#i've been very keeper focused for a long time both in mutuals and posts. and while I /adore/ my mutuals and the fandom
bookwyrminspiration · 9 months
do you happen to have any recs for blogs that post a lot about reading???? sending this ask to you because you're the only blog i follow that mostly talks about books lol and i think it'd be nice to see more book related stuff
If you mean blogs that talk about a variety of books and reading in general, I don't know that there are many I can recommend; most of the people I follow (which isn't many) are fandom specific. Two I can think of, @morhath and @annabethisterrified, post about reading fairly regularly, including a variety of books instead of one fandom specific.
But otherwise, looking through tags of specific books I've enjoyed and finding people who post about them can lead me to people who read in general. Since if they read one thing, odds are they've read more. Which is rather intuitive, but it's true of how I find people
Looking through tags like "bookblr" and "bookworm" may also lead you to some people--though there will also be a fair bit of aesthetic people in tags like those usually, so depends on what you're looking for. You can also check those posts from other tags people use, and figure out which ones have the kinds of people and posts you want to find
Branching out and finding more book-in-general related blogs is actually something I'd like to work on myself--don't worry mutuals, I mean to do so alongside my current posting, not to replace it. I'm not going anywhere
I wish I could be more help with this, but hopefully this is a start! If anyone else has any others, please feel free to add them :)
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