#i'm determined to keep writing once i go back to uni tho
goldenkid · 2 years
i was debating whether to just jump into the first draft of my new project because i was getting kinda bored just working out the bare bones of the plot, but today i came back to all my basic plot points and started adding character stuff and everyone’s personal issues and, like, how all the characters are feeling + reacting to the shit that’s going down, and ohoho i forgot how much i loved plotting and sketching out character arcs and fleshing things out - and even better, once i’ve done this i can dive headlong into the first draft and write and write without stopping because i’ll have an outline to lead me along <3
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aizawa-needs-coffee · 3 years
Hi!! Could I have a matchup please? I'm 18, pronouns she/her, I'm fine w any gender though I have a preference for males
If its of any relevance, physically I'm about 5'8 tall and on the chubby side, green eyes, brown hair (with blonde streaks) and I wear glasses
If you're into astrology/ mbti, I am a Sagittarius w both moon and rising in Cancer and I'm INFP
So I'm quite emotional lol. Usually very in touch with my emotions and quite perceptive of other's feelings as well. I have a huge saviours complex especially when it comes to feelings (i love helping others figure out their feelings, being a shoulder to cry on or even offering comforting hugs) but I try my best to keep it control cause I don't wanna be suffocating
On the outside I'd say I'm fairly organized, I keep my room clean and all of that, I'm a lil bit of a perfectionist but mentally I'm all over the place. I tend to get carried away by thoughts and emotions and end up procrastinating a lot; anxiety makes it all worse. In short, I suck at time management
To most people I may seem quiet and reserved but I actually really enjoy talking to people; I'm really insecure about not being funny or interesting enough tho. Around my friends I'm more relaxed but still have moments of self doubt
I can also be quite obsessive. If something really catches my interest I won't stop until I search all there is to know about it. For example I watched bnha, read the manga, the spin offs etc all in less than a month and now I'm indulging in fanart and fanfics because I need m o r e c o n t e n t hsbsb. I'm also that kind of person that listens to a new song they like on repeat until they hate it. Speaking of music, I can't say I have a taste lol. My fave genres are rock, pop and indie but I hear smth I like, I listen to it, whether its "high quality" music, basic or weird. Lately I've been listening to a lot of epicore which is literally the type of music thats used in fantasy and sci fi movies askfkdk
I like expressing myself through writing, singing and dancing but I really can't say I'm talented at either of those, it's all in good fun. I also enjoy reading (fiction, non-fic books bore me like hell; my fave genres are fantasy, sci fi and crime) but I haaate literature in school. I'm actually a bit of a math nerd and this year I'm starting uni, studying computer science!! Oh! I've also taken drama classes for 2 years (despite the fear I loved being on stage and plan on starting again once I'm done w the baccalaureate), I love playing D&D and while I woulnd't quite call myself a gamer, I love role playing video games. I'm also almost always down for any kind of multiplayer video games w friends although I have no experience
I'm not a sportive person, I go on walks or do a few exercises every now and then at home but I'm willing to try stuff out like a new sport or going to the gym w an s/o. I do plan on starting self defense classes soon and maybe taking up sword fighting (I love swords hehe)
Tbh I've never been in a relationship so I'm not really sure how I would act w an s/o, nor what I'm exactly looking for. I best express my affection through physical touch tho and that includes my friends so I'd like someone who isn't bothered or can get used to that (s/o would still receive the most hugs/ cuddles etc). I'm not that comfortable w the other love languages for friends and family, but I think I'd be a lot more eager to express my love through them for s/o. If I'm on the receiving end, my weakness is still physical touch :)) but I also need words of affirmation every now and then cause insecurities 🌠 and while I wouldn't ask for anything, especially objects, I am a hoarder and I'd keep any kind of gift like its a national treasure simply bc its from someone I love.
In addition, it doesn't really matter if s/o is more on the emotional or rational side a long as they dont invalidate my feelings; it angers me a lot and makes me feel even more insecure. I tend to isolate when I'm really really upset about something so I need a lil bit of pushing to talk abt it; I'm open to talk abt my feelings but I need the verbal confirmation that they care and wanna help, its not just cause they're being nice
Wow that is a lot of rambling jeez ajsjsjs sorry. Thank you so much if you've read throught that all and ty for the match up!!
Me and my wife literally having a ten minute debate on who we’d pair you with before I made my choice. Thanks for all the details and I hope you enjoy the match up!
I match you with Sero
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I feel he’s outgoing and extroverted enough to help you with your anxiety and always reassure you that you are good at things and he does love you, he’s also so chill and laid back that even if you were clingy he’d not mind, he’d embrace it, his chill nature would help balance you. He would help you feel grounded and have a ‘you don’t have to do it all now’ attitude but would happily help you out. You need help going to the store? He remembers the list you wrote, having trouble fitting in lunch while you study? He’ll come to your door with pizza.
He’s determined and outgoing but isn’t aggressively positive and loud either which I think is why I picked him over Kirishima for you.
“Hey babe, whatcha reading?” Sero asked sitting next to you on the sofa, he handed you a soda which you gratefully took, not looking up from your laptop screen.
As soon as he was sat down comfortably your hand grabbed his, clasping your fingers together as you managed to tear your gaze away from the Wikipedia page which was still open. You blinked up at him and shook your head.
“Oh just something I learned about today and wanted to do some.. extra reading” you explained.
He nodded his head and drank his soda watching as your face lit up as you started to ramble about the topic, he didn’t really know much about it but the way you told him about everything, the way you happily expressed your interest towards the topic made him happy. He gave you his big grin when you finished.
“Sorry, I rambled..” You felt bad, you always felt nervous when you info dumped on people.
“Nah, it’s cool, I didn’t mind at all” he brought your hand up to his face and gave it a kiss, your face flushed at the gentle gesture which caused Sero to laugh playfully.
“Well, if your sure… I just wanted something to take my mind off chores”.
“It’s the weekend, you don’t have to rush anyway.. and if you don’t feel better by tomorrow I can help, you can wash the dishes and I’ll dry?” he suggested still peppering kisses on the back of your hand before you set your laptop down and crawled closer to him.
You nodded softly, that sounded a lot more manageable, you felt your anxiety settle down from a raging nagging feeling to something easier to tolerate. He was such a good influence on you. Sero set down his drink and wrapped his arm around you, pulling you closer to his chest.
“The guys want to come over and say hi later, maybe get pizza… but I can tell them not tonight if you aren’t feeling it… maybe you can play that new game you got? I liked watching you play the other night” He suggested as he nuzzled your head, enjoying how your hair felt on his face.
“Maybe… can I give you an answer later?”
“Yeah, no rush babe”
You smiled softly feeling the lanky boy kiss the side of your head and listened as you carried on talking about the trivia of your current interest.
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realasunicorns · 5 years
"Give me a character and I will answer:"
@callmehername asked me about Tony Stark/Iron man.
(My answers to other characters are here)
Why I like them
Well, as an engineer how could I not love a genius technitian? 😍😍😍
And speaking of MCU's Tony Stark, I think it was a great choice to choose someone older for the role. Originally he was very young, but these days anyone knows that to achieve such level of knowledge would require huge amounts of study and practice, and thus, it would be achieved later in life (in case it was possible at all haha), so at least he doesn't look 22 as if he just finished uni! I think it adds credibility to the character.
He has the attitude of the gryffiest gryffi to ever gryffi and I have to admit that I love him for it (or at least I do once he comes back down to earth in the first movie and stops selling weapons for his own profit).
His character evolution is just ARGH❤️💛
He goes from completely deluded to awakening, step by step and it's a complete delight to see. He has a mission now. He's seen the weapons, the warfield for what it is. He wants to do good or at least bwtter with what he has. And better. And better every time. He He's determined to make it and he will push himself to the very limit for it. He makes mistakes, yes,as big has he makes his successes, but he keeps learning from them. Technology or life, he can't stop learning about them, making himself see things he never thought he would, understand things in a way he never thought he could. He's the epithome of improvement.
In other words, he's not perfect at all and that gives the character a lot of depth: he has many layers.
And he has a cool AI (I mean Jarvis. I love Jarvis so much tbh.).
Oh, and his fiancee. I like his fiancee very much too. No (yes), but the reason I brought this up is to say that he's all fluff inside and bless him.
Why I don’t
As much as I love him, there are so many things I don't like about him, I warn you.
If I had met him before I would have wanted to strangle the guy. Not just for Tony "the guy", but his company. As someone who does not want any military, defense, weaponary, etc., his creations are the devil. Notice I said are and not were, because he still makes weapons even if he's not selling them the same way.
The logic behind "I don't sell these weapons bc god knows what the military would do with them, but hey I'm gonna keep building some to use them myself ignoring every law bc I'm a filthy rich motherfucker and I do what I want, try to come and stop me if you can haha"? There is so much wrong with this I could write an essay 😅 But I don't give much relevance to these things when it comes to superhero stuff tbh, so I can deal. But yeah, horribly wrong if taken seriously.
What else? Well, on a personal level: communication, baby. You need some serious help with that. Relationships, connecting with your feelings and all that stuff. So much room for improvement there, mate (not that I don't feel you tho).
He also needs to work out some sort of limit for his addiction aka his work/creations/mission. It's not just in very unhealthy levels (mentally and physically) for himself, but also for those around him when he loses himself to it.
And I know I'm forgetting stuff, but this seems to be enough, I'll stop here haha
Favorite episode (scene if movie)
Oh, well. That's hard.
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Favorite season/movie
Gonna go with Civil War just bc #PAIN.
Favorite line
"Have you ever tried shawarma? There's a shawarma joint about two blocks from here. I don't know what it is but I wanna try it."
Favorite outfit
🤔 I don't think I have one from him!
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So many?! Dr. Banner tbh haha I love them as a duo but then also with Cap bc yes and the there is also his kiddo Peter to whom he's kinda like a dad but it's a cool dad and he isn't really his dad so it could also be kinda like a big bro thing? idk someone hELLLLLLP
Head Canon
He's kinda submissive (in bed)? 🙈 He had a kink for a bit of a fem dom.
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And maybe also being babied... aaaaaand ok, I better stop here xD
Unpopular opinion
Idk which is the popular opinion or not bc I don't interact in that fandom... I can't think of anything "unpopular" to say about him, but maybe a general opinion I have that I don't think is said often enough.
I feel like if a character does some good, their bad actions get completely overlooked or excused in some way as if in "he saved many, who cares if he had previously hurt just as many?" Not talking about weapons now.
Just a reminder that if someone is being mean is not funny. If they are mocking someone with a disability is not ok. If the person is being paid by them it's still shit behaviour. If someone does any of these, they're assholes. Period.
One doesn't need to be an asshole full-time, it's ok. One can still be an asshole tho, part-time. But that shouldn't mean one doesn't get called out. Saving the world does not mean Tony Stark shouldn't be called on his bullshit. Just that.
A wish
That he and Pepper would figure things out in a healthy way so we could get Pepperony forever, yay
An oh-god-please-dont-ever-happen
I would only ask that they don't mess up with the character in general, its coherence.
5 words to best describe them
Genius. Impulsive. Show-off. Ambitious. Obsessive.
My nickname for them
He's "another of those gryffis" 🙈
And this is it!
Unicorn Kisses!🦄
*Excuse the not-so-great cites of GIF sources BLAME THE TUMBLR APP, I’ll change them once I have a computer… some day.
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