#i'm adding the tag list in a reblog just in case that notification glitch is still a thing!
mecharose · 5 years
WIP - Divine Rights
presenting: the pressure cooker of inspiration from an all-nighter history midterm paper :D
Divine Rights is a big expansive cyberpunk fantasy world based on baroque Spain, France, and Portugal. It’s based on the idea of a “chosen one” who originally loves that role but wants out super badly as the story goes on (the opposite of how it usually goes, where the chosen one grows into their role).
I really want this to be a standalone! hopefully that works out o_o
synopsis and characters under the cut!
An ancient algorithm known as the Strata controls the kingdom of Catalina like an omnipotent ghost, and to its subjects, it’s akin to a god. Divine right to rule comes from the Strata – the blood of its creator running through her descendants’ veins, giving them the power to access its code.
Rebellion is brewing in Port Gael; its nobility want to escape from under the thumb of the oppressive and manipulative crown. Carmen Camila IV – a descendant of the Strata’s creator and distant relative to the Queen – has always prided herself on her divine blood and distant claim to the throne. But as the chance she might have to rule for real grows more and more likely, she starts to question whether she wants her divine role – and what magic and machinations the Strata’s been hiding. 
Characters of Port Gael: (links lead to character art! I’ll be adding them in as I finish them)
Carmen Camila de Valenzia: the CHOSEN ONE! a brash and arrogant person who totally knows what she’s doing, so DON’T EVEN QUESTION HER. She’s valiant! Brave! Chosen by her province to lead its rebellion, because since she has divine blood, she’s meant to rule, right?
Fernando de Valenzia: Carmen Camila’s older brother. In this world, men have no claim to right or property, and that’s fine by him. He’d rather spend his days wooing the finest men and women the kingdom has to offer, anyway.
Rosa Luz de Valenzia: The youngest sibling of the three, Rosa Luz suffers from a terminal illness that no one can name. Known as the family’s fragile flower, her beautiful appearance and idle vanity masks a cunning strategist. 
Characters of the Monarchy:
Queen Luisa X: basically Louis XIV. Cutthroat, manipulative leader who charms her subjects and tames anyone with the power to challenge her. She will DESTROY her enemies. not the kind of person you want on your bad side.
Julio Miranda de Borgata: Luisa’s brother. a “wizard” (according to Carmen), because he practices the dying art of magic. Withdrawn, socially awkward, and morose, and also strangely fatalistic. It’s hard to hold a guy for ransom when he doesn’t seem to care whether he lives or dies. 
THE STRATA: ancient algorithm. it’s a character on its own, since it controls itself. unpredictable and seen as a god by the people of this world
I might make some worldbuilding posts later, there’s some snippets of it in character art here and here!
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