#i'm currently in shambles over this 👍
kirazalea · 11 months
do you ever think about how rex's face helped gregor remember who he was
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and rex's face was also the last thing he ever saw
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missingn000 · 9 months
I was listening to this song on my playlist when it hit me that the song I was currently listening to was a perfect description of Sukuna and Yuji's dynamic in tpg
Like, I'm so serious about this; I literally stared at the wall for a solid minute or two when I realized that the lyrics fit them perfectly
Who are you to change this world? Silly boy No one needs to hear your words Let it go
Do I need to explain how this is Sukuna's general attitude with Yuji-
Won't you come digest me? Take away everything I am Bring it to an end Carnivore, carnivore Could you come and change me? Take away everything I am Everything I am
This part specifically makes me think about the recent chapter and how Sukuna feels like he'll always be a horrible person and it's so...
I will hide myself below I'll be what you wanted Kept inside, I won't let go 'Til I burn beyond control
Isn't this just the scene where Sukuna makes a happy dream as an apology to Yuji for pushing him past his breaking point...it just HURTS so bad.
The song is "CARNIVORE" by Starset if you want to go listen to it and read the lyrics btw 👍 (<- in a grave I dug for myself)
WHY WOULD YOU DO THIS TO ME I'M IN FUCKING SHAMBLES OVER HERE???? damn this song fits them SO perfectly, you're so right. now i'm just imagining sukuna angstily singing this at the top of his lungs in the confines of yuuji's skull while yuuji is trying to sleep. he fucking would. thank u for sending this to me ❤️️❤️️❤️️
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