#i'm deaf and i've got chronic fatigue and walking is hell for me but i try not to let it show
whitemochacoffee ยท 4 months
To my friends; i'm just really really sorry for everything. I love y'all
#delete later#vent post#personal#sorry i just really need to let this out somewhere#i've been following advice to get better#ive been working well and ive been going out#but i just feel so incredibly suicidal when i complete things that are meant to make me happier that are meant to improve my mental health#i want to be okay#but i think the fact that i'm sick just fucking messes with every bit of my being#i love my friends so much i dont want to hurt them by offing myself#but some part of me thinks that they'll be happy i'm dead because i've been such a burden#i'm deaf and i've got chronic fatigue and walking is hell for me but i try not to let it show#i feel like if i stop my performance i'm going to die#finita thats it thats done#i'm so fucking ingenuine i hate it but its better than being a fucking rock when i hang out with people#i hate that i was spending time with some folks down by the river and all i could think of was how i can drown myself#they would deem it an accident because yknow#i've been here since 8 am its now 6pm and i can't help but think of just offing myself in the most quiet way possible#i don't kmow if i'll make it through the month#but i think i'll be okay#i hope i will be okay. i will be okay#gOD WHAT IS THIS COUNTRY MUSIC MY FRIEND IS PLAYING#honestly the shock of hearing american english shocked me out of my daze 2hat the fuck#this music makes me want to go fully deaf#imagine being in the deep asian wilderness and outside the toilets youre taking a breather at fucking american country songs start blasting
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