#ian bh6
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alioks-blog · 2 years
This fandom deserves more AMVs and Hardlight deserves more content, so we thought we should do something about it. [Original audio]
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photogore000 · 1 year
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Old sketch
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lotusmuses · 1 year
the spot from spiderman reminds me of ian (hardlight) and mel from big hero 6 the series. love when villains are lame scientists
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diceisbored · 9 months
either request in pms or in an ask pls!!
there are a very slim amount of things i will not write. i usually write blurbs/ hcns but i can write full fics. if you request something im not comfortable writing i will tell you why and try to negotiate with you.
im better at writing smut for guys,, but i will write for girls too if i feel like it. i am not very experienced with writing smut. (if you want good writing go to someone else lmaoo)
ill write smut for all EXCEPT minor characters. MAYBE aged up, bht rarely.
Fandoms/ characters I will write for!!
Transformers (2018 bumblebee/rotb)
Optimus Prime
Noah Diaz
Detroit: Become Human
e42!/prowler Miles
Tony Stark
Wanda Maximoff
Peter Parker
Steve Rodgers
Bucky Barnes
Bruce Banner
Dr Strange
MISC. (most ther characters from shared media are ok)
Henry Hart - Henry Danger
Max Thunderman - The Thundermans
Charlie Kenton - Real Steel
Hiro Hamada - BH6
Matt Sturniolo - yt
cal kestis - JFO
this list can and will change
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Big Hero 7: The Series
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 Big Hero 7 : the series
Big Hero 7 S2
Eyes fluttered open as it adjusts to the bright light above him. The light became tolerable enough for his eyes to fully open and take in the surroundings, revealing it to be similar to a hospital room. The young man tries to turn his head only to flinch at the sudden pain coursing through his body, making him hiss through his coarse throat.
"Good day to you sir.''
The young man hears a voice which soon reveals itself to be a woman, with dark blonde hair tied to a ponytail, green eyes, fair skinned, and wearing a doctor's coat. She gave a smile doctors gave after a successful surgery, which got the young man thinking. Just what happened to him that led him to a hospital? The doctor continues to smile as she heads over to adjust the man's view so he could sit up without the pain.
''A nurse will come by soon to give you your meal and painkillers. In the meantime I want to ask a few questions for you young man.'' she said, sitting down at a chair nearby. The man thought over his memories and found that the first things that arrived.
''There were flames.. a person... And that's it. That's what I remember so far.''
The doctor nodded as she takes notes, humming as well. She then looks up as another nurse comes in, a male this time, and places a glass of water and a pill case of medication. The doctor sighs before she gets up and starts heading towards the door, to which she then turns her head to him.
'' Do you recall your name at least? Or should I write you as John Doe?'' said the doctor.
The young bit his bottom lip in thought before his eyes lit up. Clearing his throat he gives his answer.
" My name is-
*The young man's eyes widened as the deep alarm sounds off in his room, jolting him awake. He groans as the memory of the dream fades into nothingness. He could hardly believe it's been a year since that faithful day... That day he woke up from what he remembered was an inferno to a room where he thought he would be safe as he recovers... oh how naïve and stupid his past self was. The room he is in is dark as night, barren save for a bed and a door beside him that leads to a restroom. Getting up he dons on his black skintight suit, quickly cleaning himself for he cannot appear half dressed in front of her... The Witch. That is when he hears that dammed voice from behind the door. Did he really have to appear by his door so soon?*
Lenny: Get a move on, you and the others have some training to do with a special guest... You're growing in strength and obedience... so do not disappoint the Madame tomorrow. After all… this is the last test.
*The young man shakes his head before his brown eyes look up to the mirror in front of him. His breathing turns heavy as he thought over his memory dream. Just how stupid is he?! How could he be so foolish to do something like that?! His right fist starts to shake as more anger runs though him, his blood increasing his temperature to the point that steam is barely visible.*
*He hated this. He hated the Madame, that vile witch that turned him into what he is today... he hated that smug grin of her second in command Lenny, his approachable aura a façade for naïve people like himself... He hated his past self the most. He looks up to see who he was before.. that hopeful, optimistic young man who had a bright future against the world. What a fool. He lets out a frustrated, loathsome growl as he sends his fist to the mirror in front of him, cracking it and shattering to pieces, destroying the image.*
*At SFAI in a cool afternoon, Miyuki is sitting in her usual spot, sketching out whatever she sees through the view of the campus. Inside her book where some students walking around the She sighs as she puts down her pencil and sketchbook aside, lying down on the grassy hill under the shade of an old Oak tree, to which her mind decided that a short nap on top of it wouldn't hurt. Her eyes closed as she waits for the soothing lull of sleep to take over to take her to her dreams. And so she did... for about 12 minutes.*
Ian: H-Hey Miyu-yuki.
*Her eyes squint in a mixture of wakefulness and irritation of being woken up from her peaceful slumber. Her squinted eyes soon shown itself to be Ian, her partner for her class. She holds in a sigh of irritation as she sits up and stretches her back.*
Miyuki: Hey Ian...
*There were more moments of silence between them until Miyuki decided to head back home to finish up her work and start making dinner. She quickly starts gathering her things and stuffing it to her backpack when Ian decided to join in and starts to grab some of her papers.*
Ian: Y-You need any help?
Miyuki: No... I'm OK. Just hand them back to me-
*A large gusts of wind blows the papers hard from Ian's hands to which the man goes after them. Miyuki groaned internally knowing in someway he would mess up and loose some of her papers. But when she looks again Ian had gathered all of the papers without incident, even catching one paper away from the path of someone riding a bike with ease. That was certainly odd... she didn't recall Ian being this flexible and quick to his feet. The first time they ever met he nearly tripped over a chair while he carried his own backpack after class ended. He quickly walks back to her and hands over her papers, to which Miyuki gingerly takes it back, avoiding his hand. Ian clears his throat as he follows her down the hill.*
Ian: S-So I'm having a party at my place tonight and I was wondering if you would like to go? It'll be fun! There'll be music and food and uh... you like twister?
Miyuki: I don't know Ian, I'm not in the mood to be around other people tonight-
Ian: Well that's the best part cause it'll be just you and me there.
*Miyuki could not believe that had come out of Ian's mouth... a party... for the two of them.. alone.. Somewhere inside her mind all kinds of red flags were flying.*
Miyuki: *Chuckling nervously* Well... that's rather.. interesting. But I-
Ian: I even got a wedding photographer so he could take pictures in case things happen.
Ian: Yeah! Just in case we wanna remember it like forever, ya know?
Miyuki: *Slowy backing away* I'm going to have to pass on that one. I have homework to do at home.
Ian: So this Saturday tomorrow?
Miyuki: *Walking away* Bye Ian!
Ian: Saturday then!
*But Miyuki is far away enough to not hear him any more; which the guy gives a sheepish smile until he goes behind the tree and starts growling and groaning in frustration.*
Ian: 'Wanna play Twister?' Are you kidding me?! Just dance would've been fine!
*Ian punches into the oak tree to which he groans in pain. Miyuki turns her head when she heard the voice of Ian shouting at the tree.*
Ian: Stupid tree! You hurt my wrist!
*Miyuki continues to walk away from the scene. So aside from the increased flexibility, there's also the fact that he took his anger out on a tree... She decided to brush it aside and continue walking back to her apartment. She noted the chill in the air and the decorations setting up for the upcoming holidays around the city. Being a woman who controls ice and snow, the chill and cold were as natural to her as bees to flowers. and naturally, when the special time of year comes around with the cold, couples would walk hand in hand and cuddle for warmth. Watching them pass by with content smiles made the small pang of bitter envy pierce her heart before it melts into melancholy. She would never experience the warmth of another person because the one she loved is gone... a young man named Tadashi Hamada. Miyuki shakes her head of those thoughts, focusing on her path home through the chill and colored lights. Finally, she reaches her apartment complex and climbs up the stairs all the way to her apartment door; once inside she is greeted by the decorative lights and ornaments of the holidays as Esme lights up the candles, humming along the radio.*
Miyuki: I'm back Esme.
Esme: *Spotting Miyuki and giving a warm smile* Heya Miyuki! You're a little early. Hit a little dry spell on sketching?
Miyuki: Sort of, and one was in the form of Ian. He tried to ask me out on another date.
Esme: So? He does that all the time and you hold your ground.
Miyuki: He did by claiming it was a party for the two of us and a wedding photographer.
Esme:... A wedding photographer..? Jeez, Ian seems to pendulum swing to being an awkward dork to massive creep. That's the type of guy I avoided back in my escort days.
Miyuki: So you usually stick to rich older men and women?
Esme: Somewhat, the dork factor could have work if that's what that, a dork. Ian has 'nice guy' written all over him.
Miyuki: Yeah.. hopefully he can just move on and find some pretty face so he could stop bothering me... and I know this is a silly wish, but I hope he gets over his crush on my super hero self... jeeze. Now I know what Hiro felt like when that Karmi chick obsessed over his super hero ego.
Esme: Yup. *Looking around the room before turning to Miyuki: Hey Miyuki, do you think you could use your powers to... add one or two decorations here?
*Miyuki looks at Esme with a pensive expression before she gives a small smile. Her hands slowly forming a small snowball with tiny snowflakes dancing around it. Once her fingertips got its blue hue she launches it up the air where it promptly explodes to snowflakes that connected to the lights hanging on the doorways to join its colorful glow, landing on the walls which quickly grows frost with beautiful geometric designs. In the end, it resembled a winter wonderland amidst the colored lights and candle flame.*
Esme: *Scoffing jokingly* Showoff.
Miyuki: Scuse me, you asked for the best. I gave my best.
*The two laughed together before Miyuki removed her coat and started making dinner for the two of them. Miyuki then chuckled as she thought up a memory.*
Miyuki: You remember how we first met?
Esme: Oh yeah I do. You just moved here a almost two years ago and set up an ad to share an apartment. I answered and agreed to meet the following day... though I never would have thought that we would officially meet earlier... at a burlesque club.
Esme: To be honest, I would have preferred that we didn't meet when I was half naked dancing onstage being whistled at.
Miyuki: I can see that. if you weren't the person who answered my call, I would have continued on thinking of you as the woman who danced and just happened to sketch. But in a way, I'm glad you are my roommate.
Esme: Me too.. *Sniffing the air* You better not burn the chicken this time!
Miyuki: Oh shi-!
*Miyuki quickly lowers the flame of the stove and checks the chicken in question. The edges were on the brink of turning black and the golden cooked skin becoming more dark red. At least she could cut off the edges rather than toss it out to the garbage this time.*
Miyuki: Chicken's fine!
Esme: Good, I rather not have ramen cups and ice cubes again.
Miyuki: It was one time!
*Esme chuckled as she gets up and starts to set the table to eat their humble meal of slightly burned chicken and rice. Meanwhile, the young man is in his room eating his own meal, a plate of one ounce meat, kale, and two large strawberries for dessert. A simple and humble meal in response to his long day of training he spent. The food was cooked.. just like that. There's nothing else to say about his meal. Most would try to describe the flavor depending on how well its cooked or how it tasted. It did not taste terrible nor was it used from spoiled produce. No, everyone must eat food. And that's just that, food. Nothing came to mind. Its odd that knowing who cooked it would prompt the person to either compliment or recoil; family members were always given the strongest compliments or disgusted remarks in regards to cooking, though the later they would disguise it if it were to hurt their feeling, but he did not know this person. And therefore, the chef and its food meant nothing to him... well.. aside from that woman.*
*The young man's stomach churned in memory of that smile. That smile that hid the most deplorable and vile hag that she truly is; nothing more than a trap to get what she wants. He looks down at his empty plate before playing at a little elevator to deliver it up to be washed. Lying down at his bed he stares at the ceiling once more, trying to entertain himself by small gossip and news he would hear from Nozako's minions and from Lenny himself. So far, the story was that one of her minions by the name of Diane Amara was delivered to this island rather than its rightful place in prison, and with the woman was her twin sister, Liv Amara, and a man named Chris, who was Lenny's former lover. He had heard that Diane was planning some sort of betrayal to the Madame via marriage... a marriage to whom he had yet to know. Whoever it was, it was enough to send Lenny to deliver them personally. And those who face the Madame personally were the ones who received the worst torture/punishments imaginable. Ultimately, Diane had her face literally torn off by the Madame and sent to work in the latrines of her 'pets', Liv Amara having her hands cut off due to her association to her sister, and Chris... well.. nothing is known about Chris' fate. Knowing that he was Lenny's former lover he would at least get reduced to lowly servant. What did he care? He's most likely never seeing either of them in person unless he passes his test on Saturday, or worse, be reduced to a shivering mess like that woman. Finally, he thought over his family... his family... his heart panged in pain for them. They have no idea he was trapped in this prison he calls hell, no idea that he was forced to work for this wench. He finally allowed himself to sleep, letting go to tonight and awaiting another horrid tomorrow. Not even in his sleep is he free from his memories.
Walking felt so queer yet freeing after one month and a half of first walking on crutches, then to braces, and now his own feet. When those braces had been removed and declared him fit to walk his excitement had risen beyond what he felt. And he had the doctors and Madame Nozako to thank. From their efforts they had cared for him and guided him along the way, showing what the world outside his room had looked like, with The Madame overseeing his progress personally, and with a pleased smile on her lips. It had been a pleasure to meet the old woman shortly after his awakening at his room; her smile coy yet welcoming and reddish brown eyes resembling like burning embers. Though she has the wrinkles and face lines that indicated age, and she needed the help of some nurses and her trusted companion Lenny to get her cane, she held herself the elegance and strength she undoubtedly had in her youth. What he learned is that they are on a island south of the state of California yet north of Hawaii, where they have called this island their home for more than 155 years. Founded by her husband's ancestors after moving from Japan during the twilight years of the Edo Period, and the last of the shogunate. The man wondered how they could have lived for so long and yet posses the technology he knows has yet to exist in his hometown, to which the madam simply said that they had opened trade far wider than previously imagined, and took in geniuses or businessmen that had potential but were shunned from society. To him it looked like paradise. But as much as he enjoyed his time there, he was more than ready to go home. During the last sessions he had retrieved his memories of his early life and his family. He even remembered the event before he woke up in the room... an event that had temporarily stung his heart. But that memory doesn't matter now; He had been summoned by Nozako just after his hours of exploration. Perhaps she called him to let him know that she has prepared for a ship to take him home. To which he would run home and share that he's alive and well. He could already imagine their reactions after seeing him-
" My Madame! Please! I-I couldn't do that -"
A slap is heard across the room. The man's eyes furrowed in worried concern and so he slowed his step and went to the sliding door and pressed his ear.
" I gave you ONE TASK to do and you can't perform that?''
"B-But he was in pain! I just wanted to give him water-"
Another slap and a yelp, followed by a thud and a whimper.
"He was a failure. Remember that. He has to earn back his hands.''
The younger woman sobbed as footsteps now walk towards his side, to which it opened to reveal the woman holding her left cheek... but he could see the bleeding scratches of long fingernails.. one that was over her eye. She continued to sob as she walked past him. He turned back to the now open room... where Nozako merely wipes her fingernails clean as if nothing had happened earlier. She then sees the man's aghast face and gave her best smile.
" Come in now, don't be so shy.''
He wasn't anything but. Her walked towards her with his baffled expression. He noticed that there was no chair for him except for the Madame, which to him resembled more a throne. Figuring out what he must do, he kneeled down in front of her and looked up to her face, feeling less like a guest and companion... and more of a servant.
" I've been watching your progress since you arrived, and I'm pleased by what I saw. Not only have you shown to be a young man of strength, but one of intellect... a genius according to your records... from your birth town.''
He continues to look on to the old woman with the pit of dread slowly crawling from his stomach on its way to his throat.
"I've thought over what use you will be of me... and I've decided this... you are to be part of my special force. A force for gifted soldiers... Your training starts tomorrow.''
As the Madame got up with the help of Lenny, the young man finally found his voice, though it wavered a bit.
"M-Madame Nozako, I'm not going to stay here."
That got the madame to pause in his footsteps... and Lenny's eye to perk in slight interest. After what seemed to be an eternity, the silence was broken by the woman.
" Could you repeat that young man?''
The young man felt his dry throat gulp before he repeated himself.
" I want to go home Madame Nozako. I'm not going to stay here... especially if that's how you treat others...''
Before he knew it, Lenny was twisting his arm from the back with the increasing pressure threatening to break his arm in half. The young man let out pained yelps before he felt the arm released but pushed to the floor. He looks up to see the Madame… to which Lenny plants a foot on his back, making him yelp in pain. The Madame then used her cane to lift his chip up to look at her wicked smile.
'' I don't recall asking for your opinion boy. Besides...''
The Madame pulled out a hologram from the corner where it displays an old piece of news around the time he woke up... His eyes widened in horror before he looked up to the Madame once again.
''As far as the world knows... You are a corpse. And the World has no need for corpses'. Here, you are given a second chance of life, my doctors repaired you, and I was generous enough to place my first improvement chip."
"I-Improvement chip?''
The woman merely chuckled with her cruel smile.
"You work for me now.''
She then looks at Lenny and gives a nod. That's when Lenny picks him up and starts dragging him, leaving said man to flail around as to escape Lenny's iron grip.
"You can't do this! I have to go home! I want to go back to my family!"
*The young man's tears slip quietly through his closed eyelids, his face slightly pained as the horrid memory replayed in his head. But even if he were to wake up, he knew it was real, as real as his surroundings. No matter where his dreams or memories take him, he was trapped in this island run by that sadist. That evening, Miyuki had just submitted her art assignment to her art history professor as she stretches her back. It took her some time to write, then edit, then re-edit that whole essay regarding Caravaggio's art pieces relating to his life, but with determination, studying, and iced coffee she made it through. She then went to make herself a glass of lemon water with ice to reward herself for the hard work; her hands already going with the lemon and sugar for it. Once she got it together she used her hands to freeze the water enough to be the consistency of a slushie. Looking at her hands Miyuki though over her own powers in a long time since her arrival at San Fransokyo. Had it really been years since that fateful day?*
A little girl of seven with brown hair and brown eyes is giggling happily as she arrived at the frozen pond in the park one winter morning. Joining her side was her older sister, her mother, and father. She put on her skates as the three arrived and couldn't help but smile at the little girl's excitement. The older sister joined the girl and helped her get on the ice, smiling and laughing merrily.
"Come on Anyu! I'm ready! I've been practicing!'' said the little girl.
The older girl smiled at the younger's excitement.
''Whatever you say Mimi.''
Smiling brightly, the little girl let go of the elder's hands and slowly skated on, at first delicately and slow before she did a perfect spin on the other side of the pond. The elder sister clapped happily as the parents smiled. The little girl continued to laugh until she heard cracks... cracks forming underneath her feet. And before she knew it she plunged into the ice cold waters below with a terrified yelp, the last images being her family's horrified faces and shouting her name.
There was darkness... and the cold. it enveloped her body and shocking her... and yet.. the shock went away and the cold embraced her... the first thing that brought her back to the world was the bright light trying to penetrate through her eye lids, to which she fluttered her eyes to adjust. That's when a doctor, who had just looked up from his paper files, let out a yelp at the girl.
"I-IT can't be!''
Confused, Miyuki reached out her hand towards him.
"Mister? Where am I? Where's my Mama and Papa? Where's Anyu?''
The man only continued to back away, muttering so lowly that she couldn't hear him. But both gasped at the frost that was growing on her fingertips and making the room cold.
"You-You shouldn't be awake! You're heart stopped!', chattered the doctor, backing away from the little girl, who is growing more scared than ever.
"What do you mean? Where's mama and Papa?''
This time ice and frost was growing rapidly at the girl's reaction, making him lunge at the door and leaving her behind.
"Wait! Please don't go!''
The girl started to breath heavily as she looks around the ice that was wrapping itself, making her grow more terrified at her surroundings. That's when in the reflection of the ice she saw it. Her chestnut brown hair became pale, her peach skin was nearly as white as snow, and her brown eyes became icy blue. She pressed her hands to her heart to which she gasped. It was slow.. far too slow for any heartbeat to be. That's when she heard footsteps and voices coming from the door.
"Mimi you alright sweetheart?!"
The girl cried out as the ice now is barricading the door.
"Mama! Papa! Anyu! Help me!''
*Miyuki snapped out of her memories to find the room slowly being covered in frost and the room dropping in temperature. She quickly used her powers to remove most of the frost to return it back to normal, save for the decorations and ice water she made, and checked on her roommate.*
Miyuki: I am so sorry Esme! I-I didn't mean to freeze the room... I was thinking about...
Esme: Tadashi?
Miyuki: *Shaking her head* No. The day I got my powers...
*That got Esme from her annoyed look to one of concern. She bit her lower lip before she brings out a wool shawl for the snow maiden, wrapping it around her shoulders to warm her.*
Esme: Well, you go ahead and relax for a bit. I'll make us some hot cocoa.
Miyuki: OK... *Remembering something* Hey... do we have an outing to go together with the gang?
Esme: Yeah, we're heading over to Fred's place to discuss a secret Santa thing or something.
Miyuki: OK. Its just I realized that I never told them how and why I became a super.
Esme: Oof! That is quiet a story to tell them.
Miyuki: But not as wild as their origin story was I bet.
Esme: I guess, but its sure is something.
*The two women laughed at their words through the winter air outside the room, contrasting the cold barren wasteland of the young man across the sea.*
*The morning came and went as swiftly as the cold wind. They had just gone through their morning class and did their best to handle groceries and the rent before setting off to Fred's mansion. when they arrived they take note of Wasabi's car and the moped aside as they get through the front door. Soon enough the two ladies are escorted through the mansion by Heathcliff until they reached Fred's room where the gang are hanging out, with Baymax standing by looking on..*
Miyuki: Hey guys.
Esme: We're here~!
Honey Lemon: Miyuki! Esme! Hi!
Baymax: Hello.
*The chemist went over to hug the fashion major and the animation major before she brings them over to the couch. Cora looks up from her phone to which she smiles widely and waves her hand.*
Cora: Hey guys!
Esme: Hiya baby. Doing good?
Cora: Mhmm! Just finished writing down the names for the Secret Santa!
*The blue haired teen gestured to the pieces of paper folded in half as Fred brings out a Santa hat for her.*
Fred: OK now, to keep this completely fair, Heathcliff is gonna be handing out the papers after these are properly jumbled up.
*The whole group of friend group of friends gather round the couch as Heathcliff is given the hat with the names inside. He ties the opening of the hat with string, to which he puts it in a red bag. With that, he starts to shake them wildly... for quiet some time...*
Cora: Wow... he's sure shaking it like a maraca...
Fred: He does this every time, so it may take a while...and I mean a WHILE.
Miyuki: Hmmm...
*That is when Miyuki felt her side being prodded by Esme, who whispers into the snow maiden's ears . Miyuki nods in response, taking a deep sigh before speaking.*
Miyuki: If it's really gonna take a while, might I interest you all with a story?... Specifically of how I became a super?
*That got everyone's attention. As they recall, they had never heard of Miyuki's decision to become a super hero even after learning her secret identity.*
Fred: *Excitement rising in his voice* You're gonna tell us your origin story?!
Miyuki: Yes.
Fred: Hold on! I'll get the popcorn!
*Fred rushes out of the room and into the kitchen, leaving behind the group as Miyuki starts wringing her hands. Esme looks at this and frowns a little. Miyuki wrings her hands whenever she is feeling anxious or nervous. It was her tick, a way to comfort herself as to prepare her for anything happening in front of her.*
Esme: Hey... You got this...
Miyuki: *Smiling softly* Thanks Esme..
*With that, Miyuki cleared her throat before she starts, her mind already replaying it as she talks.*
Miyuki: It was shortly after my high school graduation back in my hometown, Burgess...
The graduation caps floating down as soon as everyone starts to meet up with their families. Among them was Miyuki, still retaining her pale chestnut brown hair and ice blue eyes as she sighs in relief. Some girls stop by at first and greet her.
"Hey Miyuki, wanna hang out at the beach with us?'' asked the first girl, with her hair tied to a high ponytail. But the other girl, the one with dark skin and curly hair shakes her head before taking the former away.
"Forget it, she never hangs out with anyone. She's ice cold..''
Miyuki shook her head as she blew a piece of hair on her forehead before heading towards her family, a family that stayed and grew a little thank god. Her mother and father were there, holding a bouquet of white roses for her, her beloved sister Anyu was there along with her husband, a tall handsome man with reddish hair that grew sideburns, a man named Hans. Her mother and father were going to hug her but Miyuki merely held out her hand, though she had her earnest smile. Smiling back they all shook her hand, with the mother handing her the roses. Anyu came next as she spoke.
''Its OK Mimi. You're not gonna freeze by hugging you know.''
''Just wanted to play safe.'' replied Miyuki.
She heard the soft sound of ice crackling, to which she looked at her bouquet and quietly gasped at the now frozen roses.
"Oh no...' Miyuki moaned quietly, ''Mom I'm so sorry-''
''There's nothing to be sorry for Miyuki.' her mother interrupted, her reassuring smile staying, '' Sides, I think they look prettier with all that frost.''
Miyuki did her best to give a convincing smile to show that she's alright, but deep down she's ashamed that this continued to be a problem.
Ten years it had been since that fateful day at the ice pond... ten years since waking up and finding herself in an ice covered room in the hospital scared out of her mind. After her family got in there were men in uniforms that took them away. She had to see doctors to do tests. What they concluded was that somehow, that fall in the pond had altered her biology and genes to the point that she had cytokinesis. Or in layman's terms... she can summon forth cold and ice by her hands alone. The doctors said that if they, her parents, want to leave her with the doctors they have complete right to do so. They adamantly refused to leave their youngest alone. In the end they reached a compromise. She would stay with her family, but after her high school graduation, she is to move to go to their doctor's and study over her new biology. Over the years her family, bless their hearts, had done their best to guide Miyuki through her new powers, which he sister calls a gift. But despite their efforts and reassurance that she is fine the way she is... Miyuki felt that she is cursed. She had nearly frozen her entire room to the point that Anyu moved out to a different bedroom cause the ice wouldn't melt away. Each flower she touched would freeze and die on contact, her hands were ice cold, heat bothered her to the point of dizziness, and learned too quickly that her emotions greatly affect her powers.
And so, the jovial social child became distant and cold to her friends, away from their parties and gatherings and into her new comfort; her drawings. And thanks to this developing passion she had been scouted by San Fransokyo Art institute, one of the best art schools in the country. But her dream felt too far away now that she is to go away. Her father wraps his arm around her shoulders in a comforting embrace before speaking.
''Let's go Mimi. We got a reservation at your favorite restaurant this evening.''
"Yep'', smiled her father. Miyuki sighed before she smiles back.
"OK, just let me go change clothes for a sec. I'll be right back.''
In the bathroom, she quickly changes out of her graduation gown and into her best dress, a humble sheath black dress and blue scarf. She then gets on her dark blue hoodie to cover her arms, now content with her appearance. As she steps out of the bathroom door she heard something...or rather... someone...
"Let me go! Please!''
"I will after you give me the money!''
Whatever that was, Miyuki knew it wasn't good. She quietly walks towards the voices and quickly sees the cause. An older man in black clothing was holding a young girl crying in his arms, one of the graduates standing still and frightened along with their parents held back by two older men with large muscles. Miyuki's eyes widen before she ducks her head in, flipping her hoodie up to hide her face just in case. She should get out of their, run towards security and inform them about this-
''If you're not giving me the money I'm taking this chit!''
Miyuki heard the family cry and beg the man to not take the poor girl, only for the man to yell them, telling them if they don't give him the money by midnight the girl will die. Its not enough time. Miyuki sees the man drag the girl while covering her mouth. That moment she didn't think. She didn't consider what possibilities would happen if she took action against these brutish men. That didn't matter.
The other two men heard the screams and run out, leaving behind the family. What they find is their leader covered head to toe in ice in a petrified state, only able to move his eyes towards the other two. The men then look back to the hiding place to check their prisoners... only to find them gone. That's when they saw a flash of ice and flurry as they felt the cold and chill surround them just like their leader. Miyuki, the young girl, and the family ran towards campus security. Once there the girl hugged her family, who cry in relief of her safety. The graduate turned her head to thank the person who rescued her sister... but she was gone. Miyuki flips down her hoodie as she breaths heavily. Ultimately, she quickly ran back to her family, deciding to keep what she had done a secret... unaware of a man staring at her.
Hiro: Woah...
Cora: So what happened next? Did you end up going with those doctors?
Miyuki: Somewhat... when we got to the restaurant Commander Carter arrived. He took my family and I to the private part of the restaurant and well... turns out he saw what I did. That's when he revealed this. Some of the doctors work for the Super hero training program and told him and other officers about me. After he saw me save that family he fully invited me to be a super hero, even offered to help me move to San Fransokyo to attend SFAI. I could still see my family, I got here and began being a super.
Honey Lemon: I'm glad things worked out for you and your family.
Miyuki: Yup. Now they can rest assured that their little girl not only will be creating animated films, but she's a super hero helping others the way she can... and honestly… That moment... I didn't feel ashamed of my powers. That moment made me realize that I could genuinely make a difference with my powers.
Cora: I'm happy for you Miyuki. And your sister was right, your power is a gift.
Miyuki: *Smiling warmly* Thank you. *Looks down at her hands* And hopefully, someone would see me do what I done and realize that their powers are a gift as well.
*At that time the simulation starts ringing up through the electric board, where the young man and other warriors like him are awaiting for their tests. Finally its dings, showing their names and serial number. It appears that he will be group with three women, Japanese in origin, who had shown skill with skates and knife like fans.. so much so that their feet were replaced with electromagnetic skates.*
Lenny: *Over voiceover* Stand aside as you await further instructions.
*The four walk away as they see others be handed over their tests. The youngest female, age of seventeen, looks at the young man who's eyes gaze off to the distance. The young girl turned her head to the middle girl, age 20, and whispered.*
young girl: Are you sure we will be safe with that young man?
Middle woman: What do you mean? You know he's one of the strongest in this hell. Pairing with him had just increased our luck.
Young girl: I know... but he never seems to talk to anyone... and I've heard of his power... he could hurt us as much as he could help.
*That's when the eldest, who appears to be in her late twenties, joined in their hushed conversation.*
Eldest: I'm surprised we even have our tongues since our arrival here. No one could be as chipper as you when it comes to conversations you know... As for his power, he knows it'll be put in his best interest and ours to not upset the Madame.
*The young man heard it all, and his brow burrowed deeper in memory as pain and loathing taints his features.*
It had been 3 months since that day. And each day had been tougher than the last. The young man found himself in a prison cell and given a serial number, basically stripping his name without doing so. And training was hell. He thought it would be self-defense exercises and basic training like policemen or soldiers... instead he and many others were trained as mercenaries fighting for their lives. Training against machinery and brutish creatures of nightmares had quickly taught him and others that failure is death... as he had witnessed countless souls be torn apart by these creatures, by these things. after surviving that, those who excelled, and survived, were given rank and allowed to move up. He had moved up in rank considerably, but told time and time again that he had yet to use his 'gift'. He had no idea what gift Lenny or Nozako referred to, and was too afraid to find out. Course, whatever gift he received must've been internal in comparison to others. The three girls, all sisters, had their feet replaced with electro-magnetic skates as to increase their speed. However, he did notice that whenever his anger is rising, his body becomes warmer than it should; his arms that are now rid of his burn scars seem to trick his eyes that it was glowing. Even so, he pushed it aside and remained focused on one objective: Survive.
The young man dodged against the slam fist of a mechanical sumo wrestler, his heart pumping faster and deafening his ears. Studying from its movement, this bot needs to overheat to be disabled before he could rip out its chip that acted as its heart. But the mech was nowhere near the slightest hint of overheating, and the young man was growing tired. If he grew tired he would be weak, and if he was weak he would be slow, and if he was slow it all over for him. No. That will not happen. Not after everything he's gone through. His anger rose dangerously as he let out a furious growl at the thing, his body now enveloped in flames as he runs towards the mech with all his might and punches it to its eye. The flames quickly grow in size as the creature squirms and flails. Hold on... flames?! The young man had no time to think before he is flung to the ground, landing with a groan but no serious damage to his body. He sees the bot finally still to a halt as the flames had now dug deep to his wiring and lands down with a great shake. Now the man looked at himself. He was covered in flames and yet it did not sting, in fact it felt like a second skin. But it scared him none the less. Then before he knew it the flames were gone, and he was still perfectly intact. No burns anywhere on his person, his hair intact... but how? A slow clap is heard, making his heart still.
"Congratulations my phoenix.. you've finally used my gift to you.'', congratulated Nozako.
Lenny: *Voice Over* Its time to go. Get ready.
*The young man and the three girls stand up and head their way to meet their fate, their 'gifts' ready for use. Now it came to the final test. The four run in unison towards their objective, a large cliff to which they are to climb up on. One by one they each get up to scale the cliff, swinging and climbing towards their finish line. However, there were obstacles in the way. A group clad in armor is waiting up ahead and soon they confront the four. The first one, the youngest, swings up and lands a kick to the face, resulting in the man loosing balance and dropping to the floor with a resounding thud. They all fight with their assailants as they climbed; the eldest using the blade of her skate to kick it in the back. But each fight grows difficult to handle as the sharpshooter up ahead keeps shooting at them. Its there that the young man runs up to the shooter, dodging each blast before he picks up a flint stone and slashes its throat. The three girls were in the middle of fighting four when the blasts hit their adversaries in the back, leaving the three safe. The three look down and see who is responsible, and found their answer. The young man said nothing as he carries the riffle blaster and continues running up to the top along with the three. They jump on board and find themselves greeted by Lenny, who gives his best smile of congratulations.*
Lenny: Your training is now complete. You are free to retire to your rooms until Nozako summons you.
*The four leave him, ready to retire to their rooms. Once the young man gets to his, he collapses onto the ground and groaned pathetically. He survived 'training'... but who knows what that wicked woman would make him do. He's a good person, with a promising future, a loving family, great friends... and a someone who he never confessed his love to... It doesn't matter now.. He looks to the broken mirror and found a large shard reflecting his face...He never felt so helpless and monstrous than in this moment, nothing more than a shell of his former life.*
*Back in San Fransokyo the sky had given way to the late tones of dusk, which at the time the red hat is back in Fred's hands. When it came to shuffling, Heathcliff wastes no time to properly shuffle them.*
Fred: Alright! Go ahead and pick a name! Any name!
Gogo: About time.
Honey Lemon: Yay!
Wasabi: OK then.
*The gang pick a piece of paper and look at their names. Miyuki reached in and found that the name she had chosen was none other then Hiro Hamada. This certainly placed a pickle to her ideas. As much as she grown with the gang, she hadn't gotten to be personally close with Tadashi's family, least of all his brother, to know what are their personally hobbies and likes/dislikes. And she wasn't sure how personal she could get with him without tipping him off about her status as his Secret Santa. She supposed she could go talk to Aunt Cass... Aunt Cass... her heart panged at the thought of the woman. Ever since that day she had been a mother hen to her whenever they are in private, ready to share stories about Tadashi. And as much as she hated to admit it, she wasn't ready to talk more about him. Sharing how they met was enough to send her to tears and her heart aching painfully. Her fingertips starts to frost as little, her mind becoming filled with pained memories of the fire. That's when she felt a pair of hands over her own.*
Esme: Miyuki? You're looking a little anxious.
Miyuki: Oh?
Baymax: Yes. According to my scans, your neurotransmitters indicate you are feeling troubled and anxious. It is alright to be feeling this way.
Miyuki: Of course... just things going through my mind...
*Baymax blinks before he hugs Miyuki from behind, causing the snow maiden to sigh contently.*
Miyuki:*Softly* Thank you Baymax.
Baymax: You're welcome.
*Its there that the discussion went onto family, specifically Hiro and Cora's families and their plans for the holidays.*
Hiro: You should've seen Aunt Cass this morning. She was jumping up and down for joy as soon as December 1st came over. It won't be long till she starts pulling out the decorations.
Cora: Wow. It still feels unreal you know... its been almost two years since we got together... Back then Christmases with my family were small. No colored lights, no Christmas tree... but we celebrated it by watching Holiday movies and that was it. Then Papa would bring out presents for us. It wasn't much but it was Christmas... then we celebrated with you guys. That was an experience.
Hiro: Yeah. Cass must've made your dad jump up with that holler.
Cora: Yup! I was so nervous too... I felt like I was in some other world with all those decorations and loudness.
*The teens chuckle together, prompting Miyuki to smile. That's when Cora's smile turns a bit melancholy.*
Cora: I was so thankful Tadashi helped me calm down and enjoy the time together... It showed what we missed out all those years hiding behind closed doors.
Hiro: Yeah...
*The two teens sit in silence before Hiro turns his attention to Miyuki.*
Hiro: Miyuki?...
Miyuki: Yes Hiro?
Hiro: Is it alright if I ask you... when did you realize you fell in love with Tadashi?..
*Miyuki looks at Hiro, her hands wringing together to soothe herself. That's when Hiro, seeing her discomfort, immediately back pedals.*
Hiro: You know what, never mind. You don't have to answer it.
Miyuki: No no… its fine.
Cora: Are you really?
*Miyuki stares off to the side, biting her bottom lip as her stomach begins to churn. Finally she sighed... leaving a puff of air.*
Miyuki: I guess even now I still get chocked up about Tadashi huh...?
Hiro: *Comforting* You're not the only one here.
Miyuki: Then why is it so easy for you guys to talk about him after all this time?
*There was silence going until Gogo spoke up.*
Gogo: Truth to be told, sometimes it isn't easy to talk about him... it still hurts. But Tadashi was our best friend, and we want to keep him alive in our thoughts..
Miyuki: Oh…. I see. *To Hiro* Alrighty then, I'll tell you the story.
*Miyuki gulps as she prepares to share her story to her friends, wringing her hands nervously in front. Back at the island, the young man is granted permission to go to the dinning room along with the three girls to get themselves whatever they wished to eat as part of the reward before meeting Nozako. The girls took it upon themselves to eat ramen and chocolate cake while watching a movie of their choice. The young man chose to eat a bowl of Katsudon and staring out of the window for the first time in forever. He forgotten how beautiful the stars are at night.*
*Miyuki's face felt the tears drip down her cheek as Hiro holds her hand in thought and memory of Tadashi. The memories play out her mind as she recounts the tale of her and Tadashi. At the same time, the young man thought over his family, his friends,.. and his crush... Ultimately, he decided to recount the tale of when he realized he fell in love in her...*
Miyuki: It was actually around this time of year... I was at the lantern festival looking for inspiration...
*The man thought over that winter... the lantern festival was going on, and he was looking for a present...
Miyuki let out a breathy puff of air but did not bother to adjust her jacket as to appear to be warming herself. She didn't mind the cold. Her hands were sketching the passing people as quickly as she could, smiling a bit when she spotted a few interesting characters... That is until she looked up.
The young man pulled his winter jacket tighter as the air continued to get colder, but not enough for snow. He chuckled as he recalled his misadventures of creating snow back when he was young. He hoped his present would be ready by next year for sure. He could imagine their faces... that's when he spotted her. And she was looking at him... for a moment he was stuck in love filled stupor, but immediately shook himself out as to not bother her or anyone else just in case. Finally, he spoke..
"Hi Miyuki.'' Spoke Tadashi.
Miyuki felt her heart race as Tadashi called her name out. For a moment she didn't know how to respond back, feeling herself ready to run away if she were to embarrass herself in front of him. She didn't know what this was called, it felt far more than a mere crush... but she didn't know the name of it.. Finally, she calmed herself down and looked at him again, and spoke.
"Hello Tadashi.''
Tadashi felt his heart slightly flutter at Miyuki saying his name, but he immediately squished it down before it could affect his facial expression. Then he felt himself at a loss for words as well, starting to look around the plaza as to find anything to interest Miyuki in a conversation.. that's when he spotted her hands.
"Don't you have gloves?''
Miyuki looked down at her hands and slightly blushed. immediately she giggled half heartedly with an awkward smile.
"You could borrow mine if you want', offered Tadashi. Miyuki however is quick to stop him.
''No no no its fine. The cold doesn't bother me anyway.'' replied Miyuki.
Tadashi blinked before he let out a heart filled chuckle, which made Miyuki's heart skip a beat.
"If I didn't know any better, I'd say you were another Elsa.''
That caused Miyuki to chuckle back, her smile radiating a warmth she hadn't felt in some time, the same smile that made Tadashi's heart skip a beat. Another blast of wind goes through and it makes Tadashi shiver, to which she goes over and giver him her scarf without a second thought. The young man saw this and immediately felt himself blush at this kind gesture... a blush matched by Miyuki as soon as she realized what she had done. The two look to the side before Tadashi regained his voice.
"Thank you Miyuki...''
"Y-Your welcome...''
Silence continues to penetrate between them before Tadashi spotted something in the distance.
" Hey, I see some of the staff setting up their equipment to start the dance over there.''
Miyuki turned her head to see exactly what he's talking about. She saw a pianist and a string quartet tuning up their respective instruments as the lights are adjusted to let the lantern's natural glow take center stage.
"Oh.. that's cool...''
That's when Tadashi blurted out his thought.
"D-Do you want to dance?''
Miyuki's blush returned ten fold as she felt herself stutter.
"W-Well Tadashi..I-I would b-but... I don't know how..''
That's when she felt his hand on hers, making her blink at the gesture before looking at Tadashi, who was rubbing the back of his head.
"Its OK Miyuki... I'm not a great dancer either...''
Hand in hand, Miyuki and Tadashi headed towards the center just as the staff and musicians were ready to there that the first song is played.. a lovely melody from Tangled called 'I see the light'.
"Well.. that's something', commented Miyuki, her smile giving an air of playful coyness. Tadashi chuckled as he puts his hands in position, making her smile go away and blush return.
" You could say that again."
As the piano and string instruments play its song , Tadashi and Miyuki took their first steps together, moving slowly as the lanterns glowed softly as their only source of light. It felt hard to believe its been months since they met, and neither didn't know it... but they fell in love with each other. Neither could believe it after all this time. For Tadashi, he thought he'd remain singled forever after missed chances to confess, and his friends involvement with his crushed. for Miyuki, she thought she would be content with her family and one friend she made in the city, content to not be in a relationship. But in each other, they found something they thought they wouldn't find in another. Neither felt alone nor cold, and both wondered if their love held the same thoughts for them. But before that nagging thought of doubt could creep through, they pushed it away...
It was their night together, the uncertainties running in their minds silenced by their beating hearts.
For now, this was enough for both of them...
*The two snapped out of their thoughts and forced back to reality. Tadashi's eyes burned as tears try to escape, but he quickly wiped them away... but his melancholic smile remained. Miyuki's tears however flowed quietly... but there was no ice forming at her feet or the room drooping in temperature... she was surrounded by Tadashi's friends... her friends. All giving her a hug to reassure that she isn't alone in her mourning. Hiro is the one closest to her being, tears slipping through his eyes as he hugged her. With Tadashi, he knew that he couldn't have the embrace of his friends and family... nor of his love. But somewhere inside, in those last pieces of humanity he hoped that they would be together this year despite his disappearance. Both knew that even they are far away and apart... their memories of each other would keep them warm and content despite the tears that may spill.*
A.N: Whelp, I dead. Now, I've thought about this over and over and about how Tadashi would be in. I understand that Tadashi surviving would change a lot of the story in this, but I hope that I could do it in a way that would satisfy this story and to you guys. I'll be working on the holiday special soon so there's that to look forward too. Also, the gang won't learn about him till much, MUCH, later.
Happy Holidays you guys. Love you!
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spyrkle4 · 2 years
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Day 7: Scariest and/or Funniest Villain Hardlight is like one of the funniest people in the show he is such a meme-r I love him and his video game lingo and I wish there were more fics of him being an absolute minion of chaos
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spitalofatalo · 3 years
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i realized i hadn't edited mel/ian since before big chibi 6 came out and i had all those new hardlight pics to use so here we go
afterimage is canon guys, can you believe it!!!
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rubyeyes-32 · 3 years
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It’s random Hardlight doodlin’ time! 
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Who doesn't want Hardlight dancing. I mean look at him it's cute and funny and so .... Ian.
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darkslayernk · 4 years
"Hard core, high score, I am Hardlight!"
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Hey guys, what do you think Hardlight/Ian's surname would be? Feel free to suggest some stuff
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photogore000 · 1 year
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Even older sketch
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lotusmuses · 3 years
i just realized the mel and ian from bh6 and mysterio and his team from ffh are super similar villains maybe thats why i love them all so much
these are my favorite types of villains because they’re not magical or aliens or mutants but just angry nerds in the workforce fight nerdy students. its relatable to an extent
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jaxinkh · 4 years
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One thing neither Krei or Judy expected when coming up with their little publicity sceme is that not everyone is a fan of Krei. And when they decide to team up and look for members, they might look at Krei’s self-proclaimed ‘nemesis’ for support. Akward!
Afterimage belongs to @plasmacandle
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BH7 doodles
So far its Ian/Hardlight. Miyuki Frost... and is that who I think it is?
Oh well. Dont want to spoil the surprise ;)
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