#idk if it’s pre trib or post trib
nyny-213 · 1 year
Jesus loves you and he’s coming back real soon
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What do you believe? pre-tribulation or post? and why? I know this is not a salvation issue but I feel conflicted about it and idk what to believe.
So, dear anon, when I was an impressionable twelve year old I read the Left Behind books. All of the Left Behind books. The adult series (I didn’t have time for the “left behind for kids” oops). Because I was an impressionable twelve year old, and I didn’t know much else on things rapture-related, I took to the idea of pre-trib pretty quick.
When I was an impressionable twenty year old, I didn’t pay any attention during the eschatology lectures at Capernwray. Oops. Not because I wasn’t interested, but because the lecturer’s voice was one of the ones that lulled you to a warm state of day dreaming.
When I was an impressionable twenty-one year old, one of my acquaintances asked during discussion time why Jesus would rapture us before the hard stuff came, especially considering what many Christians (specifically in the middle east and Asia) are living through right now.
So, honestly anon, I’m a healthy portion of “I have no idea” that leans to “post-trib” but is open to interruption. I don’t really think about it that much because it has no bearing on life right now. If it’s making you feel conflicted to the point of jeopardizing your faith, you’re potentially putting too much emphasis on it.
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