#i'm going off them being siblings since they're both kids of William Afton
puhpandas · 8 months
things I consider canon to my flashlight duo universe:
gregory and Evan move in together when they're adults. evan runs to live with the fazbears as soon as he turns 18 and they go from there. whether it's college or just an apartment
gregory is what introduces Evan to drawing and he loves it. they both keep up with the hobby when they're older as well. gregory likes drawing comics and maybe becomes a graphic novelist and I think Evan would like painting
Evan eventually meets vanessa when hes about 14 and she becomes the older sibling he always wanted. he always felt intimidated by her idea because shes Gregory's actual biological sibling and Evan holds that to a high honor because he wants to be. but they get along and vanessa being there for Evan makes him feel like part of the family even more
Roxy and evan are close. roxy kinda takes Evan under her wing because although its not the same experience because roxy had a support system her whole life, she wants to help him through what she also went through. she helps him learn an outlet to control his emotions more to be more manageable and is a calm shoulder to lean on for evan.
in the event that the bite happens (it doesnt usually), I think after Evan heals and recovers he and bonnie would bond over their scars and bonnie would make him feel better about them
evan meets cassidy later on when hes mellowed out some. I dont think she would have liked him a lot before but when hes healed more and gotten better with his sensitivity they get along pretty good. I think cassidy wouldnt have many friends and probably be considered a troublemaker because of her anger issues and her lashing out and Evan uses what hes learned with his emotions to help her. I'll say they're both teens here
freddy and the other adults wanted nothing more than to march over to the Aftons and declare that they're taking Evan forever but they couldnt. I think that they wanted to actually go through a process of adoption and taking custody but that would have affected Michael too and I'm not sure if they thought it was worth it. especially when Evan says hes alright with the fact that things arent perfect and that he already practically spends his whole life there anyway with how he spends the night.
I imagine william isnt the best cook and Michael probably has other means of getting food on top of not minding eating frozen dinners. but I imagine Evan probably didn't like a lot of foods (hes a kid and also. neurodivergent) and didnt have many things he enjoyed. so I think chica saw this and introduced evan to different foods and tried to help him figure out what he likes so he can eat better and enjoy it at the same time
Gregory and Evan are avid claw machine players
off screen when they're not having a moment with eachother every 5 seconds they play games like roblox and minecraft since they're in the modern day. I think Gregory gave Evan one of his older phones that still worked since he didnt have his own (theres nothing wrong with it, just an older model and maybe a little slow) and he plays on that.
gregory will draw during sleepovers and then give it to Evan to color in. gregory always keeps them and hangs them up or puts them somewhere for safe keeping because Evan doesnt want something to happen to them at his house
gregory hates pickles and Evan loves them
evan is an avid sweater wearer and the Fazbears buy him more when he only has like 1 or 2 and his other clothes are starting to get too small. he keeps sweaters at Gregory's house because he basically lives there already
theres a movie night every saturday while everyone is available at the Fazbears
michael starts to lay off a bit after a little while (think a couple years) just because Evan isnt even around as much for him to terrorize. Michael doesn't like being at home either and since they dont see eachother as much bullying Evan isnt in his minds eye as often. it just doesnt come to mind to do as much at that point
because of genes and chica helping him eat good, evan grows to be taller than Michael
evan experiments with gender later in life as a young adult and is lowkey surprised to learn that Gregory has been transgender this whole time
evan develops huge holiday spirit and for the rest of his days loves to decorate and do holiday-ey things for the season
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sugarywishes · 7 months
Um...I accidentally deleted an anonymous ask post (I posted it too early lmao)
So anon, if you're reading this, this is for you!! And also thanks for going through my page lmao
So, why does William favor Evan over his siblings?
1. They both look extremely similar:
Nowadays, it's common to see people hc Mike as the Will lookalike, and I really like that too!
But back then, the only one who could've immediately be guessed as William's child was Evan. Both had the PALEST skin of the family (this is saying a lot considering they're British!!)
Both had kind of nerving eye colors (Will's is an icy blue that was basically almost white, and Evan somehow developed fully bright green eyes) dark eye bags, scruffy hair that always just kind of looks...like that no matter how much they try to fix it, and of course, skinny as hell!
2. Similar upbringing (aka, trauma!):
Considering they both look kind of like corpses, and they act really...um....abnormal by society standards of their time, it's no wonder they're considered outcasts! William's dealt with bullying and abuse throughout his life (it also doesn't help that he didn't have anyone on his side since I headcanon him as an orphan lol) and Evan is literally going through it right now! (He just sees himself in him) So William latches onto his youngest son more and serves as Evan's 'guide' and 'mentor' (notice the quotation marks?)
3. He can't really attach himself to anyone else in the Afton Family lmao:
Okay, him and Michael are literally polar opposites, and if they weren't related and were the same age Mike would totally bully him and Will would want him dead 😭 (Mikey is a popular, mean kid and Will...was just mean!)
And unfortunately, William kind of sees Michael as an inconvenience (since he is a college mistake...Wear condoms guys, and also if you have the option for child support and you're not interested in raising a kid, please take the opportunity and don't be abusive like Will turnt out!!)
And also, he isn't at all attached to Elizabeth or his wife. Clara because well, he doesn't love her. Sure she's pretty and all but he prefers to be by himself. Being married to her was basically kind of an obligation in his mind? (Henry talked him into getting a relationship with her and his yet-to-be born son 😬) and for Elizabeth, again he just doesn't really care for her. (Her looking the most like Clara did not help in going his favor, no matter how hard she tried to please him :( )
4. He was easy to control (man, who would've thought he sucked as a father for all his children?)
His other kids were not as easily manipulated (Michael had the logic and experience to know not to trust him, and Elizabeth had Charlie and Mike to keep her on the right path no matter how much she tried to steer)
Even Clara would put her foot down if he did or said something off. But Evan on the other hand? He's the perfect son, always obedient, always trusting, he's a sweet little doll! (Which is precisely what William thought of him 😞)
And plus, no one else was on Evan's side at all, and according to William, people like themselves must stick together to achieve greatness no matter what (and the only person he knew he could trust/relate to was his father.)
So yeah, Evan's weak-willed self was a prime target for William's abuse. How charming! (Kind of like a Quasimodo and Frollo relationship?)
Anyways, that's it! (Probably, I'm very certain I missed one or two reasons, curse me and my lack of notes!!) If you have questions, fire them away!
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