#i've said it before: i adore everyone's passion for this dapper rat man and the strange minutiae of his batshit life
talentforlying · 9 months
not my synopsized explanation of the tree ass tattoo breaching containment, of all things. godspeed, my little friend.
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Copia one shot of him making his rats different Halloween bat wings and then getting excited to pick them out and dress them (this was the greatest idea you’ve ever had)
𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲 Everyone has hobbies and things they're passionate about. Copia's just happens to be ensuring his babies have glorious wings ready for spooky season.
𝐒𝐡𝐢𝐩(𝐬) None.
𝐂𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭 Just Copia being absolutely besotted with his furry friends and dressing them up in their new threads.
𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐂𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭 854 words.
𝐍𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐬 I don't usually do fic requests but after our discussion about this the other night I couldn't not write it. I've been thinking about it ever since and this is the result of that. Hope you enjoy, hen! Also, bonus points to anyone who recognises/knows some of the names I used for the rats hehe.
It had started as something to occupy his mind when he and the band were on tour. Nobody questioned the fact that Copia took a sewing kit and scraps of material around with him everywhere, although Sodo did make fun of him one time. That ended up being the only occasion he did so after he was threatened with a spray bottle of water and a stern expression on the Papa’s face. From that point onward, it was just a generally accepted fact that he had little sewing projects on the go wherever they went.
Quickly, Copia’s casual hobby turned into a mission. What was the mission? To make sure each of his beloved babies had their own bat wings for Halloween. And it wasn’t just one pair for each rat, oh no. They all needed four pairs of wings each so that they had a variety to choose from. Any less simply wouldn’t do. After all, Papa had several different outfits to pick and choose when performing at rituals so why shouldn’t his little friends have the same privilege?
Now, just a week before Halloween, almost all the wings were complete. There were just a few sets left that needed tweaking and finishing touches before they could be hung up in the tiny dollhouse wardrobes Copia had purchased online. There was a wardrobe for each rat, all of them lined up and painted different colours to differentiate which one belonged to which furry friend.
“Ah! Perfetto!” He beamed proudly as he held up the shimmering violet wings he’d just finished, admiring the way the light glittered against the small sequins. “Alighieri, don’t you think you’ll look simply sublime in these?”
Alighieri, a rotund brown rat with an ear partially bitten off, sniffed at the wings that Copia presented to him. The human was seemingly satisfied with his response and picked the little rat up to put them on him.
The moment the wings were in place, the man had to force himself to remain calm so that his overexcitement wouldn’t startle the handsome creature in his palms.
“I knew it,” he said lovingly. “The most handsome brown rat in the whole ministry. Oh yes you are.”
Copia pressed a gentle kiss to the top of Alighieri’s head and placed him back in the cage he shared with two other rats, Rossetti and Carducci. The two of them, also brown rats, were already clad in the bat wings they had chosen. Rossetti was decked out in sage green velvet wings whilst Carducci was looking rather dapper in crimson red wings made from Copia’s old cassock. The three of them curiously inspected one another’s new accessories, which he took to mean that they approved of and adored what he’d worked so hard to craft for them.
He clicked the cage closed and turned to the second cage. “And don’t think I’ve forgotten about you, ladies!”
With a bounce in his step, Copia eagerly opened the four wardrobes assigned to the cage and took a pair of wings out of each. For Catacomb, a black and white rat and the first rat he got as a pet, white wings with little peaches printed onto the fabric seemed to be the perfect choice. However, he made sure to show them to her before carefully putting them on her to make sure that she too approved of the accessory. Next, Caccini was presented with cerulean wings that changed colour when the sequins were turned the other way, revealing shining silver underneath. Carmen’s wings were a beautiful gold, the material smooth and silky to the touch and seemed to make her fair fur glow. Finally, a pair of black and white polka-dotted wings were slipped onto Ghuleh’s back.
As he stepped back, the rats secure in their cages and going about their business once they were done checking out one another’s new appearances, Copia clapped his hands with glee and couldn’t help but smile at the sight before him. His precious babies, all clad in their beautiful bat wings ready for the greatest holiday of the year (in his opinion anyway).
He immediately scrambled for his phone and turned on the camera, taking photo after photo of the rats in all their glory. Copia was certain he’d taken at least a hundred photos, but he didn’t care. His rats were his children – the closest he had to family apart from Sister Imperator now that Papa Nihil was dead – and he was going to document every happy moment of their lives for as long as he could.
By the time Halloween came, his favourites out of the photographs he took had been printed out and framed, hooked onto the walls of his bedroom and office with pride. As he sat back in his large, comfortable chair behind his desk, he beamed at the largest photo he’d had printed of all his rats together with him. It had taken a few attempts with the timer on his phone’s camera, but it was worth it to see the large framed canvas of he and his babies hanging on the wall opposite his desk.
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