#i'm rewatching yoi and i just think yuuri katsuki
rainbowravioli · 7 years
YOI questions: 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 11, 16, 18 (I know this, but I need to hear it about 5,000 times more), 19, 21, 24. (Sorry I have so many, I'm just curious!)
Yay! So many! :D 
2. Favourite episode and why
This one is really difficult…episodes 7 and 10 are the ones I have rewatched the most. I think episode 1 is the best episode overall when it comes to structure, pacing and art. But mmmmm my favourite might be 3. This can easily change though but for now I think…yeah I think 3. Because while I already loved the series and characters by that point (Stammi Vicino scene got me and never let me go), this was the episode where I just knew this series was special. I don’t want to make an entire analysis of the episode so I’ll leave it at that.
3. Favourite character and why
YUURI KATSUKI IS MY SUN MY MOON MY STARS! I love Yuuri so much, he’s not simply my favourite YoI character, he’s one of my favourite characters across all media. He just resonates with me very deeply, I love everything about him, flaws and quirks and all. 
4. Least favourite character and why
I don’t dislike anyone, but I have a…complex relationship with Chris…for obvious reasons. Whenever it’s something related to Chris I brace myself. 
5. Favourite rare pair 
Phichit x Seung Gil. I don’t know how it happened, I never ship crack ships but the fans make the cutest content and just the entire concept of the ship is really appealing to me. 
6. Favourite costume
Stammi Vicino costume is still my number 1. 
11. Favourite line of dialogue
“No commento.”
“When I open up, he meets me where I am.” gets to me every time
16. Who would you want to be your coach
Honestly, I think Victor would work really well. Ok so once upon a time I was actually an athletic person, so I know what works for me in terms of coaching and what doesn’t. Victor’s style is well balanced and would work for me because he is strict and serious when it comes to training and very blunt in his criticism but he is also very supportive, openly affectionate, open minded (”Oh sure Yuuri, we can work with eros of the katsudon”), and believes in the importance of you having creative freedom of your own.
18. Who do you think should have won the GPF
19. What are you expecting/hoping will be in the movie
Oh boy…it’s difficult to know what to expect when apparently there is absolutely no plot for the movie yet. There’s my expectation of it possibly finishing off the rest of the skating season, so covering Four Continents and Worlds. (x) My current greatest hope is just to watch Yuuri take gold and Victor take silver and then they get married. I don’t dare to think about it too much until we have any info but god, I just want gold for Yuuri, Victor retiring with silver and Victuuri wedding.
21. Headcanon for Victor’s level of education 
I think he has a degree, maybe in something History or Literature related. He seems to be really into stories. 
24. Headcanon for how Vicchan died 
I think it was simply old age. Vicchan was a puppy when Yuuri was 12, so he would be really old by the time the series starts. 
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