#id say the same thing about ccs like wilbur- they can improve
dwtdog · 3 months
george could have a backbone and acknowledge his actions and apologise and not try to get out of it and then i’d see some redeem-ability for him
i’ll never be able to fully hate them but fandom won’t forgive and i can’t blame them at all. best case scenario they accept the death of “fandom” and continue yt for casual fans
yep my thoughts exactly. i find it very hard to see ANYONE as irredeemable, although i do think people who are abusive don't deserve audiences where they have access to vulnerable fans
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vadergf · 2 years
ok im making the assumption that ur talking about eret in regards to lore planning and. i was thinking a similar thing like i think the reason she struggles with organizing lore is that often the sort of creator friend groups will do stuff together like for example all the egg arc people were close and i feel eret doesn't necessarily fit into any of the tighter knit groups within the smp. tbf tho there are definitely other scheduling issues eg wilbur having to write ho16 bc he was struggling to schedule lore (and there were only like 4 other people in it) / ranboo also struggled to schedule things iirc. howeverr i think s2 will hopefully be better as it seems theres going to be a lot more just chill hanging out light improv streams like the start of s1. and yea i feel complaining to dream was not the play to make like? what can he do he's not involved in any of eret's lore. oh if i vastly misinterpreted ur post my apologies but it was similar to what id been thinking so i assumed lol anywayy hope ur having a good day
You're right it was abt them but at the same time saying the like oh it was just the core friend group doesn't make sense imo like the egg arc had CPK and Eryn who joined really late involved and las nevadas had a fucking open invite and foolish has his own stuff going on and boomer?¿ and ponk and so many of them right! If u wanted to do lore you could do lore but if you only want to do lore with Tommy, wilbah or dream or some of the big ccs it's a bit like man cmon.....and even if they wanted big ccs the least they could've done was not retcon the Michael nichael thing and get sapnap and george involved....
Scheduling has always been a conflict after peak covid but blaming it on dream and kinda acting like the dsmp was a toxic work environment is sooo odd like ?!?!? Girl bffr it's not his job he's going above and beyond
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