#idk how to tag things wheeee
rubyprototype · 8 months
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FUCK YOU!!! (Cont.)
What the fuck! What the fuck is all of everyone’s problems ever oh my godddddd just. Just be nice and get to know a person oh my god become trauma literate. Recognize your own trauma!!! Holy fuck!! Don’t cut off a person out of the blue from the only other human resources they have in that area!!! As if they are capable of actually consenting to anything you coerce them into!!!! Fuuuuuuck me!!!! And another thing!!
I don’t want to hear a bitch god damn fucking thing about fucking bitches who are like well you can only stay with us for 2 weeks you should go stay with family fuck youuuuu!!!!!! I finally tried that so hard and turned out my entire EXTENDED FAMILY included is also bitches!!! One of them literally saying they do not give a fuck that I was completely alone and had no one who could actually support me family wise!!! FucKKKK!!!! Fuck
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spikeymarshmallows · 4 years
so, TUA s2 thoughts
I haven’t actually finished it but I’ve got the gist of it lol
I finished it this afternoon! Whoo!
Spoilers under the cut.
So I had a few Big Fears going in. And none of them eventuated. WHOO. Or didn’t eventuate in the ways I was most concerned about.
1. I was scared they’d give Reginald a Redemption Arc TM. They did not. Thank god.
2. I was scared that the sibling interactions would suck. They did not! They were amazing. Glorious. I had to rewind so many to just truly savour them.
3. I was worried about Lila. I mean, she “gets in the way of my ship” but I’m good at ignoring that. Honestly, I kinda dug her.
4. I was worried about the “ewwwww incest” stuff. But they... actually didn’t do it terribly. Luther and Allison still clearly adore each other. It was referenced a number of times and never as an “ewwww”. I really loved that. There were some gorgeous moments and like, as one of my friends said... It seemed like they were trying to sit neutral on the issue. Which I can understand and respect.
5. I was worried about the Kliego interactions. And yeah, we didn’t really get them. BUT as a writer, I definitely felt I got more sand to play with. I’m already working on at least three new ideas and I haven’t even finished the season yet. Also, I definitely am gonna need more Luego, more Biego, and if I ever stop feeling shy, I’ll probs join Electra-XT and achilleees on their Fiego ship. I’m just realising what the common denominator is here but that’s also not a surprise. Diego is my baby and I ship him with everyone.
Things I wasn’t scared about per se, but was pleasantly surprised about:
Allison and Raymond - I went in a bit cautious because it looked like the Alluther was going to be all EWWWW INCEST. But... god, the love that man had for her... He was just wonderful. It was just beautiful. I really genuinely enjoyed them.
The sit-in etc - I was scared about this one, but not in the same way as I was that Reginald would get a redemption arc. I’m a white person, and I’m not from the US so I cannot comment fully on it, but... it seemed like they tried to do a good job with it. I definitely need to read more about race relations in that time period in particular before I can comment effectively. The police brutality was.... brutal. Heart wrenching. And timely given what we’re seeing in the world right now, and have been seeing for far too long. Defund the goddamn police.
Klaus’ hair and outfits - seems inane compared to the last point.... But like. I thought Robbie looked so incredibly hot all season. I miss his goth aesthetic but... damn. He looked so gooooood.
Diego’s hair and outfits - I expected to hate them more than I did. Apparently my rare sexual attraction to him knows no limits because I was so thirsty watching him. 
Luther - I was so happy that he was so fucking likeable! I have been on the “we do not insult luther hargreeves in this house” team for quite a while, but I felt that Luther really shone this season. My big, soft, idiot, earnest boy...
Elliot - I rather enjoyed him! RIP.
Some things I was less than thrilled about....
The siblings being mean to Diego : ( - The “Klaus Hargreeves Needs a Hug” tag got a beating last season. I swear, if we don’t get 500 “Diego Hargreeves Gets A Hug” fics, I’m gonna write them all my damn self. I’m also not going “uwu my baby had people be mean to him : (((((” but like. No. No, that.... A lot of it kinda really got me down.
The Ben possessing Klaus stuff - Like. I get it. But I just... Klaus might be annoying but he was pretty : ( at being possessed and like... It felt pretty icky to me. Klaus literally said he felt violated. Ben was all “mwahahaha once you sleep I’m gonna take over your body”. I get why Ben was annoyed and why he wanted to. Doesn’t mean I feel nice about that whole... thing.
The Vanya/Sissy thing - I see a lot of sides of the coin here. I have some friends who were thrilled because they love Vanya being a lesbian, and having representation. But I also saw: stereotyping of what A Lesbian Is, pigeonholing Ellen to only play lesbians. Also, like, I went in cautious, but I was just... .....kinda bored with that storyline? And yeah, I would have preferred to just... you know, not have the amnesia. I liked seeing Vanya be happier, sure, but.. IDK it just didn’t make sense to me from a storytelling perspective.
Lila and Diego - Initially, I quite liked her. As a character, I enjoyed her. My ship aside.... Honestly, it makes me a bit *grimacing emoji* to see some of the stuff we saw. Like, I’m far from someone who thinks ships need to be Good and Pure. But at least some of the stuff I saw between them (such as, IDK, drugging... kidnapping... etc) makes it a bit of a nOTP. Not a FULL nOTP, but like... It definitely went from “awww” and “lolll” to “hmmm, not... not sure this particular pairing is for me personally”.
Things I wasn’t scared about but loved:
FIVE - Good god, Aidan has always been an impressive little fucker but he really stepped it up a notch this season. I loved the way he went psycho. I loved the love he always has for his family. I adored his lines. I adored his vulnerability, the little cracks we really got to see. He loves his family so fucking much T.T
DIEGO - They gave David some really, really good stuff to work with this season and he aced it. He was absolutely sensational. I adore this man. AND HIS POWERS. 
KLAUS - Weird thing to be OMG about but... ......I was super there for Robbie’s legs this season... They’re so.. skinny. IDK, it’s weird. But I loved it. I loved his hair. I loved his outfits.
ALLLLLISSONNNNNNN - This woman is perfect. The End.
Misc Thoughts
Damn, given the above, it sounds like I’m all “uwu, all things must be good and pure” and that’s so not my standpoint. But I am team “there needs to be some basic respect both ways”, even for enemies to lovers. So I felt a bit :/ at some of the Horrance stuff and Diego/Lila stuff. Not that I hate them! Just... ....Some of it wasn’t to my taste. But that’s okay, I can ignore a lot of stuff!
I definitely don’t hate the pairings! Rather there were a few things in those pairings that personally didn’t blink as “WHEEEE” for me... But I’ll just ignore those elements and focus on the bits I did like and... YAY!
Overall, honestly, I really loved this season. We needed more Kliego, but I loved the Five and Diego interactions, Diego and Luther... Klaus and Allison... Five and Luther... Just. Just. I was really delighted at so many things we saw.
I thought so many of the interactions just shone. I loved them.
I’ve seen some people be really upset and mad and confused etc, about how the siblings were at the dinner with Reginald. I’ve written my thoughts on it here. TLDR: for someone who has experienced abuse from a parental figure, their responses aligned extremely well with my own experiences. 
NGL, Klaus being all “T.T” about being touched all the time was.... good?? IDK, it gave me Ideas TM.
I have fic ideas!!!
It’s weird... I thought this was a really Light and Bright season but I also... Know I felt a lot of T.T and hearthurt. In good ways.
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ellsey · 4 years
Agents of Shield Rewatch 2x17 Melinda
Alright y’all, it’s time to get back on this train. My December was super busy (and also my husband is off work most of the month which I find really distracting idk). Anyway we’re getting back to the grind of everyday life, so lets do this thing.
Wheeee fun sexy shower time with past Melinda
Past Melinda wanted to make a baby in the shower? I mean...I guess...
I’m not shaming in any way, it’s just my husband is almost a foot taller than me so the logistics of that kind of blows my mind
Anyway get it Past Melinda
Also Past Phil seems really into Past Melinda even though she’s married 
Oh noooooooooooo it’s Bahrain that’s not good
Back to “real” Shield which I still can’t bring myself to care about
And neither can Melinda May
I like this version of Daisy’s mom
I also like Daisy learning to use her abilities rather than trying to just ignore them
Phil tries to reason with this potentially gifted woman, and she says she just wants, “Pain.” That’s not ominous at all.
Daisy is obviously starting to suspect something with Jiaying
I love Bobbi, but honestly she needs to majorly chill with all this anti-Coulson stuff. They clearly have not tried to talk to Coulson which should have been choice #1.
I really feel for Raina here. This is definitely what she wanted or expected.
Lincoln was too good for this world
Poor Daisy is afraid to feel at home anywhere
Oh snap Jiaying is Daisy’s mom!!! GASP!!
See May is talking to people and asking questions
Past Melinda meanwhile is not making great life choices right about now
But also she can parkour which is rad
Loads of people chanting “I need your pain” is definitely NOT RAD
I love how Real Shield is all “We need to know what’s happening” but also “We are pretty sure we know Coulson’s making a city for powered people” like WHAT A LEAP GANG
And now we see how these stories are connected. This is really well done actually.
Watching this is brutal
Noooooooooo it’s the little girl this is the wooooooooooorst
Melinda had to make a hard choice, but it was the right choice
I’m not sure she agrees with that though
Gordon looks so different with the sunglasses covering his not eyes
That was Gordon, right?
Poor Melinda would never be the same though
Jiaying is so wrong about Daisy and Cal though. Cal deserves nothing but what Daisy is willing to give. This should have happened on Daisy’s terms and Daisy’s terms only.
This is the most awkward family dinner for real though
Lincoln has just realized that Raina is having visions and not dreams though
Haha Fitz the super genius is hiding out in the bathroom super geniusing
I love him
“Would it still be okay if I came and hung out with you?”
Look at Hunter being so proud of his little spy adorable
Whew, this episode is rough no matter how many times I’ve seen it. It definitely gets a 20/10 on the Melinda May TRAUMA scale. And also an 8/10 on the Awkward Family Dinners scale. But I’ll give it a 9/10 on the Spy Buddies scale for that tag scene alone. HUNTERxFITZ BEST SPY BUDZ 4EVER.
The song for this episode is “Bringing Back My Past (But Not to Haunt Me) by Ted Brown because MELINDA MAY.
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sharpieismywarpaint · 5 years
RULEZ! answer 21 questions, then tag 21 ppl!
nickname: “ummm... Y r u eating all teh eggo wafflez at teh afterskewl committee PLZLEAVETHX X0″ i lubs this 1 cuz its what errybody is always saying 2 me. If u donut want 2 call me my official name (Mike Krotch B-]) then U can also call meh shaggy 2 dope
zodiac: capricorn.. according 2 all youze tumblr astrology posts im supposed 2 B the serious 1?? BOO bitch moan whine wut.
height: 5'3 but i stand next 2 short pepuls all the time so that i l00k taller i’m sumthing of a genious B]
last movie i saw: beverly hills chihuahuas It’s on FXX rn & the mexican chihuahua just said oh my tacos to the beverly chihuahua omg. I kno its just cuz they legits couldnt figure out how else to make it obvious itza poc-puppy but i am seriousleh considurring incorperating OH MY TACOS! into meh everyday vocab. GET CABLE BEYOTCHEZ!
last thing i googled: spitfire 99a 52mm. (Thos R my skateboard wheel measurements cuz i broke mah old 1s. o well at least it sounds badass on teh internets, gaiz?)
favourite musician: mindless self indulgence. JIMMY PEE MAN IZ dOpE.
song stuck in my head: rich girl gwen stafanafani cuz its in the beverly hills chihuahua soundtrack & iZ playing rn. also coco jambo becuz some1 had that as her autoplay on her blog..
other blogz: i have my main & my art blog i-dee-kay if i alreddy linked teh art blog on here or sumthing butt its @tonyhawkofficial 
followerz: 727 oh gawd i barely evan look at my follower count cuz numburrs stress me out but dat iz a LOT i mean i culd organize a rave or sumthing IRL <3
following: 179 & even then most of it iz inactive blogs Ono
amount of sleep: ~7h butt dubble that on the weekends. ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ
lucky number: 13 perHAPS. it iz just 2 spookay.
dream job: ceo of a powerful companey and i ware cat eye glasses all the time and throw money at people who want it while driving around in mah honda civic and I also have a feather boa but when midnite strikes my secret identitty is a really good glostick raver and i come to yur party and rave teh nite away with ppl on ecstacy or sumthing & then I go olone into teh desert and turn into mathematical equations. Plz & thankyouse. 
what im wearing: shirt I got when I went 2 florida a century ago i wuz like 9 years it has a gator on it & these orange parachute pants they look EXACTLY like the 1s christina wears in the genie in a bottle video let me show yu gaiz these bootaykicking pants later 2day okai!
favourite food: OMG TUMBLR RESET TEH NUMBERS!! F U TUMBLR!!!! O ya and while I’m at it WHY DIDN’T I GET TEH MEMO DAT I WUZ TAGGED IN SUMTHING UNTIL I CHACKED MEH ACTIVITY GRAPH MEHSELVES, HMMMMMM?? Listen Tumblrs U  R really addiction central sumtimes but U SUCKS! n. e. way have yu gaiz ever had a white castle slider... I luuubs the jalepeno ones. O yesh. Also reeses (which iz also meh favorite malcolm in the middle character which i watched the entirety of dis week 4 sum gawrshdang reason, YAY!)
language: english (JK, ive actaully been faking it this whole tiems :D), korean, rellay crappy fijian evan though I spent meh whole childhood thare WUT? a little french hon hon hon & spanish 
can i play an instrument: i can plink a mean piano... but mostleh the guitar. Trying 2 learn sum lemon demon songs on there cuz knowledge is power!? I can serenade U with a sublime song or sum nirvana songs if U liek.
favourite song: the chaccaron maccaron song XDDD. Um forreal I dont wanna say sum msi song becuz i am feeling UNPREDICTABUL 2nite how about ravers fantasy by tune up its like teh classic? Or maybe teh entirety of the first happy 2B hardcore CD idk i alwaez just listen to teh whole album in 1 go & pretend its just 1 song anywai. Happy 2b hardcore roolz guys liek anabolic frolics entire discography i mean relly hamana hamana.
random fact: in 2012 I met 1 of teh kids who yelled aye aye captain in teh spongebob theme song OMG cray-zee i wuz liek OH U KID, TIGER!! but his dad worked on spengebeb so yea he relly did do it frickin ruled
describe yourself using aesthetic things!: a-aesthetic thing... dafuq is an aestheitc thing? Kittehs. Boobies. Winamp mp3s. Randumz pandumbs. Kandi. Glostix. KANDI KANDI KANDEEEHH. Wheeee. IDK WHAT 2 DU HERE I AM SHAMEFACED D:
i tag: @tyleroakley @trishapaytas @bob (not a real gai I just luvs teh name bob. Beb.) @amelia-lb <--- porn bot that just followed meh that i have 2 applaud for persistence & ANYBODEH READING THIS RN OKIE i freaking lubs haveing an xCuse 2 do these things.
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galaxa-13 · 7 years
tagged by: @friendlyneighbourhoodmoose
nicknames: Gal, Gala gender:  Female star sign: Aquarius height: 5′3′’ time right now: 5:17pm last thing i googled: curtain wall favourite bands: I'm not much of a music person. I listen to pretty much anything and it’s hard to recall names. song stuck in my head: Die Anywhere Else from the game Night in the Woods last movie i watched: King King (the original) last tv show i watched: Judge Judy (Grampa was watching it and I was spending time with him) when did you create your blog: October 2011 what do you post: My art, funny/interesting things I find on this hellish website when did your blog reach its peak: I don’t know, probably when I made a bunch of Fandomstuck comics. do you have any other blogs: Human Living in the Ruins (Undertale AU askblog), Pelican Town Imagines (Stardew Valley imagines blog), and a private blog where I post garbage that even I can’t bare others to see. do you get asks regularly: Nope why did you choose your url: Galaxa13 is my username for everything since I was 13 (I swear the 13 had nothing to do with my age or being edgy, I just thought the number sounded nice on the tongue and I was stupid enough to think all usernames had to have numbers in them). The reason my tumblr has a dash is because originally it was galaxa13, but then one October I changed it to ghoulaxa13 and someone went and yoinked galaxa13 and has been sitting on it ever since so I just did galaxa-13. following: 90 posts: 3,308 hogwarts house: PROUD HUFFLEPUFF BABY pokemon team:  Wait, is this for Pokemon Go, my main 6, or favorite adversary team? I DON’T KNOW WHAT TO ANSWER, I NEED MORE INFORMATION! favourite colours: Purple and Teal average hours of sleep: 8 lucky numbers: Uh. . . 7? IDK favourite characters: I like pretty men and deadpan snarkers what are you wearing right now: A shirt I tie-dyed myself, some blue pants (that aren’t jeans), and some white socks. how many blankets do you sleep with: Counting sheets two. In winter I throw another on top. dream job: Stay at home mom. . . O.K., fine, for something that I could actually get paid for: artist. dream trip: Probably some resort that has lots of fun activities to do.
I guess I’ll tag @red-th0rn and @quite-uneventful. Wheeee~
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