godidfk · 4 years
I Don’t Need A Hero (Part Two)
Summary: You don’t like heroes. They were a sham. But when your quirk disappears you are shocked to find you need them more than you thought. One in particular more than others. 
Pairing: Eijirou Kirishima x Reader
Warnings: Angst but like? Not really? 
Word Count: ~ 3.3K
A/N: okay listen im sorry this took seven years to come out lol. Life is life. I know there’s some confusion on what the readers quirk is but like I promise there will be a more in depth explanation soon. My asks are always open if you have questions!! I hope y’all like this. 
I’m gonna tag everyone who asked for part two on the last post! Just in case y’all forgot <3 (if that’s not okay lemme know I’ll untag you)
@lady-bakuhoe @shania-chua @raekah @onegaisobaniite @red-riot-girl642
Part One
“So what happened with Chargebolt?” Once you were both back to your car, you finally felt comfortable enough to ask Molly about what had happened at the meet and greet.
“Oh y/n! Oh, it was absolutely amazing! I kept peeking around the girl in front of me when I got up close, and he totally caught me looking. I was so embarrassed, he just kind of stared at me and I felt like I was on fire. He smiled at me and then he winked and I felt like I would pass out on the spot.” Glancing over, you saw Molly was absolutely glowing. Her hands were flying everywhere to emphasize how excited she was. You chuckled looking at her. “That’s not even the best part though y/n! When I finally got my turn to go up to him, he asked my name and told me I was really cute and asked if I’d stay after so I could talk to him more!” Your jaw dropped as Molly went on. You knew your best friend was drop-dead gorgeous, and the best person in the world. But who would’ve ever guessed her all-time favorite pro would be immediately taken with her? 
“Molly! That’s amazing! But... it didn’t take you long to come out and find me after..” realizing what your friend must’ve done you felt a wave of shame and guilt wash over you. “Molly please tell me you waited for him. Please don’t say you left to come find me instead.” The guilty look she threw you made your stomach sink. 
“It’s not like that y/n. I did wait. I figured since I sent Red Riot after you that you’d be alright waiting a little longer. I knew you’d kill me if I didn’t wait for him. So I did! But I definitely left quicker than he would’ve liked… BUT guess what!” Before you could get a word out she interrupted you. “Kaminari and I are getting together tomorrow after his patrol! As long as you’re alright that is.” She looked over at you and you could briefly see that worry back there. 
“Kaminari huh? Looks like you two got close real fast. I told you he’d love you! And Molly… I’ll be okay. It’s just going to take some time right?” That’s what you were hoping. That your quirk would be back in the morning. Or that you’d figure out what had happened. 
“Y/n, you never told me exactly what happened back there. Why can’t you hear anything anymore?” 
“It was weird Mol. You know how I hate being deep in the city like that. Around so many people. Their thoughts were so loud. It was starting to become too much. I pushed through though. For a bit. I was determined to be with you when you met him. Although it turns out you didn’t really need my help did you?” Throwing a quick glance over your shoulder you saw her blush. “Anyway, when we got into that line and Chargebolt came out it got so loud. I was about to excuse myself for a moment when… I don’t know. Everything was too much and then I saw him looking at me and all of a sudden… nothing. I totally freaked Mol. The silence was so loud. I felt like I was drowning in it. So I went outside. And then that stupid hero tried to come to my rescue. Who does he think he is anyway? He doesn’t know me. What could he possibly do to help?”
“Wait back up, are you telling me when you looked at Red Riot it all went silent?” Molly was staring at you with her eyebrow quirked. 
“Yes. That is exactly what I’m telling you. What’s your point?” 
“Well, that seems… sort of like something you would read in a romance novel doesn’t it? Young pretty girl looks at hot young man and all the voices in her head go silent? Sounds kind of dreamy to me.” Glancing over at her, you noticed she was wiggling her eyebrows at you. 
“Molly this is serious! My quirk is straight-up gone and all you can think about is some dumb fantasy? Even if it was some weird ‘hey this guy is your soulmate’ kind of thing you know me better than that. Never a hero. Never. But that’s beside the point! Molly, it’s gone and I can’t hear what anybody is thinking now. As nice as it is to get some peace for once in my life my spatial awareness is so fucked up. Normally I can tell when people are close to me without seeing them. Some asshole back there slammed into me and knocked me down and I didn’t even know he was there until I was on the ground. I have no idea what’s wrong with me and I’m scared, Molly.” She had gone silent beside you. The drive back to your house felt like it was taking years instead of an hour. 
“I’m sorry y/n. You’re right. I should be taking this seriously. We’ll figure this out. Do you want to go see a doctor? Maybe they’ll be able to find something wrong?” 
“Molly if I went to a doctor I’d be a guinea pig. Have you ever heard of someone’s quirk disappearing? Because I haven’t. I’ll figure this out. I’ll be okay. I couldn’t control my quirk very well anyway, right? Who needs it.” But the truth was you were terrified. You felt wrong. Empty. The quiet was so loud. 
It had been a week since then. As much as you were hoping your quirk would be there when you woke up. It wasn’t. Everything was still quiet. If you were being honest though, after the first few days of being absolutely terrified and feeling helpless and empty, you were starting to enjoy the quiet. It was nice to hear the birds all of the time instead of only when you were 100% alone. Getting used to having to pay attention to your surroundings had been a challenge. And your job performance was taking a severe hit. Having to wait for people to actually tell you their order before you could start making it made things take a bit longer than you’d like. You were about to start getting ready for work when your phone rang. Walking over to pick it up from the counter you saw Molly’s contact picture and answered.
“Y/n! Are you busy right now?”
“Actually yeah. I was just about to get ready for my shift at the cafe, why?”
“Oh dangit. Kaminari is coming over today and I was hoping you would come meet him.” Molly had been talking to the pro hero every day since meeting him. She practically saw him every day too. You knew it was only a matter of time before she wanted to introduce you two. You were thankful to have work as an excuse to put it off. As much as you loved her, you weren’t ready to try and befriend a pro hero. 
“I’m sorry Mol. We’ll meet eventually I’m sure. I have to go get ready now but have fun! Don’t get zapped.” You heard her start laughing as you hung up. 
A few hours into your shift things started to slow down. You relished the time when the cafe was empty. It gave you a chance to catch up but also admire the view outside. The little cafe you worked at was on the outskirts of the city. Right across from a nature park that was empty more often than not. You loved to look out at the trees and flowers when you got the chance. It’s where you spent your lunch breaks too. Which you decided to do right now. Telling your coworker to man the front, you grabbed your lunch and crossed the street. Laying under your favorite tree you decided to try and figure out what had made your quirk disappear. This had become a daily thing. Taking about 30 minutes to try and piece it together and then pretending it didn’t exist the rest of the time. It had become the best way for you to manage it. Unfortunately, you weren’t any closer to an answer as you were when it happened. You were running out of theories. 
Thirty minutes passed by and you slammed shut your notebook and headed back to the cafe frustrated. You didn’t particularly notice the customers who were in the shop as you went into the back and put your things away. 
“Hey! I’m back from lunch if you want to go take your break!” Your coworker was smiling at you just a little too widely for your liking and you cursed your quirk for disappearing. “Why are you looking at me like that? Is there something on my face?” 
“No there’s nothing on your face. You didn’t tell me you knew Red Riot!” You felt heat rush to your cheeks. How did your coworker even know you had met Red Riot? 
“What are you even talking about? I met him last week and promptly told him to leave me alone. I don’t really consider that knowing someone. How did you even know about that?”
“Well if that’s the case, it looks like someone doesn’t know how to listen. I’m gonna go on my break but I expect all the details when I get back!” She wiggled her eyebrows at you as she pushed past you into the back room. Why did what she said make your stomach do a flip? Peeking around the corner into the shop you caught a glimpse of someone sitting right at the counter. He was drinking coffee and looking at his phone, occasionally looking around. His red hair was spiked up the same way it had been when you had met. But he wasn’t wearing his hero costume. Just a normal t-shirt. He looked surprisingly more human this way. Why the hell was her here though? No pros came to this shop. Favoring the fancier shops in the city. You weren’t complaining about that though. You preferred the quiet nature of this place. Taking a deep breath you walked out to the counter. He looked up as you walked out and his face lit up. His smile was bright. It reminded you of the sun. Shaking your head you tried to rid your mind of any thoughts about him other than what he was doing here. 
“So what, pro heroes are stalkers now?” You cringed internally at how rash that had sounded. He may be a hero but he didn’t deserve immediate cruelty. His smile dropped off his face for a moment before turning into a smaller smirk. 
“Denki told me the coffee here was really good, and that you made it the best. So here I am.” His smile grew a little wider as he spoke. You noticed his teeth were pointed and looked razor-sharp. Like a shark. 
“Well, that’s amusing considering I’ve never met him and he most certainly hasn’t been here while I was working.” He furrowed his eyebrows at that. Before he could think too much on it you had a realization and interrupted him.
“How did he tell you? Was it in person?” He looked up at you, clearly confused. 
“No, he texted me an hour ago, why?”
“Molly… that asshole. She’s been with him all day. I’d be willing to bet it was her not him. She isn’t particularly happy with me for the way I treated you last week.” You looked at him apologetically. 
“Well, that’s okay. You were obviously going through something. Even if it wasn’t Denki, the coffee here is definitely worth it. Why isn’t this place more popular?” You chuckled at that. 
“You think that coffee is good? Molly wasn’t lying. We do it pretty well here, but I make it best. What’s your order, I’ll make you another.” He smiled at you and told you his order. You quickly went about making it. Catching him smiling as he watched you from the other side of the counter. You were going to kill Molly later. But for the moment you completely forgot he was a hero. Just enjoying that bright smile. You placed his coffee in front of him and watched as he tipped it back. He closed his eyes for a moment before he spoke. 
“That is on a whole different level than the one the other girl gave me. How did you do that?” He was staring at you with wide eyes. You laughed at the face he was making. 
“I guess I’m just that good. I’ve been doing this for a while, you tend to pick up on little things after time.” You smiled as he took another, longer drink. He looked happy. He looked up at you and caught you smiling. 
“That looks good on you you know. You have a really nice smile. I’m glad I finally got to see it.” Heat rushed to your cheeks as he looked to you. Thankfully at that moment a customer came in and walked up to the counter. You cleared your throat and internally begged your face to cool down. 
“Hi! What can I get for you?” You recognized the customer, but you didn’t remember his name. 
“You have to ask? Thought you had everyone’s orders memorized by now. You usually start on it right as I walk in. Are you alright?” You felt guilty for having to lie to him. He wasn’t the first customer to ask though. So you automatically launched into the story you had made up to tell them all. 
“I’m sorry! I was in an accident last week and I’ve been having some memory issues ever since. I’m sure I’ll get back into it quickly! Just have to relearn everyone’s order.” You saw Red Riot look up at you and furrow his brow when you said that. You silently prayed he wouldn’t ask you about it. 
“I’m sorry! I’m sure you’ll get back into it in a jiffy. You’re everyone’s favorite barista for a reason!” Your heart warmed a little at the praise. You gave a small smile to the customer. 
“So what can I get for you? And this is super embarrassing after all of that praise, but I’m afraid the memory loss may have also caused me to forget your name.” The customer quirked an eyebrow at that. You had never really had to remember anything about your customers. Whenever they came in they were always thinking about their orders, so you heard them fresh every day. You had always heard their names before they said them too. Why would you take the time to remember it when the information was always immediately available to you? You missed this aspect of your quirk. Not being able to hear what everyone was thinking all of the time had its downfalls. 
“The name is Everett. I’ll have a double espresso please.” You immediately started making his drink as quickly as possible, hoping to make up for your lack of quirk. Behind you, you heard a very audible gasp. 
“Are you Red Riot? The pro hero?” Hearing the redhead chuckle you felt your heart drop. You had let yourself forget for a moment that he was a hero. All of the nice things he had said to you began to feel like a dagger in your chest. You would never allow yourself to befriend a hero. Finishing Everetts drink you turned and went to hand it to him and saw he was now deep in conversation with the pro. You weren’t listening to the conversation. You didn’t care to hear about the nonsense heroes and their fans talk about. 
“Here you go Everett. Hope it makes up for all of my issues.” You smiled at him and went to turn around to clean the counter when you heard him say your name. 
“Doesn’t y/n make the best coffee? I’m not surprised that a pro finally made their way to this place. It’s amazing it has stayed as quiet as it has this long.” Red Riot smiled and looked up at you. 
“The coffee is absolutely amazing. It’s like a dream. I have a feeling I’ll be here pretty often.” Your heart sank even further and you frowned. Turning to clean up your station, determined not to turn back around unless you absolutely had to. You heard the bell at the door and glanced over to see Everett leaving. 
“What happened to you last week?” You closed your eyes and sighed.
“That’s none of your business Red Riot.” You said it harshly. More harshly than you meant to. But you were hurt. Why would the world bless a hero with a smile as bright as that? 
“Please call me Kirishima. Everyone else calls me by my hero name. It’d be nice if you didn’t. And look I know last week is obviously a sensitive subject, but if it was bad enough that you’re having memory issues you should’ve let me help you. What if I could’ve prevented it?” Your entire body immediately felt like it had been lit on fire as the anger flooded your veins. You turned and gave him a look that could kill. A look filled with cold, seething rage. 
“I do not need some hero to help me. My life is none of your business. Leave.” He looked taken aback by your words. 
“Why do you say it like that? Like it’s a bad thing? It’s okay to need help y/n. Everyone does.” You hated the way that your heart melted when he said your name. But much bigger than that you hated that he was a hero. You hated every word he said. You felt your body getting hotter when you heard the bell ring and heard Molly’s laughter coming in. She looked at you and it immediately halted. She ran behind the counter and looked from you to Red Riot. She pushed her way in front of you and grabbed your face. 
“Y/n. Y/n go home. Now. I’ve got the counter. Go.” Looking at her, she seemed to be the only real thing for a moment. Her words sank into your mind and you turned and left the shop without a word. 
Molly sighed as she watched you walk out. Thanking God she had convinced Denki to come to the shop. He was standing by the door still looking incredibly confused. Kirishima was staring out the door too. 
“I should have known better than to tell you to come here Kirishima. I’m sorry.” Molly put her head in her hands. Denki walked up to the counter quickly.
“You alright babe? What the hell just happened? She looked ready to kill someone. What did you say to piss her off Kiri?” Denki was looking from Molly to Kirishima. 
“I didn’t really say anything. She told a customer she was in an accident last week and that she was having memory problems. When he left I asked why she wouldn’t let me help her last week. And she just. She got so mad.” Kirishima looked back at the door. Molly sighed again. 
“Listen. It’s not my story to tell. Short and simple of it, y/n doesn’t like heroes. She hates the whole premise of you guys. Something major happened at the event. Don’t ask me about it. It’s really not up to me to tell you. I’ve only seen her with that look one time before though… I’m just glad I got here when I did.” Molly had flashbacks to that night. Seeing your face then, seeing it now. It was too close. Way too close. Denki cleared his throat. 
“Do you even know how to make coffee?” Molly looked up at him confused. Realization set in and she laughed. 
“Denki I started here at the same time y/n did. We bought this place together. Even if it is just hers now. I’ve got the counter handled.” Both men looked up at you. 
“Wait you guys own this shop?” Kirishima looked around the place again as she continued to laugh. 
“It was always y/n’s dream to own her own cafe. Let’s just say dear old dad would do anything to keep me quiet about certain things. So I got her this place! It’s a long story. But when your dad’s a rich asshole there’s really only one benefit.” Denki raised an eyebrow at her. 
“Babe you’re so hot.”
“Oh my god, Denki. Not here.” Molly was laughing again. But she saw the way Kirishima was looking down at his cup. She pitied him. If only he hadn’t been a hero.
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TSI/15192 (For Rent) Apartemen Metro Park Residence, Tower Milan, Jakarta Barat, 25 m², Lt 18, PPJB
TSI/15192 (For Rent) Apartemen Metro Park Residence, Tower Milan, Jakarta Barat, 25 m², Lt 18, PPJB
TSI/15192For RentApartemen Metro Park Residence, Tower Milan, Jakarta Barat, 25 m², Lt 18, PPJB Harga Rp 38.000.000 / ThAlamat Kedoya, Jakarta BaratDeskripsi Properti Apartemen Metro Park Residence, lokasi strategis, dekat dgn toll Kebon Jeruk, Dekat ke mall Puri idnah, Lippo Mall Puri, RS Siloam, Sekolah IPEKA, Notre Dame, dll, Full furn: kasur, AC, water heatter, kulkas, tv, lemari, PPJB Luas…
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luellastories-blog · 7 years
Messages from Telon (another excerpt)
From Chapter 1
" William, get in here now," Princess Idnah commanded.
Lord William slowly walked into Idnah's sleeping chamber. His clothes were slightly ruffled because he had been riding. He always hated the way Idnah felt as though she could order him around. He wished he could become a powerful figure in Ossenberg without her, but he needed her. Without her, he would have been beheaded or banished from the palace and the kingdom when he had first attempted to take over the throne. Idnah had spared his head and never let him forget it.
" What is it my lady?" Lord William humbly inquired, trying not to choke on the venom he felt for her.
"William, I think we may have a slight problem."
"How could that be? Have we not worked out every detail including the garments that we shall wear?" He responded puzzled
"So I had thought. Unfortunately, that wicked stepmother of mine is still living. If she doesn't die soon and my father dies first, I have a sick feeling that we may end up with her as the queen forever. She hates me and Genevieve. Surely, she will also try to have me sent away as she did my sister years ago."
"Idnah, Queen Lyla didn't send Genevieve away on her own. You are the cause of the entire matter occurring."
"I am well aware of that William. But that wicked woman has no idea of that."
William propped his foot upon the stool that she was standing next to.
"Idnah, I believe that your imagination is getting the best of you. Queen Lyla will never become a ruler over Ossenberg, even if she does outlive Uncle Rodell."
Idnah looked at him in bewilderment.
"I do not understand."
"It is simple, my sweet little Idnah. The queen is still alive because that is the way that I choose to have her."
"What? What do you mean the way you choose to have her? Need I remind you, dear cousin, that the only reason why your beautiful head is still resting upon your shoulders is because I begged my father not to have you beheaded?" She snidely responded.
"Yes dear, you remind me of this daily. However, dear cousin, because you not only saved my head but my royal life as well, I am obligated to repay you. I have pondered daily on how I could repay you for not only convincing Uncle to spare my life, but to also allow me to stay on here at the palace. You saved my life and my reputation. I want this life and I shall not lose it because King Rodell in his foolishness chose to marry that wicked and insane nothing who dares to call herself Queen of Ossenberg.”
Idnah sat on the chair and listened closely to William.  She could now see that he had a deliciously evil plan.
"If Queen Lyla were to die and Uncle immediately following, too much suspicion would surround your assuming the throne. The people are still under the belief that Prince Montgomery had something to do with your mother's death and with Genevieve's absence from Ossenberg. If you were to marry him too soon, that would cause tremendous suspicion."
"Why? Surely the people are aware of House of Cladenia's intended alliance with Ossenberg. I would need a king to help me rule. And why not choose the Prince of Cladenia? This way the kingdoms will be united and all the people would benefit." Idnah responded.
William walked over to where she was seated. He gently stroked her cheek.
"Idnah, it is quite sad that you are not as smart as you are beautiful."
She stood up. "Pardon me?"
William gently sat her back down.
"Idnah, have you forgotten that Queen Lyla has claimed for years that you want her dead?"
"No, but no one in the kingdom has ever dared to believe the ranting and ravings of an obviously sick woman. She's been ill since father married her. Surely she cannot blame that on me."
"But she can and she has. Just the other day I overheard her asking one of the cooks if you or I had ever been in the kitchen when they were preparing meals for the family."
Idnah stood again. "How dare she? How dare the child of a disgraced man accuse anyone in the royal family of such treachery? I should have slit her throat the moment that I noticed that father had eyes for her. She has done nothing more than cause trouble for me and the entire kingdom since she first darkened the steps to the palace." Idnah exclaimed as she paced around her chamber.
"Idnah, you must calm down. Queen Lyla will not be around for much longer, of that I am certain."
"But how William? Did you not just say that killing her too closely to father's death may raise too many suspicions, especially if I were to marry the Prince of Cladenia shortly afterwards?"
"Yes I did," William noted calmly. He paused before speaking again. "Idnah, if you wanted to dispose of someone and you did not want to kill them or if you could not kill them, what would you do?"
Idnah turned around and looked at him in bewilderment.
"I am unsure. I suppose that I would probably take care of him or her as I did my dear sister Genevieve."
"Perhaps, but look at all of the problems that we have endured because we did not, since we could not kill Genevieve."
"William, I know of no other way short of having another do my deed."
"As you have arranged for your father?" William could see that his last statement had angered Idnah.
"Contrary to what you may think William, I do love my father."
William laughed. "Idnah, if hiring mercenaries to ambush your father's caravan and then slit his throat is your idea of love, I consider myself quite fortunate that you do not particularly care for me, but only need me. Too often have I witnessed what you do to those whom you should love."
"William, I will not stand here and allow you to insult me in such a way."
William walked over to her and led her back to her seat.
"Then sit down."  He waited for her to sit. "Idnah, what I am trying to tell you is that we have been going about our plans the wrong way.  Slowly poisoning the queen is not safe.  She has gone about throughout Ossenberg accusing you of that very thing. I do not think that we should kill the queen.  At least not yet."
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eloise-davenport · 9 years
I Don't Need A Hero || Eloise & Caleb
The game was a simple one. Eloise would go out to a club in suggestive and revealing clothes and attract men and women by toying around with the way she would look around a room or behave in order to seem seductive and alluring. When they approached her, she would simply turn them down in the harshest way possible and then wait for the next one to come along. It was a cruel game that she played, but it was one she played nonetheless. It made her feel powerful, strong, and good about herself. To know that she was desired and choose not to act on such desire at the same time was certainly a feeling that left her feeling empowered.
Tonight was no different. Clad in red, Eloise knew that she would turn heads tonight as usual. Red was her color and the cut of the dress really brought out everything curve on her body. Immediately, she noticed how eyes turned her way. She reveled in the attention, but it was all fake. This was the escape from her stressful life and all the problems that came with it. Here at the club, she was just another twenty six year old who looked too hot for her own good. She wasn't scared when she was in red. She wasn't violent or angry or hateful, she was just herself.
A woman that looked as she did seemed out of place by herself, but she arrived alone and intended on leaving that way. Eloise took a spot in a lounge chair towards the back of the club and almost immediately a drink was sent her way. She took it without hesitation, she took it. As expected, a man came over to talk to her and she talked back until her drink ran out and she sent him on his merry way with hurt feelings and rejection hanging over his head. One thing that Eloise was good at was hurting another human being. By the time she'd gone through her fourth drink and hurt soul, Eloise was beginning to feel a bit on the tipsy side, but she didn't want to stop. Tonight just felt a little more off, this week hurt a little more than usual. Alcohol was a cushion that the woman just wanted to fall into. She would've prepared for the next drink if not for the eyes boring into the back of her head. She could feel them.
Eloise turned to see who was staring so intently on her out of pure curiosity, the smile from her last conquest fading from her lips when she saw the man from the bench looking at her with furrowed eyebrows. "Caleb," she said curtly as she pushed hair out of her face. Was he interested too? Probably not since they had already seen the worst of each other. "If you aren't going to buy me a drink, then I'm sure there is some sorority girl in this club who would appreciate your stare a little more than I am."
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'Di dunia ternyata masih ada ciptaan Tuhan yang indah selain alam semesta ini, kamu tau apa itu?' 'Apa?' 'Kamu...'
Lupa dapat darimana quote ini.
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TSI/15154 (For Rent) Workshop Raya Kembangan, Jakarta Barat, 25x18m
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TSI/12750 (For Sale) Rumah Taman Permata Buana, Cluster Pulau Opak, Jakarta Barat, 8x18m, 3 Lt, SHM
TSI/12750 (For Sale) Rumah Taman Permata Buana, Cluster Pulau Opak, Jakarta Barat, 8x18m, 3 Lt, SHM
TSI/12750 For Sale Rumah Taman Permata Buana, Cluster Pulau Opak, Jakarta Barat, 8x18m, 3 Lt, SHM
Harga Rp 6.400.000.000 Alamat Kembangan Utara, Kembangan, Jakarta Barat Deskripsi Properti Rumah Taman Permata Buana, 3 Lt, Lokasi Strategis, dalam komplek perumahan mewahan, dekat Spring Field School, dekat RS Puri Idnah, Dekat lippo Mall, dan Puri Indah Mall, Dekat tollBndara, kebun Jeruk –…
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