#i'm also in the nutty section of my band cause everyone in low reeds plays at least two other instruments
roseband · 4 months
so now that i know that i'm 100% playing skylar.....
i gotta a) get my lyon crappy electric guitar from my mom's house (my elementary/middle school guitar from before i was ACAM (assigned clarinet at middle-school)) cuz like... lyon is to washburn like squier is to fender (it's a sonamaster which is the washburn equal to a strat too and cause skyler is a strat, i guess that's neat)
and b) ... i started learning them on my acoustic and can play along at this point but i need to practice and decide on either...... definition of ugly is... solo or shift solo
shift is pretty finger style solo (also very simple to play) and definition of ugly is is a D#maj chord slid around the neck for different major chord pitches lol)
like i have to get muscle memory on guitar and ukulele sorted out at this point, cuz like... i only practice my bass and my reeds lol
i do not know if i will come across as insane as the girl who asked them out on a date (lol), but i think this may be worse?
like crazy girl asks celeb on date, kinda normal level of crazy.........
crazy girl knows 10 instruments because BAND was her special interest in middle school, not very normal level of crazy
also i have a band concert 8 days before my vvvip where i have 2 bass clarinet solos lol.... "do u play any instruments" is, not bestest question to ask me lol
anyways aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
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