never be too sure that any knowledge would not come in handy later.
Especially if she were to be in this city for some time. Unfortunately, right now that seemed to be the case. Which, she supposed, at least it means she has nothing better to do, and so it’s not really wasted time, is it?
Midna watched as the other entered, standing leaning against the wall in what little shadow she could find in here (too many candles, she thought). Her eyes narrowed as the other hesitated, turning as if called by an unheard voice.
“Are you talking to them?” She spoke not loudly, not at her normal volume, but still perhaps too loud for what it usually considered church volume. “They’ve been here a while. Haven’t reacted to a single sound, even when I tried talking to them directly.”
Midna, too, had been there a while then. She wanted to ask for answers directly, to see if they had any mention of the Goddesses she knew and not the ones displayed in stone here.
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“You’d have better luck talking to the statues. Why did you come here?” She didn’t seem like a member of this church; Midna thought they’d acted too out of place to come across as one.
To Y’shtola’s endless surprise, someone responded. Twas not the voice that tickled her inner ear, causing her to speak in the first place but it was a response none the less. She turned fully to the woman who spoke, surprised to find a palid faced woman with the most striking color of hair she had seen since Minfilia’s transformation into Ryne. She was quite lovely to look at, even more so than the scriptures on the wall. With a slow blink, the Seeker turned her silver gaze toward the rest of the carefully crafted church to see the other patron’s hadn’t as much turned to look at her when she spoke. Almost as if she had never broken the silence at all. In fact, the figures remained among themselves and she was instantly brought to a fabricated city under the sea where life simply went on as if apocalypse had never happened…
“Very interesting…” She murmured, dragging fingers over her chin in thought before resting her knuckle against her jaw, “This place still has a very many mysteries to uncover.” On one hand, her blood thrummed at the prospect of an enigma waiting to be discovered. On the other, annoyance bubbled through her that she simply had more questions than anything else.
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Ears twitching once, Y’shtola dragged herself from her thoughts and gave the woman an even smile, “A simple curiosity for the beliefs of those who call this world home. It would do me well to at least research what this world has to offer before finding the source of its many secrets, do you not agree?” She asked, taking a step toward the stranger, keeping her volume a low murmur. The church seemed to be built to carry voices after all, even if they were mysterious whispers.
“Have you heard them? The voices with no source at all? Or should I be worried I’ve begun a descent to madness?”
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blindedbyduty · 5 years
Can you reblog this if the mun is 18+
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blindedbyduty · 5 years
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“ i see. hm, myself? well, i imagine it would be quite difficult to replicate this look after all. as for my true form, which you once had the pleasure of witnessing, such a visage would be even harder to create. as for flattery, i suppose it depends upon the skill of the crafter. i wont accept anything less than a perfect imitation of course. “ 
“ As you are now would also take incredible skill. Even a master tailor would have trouble with such finery. Even I can see that much.  As for your true form... Hm, well. I suppose that would be quite difficult. Though I suppose if I were in a rush then a black sheet from my bed would do me just fine. “
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“ I have to wonder though...did you even have such traditions such as dressing up for All Saint’s Wake? Or were you too buried in books and creation for celebration? “
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blindedbyduty · 5 years
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“ ‘Tis not so much the ears and tails that bother me as much as the attire that accompanies it... I suppose in a strange way it is flattering that it is a similar visage to myself they wear. Would you not feel flattered if one chose to dress as you, Emet-Selch? ”
( *゚STARTER // @blindedbyduty​
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“ tell me, are these faux-miqo'te running not at all insulting, to you? for their all saints’ wake, they don the very same set of fluffy ears and tail which bless our dear miqo'te friends. surely that must be of some annoyance to you, hm? “
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blindedbyduty · 5 years
( ; @unulales​· //
A dark presence followed her. 
Not evil. Just shrouded in mystery... 
Where Y’shtola could see light and life, something followed her like a shade. At first it was small glimpses that she thought were simply shadows in her vision and brushed it aside as such. Then it was closer; watching her most menial tasks. Not everyday, but enough that Y’shtola found herself looking over her shoulder with narrowed eyes every so often. Days turned to weeks and her shadow seemed to become braver as it flitted within the peripherals of her limited vision that she had even reached out to grasp at a stranger once or twice in vain attempts to catch them. Many apologies later, the Scion still hadn’t managed to grasp at the dark thread of aether that followed after her. Not Ascian. Not Primal. Not with ill intentions. Just there; watching.
So Y’shtola continues to wait with near infinite patience until the moment they ventured too close. Until delicately cold fingers gripped onto her tail and her own hand grabbed a thin wrist in return. How she wished, for once, for the intimidation a Keeper’s fangs held...
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“It would be proper manners to introduce oneself before pulling their tail you know. If this was your goal all along, all you had to do was ask.” the Seeker purred despite the tight smile that graced her features.
“Now tell me, my little shade, what is it you wish of me?”
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blindedbyduty · 5 years
( ; @twilitimperium //
It wasn’t often that Y’shtola left her usual path she walked everyday in the city. The surroundings, day by day, became more familiar to her but every so often a thread of curious aether caught her attention -- demanding to be followed. Today was such a day and the Seeker found herself in a church that near rivaled the centerpiece of Ishgard. The outline against the sky, glowing faintly in her eyes was almost enough to take ones breath away. And the interior was nothing to scoff at either.... Another bitter reminder of all the things she missed back home in the Source. Y’shtola quickly shook her head free of the thoughts that plagued her mind and stepped between the pews of the near empty sanctum, admiring the architecture and the aether that filled the spaces between. It was beautiful and mysterious; quite unlike anything she’d seen before... 
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Y’shtola stopped, ears twitching once as she glanced over her shoulder while unintelligible whispers graced her heightened senses. Yet as she turned they stopped, only seeing the outlines of two hunched figures praying in the pews and another figure lingering by the door. Yet the whisper sounded close; close enough that she could have sworn there had been a soft breath against her cheek. A trick of the mind? Perhaps it had merely been the buzz of her own thoughts. Still though...
“Now, now, it’s rude to whisper when no one can hear you. Speak up then if you’d like to have a proper conversation...”
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blindedbyduty · 5 years
( ; @eosavant // 
How long had it been since she’d simply just enjoyed a day? Too long it seemed, she thought, walking in step with the woman beside her. Fuyumine Kiwa. A Warrior of Light. Her aether was not much different than the warrior she usually walked beside, but her persona was so different it nearly swept her of feet.  ..nearly. In fact, she almost envied the her that walked beside the woman next to her, even if the mere idea of another version of herself still had her mulling. Now was not the time to be lost within her thoughts and theories on the subject. She would keep those in reserve for when the time called for such conversations. For now, Y’shtola simply took in the quiet comfort of the warm sun and  woman on her left.
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“Not that I mind much being your companion for the day, I need remind you my areas of expertise do not include shopping. However, I am sure you have many questions for me -- as have many of the others like yourself. I encourage you to ask whatever you wish of me. Today I am yours.”
For there would be another day, she was certain, to pick Fuyumine’s brain in return...
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blindedbyduty · 5 years
100 Random Character Development Questions
001. When is their birthday? 002. Do they do anything to celebrate their birthday? 003. Does your character like coffee better, or tea? 004. Do they prefer being alone or with others? 005. Are they in good health? 006. What sense do they most rely on? 007. Is your character an optimist or a pessimist? 008. What is their favorite fairy tale? 009. Do they believe in happy endings? 010. Do they believe in love at first sight? 011. How would your character court the person of their dreams? 012. What makes your character embarrassed? 013. Have they ever been bullied or teased? 014. Detail one secret shame your character feels. 015. Are they most likely to fight with their fists or their tongue? 016. What is their choice of weapon? 017. When does your character think that violence is justified or deserved? 018. Your character wakes up to find that war has been declared. What do they do? 019. If they could have a superpower, what would they choose? 020. What are their hobbies? 021. How do they display affection? 022. What is the most beautiful thing they’ve ever seen? 023. What do they consider beautiful in others physically? 024. What do they consider ugly in others physically? 025. What do they consider beautiful in others personality-wise? 026. What do they consider ugly in others personality-wise? 027. What is their idea of perfect happiness? 028. What makes them laugh out loud? 029. What sort of sense of humor does your character have? 030. Do they believe in the afterlife? 031. Are they superstitious about anything? 032. Does your character believe in ghosts? 033. Do they keep their promises? 034. What’s their view of lying? 035. What is the most important rule your character lives by? 036. How honorable is your character? 037. If your character saw someone drop a large sum of money and knew that they could probably take it without anyone noticing, what would they do? 038. What bad habits do they have? 039. What do they think is the worst thing that can be done to a person? 040. What is their obsession? 041. Are they comfortable with technology? 042. What is their greatest achievement? 043. What will they stand up for? 044. What disgusts them? 045. Does your character have any chronic medical conditions? 046. How do they handle getting sick? 047. What was the last medical problem your character had? 048. Do they have any allergies? 049. How does your character feel about growing old? 050. How does your character feel about their own mortality? 051. If they knew they would die tomorrow, what would they do today? 052. What is your character’s worst flaw? 053. What is your character’s greatest strength? 054. Does your character want power or authority of any kind? 055. Is your character an introvert or an extrovert? 056. Has your character ever struck someone in anger? 057. Has your character ever killed anyone? 058. What is your character’s idea of a perfect day? 059. List several phrases your character is fond of uttering. Where did they pick them up? 060. What is your character’s attitude toward education and learning? 061. Does your character prefer adventure or safety and security? 062. What sort of legacy does your character wish to leave behind? 063. How well does your character handle difficult people? 064. In what ways does your character annoy others? 065. Is your character better at leading or following? Which do they prefer? 066. Does your character prefer city life or being out in nature? 067. Does your character believe in fate or destiny? 068. How strong is your character’s sense of responsibility? What kinds of things trigger it? 069. What about your character is heroic? 070. What about your character is cowardly? 071. How kind is your character? 072. In a Dungeons & Dragons game, which class would your character be? (wizard, fighter, bard, priest, ranger, etc.) 073. In a novel, what plot role would your character fill? (hero, anti-hero, sidekick, villain, etc.) 074. What is your character’s favorite game? 075. Is your character ticklish? 076. How do they express anger? 077. How often do they cry? Over what? 078. How emotionally stable is your character? 079. How easy is it for them to read the emotions of others? 080. How easy is it for others to read your character’s emotions? 081. Is your character religious? 082. What are your character’s sleeping preferences? 083. What is the first thing they say and/or do when they wake up? 084. Describe your character in one word. 085. Describe your character in three words. 086. How would your character describe themself in one word? 087. How would your character describe themself in three words? 088. Is your character quiet or loud? 089. How vocally expressive is your character? 090. How bodily expressive is your character? 091. What type of music does your character like? 092. What emotion does your character evoke in others? 093. What is your character’s goal in life? 094. Name three things most would not expect your character to be able to know. 095. Name three things most would not expect your character to be able to do. 096. How do they move and carry themselves? What energy do they project? 097. How well do they adapt to change? 098. Does your character like animals? 099. Do they talk to inanimate objects? 100. Does your character dream? If so, what do they dream about?
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blindedbyduty · 5 years
( ; @vcnbcelscr​ //
The sweet smell of cherry blossoms permeated everything in Cotes, which normally wouldn’t have been a problem. The floral scent was something familiar to the miqo’te woman as she walked the streets. It reminded her of home, though at the port of Limsa Lominsa the sweet cherry scent always had a hint of salt and brine licking the edges of her senses. This scent was just cloyingly sweet... How anyone could live there was something she would just have to learn over time, she supposed...
Stopping at the edge of a copse of flowering trees, Y’shtola closed her eyes and steadied her breathing, letting the cloying sweetness seep its way into her thoughts. She had not been in this world long at all, but it was already so...different. Even more so than the First or the Source -- even more than the Lifestream. The limitations to her magic were already annoying enough but aether (was it even aether here?) was everywhere. It made traversing the city difficult. Not impossible, but it was hardly enjoyable to feel so helpless. The feeling of the tree beneath her fingers though as she looked out across the grassy expanse was a comfort. How she missed the Night’s Blessed terribly so and wondered how Runar and the others were fairing without her aide. Though she had already discovered the presence of not one Warrior of Darkness but multiple in Spirale. Scattered across this world as they were, she’d seen their aether and had known their identities instantly. Perhaps even more familiar aether would be shown to her.
Perhaps even sooner rather than later.
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Like a shadow in the corner of her vision, she could feel it before she saw it. A glimmer of the life that flowed through the man, familiar and yet different. The aether had changed but the feeling of it was something she would have not forgotten easily. To think the Black Wolf would be standing not ten feet from her after years of him disappearing without a trace...
“My, my,” She murmured to herself, half turning to peer closely at the pulse of life near her, “A sight for sore eyes, Gaius van Bealsar. You are indeed the last person I thought to encounter in a place such as this.” Y’shtola said by way of greeting, waving an open hand across the blossom covered greenery.
“Simply out for a stroll or were you planning to shadow me for perhaps a little longer?”
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blindedbyduty · 5 years
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sorry to everyone waiting on messages from me about my starter call. some personal stuff pulled me away but i’ll be messaging everyone tomorrow. thank you for your patience!!
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blindedbyduty · 5 years
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good afternoon everyone! i am feeling a little under the weather today, but i did wanna put out a starter call at the very least. i am still feeling  a little shaky but we’ll start this call with 5 starters -- xiv castmates excluded from that cap though! if you like this post, i will dm or im you first when im feeling a bit better. thanks and have a great day c:
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blindedbyduty · 5 years
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y’shtola rhul. // final fantasy xiv shadowbringers
y’shtola speaks her mind and seeks knowledge but is also well versed in magic. she will use black and white magic (with a heavier focus on black magic). she won’t try and start fights but she doesn’t seem to mind ending them.
yes she has cat ears and a tail. no you cannot touch them.
y’shtola is functionally blind but sees by way of living aether. if you’re a living creature, she can technically see you but she couldn’t make out features even if she tried.  
she likes books and medicine!!! i’m sure she’ll find a way to read it.
she’s gone through a lot of horrible situations and is afraid of losing people but would never say it out loud.
generally pretty easy going though??
she tends to speak very formally, no matter who is she speaking to but speaks matter-of-factly and can be blunt and snarky when the situation calls for it.
if ur also snarky??? be her friend???
dms/ims open for everyone!
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blindedbyduty · 5 years
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 hello everyone! i’m horologium (horo for short)! 27 year old cat enthusiast. hence why i’m playing a cat girl. coincidence? i think not! i use they/she pronouns. currently unemployed so i’ll be around frequently until my situation changes for the better. otherwise, i’m distracted by final fantasy 14, red dead redemption, critical role, knitting, cooking and taking care of my two sons francisco and gaston (they are cats, surprising no one). my dms and ask box are totally open for plotting and such. my twitter is linked in my nav, but please ask to follow before doing so. 
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