#idk just imagine Steve stomping out a dude's knees
grandwretch · 1 year
a scene with absolutely no context just hit me v intensely out of nowhere but. imagine a world where Steve's dad is just a little more powerful, a little darker, than in canon. and this mr. harrington doesn't know his son has spent the last five years fighting for survival, so when he finds out steve has been running around with the munson boy, he thinks it'll be an easy fix. steve has always been a soft sell.
he gets a call from steve, his son's voice giving him no time to even answer: "you pull that shit again, I'm sending the next one home in a body bag."
before he can even put down the phone, dial tone already ringing on the other side, he gets the message that the heavy he sent to intimidate eddie munson is in their medic's office with two spiral fractures and a shattered kneecap.
maybe steve could have gone into the family business after all.
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yikesharringrove · 4 years
so i have a weird fem!harringrove hc that i wanted to share, so Stevie is very insecure, she feels like she’s too thin, too tall, just over all not femmine enough to fit into what people consider beautiful, and no one ever tells her that she is beautiful sure she gets nice and sweet and cute and all the other shit you tell to a girl that you like but wouldn’t date, and that plus the fact that she’s been cheated on in past relationships really just makes her feel unlovable...(pt.1)
pt.2)... and then Billie (idk what people call fem!billy and steve sorry!) rolls into town and sees stevie and her heart just melts, this girl is just her type, so she tries to flirt with her, which turns out awful because stevie just assumes she’s getting made fun of and maybe one time Billie tries to compliment stevie on something she doesn’t like about herself and stevie doesn’t get that it’s a compliment and she just looses it...            
pt.3)... Stevie starts absolutely going off on billie, saying shit like “I get that i’m not pretty  ok?! you don’t have to fucking rub it in!” and just breaking down in front of billie, eventually she realizes that she’s not even upset with billie she’s just upset, and she’s just taking it out on billie because she made fun of her but she can’t stop. Billie however makes her stop, probably kisses her like the smooth bitch she is and says something like “who said i was joking princess?”                                                                                        
This is !!!!!!!!
Basically, I imagine fem!Billy (I think most people do Billie, that's the way I’ve seen it) as MUSCULAR as FUCK like women of WWE like Rhea Ripley             m u s c u l a r. So Stevie ( i’ve sometimes seen Steph? Stevie’s fine) who already doesn’t really like her body, sees this GORGEOUS new girl, who comes rolling in with a Kardashian ass and the thighs to match, and she’s like :/ But Billie is like WHO is this beautiful dainty ballerina bitch that looks like a motherfuckin’ PORCELAIN DOLL I think imma write a drabble bc this is some galaxy brain shit. Stevie loves traditional feminity, looking small and pretty and dainty, so that’s what we’re riding with, folks.
Stevie was always slender.
She was long legs, slim hips, no tits kinda slender. People said she had the body of a young boy. Her arms were thin, with tiny bird wrists. She was tall, nearly six-foot (well, 5′10″, but when you’re a girl, you may as well be a giant). Her shoulders were broader than most girls’, she looked like a fucking dude in halter tops.
Nancy was 5′4″, perfectly average height for a young woman. Stevie would probably kill to be that little, that petite. Nancy was beautiful. Her square jaw made her face more artful, Stevie’s made her look more masculine. She didn’t like wearing her hair up, for fear of showing it off.
She always wore a full face of makeup, her mass amounts of hair always styled and perfect, reminding everyone that she is a girl.
When Billie came roaring into town in that big blue muscle car, Stevie just about lost her MIND.
This girl was absolutely beautiful, thick curly blonde hair, blue eyes, and an attitude that could kill a grown man. Stevie was mostly obsessed with her body.
Billie was strong, muscular, but Stevie couldn’t help comparing herself to this perfect specimen. Billie had hips, she had tits and a nice ass. She had a soft face, with full pink lips and thick eyelashes. Despite the fact that she was shredded and could probably bench more than half the basketball team, she was feminine. She was soft and pretty. Everything Stevie had always wanted to be.
The first time Billie swaggered up to Stevie, looking up at her from their 4 inch difference, and crooned aren’t you a pretty little thing Stevie thought she was being made fun off. She didn’t feel pretty, and she certainly wasn’t little. Stevie rolled her eyes and walked away.
When Carol told Billie the embarrassing story of Stevie stuffing her bra in the ninth grade, only for the tissues to fall out of her shirt at school, Billie looked at her and purred don’t know why you’d want to change a detail of that ballerina body and Stevie thought she was being made fun of again and quietly kept eating her sandwich.
When Billie walked in on Stevie in the bathroom at prom, tears dripping down her face, adjusting her dress this way and that and asked what’s wrong, pretty girl Stevie lost it.
“Why do you keep doing that? What the fuck have I ever done to you?” She howled.
“I don’t understa-”
“No. I know that I’m not, not pretty or even hot, like you are, I mean fuck somehow you’re both? But I know that I’m skinny and tall and awkward and whatever. I’ve been cheated on enough times to know I’m not sexy or anything, but you don’t have to come in here teasing me all the time about it I’m done.”
“I didn’t-you’re very-what?” Billie was floored. She had no idea what the fuck was happening. tears kept dripping down Stevie’s chin.
“You know what? Tonight, I actually felt kind of pretty. I like this dress, but then I caught Andrew Rivers, my fucking date making out with Rachel Cox, and he told me that I was sweet and all, but that I looked like a fucking dude in a dress and I just want to go home and not deal with you.” She turned and tried to stomp out of the bathroom, but Billie took her wrist.
“You’re beautiful. I think you may be the most gorgeous woman I have ever seen. I know you think you’re boyish or whatever, but you’re so delicate, you’re like a fucking doll you look like art to me.” She took a step closer, crowding Stevie against the sink. “And I’m not joking, or teasing or anything.”
She swept in and kissed Stevie like she had never been kissed before. They ended up returning to the dance, and Billie may or may not have planted her knee straight into Andrew Rivers’s dick.
And Stevie felt beautiful. Tall, and slender, and boyish, and feminine, and beautiful.
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